Magic Swap (Hidden World Academy Book 1)

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Magic Swap (Hidden World Academy Book 1) Page 26

by Sadie Moss

  My legs are already shaking, my breath coming short, but when Theo dips his fingers beneath the line of my panties and finds my clit, my knees buckle as a sound that seems to come from the very depths of my soul tears out of me. I’d probably collapse into a heap on the floor if it weren’t for the three bodies surrounding me, the hands gripping me and holding me up.

  Theo slips a finger inside me, then pulls away, dragging his wet fingertip over my low stomach.

  The hem of my dress drops back to the floor, and I’m turned once again, to face Theo this time. I scowl at him, my clit throbbing hard and fast, begging for more attention after that little hint of what’s to come.


  He chuckles, the sound smooth and deep. Amusement and heat gleam in his gray eyes, and he shakes his head. “Not this time, love. No teasing.”

  Then he leans forward and kisses me. And it’s not a tease at all.

  Chapter 35

  Theo pours all of himself into the kiss, moving his lips against mine slowly and sensually as we taste and explore each other. The kiss is consuming and deep, and as I let it carry me away, four more hands fall on me again. This time, Kasian and Cross don’t tease me either.

  They undress me, unwrapping me like a present.

  Cross’s dexterous fingers undo the corset top on my dress, and when the entire thing slides down my body and hits the floor, the two men help me step out of it, along with my shoes. Then they both remove my underwear, sliding the delicate fabric over the swell of my hips. I couldn’t wear a bra with this dress, so I don’t have a single stitch of clothing left.

  With a growl into my mouth, Theo wraps his arms around me, lifting me effortlessly. He carries me over to the large bed and lays me down before standing back up. I scoot upward on the mattress, my gaze locked on the three of them.

  All three men gather at the foot of the bed, and although they shoot each other quick glances out of the corners of their eyes, none of them hesitate as they start to undress. I watch greedily, soaking up the sight of them—each so different, but so damn gorgeous it makes my chest constrict as I look at them.

  They’re all empirically stunning men, the kind who could turn heads no matter where they go. But they seem even more handsome to me now than they ever did before, because I know them now. I know their goodness and selflessness and weird senses of humor. I know how smart they all are, and I know that this moment we’re in right now didn’t happen by accident. It happened because each one of these guys is willing to take risks and live life on his terms.

  I care about these men.

  They inspire me.

  And they turn me the fuck on.

  My mouth goes a little dry as they all toss their tuxedo jackets away, untie their bowties, and unbutton their shirts before shedding those too. When their hands all fall to their waists, unbuckling their belts, I let out a little moan. They’re all hard. I can see their cocks pressing against the fabric even before they shove down their pants, and when I’m finally gifted with the sight of all three of them standing naked before me, it just about does me in.

  Without conscious thought, my hands started to roam over my body as I watched them undress, responding to the desperate ache building inside me. One hand massages my breast while the other slips down to find the hard nub of my clit. A moan gets trapped in my throat as my hips roll against my hand, and all three men react to that.

  Fast as lightning, Cross and Theo crawl onto the bed, coming up on either side of me and grabbing my wrists, stealing my touch from my needy body and pinning my hands next to my head. I let out an indignant yelp, shifting my hips as I try to get some friction from somewhere, anywhere, and Cross laughs.

  “Don’t worry, cupcake. We’ve got you.” He leans closer, claiming a kiss before murmuring against my lips, “But with all three of us here, did you really think we’d let you do our job for us?”

  A flush of arousal burns through me, and I blink up at him as he pulls away.

  Holy fuck.

  I’m in for it now.

  Kasian climbs up onto the large bed too, lying down on the other side of Cross.

  “Come here, Gabbi.” His voice is serious, a little deeper and rougher than normal, like it was the day we had sex in his office. “I want to taste you again. You were so damn sweet.”

  My heart crashes against my ribs, and when I move to sit up, Cross and Theo release my wrists quickly. Kasian nods at them, and as if the three of them somehow discussed this earlier, the two men help me crawl over to the mocha-skinned warlock, lifting me and then setting me down so that my knees end up on either side of his head.

  I feel a little awkward straddling him like this. It’s not the most dignified position in the world. But hot breath teases my pussy, and I instinctively move toward it, lowering myself onto Kasian’s face.

  The second his mouth finds my core, all thoughts of awkwardness fade in a rush of sensations. God, he’s good at this.

  I whimper, rolling my hips as Kasian grabs my thighs in both hands, latching onto my pussy as he licks and sucks and nips.

  Oh, shit. Oh, God.

  My muscles tense and relax, and I reach out toward the two men on either side of me, wrapping my hands around their cocks. I pause to lick my palms, and when I grab them again, Theo groans, moving closer on his knees so that I can reach both him and Cross without having to strain.

  Kasian’s tongue works tight circles around my clit before he stiffens it and drives it inside me, fucking me with it before lapping at my pussy again. My hips gyrate desperately, and my hands work Cross and Theo faster, harder.

  “Oh, fuck. I think she likes what you’re doing, mate,” Theo mutters, his breath hitching as he thrusts into my grip.

  Kasian chuckles, and I feel the vibrations of it traveling through my body. A shiver runs down my spine, and I try to focus on what I’m doing to Cross and Theo instead of the sensations that are threatening to overwhelm me. I don’t want to come yet. I want to hang on the edge of this exquisite torture for a little while longer.

  I want to live here.

  But the thing about Kasian’s tongue is, it gives me no choice.

  And it’s not just his tongue; it’s his lips and teeth, his whole fucking mouth. It’s the sight of the two men on either side of me, watching me with heavy-lidded eyes. It’s the feel of their stiff cocks in my hands, the knowledge that even as Kasian breaks me down, I’m breaking them down.

  All of those thoughts and images combined shove me over the edge, shoving me toward an orgasm so intense it makes my whole body shake. Cross moves forward, palming the back of my head as he kisses me hard, like he’s trying to taste my orgasm, to draw it out through the connection between our lips.

  I moan into his mouth, riding Kasian’s face as he wrings every last drop of pleasure out of me.

  As my body starts to come down from the high, Theo gently turns my head toward him, claiming a kiss of his own.

  “Fucking hell, love,” he murmurs against my lips. “That was beautiful. You’re gorgeous when you come.”

  I can’t even work up a blush in response to his words. When we first started this, I felt a little awkward and unsure, but it’s as if the orgasm that just blazed through my body cleared all of my shyness and doubt away.

  This is exactly what I wanted.

  And it’s fucking incredible.

  Kasian gives my ass a light tap, and I rise up higher on my knees, giving him space to extricate himself. He scoots downward on the bed, and a second later, I feel the heat of Cross’s body as he comes up behind me. He’s on his knees too, and his arm bands around my waist. I can feel his cock, hard and heavy against my ass, and I grind back against him, silently asking for what I need.

  Theo and Kasian both groan, and in this moment, they don’t sound jealous or like rivals at all. They sound like they can’t fucking wait to see what happens next.

  My lips break apart from Theo’s, and he backs away a little just as Cross puts a gentle hand on my
shoulder, urging me onto all fours. His cock nudges my entrance, and I let out a small whimper.

  When he slides inside of me, all four of us make muffled noises of pleasure. I’m hyper-aware of each man’s gaze on me, and crane my neck a little to look up, wanting to see the expressions on their faces. They’re all looking back at me with awe and hunger, three separate men joined together by a singular focus.

  Cross pulls out and slides in again and again, his thrusts deep and steady. I can’t use my hands on the other two anymore, but it doesn’t matter, because they take over anyway, stroking themselves as they watch Cross fuck me. I can tell it’s turning them on, but I still want more. I want to touch them.

  “Kasian,” I gasp. “Come closer.”

  He does, moving forward on his knees, and as soon as he’s close enough, I reach out with my tongue and lick the soft head of his cock. He grunts, his shaft twitching in his hand, and I love that sound so much that I do it again, wrapping more of my mouth around him this time.

  Cross curses from behind me, his tempo increasing as his fingers dig into my hips, and Theo moves closer too. I take advantage of his proximity and turn my head toward him, licking and sucking the tip of his cock. We’re all breathing hard, our sounds of pleasure mingling with the noises of sex as Cross drives into me.

  “Fuck, cupcake,” he grunts. “I’m not gonna last much longer.”

  Neither am I.

  Neither are any of us.

  I lick and suck Theo and Kasian harder, alternating between the two of them and lifting one hand off the bed to help me. They’re each touching my shoulders, keeping me steady, helping me stay upright as pleasure threatens to knock me flat.

  With another stream of muttered curse words, Cross comes hard, burying himself to the hilt and grinding his pelvis against my ass, so impossibly deep that I swear I feel him everywhere. He jerks inside me as he fills me, and I channel everything I’m feeling into my touch as I swirl my tongue over Theo’s cock. His abs contract, the muscles of his ass clenching as he falls over the edge too, grabbing a loose fistful of my hair as he comes in my mouth.

  I swallow quickly, fighting off my own orgasm as Cross shudders behind me and Theo’s body relaxes. I’m so close again, so damn close, but I don’t want to finish until Kasian does.

  “Bloody hell,” Theo murmurs, and Cross lets out a soft laugh.

  They both withdraw from me, helping me lie down on the bed, and as soon as I’m on my back, Kasian is there, settling his hips between my legs and kissing me like a starving man.

  “Can you take more, Gabbi?” he whispers. “I don’t want to push you.”

  Fuck yes, I can take more.

  My body feels like a sparking wire, still oversensitive from my first orgasm but clamoring for more of the delicious feelings these men are eliciting inside me.

  “Uh huh,” I tell him, nodding so vigorously it makes him chuckle.

  “I’m so fucking glad you said that.”

  His words are a rough murmur as he sinks into me, impaling me inch by inch on his cock. I arch my back to take him deeper, and when he begins to move his hips, drawing out and surging back in, Theo and Cross take advantage of my position and drop their heads, each licking and sucking at one of my nipples.

  Okay, now that’s just no damn fair.

  It’s sheer sensory overload as they each touch me in their own particular way, and my body can’t even begin to keep up. Cross tugs one nipple between his teeth, flicking his tongue over it in fast strokes, while Theo laps at the other with the flat of his tongue. And all the while, Kasian keeps fucking me, hitting a perfect spot inside me with each deep thrust.

  It’s too much.

  My hands flail for anything to grab onto, and I fist Cross’s hair and cling to Theo’s shoulder as a second orgasm makes my body stiffen and contract. Kasian grunts as my inner walls clench around him, thrusting hard a few more times before he comes on a sated moan.

  The two men on either side of me sit back, although Cross gives my nipple one last flick before I lose his touch. It makes a few lingering sparks of pleasure explode inside me, and I shiver.

  “Holy fuck, Gabbi,” Kasian breathes, staring down at me with something like wonder in his eyes. “That was…”

  He doesn’t seem to be able to come up with the right word—and I don’t blame him; I can’t either—so instead, he just leans down and kisses me so thoroughly that I get a little dizzy.

  Then he pulls out and collapses onto the mattress beside me. Cross is near my head, and Theo is on the other side of my body from Kasian. All three of them are still touching me somehow. Fingers run through my hair, a palm caresses my hip, lips find my shoulder. I feel utterly cared for, desired, and… safe.


  A girl could get used to this.

  Chapter 36

  I wake up the next morning groggy, but thankfully without a hangover. I was sure I’d have one after all that food and drink, but I guess fae wine doesn’t do that to you.

  Either that, or all the enthusiastic sex from last night just fucked the alcohol right out of my system.

  I’m sandwiched between warm bodies, my face resting on Kasian’s chest as Theo curls into me from behind, his arm draped over my waist. Cross is on Kasian’s other side, and my arm is over Kasian’s chest so that my hand is holding onto Cross’s, our bodies all shifting against one another as we breathe.

  I feel warm, and safe, and cared for.

  And also sore in the best goddamn way.

  Last night was amazing. I’ve never had sex that good, and I loved every second of it, the four of us together. It felt right.

  Of course… last night, we were all drunk.

  I meant what I said about not choosing any of them and just being with all of them. It felt like a thought that had been wiggling around in the back of my head for a while, a coiling snake that just needed a bit of fae alcohol to strike. I’m certain about this. I want to be with all three of them.

  But what if… what if they don’t feel the same way? What if now that they’re sober and it’s the harsh light of day—well, relatively harsh, we are still in the fae realm, after all, and it’s just that perpetual half-light down here—they’ll decide it was all a mistake and they don’t really want this?

  One by one, the guys stir, and to my shock… none of them revert to jealousy. Instead it’s completely peaceful as they all open their eyes and see me and smile.

  I smile back helplessly, my heart thudding in my chest.

  Cross leans across Kasian’s chest to kiss me, and then Theo gently takes my chin in his hands and turns my face, finding my lips with his, and then last is Kasian, and I have to crane my neck up a little bit to reach him, but we manage.

  There’s no posturing. No taking back anything said or done last night. Instead it’s just… relaxed.

  Maybe we can really do this. It’s really happening.

  Holy shit.

  I’m a little freaked out by it. I mean, who wouldn’t be? Realizing that this is real, that I have three men who are willing to be with me, willing to share me without jealousy or petty arguing? It makes me giddy and a little lightheaded. I’m scared and elated all at once.

  We lie in bed together for a bit longer, and I sort of move between the three men, groping and kissing softly, nobody speaking as we all absorb this new change in our relationship. I can feel it—a shift in the atmosphere, not just between me and each of them, but between the three men too.

  Whatever this bond is that’s been slowly developing between us, building up day by day since the moment Cross first realized I wasn’t Roxie, it just became tangible. Solid.


  I wish we could spend a week down here to celebrate, preferably without any clothes on, but unfortunately, real life calls.

  After a while, we get up and get dressed, and then we’re summoned to see King Anzac one last time. He presents me with a charm on a necklace, and I take it gratefully. It’s similar to the last one that I had, but
this one looks much nicer. Like a necklace that Roxie would actually wear, something that will actually go with my outfits and not be commented on, just accepted as another piece of expensive jewelry that Roxie owns.

  Thank fuck.

  “Use this carefully and wisely, Dull Worlder,” King Anzac warns me. “You can do… passable magic of sorts with this. But you will never be as powerful as your other, or the men who stand with you. If you try for too much, you will be exposed. Tell no one where you obtained this.”

  “I won’t,” I promise. “I’ll be careful. And I’ll… keep you informed about Roxie. My other.”

  “Yes. Please do. She has much to answer for, it seems, both to us and to you.” King Anzac gives me a slight bow, and I curtsy, and then we’re escorted back out of the palace and taken to the entrance of the fae realm.

  As our fae escorts turn to go, I glance back in the direction of the palace. It’s hidden once again by the mist that shrouds it, but I swear I can almost see it if I squint.

  Here’s hoping I don’t have to come back here anytime soon.

  It’s beautiful down here, it really is, and I can see so many reasons why people get lost in here or want to come back after having a little taste, but it’s not for me. The upper world might seem dull in some ways compared to the fae realm, mundane or not as magical, but it also feels more real. More substantial.

  Also, I really don’t want to go through this portal jumping process any more than I have to.

  We appear back in the Hidden World in front of the Spire in the early morning, the sun having just finished creeping over the horizon.

  Thank God for that. I can’t afford to miss class.

  We hurry back, and I give each of the guys a quick kiss before heading to my dorm room to change and get ready.

  I feel a little giddy as I hop out of the shower. Despite a distinct lack of sleep last night, my body is buzzing with energy, and I don’t know if it’s from the amazing sex, the lightness in my heart, or the charm that pulses with magic—or maybe it’s a combination of all three.


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