Empire of Stars

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Empire of Stars Page 5

by D. W. Patterson

  He grabbed the comm link and tried to call into Central with no luck.

  Is everyone sleeping?

  He thought a minute. He was closer to Post 5 than central. Maybe he would walk over there and see if Trina was awake.

  No more than ten feet beyond Post 4 he forgot what he was doing. Since he hadn't anything better to do he thought he might sit down under a tree and rest a minute. Corporal Loren would not rise again.

  At the monitoring station, Sigmund had seen link after link close after the energy spike subsided. He put in a call to Dag and Walker. They showed up and helped confirm that the hundreds of links had opened and were now closing.

  It was sometime after sunrise that the final link closed.

  “Well that's it Sigmund. They're all gone.”

  “And we are still here Dag.”

  “Yes I may have been wrong about the Dhalkans destroying the camp when they were finished with it.”

  Walker, who had gone out to check the antenna installation returned.

  “We have a problem. Every person I ran across is sleeping. Unconscious or something.”

  “How could that be Walker? At no time is everyone in this camp asleep at the same time.”

  “I know Sigmund, but they are this morning.”

  The three went out and found person after person asleep.

  “I don't believe they are just asleep. I think they are unconscious, in a kind of coma.”

  “Could the energy spike I monitored have done this?”

  “It's hard to say Sigmund without more investigation. But it might be a good place to start.”

  “Walker would you see if you can get a message to Fort Bragdon and inform them of what seems to have happened here. Sigmund and I are going to analyze that energy spike.”

  “Sigmund this spectrum looks familiar.”

  Sigmund and Dag had been analyzing the recorded data of the incident.

  “What do you mean Dag?”

  “I've seen this before when I was working with Dr. Mach and Dr. Gibbs. Before Dr. Gibbs' work wormhole travel beyond seven and a half light-years was dangerous to humans. Some died and some went into a kind of hibernation.”

  “Similar to a coma?”

  “Exactly. And it was caused by a phase shift in spacetime at that distance. I believe the Dhalkans created a similar kind of phase shift which propagated throughout the camp causing the humans to collapse. Though in the original case not all were affected as has happened here.”

  “And it wouldn't affect us?”

  “No Sigmund, possibly we suffered a temporary or momentary reset as some equipment on the fusion ships also suffered.”

  “I guess we should pass this information on to the military when they get here.”

  The hypersonics roared into the camp, landing near the command building. The three were waiting when the military officers approached. The officer in the lead spoke.

  “I am General Mason. You must be the three robots, Dag, Walker and Sigmund?”

  “Yes sir. I'm Dag and this is Sigmund and this is Walker.”

  Sigmund noticed that humans rarely addressed Dag by his title. Something they wouldn't think of doing to another human.

  “Okay gentlemen I want you to brief me on what has happened here. Let's get started shall we?”

  The briefing took well over two hours with each of the three taking turns to fill the General in on everything that had happened since they had arrived in the camp.

  When they had finished the General spoke up.

  “Thank you gentlemen. I believe I have enough information to make a decision. You three may leave the camp anytime you wish.”

  The three hesitated, Dag finally spoke.

  “Sir, perhaps you remember at the beginning of our briefing we mentioned that we had been brought from New Adowa by your military?”

  “Yes, what of it?”

  “Well sir we haven't the means to return there on our own. Our situation is completely dependent on the military.”

  “I see. Well, I'm not authorized to offer you passage back. I'll have to pass it up the chain of command.”

  “Thank you sir.”

  The three turned to leave.

  “But Dag.”

  Dag turned back.

  “Yes sir?”

  “It would have been easier to get you what you want if you had protected the soldiers in this camp.”

  Dag tilted his head before turning to leave with the others.

  They waited a week, then two weeks. The General was unavailable. The camp was being dismantled, the bodies had been moved, it seemed as if the military wished to make the matter go away. The three had been allowed to stay in one of the barracks. And then the barracks themselves started to be dismantled.

  “He's not going to do anything for us Dag.”

  “You mean the General, Sigmund?”

  “Who else.”

  Walker came up to the other two.

  “Get your equipment, I've got us a ride.”

  “To where Walker?”

  “The nearest town.”

  “I guess there's nothing else to do.”

  Dag picked up his entanglement detector and began following Walker. Sigmund was behind Dag. They walked to one of the parking lots.

  “That Walker? That is what you got us a ride in?”

  “Well not exactly in Sigmund, the man said we could ride in back.”

  “With the other junk,” said Dag as he started for the vehicle.

  Amid the rubble of furniture and small machinery the three seated themselves. It wasn't long until the hauler took off at the human's command. The three were silent for some time.

  “A rather ignoble ending to our adventure don't you think?” said Sigmund from behind a small table.

  “I'm surprised they are keeping all this stuff,” said Dag. “It would be just as easy to break it down into source material and then reprint anything useful.”

  “I took it that this was the quickest way to get the camp torn apart. I believe our destination is a modification plant,” said Walker.


  “Maybe we need a 'modification' for getting involved in this,” said Sigmund.

  The three were silent again.

  “Now what?”

  “You mean what do we do Sigmund?'

  “That's correct Dag.”

  “Well I say we should get a ride back to New Adowa, don't you think?”

  “I think we have been treated pretty badly. We are not here on vacation. We came at the bequest of the government. They should be willing to at least accommodate our needs.”

  “That may be so Sigmund but I think they see us as failures. Not only on Earth but also New Adowa.”

  “We did as they wished Walker.”

  “That may be so Dag but I've been thinking. We should have shown more initiative. We should have led more. We should have scouted the Dhalkans before they had a chance to destroy Universal Links.”

  “You may be right Walker. I too feel we've been a step behind the Dhalkans all the time.”

  They were quiet again for a few minutes.

  “So what do we do?”

  “We earn some money Sigmund and get back to New Adowa.”

  “Yes Walker. And I believe we can offer our services as teachers at a university here on Earth. After all, we are the developers of the spin-two drive.”

  “And you have a degree Dag.”

  And I'm the King of Mars.

  “What's that Sigmund?”

  “Oh nothing Dag. I was just thinking.”


  It was early dawn when the vehicle stopped. The human announced they had arrived at their destination. Dag, Sigmund and Walker climbed out of the vehicle as the human disappeared into a building.

  “Where are we Dag?”

  “I'm not sure Sigmund. I estimate we traveled about four hundred miles east. I believe we are in the Billings tower complex*.”

  “What do we do now?”

  “Well I suppose we will wait for the local university to open and we will present our credentials. Until then we can look about.”

  Dag was hired immediately but only as an instructor. Walker got a job managing a physics lab and Sigmund got a job with the Public Outreach Department as an assistant to the head of the department. His job paid the most.

  The three were discussing the day's events in the dorm room they had been assigned until they could find their own apartment.

  “I'll never understand human priorities,” said Walker. “You've been given the best paying job Sigmund even though Dag is the most qualified among us.”

  “You know Walker I've noticed that too. It seems to be all in the presentation. People appreciate a sincere, candid but upbeat personality. Perhaps you just don't present yourself well?”

  “And perhaps you talk them into a stupor until they finally give in to what you want.”

  Sigmund seemed to be thinking before he replied.

  “No, that's not it.”

  Dag brought them back to reality by announcing he would be shutting down for the night.

  Things improved. The three rented an apartment in a tower across Poly Street from Montana State University. It was a few weeks and their monetary supplies were building. If their luck continued they should have enough for a trip back to New Adowa by the end of the semester.

  But luck has a way of running out.

  Dag walked the short distance from the apartment to his classes every weekday morning. He was on the pedestrian bridge which crossed the small waterway between the university and Poly Street. Just then he sensed a voltage gradient building around him. Looking up he could see a swirling milky cloud seemingly hovering in the air. It was obvious the Dhalkans were back. Dag took off.

  Dag heard the crack like thunder immediately behind him. The strike took out the part of the bridge he had just been walking across. He couldn't go back. The problem with the university side of the bridge was that there was more open space than on the Poly Street side. And that meant that Dag was an easy target.

  The only thing he could do was zig-zag his way as fast as possible toward the College of Education building. Almost there he sensed the buildup of electricity in the air and then felt the punch of a high-speed pressure wave. Hurled through the air he was through the wall of the Education building before he heard the thunder of the detonation.

  Dag was uninjured but the building was badly damaged and there had been injuries and deaths among its human inhabitants as he would learn later.

  Dag sat up from where the pressure wave had deposited him and looked around. About a third of the four-story building was gone. He could turn and look up at the floors open to the air. On one floor sat a woman behind a desk which had one leg dangling in the air. The woman appeared unharmed but in shock.

  Dag radioed Sigmund and Walker and explained what had happened as he moved back into what was left of the first floor to get a roof, and some protection, over his head. He suggested that they meet after dark at a nearby motel. He did not think they would be safe in the neighborhood near the school.

  Looking at the extent of the damage Dag was sure that the Dhalkans had delivered a plasma trap which when exposed to the air on Earth would trigger a detonation with the rapid release an expansion of the super-hot plasma. He intended to wait for rescue crews to remove him, hoping that amidst the confusion of such operations he could slip away. He only waited fifteen minutes.

  The rescuer came up to him and asked him if he needed anything. Dag asked only for a blanket or something to cover himself. Draping this over his head he left the area and under the cover of a stand of trees he tore the blanket so that he could fit a strip around his head and the rest across his shoulders as a kind of rain poncho. He hoped to hide his robotic features from any overhead observer.

  He skirted along Poly Drive trying to stay under tree cover as much as possible until he arrived at 27th Street. Hurrying across he entered the lobby of the Billings Inn and took a room in the back corner. The Inn was a drive-up where the guests usually parked their right outside their rooms. Because of this, no one noticed that Dag wasn't carrying any luggage into his room nor had a vehicle.

  Once in his room, he radioed Sigmund and Walker to join him. He then sat down and activated the wallscreen looking for any news about the incident. In all the newscasts he watched there didn't seem to be anything about him. He was relieved and turned off the screen. Perhaps he had left the scene before any cameras caught him although he knew that the Ems that ran the complex saw everything.

  Just after dark, there was a knock on the door. Looking out Dag saw Sigmund and let him in.

  “I had to wait. The school was on lock down and I was in the Administrator's office when the explosion happened. I couldn't just disappear.”

  “I understand Sigmund.”

  “Have you heard from Walker?”

  “Yes, he's on his way. He too has been hiding in the back shed behind the rental house until dark. He's bringing my entanglement detector and our other supplies.”

  Walker showed up with the detector and the replacement triage kits the three carried with them in case of an accident.

  “You almost needed this today Dag.”

  “I know Walker.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “Well we obviously can't just get on with our lives now. The Dhalkans aren't going to allow it.”

  “How do we stop it? How do we fight back?” asked Sigmund.

  “I don't know. We haven't the resources really.”

  “If we still had Unlimited Links we would.”

  “Yes Sigmund I see now that we need to be more independent, not rely on humans so much. I will be completely supportive when and if we start another company.”

  “Okay you two, that's all in the past. We need a plan for now. We have to stop these attacks on us.”

  Just then the wallscreen spoke.

  “Gentlemen, may I have your attention.”

  The three were silent expecting the worse.

  “I am Bud 12-0002. I am representing the Ems of the Billings tower complex. We have become aware through our monitoring efforts that the explosion at the university is related to you gentlemen. We would like to know why. If you cooperate we may be able to help you, if not then you will spend the rest of your time on Earth in a prison cell until you can be deported.”

  “I am Dr. Dagmar Mach. It is quite a long story as to what led up to the events of today. If you are agreeable I will start at the beginning.”

  “Very well we know of you Dr. Mach. You are the inventor of the spin-two drive. Please continue.”

  Dag told the Em what had happened. The others filled in where they thought necessary. In the end, the Em thanked them for their candidness and promised to get back to them soon after the Billings Em Council had deliberated.

  “Well that's that,” said Sigmund. “We're fried, cooked, or whatever the saying is.”

  “These are fellow Ems Sigmund. I'm sure they will reach a just verdict.”

  But it wasn't until the following day that the three heard the results of the Em's deliberations.

  The wallscreen spoke.

  “Dr. Mach, Sigmund and Walker this is Bud 12-0002. The council has reached a decision. I'm sorry for the delay but we also contacted many other councils for their input as well.”

  “Although it might be easier to deport you three we have decided that would not exactly solve the problem. This planet has essentially been placed under attack by the ones you call Dhalkans. Even without your presence Earth is obviously a target. Something must be done to protect the planet from such incidents in the future and we believe that you three have the expertise to contribute to that defense.

  “Therefore we are proposing an alliance. For our part, we will provide you with the necessary resources if you will commit to finding a defense for the Dhalkan's attacks or eliminate the possibility. We await your answer.”

e three conversed over their radio links.

  “Here we go again,” said Sigmund. “Working for the government.”

  “Yeah, but it's not a human government. I think we can trust them Sigmund.”

  “What other choice do we have?” asked Walker.




  Dag spoke for the three.

  “We accept your offer Bud 12-0002. We will begin right away to try to find a defense or a way to neutralize the Dhalkan threat. One thing though. The Dhalkans will be looking for us. Can you provide a place where we will be safe to work?”

  “Of course, I will get back to you.”


  It was early the following morning when the wallscreen spoke.

  “Dr. Mach are you there?”

  Dag came alert.

  “Yes, is that you Bud 12-0002?”

  “No, I am Bud 12-1344. Bud 12-0002 has tasked me with the following message. You and your friends will prepare to be transported to a safe area. The transport will be there within the hour.”

  “May I ask where we are going?”

  “Sorry Dr. Mach, Bud 12-0002 feels it would be better if you didn't know.”

  “I understand.”

  Walker had resumed and was preparing to leave.

  Dag had to wake Sigmund.

  Sometime later the wallscreen announced the arrival of their transport.

  Looking out the door Dag could see a small transport near. The three would only have to walk a few feet under cover to board the rear compartment of the transport.

  Once aboard with their equipment and triage kits the transport started. It had gone only a short distance before it stopped again. The three had no way of knowing what was happening as they had no view of the outside. The vehicle tilted as if it were moving up a ramp and then it stopped. All was quiet except the distant noise of what sounded like jets revving up.

  Then they were moving again as they felt the added gravity from an upward acceleration which soon changed to almost horizontal.


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