by Allysa Mkermo


  Chapter 1

  Samantha sucked on her half-burnt cigarette decisively. She had only one goal; to achieve a calm enough state for her to, at the very least, look relaxed. But of course she knew that forcing herself to ease her nerves would only set her thoughts in a bigger flux and make her palms sweat even more intensely.

  “Oh, this is ridiculous!” she mumbled to herself and huffed a laugh. She brought her hand to her lips so that she could take another puff from the cigarette, only to discover that it had long turned into ash, as she’d been too busy trying to find ways to unwind. It was but a moment later that the doorbell sounded, and although she was startled by the expected, but sudden noise, she produced her most steady and confident steps as she walked all the way to meet her guest. She had a little bit of time to check if her hair was in place before swinging the front door wide open, and when she did, at least ten different flashbacks rushed before her eyes.

  That time Jordan had come over for a study date. That other time when she was home alone and invited him over for a movie (and had wrapped it up with what he, even a year later, had referred to as the best blowjob in his life), and then when he’d come to pick her up and take her to the cinema a week later, and they’d ended up driving to a deserted parking lot, listening to music and drinking red wine in the backseat. She remembered that he was the first guy she had not been embarrassed to go to a party with, not because her other dates had been less attractive, but because Jordan had always been her dream guy, perfect in any way she could imagine, starting with the moment when her eyes had landed on him that fine September afternoon, during his first football match in her college.

  He still looked just as incredible as he had back then. If anything, he appeared even more fit and as cut out to be a famous athlete as he’d ever been. His brown eyes shone with a gleam that didn’t escape Samantha, even though she was all but dazzled by that familiar smile.

  She looked up at him. “Hey,” she managed to utter at last, happily. “… Welcome,” she remembered to add.

  “I’m so glad we got the address right. It’s so good to see you, Sam,” Jordan said, smiling. He leaned forward to give Sam a warm hug, one she could not completely focus on, as behind him was revealed the tall, blond vision she had never seen before.

  When Jordan pulled away, his eyes registered the woman’s gaze, and he turned to his friend. “Sam, this is Dave, I asked him to give me a ride. I need to rest my foot after the last match. Doctor’s strict orders,” he chuckled as he wiggled his right leg in front of her, as if to show what the problem was. All Sam could take in, though, was the way his muscles rippled with each tiny movement.

  Samantha snapped her eyes away and smiled, extending her arm and shaking hands with the unexpected addition to the group, inwardly laughing that Jordan still preferred to walk all the way anywhere instead of getting a car. She felt a pang of disappointment. She’d hoped it would be a little bit like the old times, or at least that they would have a moment to catch up, even though they were only meeting because Jordan had missed her birthday (which had been a month previously!) and insisted they meet so he could give her a present, although they had not seen each other for almost a year.

  “Well, then, Jordan, Dave,” she took a moment to look at each of them as she pronounced the names, “Come in! I’ve made some cake!”

  Sam led the way, and the men followed. “You really shouldn’t have, Sam,” Jordan said, “It’s my fault I couldn’t make it.”

  “Nonsense”, the woman waved her hand in dismissal and half turned to send her friend a playful wink. “You are a busy, famous man now.”

  Jordan shook his head, laughing lightly. His team had actually just won their biggest match yet, but he was certainly not famous enough to be called—well, famous. He said nothing, however, and took a seat where Sam had gestured that he should, his friend following silently.

  Sam wanted very much for her guests to feel properly welcomed. She sliced the cake in as identical pieces as she could, and, after having had to convince her healthy, athletic friend that one glass would do him no harm, poured them some wine. It was then that Dave finally spoke, “I did convince him to drink a pint of beer last week with me, you know.”

  Sam pretended to be shocked. “No way!” she exclaimed for effect, letting her jaw drop.

  “Oh yeah. And he finished it to the last gulp.”

  “I’m impressed,” the woman granted, smiling. She remembered that when Jordan and she had been lovers, even then it had had to be a special occasion for him to drink at all. For a moment, she remembered that she was very special to him, which was the sole reason he allowed her to coax him into doing all the things she could make him do, and with a tiny gaze towards Dave, she wondered what it was that made him special as well.

  “Cake and wine,” Jordan snapped her back to reality as he looked at both the plate and glass before him guiltily. “I’ll have to seriously hit the gym as soon as possible.”

  “Except your doctor said—“ began Dave, somewhat concerned, somewhat teasing, but Jordan interrupted him.

  “Yeah, yeah. He told me I could walk fifteen minutes a day maximum if I wanted to recover and be well enough by the next match. Can you believe it? I spend that much time walking during the day just getting to the bathroom!”

  Everyone laughed in unison. “I guess you’ll just have to find another way to burn all of this food and wine, that doesn’t put that much stress on your leg,” concluded Sam a little suggestively.

  “I better,” agreed the athlete. He paused for a moment. “I can think of a thing or two already.”

  The room fell silent as each of them made their own interpretation of the statement. Jordan appeared reluctant to cause any tension, but still tried to think of something to say, to fill the void that had so suddenly taken over the cheerful atmosphere. Sam, however, was quicker.

  “So, what do you do, Dave? Are you also into sports?” she couldn’t help but remark, as the man didn’t appear any short of gym sessions.

  Dave smiled. “Oh, I wish. I’m just your regular PT.”

  “Ah,” Sam let out, and started to put two and two together. “Is that how you two know each other? Do you work together?”

  Both men nodded simultaneously. “Yeah, Dave’s my personal trainer,” the football player confirmed lightly.

  “Well, I… well, that sounds good, I suppose. I—I really have no idea how gyms work. I haven’t exercised since that time you forced me to take a morning jog with you,” she addressed Jordan playfully. It wasn’t true, though, what she said. She did tried to keep up with her Pilates book instructions at least twice a week, because as she neared thirty, it became more difficult to ignore the after-birthday-cake love-handles that once upon a time, it seemed, had used to disappear over-night, all on their own. She frowned a bit at the thought, but no one seemed to notice.

  Jordan was chuckling lightly. “You don’t look like you need a gym anyway,” he remarked with a wink, and Sam hoped that the make-up she had previously spent an hour applying carefully would conceal the blush that she felt all over her face. She knew she had a tendency to turn into a bright shade of crimson when even the least bit shy.

  “I… thank you, I guess,” she gave her best attempt at sounding nonchalant, and inwardly prayed that Jordan did not recall how easily his flattery could affect her.

  “And this is a nice place,” Jordan added brightly, and Dave, next to him, nodded his agreement.

  Sam smiled affectionately in response.

  The three cheerful people continued to sip on their wine until every last drop was drunk, Sam an
d Jordan catching up but also including Dave into the conversation. Sam grew more and more fond of Dave with each exchange, beginning to see what made Jordan like him enough to bring him along, even though Jordan should have been well aware of what his visit could otherwise have led to.

  While the two men were telling her a story of a night out some time ago, she took a moment to herself and just looked at her dream man, taking all of him in as properly as she could, wondering whatever it was that had happened to have made them fall so completely out of touch.

  Chapter 2

  “Maybe we should play a game,” Dave suggested out of nowhere.

  “Or dance,” Sam added to the table.

  “Oh no, I can’t dance, no way—“ Dave managed to get out in between chuckles.

  Jordan cut him off. “Well, the democratic party we are, I say we put on some music, and whoever feels like dancing can dance, while we are playing a game.”

  Dave grinned in satisfaction. “Truth or dare?” he didn’t wait to half-announce, half-ask.

  “Yeah, I’m in,” Jordan allowed quickly, and once he was in, Samantha knew exactly what she had to do. She jumped to her feet and with quick steps she reached the kitchen, took the empty wine bottle in hand, put the radio nearby on—blasting some cheesy 80s disco songs—, and rushed back to her friends.

  “Here we go!” she exclaimed. “Let the games begin!” And thus she spun the bottle, which after a while, stopped to point at Dave and Jordan.

  “Truth or dare?” it was Dave who asked the athlete. The dark haired man considered his options for a few moments, and uttered “dare” as a response. Dave looked thoughtful. “I dare you to… waltz with Sam,” he said simply.

  “You can’t waltz with this beat!” Sam objected immediately.

  “That’s what makes it a challenge,” Dave said with a wink, and after a shared glance, the two ‘victims’ of the dare rose to their feet and made their awkward way to one another. Sam pursed her lips so she wouldn’t laugh as Jordan put a subtle hand on her hip, while the other was searching for hers. When their fingers met, Sam felt another wave of memories flow over her, but she recovered quickly, grabbing Jordan’s hand determinately and pushing them to move into a set rhythm. But, of course, 80s disco music made sure to confuse their moves unimaginably, and so they kept on trying and failing to waltz, while holding back laughter, until Dave came over and pushed them a little close together.

  “The might help you keep balance,” he jokingly instructed. “I’m no dancer, but you’re definitely doing something wrong.”

  Jordan sighed in exasperation. “Show us, then, how to get it right, won’t you?”

  Dave shook his head, but joined them in on the dance nonetheless. He attempted to hold Sam by the hip as well, but in his drunken state he slightly miscalculated the location, and instead his palm ended up flat on her butt.

  “Oh, I apologize,” he mumbled but also laughed a bit, jerking his hand away, but then he curiously retrieved it to its previous and forbidden spot, only to remark: “You have to have been working out, though!”

  Sam blushed but did not pull away. She did not say anything. She was far too drunk to even make sense of what was happening, or that’s what she told herself.

  “Feel it, Jordan,” Dave suggested as though it was the most natural thing in the world what he was doing, and Jordan did not even appear skeptical as he reached over and did as instructed. Sam felt her cheeks burning, and she began to realize that Jordan’s touch and closeness had not lost their charm, as she felt the burning was no longer limited to her cheeks, and that it in places was now also complemented by wet. She wore a tight, red dress that only made it more difficult to breathe in the current state, but she dared not move. If anything was to happen with Jordan again, this was her shot.

  Very uncharacteristically and bravely, she thought, she moved her fingers to her own back and very suggestively attempted to reach her zipper. Of course, she could have easily gotten out of her dress within moments had she wanted to, but she did want to be able to back out of her plan were the men completely uninterested by her sudden, unexpected proposal.

  She saw them share a look as it became obvious what she was doing, and then saw them exchange a small nod, before Jordan spun her around very briskly, causing her to catch her breath in surprise, and then slowly went on to undo her zipper. A few moments later, the dress met the ground and Samantha stood there, in her underwear, facing away from the two men. Her heart raced and thundered in her chest as her burning desire for Jordan was revived, but to add Dave into the picture felt all the more exciting as well as it was new. She felt she would burst out of anticipation of what was to follow. She no longer felt shy at all, and driven by her strong, sudden arousal, she breathed out a very quiet moan.

  The two men behind her had now received all the encouragement they needed. Sam felt a hand stroking her bare back very gently, and then another, and the fact that she could not determine which was whose made her feel that there wasn’t, and never had been anything sexier than this. She allowed herself to enjoy the feeling for a few more moments, before turning around to face the two men. Both their gazes were fixed firmly on her, watching her every minimal movement, and suddenly, she felt the weak echo of a primal fear within her, being undressed in front of two strong and clearly dominant males. She was at their mercy, and their eyes were hungry.

  Her eyes sought and found something familiar; Jordan. Almost automatically, she brought her hand up so that her fingers would lightly brush his torso, but as she felt Dave’s firm hand move against her skin, her uncertainty changed character, turning into a feeling of excitement. She locked eyes with the unfamiliar, the voracity in his eyes now mirrored in hers, as suddenly risen as the fear had, the intense spark in her gaze growing hot as his eyes recognized her, and his lips were pressed against hers.

  Samantha took the time to focus on the feeling. It was, in a way, fascinating; every time. Getting to know someone through the dance of their mouths, the rhythm and the gentleness, the force behind the subtlest brush of a tongue, the hitched breaths and little moans. Before she could get too carried away, though, she fluttered her eyes open, and through a corner she saw Jordan watching them intently, his face very close, having set a hand on each of them. Sam smiled into Dave’s lips before pulling away, and very sharply and precisely closing the distance that kept her parted from Jordan, catching him slightly unprepared, but the familiarity of the lips had him respond eagerly, and without delay. As she pressed even closer against him, she felt his already hard bulge against the soft front of her hips, and it took her only a moment to think of Dave, and breaking away from the kiss, a hand still clutching the front of Jordan’s shirt, she went on to pay the blond man similar attention, giving him a seductive glance as her hand went on to stroke his arousal through the thick layer of jeans.

  The woman didn’t think much when she dropped on her knees. She was a little dizzy, but she knew exactly what it was she was doing, and as he undid first the belt, then the zipper and finally the jeans altogether, she felt perhaps the strongest wave of mixed arousal and confidence she’d ever felt, all through her body. “She’s incredible at sucking cock,” she heard Jordan’s voice say from behind the blond, tall man who was now in front of her, though she struggled half-consciously to put together when exactly he’d relocated himself there, and as she traced her fingers lightly over Dave’s ass, her hand met Jordan’s, and she looked up to meet his eye. He was smiling that seductive half-grin she knew too well.

  Sam felt Dave’s knees weaken for a split second as she went on to graze the tips of her nails lightly over the freshly shaven skin of his pelvis, and she moved forward enough so that her breath would reach his aching member while still warm. He impatiently tried to reach her lips, but she only giggled lightly. “Is someone in a rush?” she sounded both sweet and sexy at the time, a combination that completely captivated both the men’s attention.

  Dave began to nod, but then breathed out a “y

  “Really?” Sam easily followed, her eyes darting from one man to another, watching Jordan press himself as close as he could to the other man, sighing into his neck in similar anticipation as Dave himself was in.


  “Speak up,” demanded to woman, sounding almost serious.

  Dave did not hesitate. “I want you to wrap your lips around my cock and suck me hard. I want to fuck your pretty little mouth hard and fast. I want…” his words were interrupted by a hot, wet mouth crashing down on his own—Jordan had leaned in to shut him up. The words had an instantaneous effect, and the fair-haired man couldn’t constrain the relieved grunt when another pair of lips kissed the tip of his pulsating limb and gave it one long lick before enveloping it entirely.

  Sam kept a steady rhythm for a set of moments, before altering her movements so the man could break from the bliss he had so easily surrendered to, but she couldn’t help sucking harder as her eyes rose up to meet Jordan, who had stepped aside in the meanwhile and was taking his clothes off. With each smooth glide, her own heart pulsated strongly, and with each swipe of her tongue, and every little slurping-noise she made as she gladly serviced Dave, Jordan showed more and more skin.

  “She really is good at sucking cock,” Dave confirmed and broke the silent seduction that went on between the other two, and Sam hummed in reply, responding enthusiastically by bobbing her head a little bit faster. Dave’s hands found their way into her dark hair, and Sam looked up again to watch Jordan move behind the other man once more, pressing his now bare erection where it reached the tall man’s thigh. The sight got Sam moving back and forth even faster, now taking Dave’s nearly entire length into her throat, an action which pressed out something between a grunt and a moan from the man, who came only half a minute later, irregular tremors running through his body, the tension of the orgasm making the intricate lines of his muscles play before her eyes.

  Samantha made sure to let out and swallow every last drop of his semen before moving away and sitting on the floor for a moment to rest, Dave looking at her in awe. Much more than a moment she was not granted, however, because a very eager Jordan took her by both her hands and pulled her gently, but decisively, to her feet, leading her to the nearest wall and pressing her against it with calculated force, her back against him. Sam felt the insistent tugging on the waistband of her underwear and she parted her legs slightly to facilitate their removal, while moving her feet slightly away from the wall, and leaning forward a little. The initially frantic exchange had slowed down to an agonisingly slow pace for Sam, hands ran slowly across her thighs, and when Dave had recovered enough to rejoin them, she felt them both caressing her too lightly and so gently that she thought she’d explode very soon if someone did not immediately fuck her.


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