Wolf's Captive

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Wolf's Captive Page 2

by Selena Cross

  The Russ man had already left, so Sidney was now alone with the man holding her arm. She kept her eyes chest level with him. She didn’t want to look in to his eyes. The man used his free hand to grasp her chin gently and forced her to meet his gaze. He was grinning wickedly at her, which made her body warmer.

  Sidney couldn’t help it, her lips felt dry, and she swiped her tongue across her bottom lip to wet it. The man followed the motion of her tongue with his eyes, and then rubbed across her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. Sidney heard what sounded like a low growl come from his chest.

  “My name is Josh,” he said, never taking his eyes off her lips. “You will come with me and stay in my home. You might as well forget about ever going back to your old life now, because you are mine to keep from now on.” With that, he turned and started dragging her through the woods behind him.

  Sidney had to take two steps to Josh’s one and found herself getting breathless as she practically ran to keep up. His grip was like steel and never faltered. Sidney wanted to look for a way to escape but didn’t want to take her eyes off the ground in case she had to step over something, so she wouldn’t trip. This was already frightening, she didn’t want to add humiliation to the situation.

  Then Josh stopped abruptly, causing Sidney to smack in to his back. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye and growled. Then turned his attention elsewhere. For long moments he just stood frozen, looking in the same direction, until Sidney heard something coming from the direction he was staring. Josh turned his entire body toward the noise and sniffed. Sidney shivered at witnessing him sniff the air as if he could scent who or what it was.

  For a moment Josh’s grip relaxed and Sidney took this opportunity to make her escape. She backed up, turned the way she came, and started to run.

  She looked to the right of her, where the noise had come from earlier and now saw the white wolf was bounding toward her. Just as the wolf jumped and was about to chomp down on her, a larger black wolf knocked the white wolf to the ground. Sidney watched in horror as the two fought for a moment, then the white wolf yelped and lay on the ground with the black wolf’s jaw locked around its throat. It took a minute for Sidney to realize the white wolf wasn’t dead, but lay in submission to the superior black wolf, and then she took off running again.

  She got over one small bank and just as she was about to jump through the shrub blocking the stream from earlier, she felt a large mass collide with her back, pushing her to the ground and knocking the air out of her lungs. She struggled to move away but stopped when she heard the deadly growl above her. She turned her head to see large teeth bared at her with a snarl and golden eyes peering down at her.

  Sidney tried to scream, but the weight of the wolf made it hard for her to suck in enough air to make the sound. She felt its claws stabbing into her skin as its paws held her down by her shoulders. She shook and begged the wolf not to eat her.

  As she was begging, she began to realize she no longer felt the claws in her skin and the paws now felt like two large hands. The growl was still there, but when Sidney looked through the side of her eye, she didn’t see a large snarling muzzle with teeth, but full soft-looking lips and glaring golden eyes with thick long lashes encasing them.

  “That was a very big mistake you made, Sidney.” It was Josh on top of her. “I told you, you would not be able to leave. You should not have run like that.”

  “Let me up. Let go of me.” Sidney seemed to find her nerve suddenly and started to try to push him off her so she could get free.

  The more she fought, the more he pushed her down and he started to chuckle. Then Sidney felt something very thick and hard stabbing her hip and realized it was his cock. With that—she stopped moving completely.

  “Are you done acting foolish now? Although I have to say I was really enjoying the feeling of you wriggling around beneath me.” He pushed the hair that had come out of her ponytail out of her face and leaned close to her ear to whisper, “But I think you have way too many clothes on for me to enjoy it the way I want.”

  Sidney whimpered, closing her eyes tightly, trying to force her body not to respond to his closeness or his words. However, it seemed at the moment her body agreed with him, even if she didn’t. Her panties became damper than they were already and she heard Josh inhale above her.

  “I scent that your body agrees with me,” he chuckled.

  Which just pissed her off and she renewed her struggle. “Get off me, you bastard!!!”

  Suddenly Sidney felt a swift painful sting in her left ass cheek and she stopped moving, stunned. He fucking spanked me!! Before Sidney had a chance to yell at him for spanking her, she felt his body weight lift off her. However, just as she was finally able to take the long awaited deep breath she wanted, he picked her up and swung her over his shoulder as if she weighed no more than a sack of feathers.

  She resumed her struggling now, hitting him in the back and trying to kick out. Another smack on her ass went straight to her pussy.

  “Unless you wish for me to drop you, I suggest you cease your struggling,” he said as he started to walk the path they had been on moments before.

  “Why are you doing this? If you let me go, I won’t say anything about what I saw—I swear.”

  “It doesn’t matter, no one will believe you anyway,” he said, sliding his free hand between her thighs and caressing her pussy through her jeans. “Hmmm, I can feel how wet you are for me through your jeans. So hot. I can’t wait to sink my cock into your sweet little pussy.”

  Sidney whimpered at his harsh words and the way he was touching her, as she hung upside down on his shoulder. “Please…” she couldn’t finish what she was going to say because he increased the pressure of his fingers and the pace of his walking at the same time.

  “Don’t worry, little one. I will give you what you want just as soon as we get to my home.”

  Sidney couldn’t suppress her moan as he circled her clit, bringing her closer to climax. What the hell am I doing? I shouldn’t be letting him touch me like he is…

  She began to struggle again, trying to close her legs to stave off his attempts to touch her. “I don’t want anything but to be free. Put me down and let me go home.”

  He smacked her ass harder this time and Sidney heard what sounded like a low menacing growl.

  Suddenly he stopped and dropped Sidney to her feet, turning her around. Sidney’s eyes widened as she took in the little village in front of her. Small cottage-like houses and shops dotted a long narrow dirt path. Each of the houses had beautiful gardens surrounding them and small children darted across the dirt road, chasing each other from yard to yard.

  Sidney let her eyes follow the young children as they ran down the dirt road, until her eyes met a large Victorian-style house set at the very end of the road. Large white pillars decorated the wide porch and seemed to hold up the magnificent terrace above the front entrance. There were wide white French doors opening out to the terrace and Sidney could easily imagine herself standing there looking out on the village. The house was beautiful with its large windows with black shudders on all of them. Rose bushes lined around the front of the house and bordered the small path that led to the wide steps to the porch. Everything in the village reminded her of a fairytale and she wondered how this could have gone hidden from the outside world.

  “This is your home now,” Sidney could feel Josh’s warm breath on her ear and shuttered at the purely arousing feeling. “I suggest you get used to it because you’re never leaving.”

  With those final words, Sidney quickly went from aroused to terrified.

  Chapter Two

  Josh had smelled her scent go from aroused to afraid with his last words, but he didn’t know what to say to take away her fear. As it stood, no one in his Pack had ever mated with a human, and the fact that he could scent she was his mate unnerved him. He was the pack Alpha; therefore, he was responsible to choose the right mate that would stand by his side in ruling his P
ack. He couldn’t expect a mere human to be responsible for that. He had no idea what he was going to do with her. However, right now he couldn’t think past wanting to sink his aching cock into her welcoming heat. He needed to slake this hunger if he wanted to think straight.

  He gently pushed her in the direction of the Alpha house, “Walk.”

  She offered no resistance, but he still was aware she could be stupid enough to try to run again. The last time she had run from him, he had almost lost control of his wolf completely. His wolf loved the chase and the fact she was his mate made it even more stimulating. He almost couldn’t think past taking her right there on the ground after he had jumped on her. It would have been so easy to tear her pants off and penetrate her from behind. The only thing that stopped him was the fact that she wasn’t willing and he didn’t want to rape her. When he took her, he wanted her to want it and he planned to convince her that she did very shortly. Her body was already there, now he just needed her mind—and her heart to agree.

  He guided her up the steps of the Alpha house and held her still as he opened the door. Almost immediately Alana stepped in to the hallway. He needed to take care of Alana very soon. What she had done in the woods was unacceptable and he couldn’t allow it to go unpunished. Especially since it was an attack on his mate.

  Alana bared her throat to Josh in a sign of submission while her eyes were cast down to the floor, “Alpha, I have prepared your chambers, as requested.”

  “Good, now get out of my sight before I do something I’ll regret,” Josh growled at the she-wolf.

  Josh watched as Alana’s eyes rose in surprise from his words, then her eyes narrowed and shifted to the woman in his arms. He knew Alana was going to be trouble to his mate and planned to take care of the problem before it arose.

  “Now, Alana,” he let his wolf show through his eyes and growled low in his throat.

  She quickly turned and left the house without a backwards glance.

  “Go up the stairs,” he started to move Sidney forward. For a moment she didn’t budge, but then he pushed a little harder on her lower back and she reluctantly dragged her feet toward the stairs. “You can take as long as you want getting up these stairs, Sidney, but all you are doing is prolonging the inevitable.”

  With that, she rounded on him, “Why are you doing this to me? I didn’t do anything to deserve this.”

  “You should have thought about that when you were watching me at the stream.”

  “Oh yeah, I should have really thought about what would happen when I walked up on some guy getting his dick sucked in the middle of the woods,” she snapped back sarcastically. “I assure you, the last thing on my mind was getting kidnapped and possibly killed because I witnessed two people fucking.”

  Her voice got higher as she spoke and she began to poke him in the chest. He had never been spoken to in this manner by anyone before and, although it irritated him to have her disrespect him as she was, the fire in her eyes and the passion in her anger turned him on even more. He couldn’t wait to get this little hellcat on her knees submitting to his will. He knew he was going to enjoy every minute of it.

  He grabbed her by her ponytail and jerked her head back gently, but forcefully. Coming closer to her face, he growled menacingly while he stared her down. He saw the flicker of fear come back in to her eyes, but she recovered quickly and glared back at him. He looked at those full pouty lips and could think of nothing more than devouring them at that moment. But he had to prove his point to her, so he tore his eyes from her mouth and locked gazes with her again.

  “Let me say this very slowly so you understand. I am the Alpha here. No one and I mean no one—speaks the way you just did to me and goes unpunished for it.” He pulled harder on her hair, “If you wish to keep that pretty little tongue of yours in your mouth, I suggest you hold it when you feel the need to mouth off to me.” He expected to smell her fear, which he did. He expected her to back down, which she didn’t.

  “I don’t give a shit who you are or what you do to me. I know either way I’m dead anyway, so do whatever you like but don’t expect me to submit to you.”

  The challenge that showed in her eyes stunned Josh all for a second and he knew she saw it by the smirk that formed on her lips. However, as much as he loved her courage, he wasn’t about to have her challenge him anymore.

  He pushed passed her and started to climb the stairs, all the while hanging on to her hair and dragging her behind him.

  “Not going to submit to me, huh?” he grumbled as he rounded the corner at the top of the stairs and walked toward the door to the master bedroom. “We’ll just see about that.”

  He pushed open the door to his room and dragged her inside kicking and screaming. He kicked the door closed as he let go of her hair flinging her to the ground in front of him. He faced her as she pushed herself to her knees, trying to stand up. He pushed down on her shoulders, forcing her to kneel in front of him.

  “Considering you interrupted Alana while she was pleasuring me, you now will have to finish her job. Open your mouth.” He grabbed his cock at the base and pushed it toward her face.

  “What?” She screamed, “I don’t have to…..”

  Josh stopped her protests by pushing the head of his cock in to her mouth. “Now if you bite me—I will be forced to torture you slowly, dragging out your death as painfully as possible.”

  He saw the tears streaming down her cheeks, but she didn’t bite him. She allowed her jaw to go slack, accepting more of his cock.

  “That’s it, now suck it,” he groaned as he felt her tongue brushing across the underside of his cock.

  She stiffly began to suck him farther into her mouth as Josh took her hair out of the ponytail holder and wrapped his hand in the silky locks. He held her head as he began to pump slowly in and out of her mouth.

  “Oh god, baby, your mouth feels so damn good,” he moaned as he let his head fall back and closed his eyes tightly.

  She may not have wanted to submit to him, but he could tell her body was enjoying what was happening from the scent of arousal that seemed to envelope him. Her vanilla scent made his mouth water and his blood boil. He felt her small hand grasp his balls and gently roll and squeeze them as she sucked.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” he opened his eyes and looked down to watch her. The look of pure hunger on her face as she devoured his cock was almost enough to bring him over the edge. But it wasn’t until he felt her finger from her tiny hand push into his ass, that his balls finally let go of his cum, shooting it out of his cock and down her throat in harsh spurts.

  Josh had never had a climax so strong or that had lasted so long. It just kept going as she continued swallowing everything he had to give her. Finally, it eased, then stopped, and she licked the remaining cum off his cock then leaned back. But she wouldn’t look up and meet his gaze.

  He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him, but quickly wished he hadn’t when he saw the tear stains on her cheeks and the utter shame in her eyes. He wanted to pick her up and hold her protectively in his arms. But who would he protecting her from—himself?

  He stepped back and swallowed. He realized how he had lost control of the situation and now he didn’t know what to do to make it better. He turned and went to his closet, pulling out a pair of jeans and a shirt. He quickly yanked them on, then turned back to Sidney who was still kneeling in the middle of the floor, trying to hold back more tears.

  “I have some business to attend to. Clean yourself up and get comfortable,” he said heading toward the door. “I’ll send someone up in an hour with something to eat. Then I will be back to check on you later. You aren’t permitted to leave this room. I recommend you listen to me, otherwise you will be punished.”

  With that he left the room, slamming the door behind him.


  Sidney curled into a ball on the floor where Josh left her. Why had he left like that? As if he was disgusted by her.

  Trying to s
tave off the sobbing, Sidney stood on wobbly legs and made her way to the bathroom. In a daze, she numbly took off her clothes and got into the shower. The water was hotter than she usually had it, almost boiling, but she needed to wash off the dirtiness she felt going deep under her skin. She scrubbed hard over all her body, then rinsed and repeated the process again. However many times she scrubbed, though—she never felt clean.

  Giving up, Sidney collapsed on the shower floor and began to sob. The water cascaded over her, soothing the aches in her body, but not in her soul. She cried until she couldn’t breathe, and then she cried some more.

  How had her life gotten to this? One minute everything in her life as under complete control, the next her boyfriend was fucking his secretary in front of her, she was taken captive by a group of werewolves, and then she was forced to give sexual pleasure to their Alpha. She felt ashamed at how much his forcing her to suck his cock had turned her on. She was never one to relinquish control—to be pushed down on her knees, have her hair pulled violently, and to be told to suck cock or die. She should have felt anger, fear, rage, but not lust or arousal. What was wrong with her? She was a freak.

  Coming out of her thoughts, Sidney realized the water had turned ice cold and she was actually shivering as she sat frozen on the shower floor. But Sidney didn’t think she could stand on her feet anymore. So she turned the water off from her position on the floor, crawled out of the tub, and made her way toward the bed on her hands and knees.

  Climbing into the bed naked, she pulled the covers over her shoulders trying to hide under them. A small part of her thought if only she could hide from the big bad wolf under these blankets, she would be safe, but she knew she would never be safe, not ever again. Her days were numbered now, and until this man decided he was done with her, she would be made to do whatever he wanted sexually.

  Her eyes burned from all of the crying, and her eyelids were heavy now from exhaustion. Sidney didn’t want to fall asleep, needing to stay alert for when he came back for her. However, as she lay there still shivering as if the cold had seeped in to her bones and refused to let her go, her eyes shut on their own accord, and Sidney found herself greeting the darkness and the quiet with a bit of relief.


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