Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate

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Rescued by His Lone Wolf Mate Page 2

by Anya Byrne

  It was a horrible idea. Dani should be running away in the other direction, but he was too busy trying to hold himself back from reaching out to Connor. He wanted to smooth away the lines of pain creasing Connor's brow, to bury his fingers in Connor's dark hair and see if it was as soft as it looked.

  In that moment, he truly wished he could have been Connor's mate. But it wasn't possible. Connor didn't have someone waiting for him, after all. He was simply imagining things, and the best thing Dani could do was stop this before it went any further. He owed Connor that much.

  As such, he blurted out the worst possible thing he could come up with on the spot. "Why should I trust you? You're just a stranger."

  Connor grimaced. "I suppose I am, but I... I swear on the moon herself that I'd rather die than hurt you. Besides, I was on my way there too. Could be fate."

  Fate. Dani wasn't sure he believed in destiny, but he still couldn't turn away from Connor. Despite knowing it wasn't right to manipulate Connor, something inside him craved the warmth Connor offered. Before he could stop himself, he nodded and stepped forward. "Okay then. You've got yourself a travel companion."

  Chapter Two

  When Connor had made his mate the offer to join him on the trip to Willow Cove, he hadn't actually been considering specifics. His wolf had whined in pain and rejection, acknowledging the loss of what could have been the most beautiful thing in his life. But beast and man, Connor was stubborn, unwilling to just give up, and he had clung to whatever hope he had, to Dani's presence, if not his heart.

  At the time, he had not realized how torturous it would be to travel with his mate. Since they were riding on Connor's bike, Dani wrapped his slender arms around Connor and his hot chest pressed against Connor's back. Connor's senses were assaulted by everything that was his mate, the scent of his hair, the softness of his skin, the warmth of his breath. He had trouble remembering how he'd ever felt cold in his life.

  It was miraculous that he managed to focus on directing the bike through traffic, but focus he did, out of sheer determination. He had promised to get Dani to Willow Cove and he would not put his mate in any way at risk through recklessness on the road. Sure, feeling the powerful bike between his legs didn't really help his arousal, but he tried to keep it out of his mind.

  To his credit, he wasn't the only one affected. Even if Dani had said Connor wasn't his mate, Connor could still scent desire on him. It made him want to pull over and claim Dani right then and there. Of course, he didn't. He respected Dani's choice, no matter how hard—in more ways than one—it was for him to accept.

  For the most part, both of them were silent throughout the ride. Connor had not realized it until now, but being a lone wolf had put a real damper on his social skills. His mate seemed naturally shy—perhaps a consequence of his rabbit nature, as well as whatever he was trying to evade. Either way, when they stopped for the night, Connor was faced to brave his misgivings.

  He parked the bike in front of a motel on the freeway and took off the helmet he didn't actually need. "We should eat and get some rest," he told his mate. "We'll probably get to Willow Cove tomorrow, but we need to find the place at a decent hour. I don't actually know their address, and the last thing I want is to make a poor impression."

  Dani nodded, worrying his lower lip much like he had in the diner. "Do you think they'd help me? Us?"

  "You? Very likely." Following a sudden impulse, Connor brushed his thumb over Dani's cheek. "I'm not sure anyone can resist those pretty eyes of yours. As for me, probably not, but it's worth the attempt."

  He had not wanted to express his doubts to his mate so quickly, but in all honesty, he would be very relieved if the Lone Wolf Pack consented to take Dani in. If that was the case, he would appeal to Alpha Simmons's goodwill, explain the situation and request the permission to stay in the nearby forest as a wolf. It was the most he could hope for at this point. And okay, if he'd stopped here to further delay their separation, he didn't think anyone could blame him. As for himself, his past wasn't exactly conducive to trust from an Alpha who didn't even know him, but seeing Dani safe would be enough.

  Dani scowled, not looking very happy at Connor's words. Connor didn't want his mate to be sad or upset. They'd probably have so little time together. At the very least, Connor wished to make Dani smile. "Don't worry about it now. Let's grab a bite. You're probably very tired."

  "Not really," Dani replied. "All things considered, I didn't do much traveling on my own today. If anything, it's been relaxing."

  Connor grinned, even if his heart clenched at the knowledge of the hardships his mate must have endured. He decided to address that later, when they were in private.

  They secured the bike in the parking lot and entered the small not-quite-restaurant. A bored waitress took their order—a salad for Dani and a hamburger for Connor—while several truckers gave Dani the evil eye. For a few seconds, Dani moved closer to Connor, but then, he straightened his back and ignored the onlookers.

  It was a little harder for Connor to do the same thing. Everything inside him screamed to tear some limbs, and he probably would have done something stupid if anyone had come one inch closer. After what had happened earlier, he felt particularly protective of Dani. Thankfully, only the waitress approached when she brought their order—to go.

  Connor paid quickly and ushered his mate out of the diner. "Sorry about that," Dani said apologetically. "People always zero in on the fact that I'm different."

  Connor scowled, wanting nothing more than to wrap his mate in his arms and hold him close. "Don't apologize for closed-minded idiots. I have no idea why you feel you're at fault, but just being yourself is no crime."

  Dani's lower lip trembled and he looked away, hiding his eyes from Connor. Hating that he couldn't provide better comfort, Connor guided his mate into the hotel. The woman behind the counter noisily popped her bubblegum as they approached.

  As she listed the prices of the available rooms, Connor hesitated. He wanted to respect his mate's boundaries, so maybe it would be better to sleep separately. If he did that, though, he'd have to leave Dani on his own. Connor's wolf rebelled just at the idea of abandoning his distraught mate, and he found himself blurting out, "We need one room until morning."

  He paid up front, as per her demands, and received the key. He was greatly relieved when they finally made their way to the room, and retreated behind closed doors—at least until Dani's gaze zeroed on the double bed.

  Connor rushed to explain. "I'll sleep on the floor. I just didn't want to leave you alone, but if you're uncomfortable, I can go take another room, or—"

  Dani shook his head, interrupting him. "It's fine. I feel safe with you."

  His smile was honest and relieved, and his eyes glinted with something like decision. "Did you mean that—what you said earlier? That it's okay to be different?"

  "Of course," Connor answered. He paused, trying to gather his words, to be eloquent for the first time in many years. "No one individual is exactly the same as another. Trying to make it so is just painful and pointless. For us shifters, it's particularly foolish. We are what we were born to be. It's as easy as that."

  Dani's eyes filled with tears and he crumbled to his knees in the middle on the room. "Not me. I'm a freak."

  Connor rushed to his mate's side and finally followed his instincts, wrapping Dani in his arms. He didn't say anything. He just held on and let Dani cry on his shoulder. He highly suspected these tears were long overdue. The moon only knew Connor could empathize—he'd had similar breakdowns when he'd first become a lone wolf.

  Finally, Dani's sobs began to fade and he retreated from Connor's arms. Connor let him go, but he reached for Dani's cheeks and gently wiped his tears. He didn't ask, but Dani told him anyway.

  "My parents banished from my warren. Our people... I don't know how familiar you are with my kind, but we're a very matriarchal society. For us, the most fertile female is the leader of the warren. Two weeks ago, I came of age, and
we were all tested for fertility. It was kind of obvious from the beginning that something was wrong. Other males in the warren had been looking at me oddly for a while. But I didn't expect... It's so crazy. It turned out I could conceive, bear young like a woman. It's a miracle my mother didn't kill me on sight."

  "Is that why you wanted to go to Willow Cove?"

  Dani nodded. "When I first heard about that pack, it seemed like a sign. Surely, I could find someone there who could understand. I just feel like... I can never escape it, escape what I am. It haunts me every step of the way. People stare at me. I don't want to be this... This freak." He looked up at Connor and grabbed Connor's hands. "I'm sorry, Connor. I... I really wish I was your mate, but I'm not. I exude a natural pheromone, courtesy of my little condition. It's why those humans attacked me to begin with. The scent... It does something to people, to men in specific. It's one of the reasons why I wanted to take refuge with the Lone Wolf Pack. They all have mates, so they wouldn't be interested in me. But for you.... Your wolf probably translated that unnatural pull into a mate bond."

  Connor gaped. Dani was obviously being honest, and his dark chocolate eyes begged for forgiveness and understanding. And Connor could have forgiven Dani anything—but this, this was one thing he refused to accept. Thankfully, he didn't have to.

  "Baby, you're hurt. I'm guessing you've been suffering because of this pheromone thing ever since you left the warren." Dani nodded hesitantly, and the fact that he didn't pull away further encouraged Connor. "I'm not them. It's true that I want you. Moon be blessed, I want you. But I would never force you into anything, never. I understand if you don't believe me, but I know in my heart that this is true."


  Dani's pleading expression cracked the last barriers in Connor's heart. He couldn't prevent this. He had to explain, to make Dani see. "Dani, listen. I'm a lone wolf. I was banished from my pack over forty years ago. Ever since then, I've been alone, on the road, running."

  Dani's eyes widened. "But... Why? How?"

  The painful memories came rushing back, but they didn't hurt so much anymore, not with Dani's warmth there anchoring him. "It's an old story. I was very young. One of our pack elders became interested in me. He tried to... force me."

  "Oh, Connor. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

  "But I do, that's just the thing. I was barely a child, by werewolf standards. He didn't think I could fight him off, but I did. I suppose it would be easier for me if I said what happened after that wasn't on purpose, but... I don't know if that's the case or not. All I know is that I killed him, and at the time, it felt good."

  Dani didn't speak, but Connor didn't expect him to. He'd never said this to anyone, not even to his parents when he'd explained what had occurred. "I should have been executed for it. He was a preeminent figure in the pack, and no one really believed him capable of such an abomination. No one except my parents, that is. My father believed, and he was Alpha. He couldn't keep me from being punished, but he managed to get me exiled instead of killed.

  "I hated him for it, you know." Connor smiled bitterly. "Being a lone wolf... It does things to people. We're not meant to be on our own. Without a pack, we slowly lose ourselves. I forgot how to feel, Dani. I was so cold, so cold inside, like everything but the most basic instinct of survival was gone. And then, you stepped through the door of that diner, and suddenly... Suddenly there was color in the world again. I could breathe. I could think. No pheromone can do that. It's not possible."

  His throat hurt, and he realized that he'd spoken more in the past ten minutes than he had in the last week. It was worth it, though, so worth it, because the doubt and the pain finally faded from Dani's eyes. He threw himself into Connor's arms and held on, far tighter than someone of his build should have been able to.

  "You are different. I knew you had to be. No wonder I couldn't let you go."

  "So don't," Connor replied. "Don't ever let me go."

  He hadn't planned on taking things further, since it was pretty obvious that right now, the last thing Dani needed was to be pushed into sex. No sooner had he spoken the words than Dani was shoving him down, pinning him to the carpeted floor. Connor opened his mouth, intending to protest, to tell his mate this wasn't necessary. He forgot all about his good intentions when Dani climbed on top of him, his ass nudging Connor's now very interested cock.

  Through some sort of miracle, Connor managed to gather his wits and his control over his vocal cords. He gripped Dani's hips, keeping his mate from moving. "Dani? Baby?"

  "I want this, Connor. I want you to touch me, to show me." Despite Connor's hold on him, Dani ground against Connor's cock, pointing out exactly what he wanted. "I thought I was imagining it. I couldn't understand it. I was afraid. But I'm not afraid anymore, not when you're here. I can believe in you."

  It was more than Connor had ever expected when he'd reached out to Dani. How could he resist? His wolf howled as the truth of Dani's words settled in his bones, buzzed over his skin. Nothing else mattered but this moment of genuine rightness.

  And maybe he should have pulled away, given Dani some more time to think about what he was doing. He didn't. Instead, he slowly released Dani's hips, caressing his mate's sides and thighs with reverent fingers.

  "And I want you, so very much."

  The words were bland, inadequate, unable to convey everything Connor felt. But that was okay, because Dani understood anyway. He smiled down at Connor and reached for the buttons of his shirt.

  It was then that Connor noticed how much Dani's hands were trembling. He would have been taken aback, but Dani wasn't the only one who'd gained understanding through this conversation.

  He gripped Dani's palms in his own and for a few seconds, just held on. Dani froze, not moving a muscle. Their eyes met, and they just smiled, the urgency building up inside both of them fading into the background.

  As carefully as he could, Connor slid out from under Dani. His mate released a sound of protest, and that sweet little whimper got to Connor's head like a drug. He couldn't keep himself from leaning in and pressing his mouth to Dani's.

  Dani tasted sweet and fresh, and surrendered to Connor openly, eagerly, like there was truly nothing he wanted more than to be here, in Connor's arms. It was intoxicating, and Connor's wolf demanded more. He thrust his tongue into Dani's mouth in a vain attempt to sate his thirst for his beautiful mate.

  Naturally, it didn't work. In all honesty, Connor hadn't expected it to. He needed more, far more if he ever wanted to breathe without feeling this all-consuming hunger.

  But no, he had to be careful and not turn into a mindless beast because of his instincts. His mate deserved more. He deserved to be shown that having a mate was more than visceral passion. It was emotion, gentleness, comfort, a true, genuine bond that could only exist between twin souls.

  When he broke the kiss, he was panting heavily, rock hard, but more secure than ever in his decision. He got up, even if in the process he had to temporarily move away from Dani. Dani looked at him, big brown eyes wide, inquiring and dilated with lust. Connor took him in his arms, barely managing to suppress the need to kiss him again.

  He carried his mate to the bed, reminding himself that the floor was not an acceptable place to claim Dani. Moon be blessed, a random motel room wasn't the most romantic location to begin with. At the very least, Connor wanted to make the best of it.

  He set Dani down on the bed, smiling when his mate wrapped his arms around his neck and refused to let go. Since he couldn't bring himself to pull away from Dani again, he crawled on top of him, paying close attention so as not to accidentally crush Dani under his larger bulk.

  This time, when they kissed again, he didn't deepen it, didn't let it flare brighter like it had before. "Let me take care of you, baby," he whispered in Dani's ear. "Relax, and let me show you."

  Just like that, Dani melted against the pillows. He didn't protest again when Connor moved back, although the yearning in his
eyes didn't abate in the slightest. Connor had no intention of making Dani wait. He let his hands roam over Dani's clothed chest, soothing his mate through his touch. Dani's T-shirt was a barrier that needed to be eliminated, and while Connor had told himself to keep his wolf in check, he refused to let some random piece of material block his view of Dani's face and eyes even for a second.

  Slowly, so as not to startle Dani, he slid a sharp claw over the cotton. The cloth parted like butter under a knife, exposing Dani's creamy skin to Connor's greedy gaze. Dani shivered at the slight touch of Connor's claws, the scent of his arousal pulsing through the air like a living thing.

  It occurred to Connor that the whole pheromone thing was probably correct, in some respects at least. Connor could feel it now, but it wasn't a blind instinct like Dani had guessed. Instead, it almost seemed like... a mating call of sorts, like Dani's shifter was reaching for Connor's. Moon only knew how other people had interpreted it.

  Well, it didn't matter anymore. No one would hurt Dani ever again, not while Connor lived. He'd protect Dani and shower him with so much love that Dani would never doubt it again. And he'd start right now, by focusing on his mate, on making Dani feel safe and wanted.

  When he discarded Dani's shirt on the floor, he reached for his mate's jeans. Miraculously, he remembered to remove Dani's sneakers first, although the sight of Dani's feet distracted him more than he'd expected. He ran his fingers over the elegant arch of Dani's foot, drawing a startled giggle from his mate.

  There was something relaxing and endearing in learning a simple tidbit about Dani, like the fact that he was ticklish. It was precious, a gem Connor added to his existing stash of memories and experiences. He hoarded those treasures jealously, but he also craved more, every sound, every laugh, every tear. The way Dani's lips parted when his breath caught, and the light of passion in his eyes—he wanted it all.


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