by Allysa Mkermo

  Walking was a little bit difficult because of the ankle cuffs that chained her legs together, but she managed to make it to the medical checkpoint without falling flat on her face, something that she felt deserved a pat on the back. Which she would have, if she could do much of anything with her hands at the moment. These damned handcuffs were beginning to be a pain in the ass, she thought with a quiet grumble.

  There, she found an equally bored nurse sitting there as though she were struggling not to fall asleep. Beside her was a police officer standing guard over her, a stern look on his face as he let his eyes rove over her. Somehow, she got the inclination that he certainly wasn't judging her or how she got here – not with that particular kind of staring. She tried not to squirm at what the intensity of his eyes was doing to her as he stepped closer to her.

  “Turn around,” he said in a gruff tone of voice. She did as she was told, if a bit clumsily as she tried to not get tangled in the chains that held her ankles together. Once she was finished in turning all the way so that he could undo her handcuffs, she noticed that there were two other officers that were standing on either side of the door, with their arms crossed over their chests. They were clearly appraising her as she was being freed from her cuffs, and it was enough to make her blush furiously. What thoughts were they having of her, that they looked at her with such heat? She wasn't sure she wanted to know, but she couldn't deny the thrill that ran through her as she thought of the possibilities.

  “Please have a seat, and we'll begin the exam,” said the nurse in just as bored of a voice as the lady behind the bulletproof glass in the last room. She did as she was told, walking past the first officer with her head down. From her vantage point, she caught the name on his badge – 'Johnson' – and wondered vaguely what his first name was. “Hold your arm out, and I'll take your blood pressure.” She obeyed the nurse, wincing at the pressure on the cuff. After a few moments, where the cuff was still pulsing around her arm, the nurse held out a thermometer for her. She took it and held it under her tongue, noticing that the three officers were all watching her intently as she did so.

  If she had been more bold, she might have teased them with the thermometer.

  “Now, your vitals all looked good, so nothing to worry about there,” the nurse said as she took the thermometer back. “Are you allergic to anything that we need to know about?”

  “Umm,” Nina said uncertainly, hesitant to talk for fear of speaking too loudly around the officers. “No, not really,” she squeaked out as one of the officers raised an eyebrow at her. They must have thought that she was hiding something, or that there was something suspicious about her, because both of the police officers by the door pushed off of the wall they were leaning against and nodded to the officer next to her.

  “If you're finished with her, nurse,” Officer Johnson said in a deep, smooth voice. “We need to perform a cavity search on her.”

  “Oh,” the nurse seemed to finally be pulled out of her trance of boredom, as her eyes widened for a moment before nodding and returning to her impassive, bored expression. “Yes, of course. You know where to take her, then?”

  “Of course,” he said as he took her arm in his firm grip. She was surprised that his hold was just tight enough to keep her from escaping but not hard enough to hurt. “We'll handle things from here.” As the other two officers neared, she got a look at their badges, too – there was a big, muscular man with skin the color of milk chocolate and hair that was buzzed short, he was Officer Adams, and the other officer, with copper skin and slicked back black hair was Officer Gutierrez. They followed behind Officer Johnson, who was still holding her by the arm and guiding her to a more private room.

  It was hard for her not to let out a squeak of surprise when she was ushered into a room with a table and nothing else, and heard the door slam shut behind her. She wondered if this was an intimidation act, and if it was, how often it would work on incoming inmates, because it certainly had her a bit rattled, that was for sure.

  Chapter 2

  “Walk to the table, and undress yourself. Place all of your clothes and shoes on the table for examination.” She did as she was told once Officer Johnson let her go, and made her way to the table on unsteady legs. She made quick work of unlacing her shoes and tugging them off, placing them on the table first. Next came her socks, her jeans, and her shirt, leaving her in her lacy bra and thong. Nina turned to face them. “I said to undress fully, Miss Palmers. That means everything,” Officer Johnson said in a no nonsense tone of voice. Nina blushed, but obeyed, unclasping her bra and setting it on the table. Nina’s panties were next to follow, and then there she was, naked as the day that she was born, and shivering from the cold.

  “There,” Nina said through chattering teeth. “That's everything.”

  “So it is,” said Officer Adams as he stepped forward and walked past her to start rifling through the pile of clothes she laid out. He laid them apart from each other, and began to sift through them more thoroughly. Nina wrapped her arms around herself to try and stave off the cold. Unsuccessfully, mind you, but it was an attempt, nonetheless.

  “While he's doing that,” Officer Johnson said as he came toward her. “I'm going to perform the cavity search. Officer Gutierrez is supervising today.” Officer Johnson's voice was calming, and Nina found herself relaxing ever so slightly. She wasn't going to get hurt, they were going to do their search, and everything would be alright. She kept repeating that to herself as he stopped just in front of her. “Now, turn around, and spread your legs shoulder width apart.” She turned her back to him, and shuffled her feet apart until they were as widely spread as he instructed. “Now, lean forward, placing your hands on the table.”

  “Okay,” she said as she sucked in a breath when her hands came in contact with the cold metal table. She gripped it tightly until her knuckle turned white as Officer Johnson began his thorough search of her. He started with under her arms, and slowly worked his way from her shoulder blades downward, pressing and kneading her flesh to see if there was anything under her skin that she was trying to smuggle in.

  Nina felt an odd sensation rise up within her as he continued to allow his hands to travel around her body. It felt good to be touched by him, she realized with a start. She had worried that they might try to rush things so they could get to their next inmate to process through to the next phase in checking in, but the officer was taking his time, gently pressing here and there as he moved down her body.

  “Alright,” he said when he was finished pressing along her back, cutting off just at her tail bone. “Turn to face me for a moment.” She did as she was told. Slowly, he began to feel her breasts, one at a time, steadily pressing around the areola of each one before he took hold of both of her breasts in each of his broad hands. She sucked in a quick breath as she watched his hands completely eclipse her breasts – no small feat, given how gifted she was genetically and how full her perky breasts were. She could feel her face turning red in embarrassment as she felt herself grow aroused by the ministrations. Her breasts were so sensitive to the touch that she felt a slow, sluggish heat begin to coil itself in her belly. It took everything in her not to squirm because of it. A challenge that was nearly impossible when he squeezed them lightly, the fullness of her breasts oozing out from between his fingers. She exhaled shakily as he continued like that for several minutes before letting them go and stepping back a bit. He openly watched her breasts bounce from the sudden jostling, and the sensation was enough to harden her nipples even more than the cold of the room had.

  "Doing good so far,” he stated. She was glad to have gotten past that first obstacle, but where would the rest of the examination take her, and just how far did she want them to take it to begin with? At the moment, she was perfectly content to wait and see how eager these men were to take a bite out of her, and if it happened... well, she certainly wasn't going to say no!

  “Okay,” Nina said, much surer of herself this time. Not entirely confi
dent, but just enough that she could talk in more than a shaky whisper.

  “Now turn back around, and resume your previous position.” She breathed heavily as she did so, and gripped the table again. Not being able to see what he was doing added a bit of fear, but also an incredible thrill in it for her as she wondered what was going to happen next.

  “Done,” she said, mostly to herself. She steeled herself for what was to come, and hoped that it wouldn't break her completely. She watched from the corner of her eye as Officer Adams stepped away from the table, evidently finished with searching through her clothing.

  “Clearly,” he seemed to be delighting in the moment, savoring it for what it was. Nina blushed at the ideas that were circling through her mind, and what the tone in his voice implicated; this was certainly a pleasant difference from what she had been fearing the entire ride in the back of the squad car on the way here, that was for sure. “Onwards with the exam, then,” he said after a moment as she heard him step forward again. She sucked in a breath and held it, hoping that the exam wouldn't be uncomfortable.

  Officer Johnson continued his exam, pressing against her lowest hanging ribs before going back down to the lowest part of her back. Then, she shivered as his hands traveled lower, squeezing and spreading the supple flesh of her rear end. She bit her lip to contain her whimper when she felt a lubricated, cold finger circling the pucker of her back entrance. She keened when his finger pushed into her, and swirled around experimentally, as though searching for something. Though she knew that it was part of the cavity search, she couldn't help but arch her back into the sensation – she had always been a sucker for having a finger in her ass.

  “Well now,” she tried not to flush at the mock surprise in Officer Adam's voice from somewhere behind her as she ground her hips into Officer Johnson's hand. “She seems eager for the exam to be over, Johnson,” when he curved his finger, she finally couldn't hold back the broken moan that escaped her lips. She would have been embarrassed, if not for the fact that she was near begging to be fucked at the moment for how turned on that she was; she was almost incapable of feeling anything but her own arousal as he finally withdrew his finger from her rear end.

  “We'd best get on with it, then, shouldn't we?” He said as she heard him using disinfectant spray to clean his finger. “It isn't polite to keep a lady waiting.” He stepped back closer to her again, but closer than he had ever been before, close enough that she could feel his heat radiating from him and his straining erection pressing lightly against her butt cheek. The thought was enough to add to her arousal, and she felt her core begin to grow slick with her own lubrication, so achingly ready for one of their cocks was she. Or all three of them, she didn't care, she just wanted something inside her.

  “Oh, but you're no lady, are you?” she felt her insides clench as he pushed two of his fingers inside of her tight pussy. In spite of her walls closing around the intruding digits, she was so thoroughly lubed from her arousal that they still slid in with almost no resistance. If Officer Johnson's surprised hum was any indication, he hadn't quite been expecting her to be so wet already, either.

  "I'm used to there being more resistance than that when I usually do this,” he said with a surprised laugh. She mewled and arched her back into it, allowing his fingers to get even deeper inside her until they were all the way as far as they could go. In spite of her wanton behavior, she still blushed, embarrassed that it took so little to make her so incredibly horny. Even through her embarrassment, the feeling of being stretched on the inside was pleasant, and she knew that if she wasn't in the position that she was in, that she would be fighting even harder than she already was against the urge to rock her hips in time with the gentle probing fingers that poked and prodded inside of her. In spite of her mortification, Nina was already ready to burst, wanting to orgasm but not wanting it to happen during the exam – the embarrassment that would follow would be enough to kill her, she was absolutely certain.

  After a few moments, punctuated only by the movement of his fingers inside her and the wet slicked noises that came from it, he withdrew his fingers from her and straightened himself. “Alright, then,” he said. “Turn to face me, and sit up on the table. I need to examine you more thoroughly.”

  “Sure thing,” she said while doing her best not to feel incredibly awkward from talking to him after his fingers had been so thoroughly inside of her inner walls. The bizarreness of it all just left her at a complete loss. She turned and hopped up on the table, letting out a shriek at the cold metal that hit her backside as she landed. She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that whatever quim that was gathering in her pussy hadn't spilled out onto the table. The last thing she needed was to feel even more embarrassed than she already did about the situation, and how thoroughly turned on she was. She shivered, the cold of the room really starting to get to her. There she was, completely naked, and sitting on a frigid table. She could hardly be blamed for shivering a bit.

  Chapter 3

  “Well now,” he said with a frown. “This is concerning,” she straightened her back, fear of a different sort taking hold. She knew that she didn't bring anything illegal in with her – she's not that kind of woman – but what if one of her so called friends slipped something on her so that she would take the fall for it? That would spell disaster for her.

  “What is it?” she asked, fearful of the answer.

  Suddenly, he thrust the two fingers that had been inspecting her as deeply inside of her as he could. She cried out, hips arching against his touch as best as they could. His fingers began to work her in a completely different way, in the way that she had been absolutely craving since this exam had started, moving in and out of her like a piston.

  “You're incredibly aroused,” he said softly. “And not a single one of us has done anything about it yet.” He gripped her backside and lifted her off of the table to bring her closer to his now exposed crotch, his erection so swollen that the head of it was nearing the color purple. “Positively criminal on our part,” his thumb was brought into the equation, circling her clit and dragging out another moan from her. “What do you think, boys? Think we can do something to rectify that?”

  “I'm sure we can find some way to make things work out,” said Officer Gutierrez as he and Officer Adams stepped forward. Both of them were rock hard from what she could see, and were waiting to have a turn with her. Nina licked her lips hungrily.

  “Oh,” she said as her eyes rolled back into her skull. “Oh, yes, yes, Officer,” she panted, and he seemed to take immense pleasure in getting a rise out of her, if the way he was moving his fingers was any indicator. He removed his thumb, and she whimpered, trying to move her hips to follow wherever his thumb went. Then, he pulled his fingers out of her entirely, and she felt absolutely hollow without them. All she wanted in that moment was for him to put those fingers right back where they were and make her cum all over the table that she was perched on.

  “I'm going to fuck you first,” he lined his cock up at her entrance. “And then once I'm finished and you're full of my cum, then Gutierrez gets his turn with you.” He slammed his cock into her so hard that she saw stars for a moment, her eyes rolling into her skull again. She wailed at the sensation, and she found herself grateful to not need to stand for this – she wasn't sure that she would be able to with the way that her legs felt like absolute jelly now. “And then, when you think you can't take anymore and you're full of both of our cum,” he palmed her breast, thumb flicking her nipple to get it even harder than it already was. “Then, Adams is going to split you in half with his cock. Do you want that? For us to fill you with so much cum that you burst like a balloon?”

  She arched her back again, her body shocked at the cold of the room contrasting so intensely with how heated her insides were. The warring temperatures toyed with her arousal almost as much as Johnson had been for the entirety of this exam, and she didn't know how much more she could take before her insides burst. But she wanted it all, a
ll of their cocks inside of her, and she was damned if she wasn't going to try. “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, I want all of it, all of it! Yes!” She exclaimed as he continued to fuck her ruthlessly.

  Her face was flushed pink from the stimulation, and she felt dizzy from the sensation of going from zero to sixty with how fast he was pumping his cock into her like a well-oiled piston. She reached out, hands looking to grip at something, anything that she could get her hands on. She gripped at his shoulders for something to ground her from the spiral that she was being flung through, her orgasm coming on and the heated coil in her belly threatening to snap.

  It didn't take long for her to orgasm, and she rode out her pleasure in the waves that it came in and out of, her back arching into each one of them. It was enough to send Johnson toppling over the edge, spilling his seed deep inside of her in thick, hot spurts. He stayed inside her for only a few heartbeats worth of timespan before he pulled out of her and tucked himself back in his pants in one fluid motion. Confused, she pulled back and opened her eyes to find that he had taken the liberty of stepping back, allowing Officer Gutierrez to step in and begin to work her. He had already undone his belt, and was unzipping his pants as he neared her. Officer Johnson turned to lean against the far wall, no doubt listening for anyone that might come and interrupt their, 'exam' of her.

  “I hope you haven't had enough just yet,” Officer Gutierrez said with a grin as he slipped inside of her even easier than Officer Johnson had. She felt Officer Johnson's seed squelch inside of her, and some of it spurt out from the way that Officer Gutierrez's cock filled her pussy. “Because I'm about to fuck you even longer and even harder than he did,” he said as he began to pump his dick into her slowly, as if he were building up speed.


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