Indecent Lies (Renegade Souls MC #7)

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Indecent Lies (Renegade Souls MC #7) Page 20

by V. Theia

  Texas asked finally. “Did you get enough or does your pussy want more?”

  Seriously, for three hours they had each other in every position possible, he’d introduced her eagerness to every depraved, delicious sex act and she still turned red and batted his arm when he talked about her pussy.

  She was adorable hiding her face in his chest.



  “I think I’m good for now, thank you.”

  She said thank you after sex. He was undone.

  Grinning, he roamed his mouth on her throat before heaving himself up. “Okay, I’ll do the clean up and get some food on the go. Let me know if you need me to get down to business again.”

  “Roger that, sir.”

  Little virgin brat. He grinned over his shoulder at her and swallowed his groan at the doorway when she sat up in bed and tucked the sheet around her tits.

  “Stop staring at my cock, it’ll only get you in trouble.”

  “Promises, promises.” She smiled smugly.

  Yeah, he’d give all the promises she wanted.

  But he wanted to clean her up and get some food into her first.

  If she’d only just stop looking at his cock.

  He was a man with questionable morals, not a damn saint.

  * * *

  If there was even a slither of doubt that Tait might regret sleeping with her once all the delicious feelings waned, Poppy was dead wrong, because no sooner had he fed her fluffy eggs with toast and pico de gallo on top, he told her to put on warm clothes because he was taking her out.

  Poppy had hovered at his side, watching his hands chop and dice and he’d turned his head to growl at her to stop hero-worshipping his cock.

  Giggling, how could she not? She was happy and satisfied more than any self-pleasure could ever give her.

  She was probably half in love with Tait already, but she wasn’t telling him that yet, not with how disgruntled he looked when she told him his cock was hard.

  He blamed her bratty eyes for it.

  She grinned the whole time she showered and dressed.

  Surprise stole into her voice when he drove his truck up the mountain and pulled into a small lodge midway.

  “You need some fun,” he declared helping her down so she didn’t slip on the thick snow. It was freezing, yet Poppy couldn’t wash the smile off her face.

  A date with Tait!

  For the next few hours he took her skiing, but the most fun was when she climbed onto the back of a snowmobile with Tait and he took her on a trip around the mountainside. They finished off their fun with massive mugs of hot chocolate sold in the lodge café with globs of marshmallows and whipped cream on top.

  She knew absolutely that she’d never had a better date.

  She’d been to Cannes for a weekend date with fiancé number one.

  And to a Hollywood party with fiancé two.

  Then there was the mayor of New York galas she attended with Ronnie where she’d met numerous famous people but no date felt as good or as happy as the one frolicking in the snow with Tait. Watching his face light up as she tried to pelt him in the back with snowballs and then when he charged forward, making her scream before he tackled her to the snowy soft ground.

  She’d had good dates before, but nothing as great as this one.

  Unzipping her coat for her once they were back in the loft, he frowned at her chattering teeth. “Go get a shower to warm up,” he rasped, stalking off to the bedroom.

  “Hey, Tait! Can we go out somewhere tonight? Show me around the places you like.” She called out as she stripped her clothes in the bathroom doorway. She dived under the hot water and thawed with a sigh, tipping her face to the steam as feeling came back into the tips of her fingers and nose.

  The hands crawling over her waist made her scream out loud and spin around to find a very naked and looming Tait climbing into the stall with her.

  “Oh, my goodness, you gave me several frights.”

  “Who else would it be?”

  “I don’t know,” she huffed, unable to stop her eyes from traveling the length of his beautifully sculpted body.

  Now he was in front of her, she feasted her gaze on him.

  He wedged in between her thighs after placing her butt on the alcove in the shower wall, arrogantly like he belonged there. She moved her hands to his ripped shoulders.

  Gosh, he worked out real nice. Everywhere was hard with dips and hills.

  “You won’t be scared to go out after what happened?”

  She dragged her eyes up off his ridiculous body and saw him grinning. She was naked, he was naked, where else was she meant to look? “You’ll be there, what do I have to be scared about?”

  His eyes softened and the fingers around her waist started moving up to just under her boobs.

  “That guy… you beat him up, didn’t you?”

  Tait frowned, but didn’t confirm.

  “Zara mentioned it, how you beat that guy up. Thank you, Tait. You are such a good man. No one’s ever beat someone up for me before.”

  “Shouldn’t have had to if the fucker wasn’t a pervert.”

  She melted into a smile and attached her mouth to his chest.

  “Wish I’d seen it; bet you were hot.”

  He choked on a laugh.

  Her first time showering with anyone and she loved it.

  With Tait everything was easy, natural.

  “Little girl, don’t be eating me up with your eyes.”

  “I can’t help it,” she confessed, “you’re just so big all over.”

  “Yeah? You like that?”

  Like he didn’t know how appealing he was, she knocked his shoulder but he already moved deeper into the space of her thighs and his cock pressed into her sex causing a riot of flutters and clutches inside. More came when he smelled the line of her neck. “Yes,” she said breathily like she was a maiden or something and not the woman who’d been ridden hard only hours ago. “I like it. You make me feel tiny, like you could put me anywhere.”

  The growl from Tait moved through the front of her chest and she giggled.

  Guess he liked that.

  “Don’t say anything else or you’ll be fucked right here, even if you’re sore.”

  “I’m absolutely not sore,” she lied because she wanted him back inside her so desperately. His eyes flared, darkened and when his mouth came down on hers, she was open and ready. She was not ready for his finger to go between them and rush her to a heady climax within seconds.

  “You asked for it, little girl.” He warned on a hot rumble and thrilled Poppy to no end.

  Shower sex got checked off her mental bucket list that day.

  And she was still smiling like an idiot when they were seated at a corner table in a bar called Otis’ bar and grill more than an hour later, menus and drinks in front of them.

  “Are you just going to go on staring at me all night?”

  The rich velvety voice caught her off guard.

  “Yes, I am,” she grinned over and knocked his leg under the table with hers. He slid a hand underneath and palmed her knee. “I had sex today, yippee. I might never stop staring at you, fair warning.”

  Those gorgeous lips of his twitched at the edges. “So noted.”

  They ordered, they talked and he regaled her with stories from this very bar of biker fights and scuffles he’d been in. Poppy hung off his every word until his low powered groan had her turning around quick to see who he was staring at.

  Striding through the doors were the Renegade Souls men.

  Around ten of them, and five of them were the ones she’d yelled at.

  Oh, boy.

  “Should we go?”

  “Nope.” He said nonchalantly, hooking up his beer.

  Okay, fine. So maybe she was about to check off bar fight from her bucket list too. Even though she didn’t have bar fight on that list, there was a first time for everything.

  It wasn’t as though Tait
was invisible, or their table was in the back.

  The biker men spotted them almost immediately when they ambled over to their own space as if it was reserved for them only. A couple looked over and jutted their chins, Tait reciprocated and her heart hurt seeing how much he missed his friends.

  “Are you okay?” She asked quietly, squeezing his hand. “We can go, I don’t mind.”

  “I’m good, Poppy.”

  He was far from good.

  Her heart beat louder than the bar and ached like a storm for him so she shuffled around the bench and cuddled into his arm. “Hey, Tait?”

  He was mid-sip of his beer when he cocked his head all masculine and sexy enough to make her nipples pebble under her shirt. “Yeah?”

  “Guess who I had sex with today?”

  Oh, that man, his lips spread and he looked so cocky and delicious she just wanted to climb all over him and kiss him madly.

  “Is this something you should be sharing?”

  “It is when I’ve had sex with none other than Tait Hunt.”

  She made his name sound like a celebrity.

  Which in a way, he’d always been that to her.

  The unattainable boy who didn’t know she existed.

  “Yeah? Was it good?” Another lip twist, this time she snuggled deeper into his arms, smelling how good he smelled and feeling his muscles flex under her touch.

  “Best sex I’ve ever had, bar none.” She gloated just to make him laugh.

  “Glad the asshole made it good for you, little girl.”

  She didn’t understand the temperature drop moments later, but the bar seemed to shift in tempo as even Tait’s eyes narrowed over to the door then he looked over to his biker friends. Following his gaze, she saw the bikers rise and move over to the door where a well-dressed man in a long overcoat with five men standing behind him came in.

  It smelled like trouble and Poppy cuddled into Tait’s side.

  Reading the room, the tension was thick.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Trouble,” he confirmed.

  “Who’s that?”

  “Russian mafia.”

  Say what now?

  The mafia?

  For real?

  Outside of movies, she didn’t know that they actually existed. With the way the bar had turned grave with every set of eyes bouncing between the two groups of men, it was evident that whoever the well-dressed man was, he was not welcomed by anyone.

  “Is… is he dangerous?”

  Tait gave her his dark somber eyes. “They’re all dangerous men, Poppy, but in a choice, always side with the MC, got it?”

  She didn’t know why he was saying it to her, she didn’t live in a world of bikers and mafia men but she guessed now, she kind of did.

  She nodded and watched just like everyone else was watching.

  It was the head biker… Rider, who spoke to the Russian man. He didn’t look intimidated at all, in fact, Poppy thought he looked like a badass in blue denim and his man bun.

  “You don’t listen very fuckin’ well do you, Russian. Told you to stay away and yet here you are, like a bad fuckin’ disease we can’t get rid of.” Snickers followed from the bikers who were in formation behind Rider’s back.

  A sneak glance at Tait, she saw his jaw tight and his fingers flexing on the table, she covered them. “You want to go over, don’t you?” She whispered.

  He did, she knew it.

  “Can’t. None of my business.”

  The tension scared her. Maybe Tait heard it too, because he took her hand and laced their fingers together, kissing her knuckles.

  It was like watching an old western standoff.

  “Told you to get out of town.” She heard.

  When the Russian man spoke, it sounded like silk wrapped around nails, as though he smoked a lot and had a bucket load of confidence to go with it when he taunted with a smirk.

  “If you noticed, my men and I did indeed leave in the summer, da? I took a much needed visit with my family.” Oh, that smirk was dangerous, she thought to herself. “Your threat did not say we could not return.” The thugs behind him chuckled. “I find I like the city; it is how you say? Grown on me. Feels like home.”

  Besides her, Tait rumbled a noise in his throat. It was a negative noise, one that mirrored by the bikers behind Rider, but none of them made a move.

  The rest of the bar were just as gripped by this as Poppy was.

  “Can’t Rider make him leave?” She asked quietly.

  “He’s tried.”

  Then Rider spoke and all ears flapped to listen.

  “How’s the funds, Grigori? Missing a few, I expect.”

  Only now did the other man show any sign of reaction when the muscle in his thick jaw started to tick and his otherwise pale face fused purple.

  “Yeah,” Rider went on, thumbs in his belt loops, smirking behind him before he faced the man again. “If I had to guess, and I’m only taking a stab here, I’d say 17.5 mil. So if you’re sticking around, well…”

  The taunting went back and forth, Rider taking great pleasure.

  “Get the fuck out, you’re not welcome and if you were smart, you’d keep going.”

  Just like that, Rider dismissed him and en masse the bikers strode back to their tables. It was as if the crowds parted and the Russian man saw Tait who stiffened at her side but showed no other outwardly signs.

  The Russian man smirked and nodded at Tait, turned on his heels and the cavalcade of men left by the exit.

  “I mean, wow.” She breathed out. “I’ve never seen anything like that before.”

  “Welcome to Armado Springs, baby.” Tait said, tight lipped.

  He was tense and she didn’t know why.

  Only, three of the bikers came over to their table and she braced for another showdown. It must be the week for them.

  “What was the look?” It was the same man who’d gotten in Tait’s face on the street. Handsome. Hispanic. Goatee. Eyes full of hate glaring at Tait.

  “What you talking about?”

  “Don’t pussy me around, you shared a look with the Russian.”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about, Capone.”

  “Fuck you, ese.” The one she knew as Snake pulled Capone back and told him to leave it. Tait picked up his drink and drank slowly.

  Capone was not finished when he leaned both hands on their table and glared directly in Tait’s face. “We all saw it. A new low for you, money man. Why the fuck I’m surprised, I don’t know.” Then he stalked away.

  “I hope he’s wrong, brother.” Snake said solemnly and he too walked off.

  Tait was quiet on the drive home.

  He didn’t speak when she took off her coat and boots.

  Not a word when they stood in the kitchen while she made them a snack.

  And only as she was brushing her teeth, did he stand in the doorway.

  “Remember what I said about going to the MC?”

  Her heart thumped hard with foreboding.

  She looked at him through the mirror in front of her. nodding with a mouthful of foam.

  “Okay, good. Get some sleep, little girl, I’m gonna paint downstairs.”

  He didn’t come to bed.

  He didn’t slide in and cuddle her as she wanted and Poppy also didn’t sleep.

  She had a gut churning feeling that what Capone accused him of was true.


  “Whatever the struggles, he went home to a queen.” – Rider

  The welcoming scents of home brought Rider out of biker Prez mode and into family mode the moment he stepped through the garage door that led into the mudroom, where he kicked off his boots and discarded his denim jacket onto a hook.

  It was only when he locked up behind him that he felt the wash of peace he always got coming through that door.

  His Zara had been cooking again from the smells, and honestly, he’d eat shit if she put it in front of him because she got this big smile
of happiness on her face when she tried new recipes.

  Sure as hell some of her culinary experiments burned straight down to his gut, but he’d never tell her that.

  He didn’t call out, not knowing how many of the kids were sleeping, so he tracked through their house on silent feet and found Zara with her little popped pregnant belly on the floor changing Knox’s diaper while Harper hovered nearby holding her numbered blocks in each hand.

  “Hey, baby.” He said and was rewarded with his Icy girl’s smile.

  It still punched him in the belly with how fucking deep he loved this girl.

  There was no to the moon and back bullshit some of his boys spouted to their old ladies. There was no end for how Rider felt for her.

  Bending over, he tapped a slow kiss to her lips when she lifted her face for him. “Good, baby?”

  “Yeah, just seeing to this pee monster, then I’ll grab the plate I kept warm for you.”

  “No need, I’ll get it in a minute.” He turned his blue eyes to his daughter who was already beaming at him with the same eyes as his. “Got a hug for papa, doodle?”

  She dropped the blocks and in her superhero pjs and messy blonde hair, Harper flung herself fearlessly into his arms, knowing he’d always be there to catch her no matter what.

  He held her a minute longer than usual, soaking in her innocent happiness, listening to her daily adventures from her baby babble, smacking her two hands on his cold cheeks to gain his attention. Harper was a terrible attention seeker, they worried sometimes how she’d be with Knox and the baby to come, but it was the total opposite. Whenever Knox needed Zara or Rider, Harper became an angel in the making, waiting patiently, even helping out. And for his tomboy hellion, that was a miracle and a blessing. His girl made him proud every day.

  He worked as hard as he did for his family.

  The things he did, he did for his family. Always.

  Their safety and wellbeing came first.

  Which, if you’d asked Rider a few years ago he would have sworn on his prized gun that club came first.

  His priorities shifted the day Zara came back in his life and he was even more determined for their safety now they nearly had three kids.


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