Hot Ink

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  “You feel so fucking good, Callie. I’m going to blow just sitting here. You okay, honey?”

  “Uh huh. I need you to move…do something. I’m so full.”

  “Anything you want, Callie. Anything you need.”

  Then he moved. She arched up, needing to be as close as possible to him as he made love to her. He pumped in and out of her, keeping one hand on her clit and the other stroking up and down her side before eventually reaching her chin. He leaned over her and took her mouth. His taste pushed her over the edge and she came hard against him. When he pulled back and shouted, she could feel him filling the condom deep within her.

  She lay gasping, trying to catch her breath as he pulled out. Boneless, she lay there as he disposed of the condom, then came back with a warm washcloth to clean her up. He was so gentle, so caring that she couldn’t help the tears streaking down her cheeks.

  “Shh, sweet Callie, I’ve got you,” he whispered when he was done. He pulled her into his arms, wrapped them both in the covers and held her close. “Let it out, baby.”

  She snuggled into him, inhaling his scent, never wanting to let him go.

  She loved him.

  Loved him so much and yet she knew if she said anything, it would be too soon.

  He rested his cheek on the top of her head and sighed. “Sleep, Callie mine. I’ll be here when you wake.”

  Trusting him to not let her go, she closed her eyes.

  She’d deal with her feelings, her future, all of that in the morning. For right now, she was content in his arms, in his bed, and in his life.

  That’s all she could ask for.

  At least for now.

  Chapter Nine

  The buzz of the needle soothed Callie as she worked on her latest client of the day. It had been three days since she realized she loved Morgan and yet she wasn’t the least bit stressed. It was as if her mind and body had finally aligned and she was ready for the next step. She might be younger than him, but she knew her mind.

  She also didn’t need to get married, have kids, and have the so-called perfect life right away. A future didn’t have to be on one path and as long as she could eventually reveal her feelings, then she’d be okay. The thought of getting married and having kids didn’t scare her anymore, but she was nowhere near ready for that.

  The idea that she could also crave Morgan’s collar as well didn’t scare her. That, though, was something else she’d have to eventually think about.

  At the moment, her mind was on her client and the final shading of the kickass skull tattoo on his calf. There was so much she could do to the traditional skull tattoo to make it unique to the wearer. She was a fan of all ink as long as it made the person happy.

  She finished up, went over the aftercare instructions and walked her client out. He tipped her amazingly well and she did another hip shake.

  “You and that dancing thing of yours,” Sloane said from behind her and she yelped.

  She turned on her heel and put her fists on her hips. “What is it with everyone coming up behind me and scaring the crap out of me.” The words ‘coming up behind’ made her blush and Sloane raised a brow.

  “Oh no. I don’t want to know what that blush is for.” He held up his hands and walked away slowly. “Whatever kinky shit you and the old man get up to does not need to be on my brain.”

  “Aww, you only wish you could get as kinky as our girl, Callie,” Maya said from her station.

  Callie flipped her off and waved at Maya’s seventy-year old client. “Sorry, Mrs. Peterman.”

  “It’s okay honey. I like knowing that you young ones are actually using that libido of yours. In fact, Mr. Peterman and I used to get down right dirty when we were in public.” She sighed. “Oh, the things he used to love to do to me on the hood of his Chevy.”



  “Good for you, Mrs. Peterman,” Maya said with a smile.

  Callie shook her head and followed Sloane to his station where he was letting his client rest for a moment. She held back a gasp at the intricate work on the man’s skin. It was the perfect eagle that represented everything he—and Sloane—had fought for when they’d risked their lives countless times. It looked as if she could reach out and touch its feathers.

  “It looks great,” she whispered and Sloane smiled softly, then got back to work.

  The older man in the chair smiled as well, and she walked away quietly, giving the two of them space. This was why she loved ink. It brought people together, helped heal, and spoke of memories and forever.

  She didn’t want to do anything else.

  “Hey, Callie, you okay?” Austin asked as he came up to her side.

  She smiled at him, wrapping an arm around his waist. He did the same to her shoulder and she settled. “I’m doing great, actually. Sloane is kicking butt over there and I just did some awesome ink. I’m happy.”

  Austin met her gaze and frowned. “Is it only the ink making you happy?”


  “You and Morgan—you two doing okay?”

  Why was he asking? “Why wouldn’t we be okay?”

  He shrugged, but didn’t let her go. “When I wanted you to do his ink, I hadn’t thought you’d two would get together as well.”

  Annoyed, she narrowed her eyes. “Are you saying I’m not good enough for him?”

  Austin backed up. “Whoa. What the fuck, Callie? Why would you think I’d think that?”

  “I don’t know Austin, you’re the one who brought it up.” Hurt, she folded her arms over her chest.

  “No, I only said I didn’t think you’d hook up with him. He’s older and the both of you come from different worlds.”

  “So the fuck what?”

  “Hey, you two, stop fighting.”

  “Back off, Maya,” they snapped at the same time.

  “Fine, but be honest with the each other and stop jumping to conclusions. Both of you,” Maya snapped then went back to work.

  “Callie. You’re like my little sister. I love you. You know that. I think that the two of you work. It didn’t cross my mind that it would even be a thing at first, but now that I see it. Cool. But I don’t know everything going on, and since I’m that big brother of yours, I’m going to pry to make sure my girl is treated right. Okay?”

  Callie relaxed and immediately felt like bitch. “I’m sorry. I…I don’t know why I reacted the way I did.”

  “I think that you have things you need to figure out with him. I know the two of you haven’t fully figured out the future or one of you would have mentioned it.”

  “We’re still new,” she said softly.

  Austin hugged her close. “I know, baby doll. And I’m prying because I love you. I want you to be happy.”

  “I am.” She was. Only she hadn’t fully figured out how she would fit in his life and in the world that had shunned her the night she’d tried.

  “Okay then.”

  “I love you, Austin.”

  “I see I was right about the little whore.”

  Callie froze.

  No. Fucking. Way.

  There was no way Morgan’s mother could be in Montgomery Ink. There was no way she’d call Callie a whore.


  Callie turned, but Austin didn’t let go of her.

  “Ms. McAllister.”

  “You bitch. You think you can pull my son away from me? You’re nothing but a dirty tramp who thinks she can have my money. Look at you. That dirty drawing all over you and you’re now humping some felon in broad daylight. Wait until I tell my son about your slutty ways.”

  “Excuse me? Who the hell do you think you are?” Maya stood up, glaring.

  Callie closed her eyes and counted to ten. When she opened them, Sloane, Maya, Austin, Sloane’s and Maya’s clients, and Hailey—who must have come out of her café—stood in front of her.

  They were all yelling, calling each other names and making the situation worse. No, she didn’t want to crawl i
nto a hole and die, but she wanted this to be the end of it. Morgan was worth a lot to her, but he had to get a handle on his mother.

  For fuck’s sake.

  “Stop it. All of you.”

  No one listened.

  She pushed her way through and snarled. “Let me handle this. I’m a big girl.” She took a deep breath. Calling this woman a bitch and punching her in the face wouldn’t help the situation. As much as it would make her feel better, she needed to talk with Morgan first. She wanted a future with him and going to jail for beating his mother up might hurt that.

  So she’d stay calm.

  For now.

  Her friends quieted, but they didn’t move. The woman opened her mouth to speak but Callie held up a hand.

  “No. You’ve had your say. This is a place of business and the owners are behind me. You say anything else, and it’s well within their rights to kick you out. I know you don’t like me, but you need to go. Morgan is an adult and you need to let him make his own choices.”

  “You mean his mistakes.”



  “This isn’t the end of this,” she snapped then stormed out.

  No, Callie didn’t think it would be the end of it, but she needed to recover from the words that hurt more than they should have.

  “What the fuck, Callie?” Maya shouted. “Why didn’t you stand up for yourself?”

  People started shouting at her and she closed her eyes, rubbing her temples. An arm came around her and she turned to see Hailey.

  “Shut up. All of you,” Hailey said softly.

  Surprisingly they did.

  “Now, let Callie speak and then we can get back to our own lives and let her be. Got it?”

  Everyone nodded at Callie’s friend and she relaxed.

  “I didn’t yell or hit her because it wouldn’t have helped. She has an opinion of me I can’t change. What I can do is talk to Morgan about it when I get to his place tonight. I won’t let this happen again. I won’t stand by and let her treat me like that. But I will talk to Morgan about it so I can find a way to go about this without fucking everything up.”

  “You really love this guy?” Austin asked softly.

  “This guy is your friend.” She let out a breath. “And yes. I love him. He doesn’t know and frankly, I’m not ready to tell him. However, I will figure out what to do about his mother because this can’t happen again. And I won’t hold back again.”

  “Good, Callie,” Sloane said. “Good. Because if she comes in again, I’m calling the cops so Maya doesn’t beat the shit out of her.”

  They hugged her and she felt like she had a family rallying around her. The fact she had to have anyone do that at all worried her and she was really upset, but she pushed it aside. She’d finish her day, finish her next client, and then see Morgan at his house as planned.

  His mother couldn’t push her away, not when she felt like Morgan cared for her.

  She just hoped it was enough.


  Morgan ran a hand over his head and looked down at the box on his bed. He’d bought the diamond necklace that would serve as a day collar from an antique dealer, but now he worried he should have bought something new.


  Callie liked to wear older, previously cherished things and make them her own, so the idea that she might wear this as a collar that showed the world she was his made sense to him at the time.

  He just hoped it still did.

  They hadn’t been together long, but the connection he felt couldn’t be denied. He didn’t want the twenty-four/seven life and he knew Callie didn’t want it either. However, he wanted to know that she would be his and have her know that he would be there for no matter what. He wasn’t getting any younger and he was old enough to know his own mind, what his heart wanted.

  And they both wanted Callie.

  He’d thought about an engagement ring, and for some reason, held back. Having a collar that she could wear in public that only a lucky few would understand the meaning of felt like a bigger step to him. Once they were both ready, he’d ask her to marry him so the rest of the world would know they belonged to each other.

  It was Saturday so he had the day off of work and instead of finding other things he could be doing in terms of paperwork or client meetings, he shopped for the woman he loved.


  Hell, how had he fallen in love so fast? He wasn’t the most romantic type, nor was he close to his feelings, but he couldn’t deny what he felt for his Callie.

  He wanted a future with the woman who on the outside looked to be the exact wrong thing for him. Appearances didn’t matter to him and once he had her by his side, he’d kick those who dared voice objections to the curb. He knew his mother and sisters would be a problem, but they weren’t living his life. His sisters might get over it, but his mother would always be an issue. She’d never find the one he chose good enough unless she orchestrated the match. Considering the women his mother had paraded around him before, he had no doubt that he wouldn’t have been happy if he’d given in.

  He’d hated himself for giving in to a single date with Heather. Although if he hadn’t gone along with the plan, he might not have seen Callie again until she worked on his ink. Things wouldn’t have been the same, and he might not have ever had the chance to experience the best thing in his life. He had to be grateful for the twists and turns of fate and know that he’d been there to find Callie for a reason.

  Now he had her and he never wanted to let her go.

  His fingers traced the jewels and lines of the collar.

  He just hoped she accepted.

  It could be too soon, but Morgan didn’t think so. She was young, but had an old soul. Call it cliché, but he knew that soul and wanted to know more. He wanted to be her Dom, her mate, her one and only. He wanted her in his life until the day he took his last breath.

  She’d accept him.

  She had to.

  Someone knocked on his door sharply and he frowned. Callie didn’t have a key—yet—but she normally didn’t knock so loudly. Maybe it was a neighbor. He put the collar in his dresser drawer and slid his hands down his shirt, preparing himself.

  He took a deep breath.

  This could be it.

  He was so fucking nervous, it was funny, but he couldn’t wait to see her face when he pledged himself to her.

  He made his way to the door and opened it, the smile on his face falling when he saw his mother and Heather in the doorway.

  “Home on a Saturday when you should be golfing or out to lunch with clients,” his mother snapped as she pushed her way into his home. He was so startled she was even there, he let them in. “You’re ruining your father’s memory by being lazy and I won’t have it. You hear me? I won’t have you shaming me. Shaming the family.”

  Morgan took a deep breath and turned around to look at his mother and her guest. He didn’t bother closing the door because he didn’t want them to think they were welcome. He’d give them a minute or two then he’d kick them out. He was done with this. Done with letting his mother think she ruled his life and that she had any say in what he did or how he lived.

  “If you’re here to belittle me and judge what I do, you can walk right out that door. I’m done with you and your vitriol.”

  His mother narrowed her eyes. “Is it that tramp doing this to do you? That skank porn star.”

  Morgan ground his teeth. “Watch your mouth. You call Callie another name, I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  “You’re wasting your life with her. If you really wanted to have sex with a whore, you could buy one. Heather wouldn’t mind once you’re married for a respectable amount of time and an heir on the way.”

  Morgan glanced at Heather who, of all things, nodded eagerly by his mother’s side.

  Dear God. There were two of them.

  “You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you both.”

  His mother sucked in a breath.
“Morgan,” she gasped.

  “Oh shut up. I’m the sole heir. You’re the one who wanted to keep up with this sexist dynasty, then whatever. I own the trust. I own the family name. I’m the one with the power because you and Father are the ones who gave it to me.” He’d change things for him and Callie, but he didn’t say that then. “You can go to hell. I won’t give you a dime. You can stay in your little home and hold onto what you have but you’re not getting one fucking cent from me.”

  His mother paled, but didn’t back down. “You can’t do this to me. You won’t be happy with that whore. You need Heather. She’s the one who will help you advance yourself and your legacy.”

  “I refuse to hit a woman, so you better get out of my sight. Right. Now.”

  “Heather is the woman who can provide the heirs you need. Provide the life you’ve grown accustomed to.”

  This woman didn’t understand a single thing coming out of his mouth. No matter what he did, she’d never understand. He was done with this.

  “I’ve only ever wanted you to have what you deserve,” his mother said sharply.

  Or what she thought was best.

  “You’ve paraded women around me for years.” Heather came closer and he fisted his hands. “Callie isn’t like Heather. She isn’t like the others.”

  If he had been faster, he’d have stopped her. As it was, Heather threw her arms around him, pressing her lips to his.

  He pushed her away quickly, wiping his mouth. “What the ever-loving fuck?”

  “That’s what you’ve been missing.” She smirked, looked over his shoulder and he turned around.

  Callie stood in the doorway, pale and trembling.

  What had she heard? What had she seen?

  From the look on her face, whatever it was hadn’t been good.


  She held up her hand. “No. I see I’m interrupting.”

  She turned and ran down the path. He ached to follow her, but he had to get something settled once and for all.


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