The Wedding: Dark Romance

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The Wedding: Dark Romance Page 30

by Sienna Mynx

  “Oh, that’s okay. I don’t need champagne,” I tell the server.

  “Of course you do. I’m fine,” he assures me.

  I smile and accept it. He lifts his glass and I lift mine.

  “To us, to our new beginning.”

  “To us!” I say and clink my glass to his. I’m so excited and nervous I can barely eat. Brick doesn’t have that problem. He dives right in.

  “So you planned this all day, huh?”

  He reaches for his lemonade and drinks. “I haven’t eaten all day. I had so much to do.”


  “It’s okay. I’ll tackle that lasagna of yours later tonight,” he winks.

  I smile and feed him sole from my plate. We get our next course and its a bigger seafood dish. I have scallops and Brick has lobster. We eat and laugh and talk about the beach and all the things we want to do before we leave. And then music begins to play. I’m not sure from where. I’m halfway done with my meal. Brick’s done with his. He pushes out his chair and gets up.

  “Where is that music coming from?”

  “C’mere,” he says and helps me stand. I go into his arms. He sways with me under the tent. I stare into his eyes and all of me melts.

  “The first time I saw you I knew I had to know you. The first time I kissed you I knew I had to have you, and the day you came to me, and healed me when I was at my lowest, I knew I would never be the same if I let you go. Colette Larue, you are the most special woman in the world to me, in my life. I’m not perfect. I’ll never be. There will be times when I disappoint you, and times I may stumble. But if you believe in me I know I’ll be the man you deserve. The husband you deserve.” He lets go of me and gets down on his knee. I glance back to see the staff watching. I’m so happy. I’m so thrilled. I put a hand to my heart and give him my left hand.

  “Colette Larue, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” I scream. “Yes!”

  He stands and I jump on him. Brick is laughing as I smear his face with my red lipstick and gloss. He spins me a bit under the tent and lets me go.

  “We’re getting married tomorrow. Right here. On this beach. And when we get back to N’awlins we’re going straight to the courthouse to make it official. Okay? I called Georgie and Marcel. They will be here in the morning.”

  “You did? You told them?”

  “I told them. Marcel said I was always a copycat.”

  I laugh and hug his neck. I’m so happy. My ring is something out of a treasure chest. It’s a canary yellow pear shaped diamond surrounded by little diamonds. I love it. I absolutely love it. And I love him.

  The Wedding

  The Next Day

  “I can’t believe you are going through with this!” Georgie chuckles.

  “I know… it’s strange right?” I stare at myself in the mirror and can’t see nothing but happiness in my smile and eyes. This is my second wedding. The first one was a fake, because I didn’t know, trust, believe, or more importantly love him. The second one is real because I do all of things times ten. My heart has been racing since I woke up. It may not stop.

  Georgie puts the final touches on my hair. “You know, the guys always complain about our luggage and how much we travel with. Lucky for us we come prepared. This dress is so pretty!”

  I stand and look at myself in the mirror. It’s an assortment of colors, pink, yellow, purple, blue and white is the sheer overlay that has splits at the sides and long wide sleeved. The sheer layer is almost like a rainbow mist over the ankle length white spaghetti-strap fitted dress with a low-u cut bodice and open back. My pushup bra heaves my breasts to the point of exaggeration and I made sure not to eat my breakfast so my stomach could be washboard flat.

  I bought this dress two years ago in New York, but never went any place tropical enough to justify wearing it. Who knew it would be my wedding dress.

  “Is it too colorful? Do I look like a bride or the jilted mistress?”

  “It’s you, Coco,” Georgie laughs. “It’s you and Brick. Perfect.”

  I hug her and she hugs me back. “Wait! Wait right there!” she says and runs from the room. I stare at reflection and turn around to see how I look from the back. Georgie returns with my bouquet and a crown of tropical flowers, along with anklets. The resort brought these in when you were in the shower. I take a seat as she hands me the flowers. She puts the crown of purple, pink, yellow flowers on my head. And then she rolls the floral anklet on my left foot.

  “Oh wow, Brick’s going to go into cardiac arrest when he sees you.”

  “I hope not. I just got him back,” I smile.

  “But how? How did you change Brick in three days?”

  “I didn’t change him Georgie. He’s still Brick. I’m still Coco. I just told him I’ll love him either way. And that was enough. Brick even tried to play his saxophone for me last night. It’s like his healing is about our love. This place healed him and me. I’m so glad you convinced me to come back from New York, to try again with Brick. Because of you, we have our second chance.”

  “Me? Girl this is all you. You and crazy ass, Brick. Let me see that ring,” she takes my hand. I show her the ring and she grins. “Girl, he spent a fortune on this rock. How the hell did he find a yellow diamond this big on this island?”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared to ask him where he got the money,” I chuckle.

  “Yeah, well, you better understand where the money flows from if you are going back to N’awlins to play house with him. Brick is…”

  I put a finger to my friend’s mouth to silence her. “He’s going to be my husband. He’s my life. I don’t care if Brick works for space aliens, I’m not going to let him go. No way in hell. Okay?”

  Georgie nods.

  “Are yawl ready? It’s time to go, ya heard me!” Marcel yells from the living room.

  “Okay, baby! It’s time, Coco. You sure you want me to walk you out?” Georgie asks.

  “Yes, you’re my family. I don’t need my father and mother for this. Just you.”

  “Cool, it’s good practice for me.”

  Georgie slips her arm around my own. Together we walk out the cottage door to the sand barefoot. Today is different. The wind is blowing and the sand stings my eyes. I’m afraid my crown of flowers will blow from my hair. But the flowers stems are buried into my locks of curls. Nothing will stop me from my wedding, or this moment. The resort has laid out a white carpet for me, with huge conch shells on either side to keep it from blowing away. And instead of music from a record player he has a live band with a singer. And it’s my favorite song.

  People say we shouldn’t be together

  We're too impulsive to know any better

  But I say they don’t know what they’re talkin’ about

  'Cause our love is only getting stronger

  So I refuse to wait any longer

  I just wanna tell the world that you're mine girl

  So they can know about me and you


  They don’t know about the things we do

  They don’t know about the sweet ”I love you’s”

  And I bet you if they only knew

  They would be jealous of us,

  They don’t know about the up all nights

  They don’t know about healing after the tears and fights

  They don’t know I've waited all my life

  Just to find a love that feels this right

  They don’t know the real me and you.

  Under the large white tent that’s flapping is my man. He’s my best-friend, lover, and future. He has on dark khaki pants and a loose fitted Tommy Bahama white shirt. Marcel is standing next to him. Brick is smiling so brightly at me I’m blushing. We come together before the minister and Brick takes my hand. He faces me and I’m grateful for the tent covering. I can see him without blinking or baking under the sun. I pass my bouquet to Georgie and we hold hands

  Friends, we are gathered here today under the sign of the Lord to join
together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended to be honorable among all men; and, therefore, is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly….

  I’m rehearsing my vows in my head as the minister speaks. I want to say them with perfect conviction and inflection, and speak from my heart. To tell him the many truths about my love for him. My vow to live an honest, and open life with Brick. To never lie or deny him my love. To have faith in him always. To be the wife my mother never was, so he could be the husband my father never knew how to be. To raise a family with him that will be the bedrock of our legacy, and a testament to our love. For years I’ve closed my eyes to my sight. Dismissed my own introspective abilities—because I no longer trusted it. I believed in nothing but my art, not my heart. Now my eyes are open and I can truly see. Brick is my destiny— from now until eternity.

  Marriage is the union of husband and wife. It is a binding bond in ones heart, body and mind. It is intended for their mutual joy—for the help and comfort given to one another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly— it is a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained… I’m told that Byran and Colette have vows they want to say to each other.

  “I do,” Brick says. Georgie and Marcel laugh. I smile. Brick blushes. He gives a sly smile over his anxious response. “What I mean to say is I love you, Colette. I have loved and missed you so long I don’t know any other emotion. That is until now. Today, I know happiness. I vow to be the husband you deserve. To protect you, our love, your dreams, your desires. I vow to make you never regret this day, and any day we share. I am going to be the father I never had to our children. I’m going to build a life and future for them with my bare hands if I have too. I take you as my wife today and forever. And forever isn’t long enough.”

  The tears on my face seem never ending. I can’t stop. Georgie hands me a napkin and it barely works. I know I’m smearing my makeup. I try to say my vows, but nothing comes out my throat but a hoarse whisper. I’m smiling and crying. I don’t know what is wrong. Brick hugs me to try to calm me. It doesn’t work. When he hugs me I cry harder.

  “I just want to marry you,” Is all I can say.

  Georgie laughs and claps. The minister gives her a stern look. He continues:

  This is a beginning and a continuation of Byran and Colette’s growth as individuals. With mutual care, respect, responsibility and knowledge comes the affirmation of each one’s own life, happiness, growth and freedom. With respect for individual boundaries comes the freedom to love unconditionally. Within the emotional safety of a loving relationship – your vows have now become the fertile soil for continued growth. This relationship stands for love, loyalty, honesty and trust, but most of all for friendship. Before they knew love, they were friends, and it was from this seed of friendship that your new life and happiness is born. What token of love do you offer her?

  Marcel hands Brick a diamond and platinum band. He takes my hand.

  Repeat after me, with this ring I thee wed.

  “With this ring I thee wed,” he says and slips the ring on my finger. Georgie hands me the band Brick also bought for himself.

  Repeat after me, with this ring I thee wed.

  “With this ring I thee wed,” I say and slip the ring on his finger.

  May these rings be blessed as the symbol of this affectionate unity. These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they go – may they always return to one another. May these two find in each other the love for which all men and women strive to achieve. May they grow in understanding and in compassion. May the home which they establish together be such a place that many years of children and blessings are formed. I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.

  Brick attacks me. He sweeps me up into his arm so swiftly, I’m startled. I laugh and kiss him while kicking my feet. Georgie and Marcel cheer for us. I don’t know how long we kiss but Marcel taps Brick on the back to remind him of where we are.

  I turn to the small crowd of resort people who have gathered. “I’s married now!” I squeal. They clap for me. Georgie and I jump up and down squealing. The band plays and we’re dancing in the aisle. Brick comes for me and spins me out and brings me into his arms. We dance together and kiss. I could kiss my husband forever.

  Georgie surprised me. On her way over to our wedding she bought me a sexy negligee for my wedding gift. It’s a black web-lace corset that snaps at the panty seat. It’s high waisted and barely covers the lips of my sex and has bra cups for my breasts that expose my nipples. I have short sheer robe that ties to the front and stops at my hips. I’ve picked all the flowers, leaves, and stems from my hair. I teased it with my fingers.

  I hear Brick in the living room playing his saxophone. It squeals a bit but he’s able to deliver some melodious tunes from it. Enough to show improvement. I smile. I can remember the first time he played. It was like magic.

  And then his practicing stops. Brick has turned the station to ballad station. Sounds to me like Frank Sinatra is singing. Good enough. I had candles brought in to our room. I go to the shutters and close them to keep out the ocean breeze. And then I proceed to light over twenty candles with my matchbook.

  When I turn down the lights the natural candlelight glow is perfect. I’m stunned at how beautiful our matrimonial bed looks. I feel like a virgin on her wedding night. Though Brick can testify that I’m far from it.

  It’s time.

  I suck in a deep breath and walk out of the bedroom. Brick has a cloth and is polishing his saxophone. He’s transfixed on the thing. It’s like me and the saxophone were a package deal when he said his vows. He doesn’t have on a shirt. He’s only wearing his slacks.

  “Ah, hello?”

  His head turns abruptly. He stares at my face and his eyes go all the way down to my feet. He sets the saxophone aside.

  “Do you like it?” I ask. I untie the string that holds my sheer black robe together. And then let it fall off my shoulders to the floor. I turn for him so he could see the barely there back view of the negligee and then face him again. Brick’s smiling.

  I extend my hand to him. “Ready for your wedding night?”

  He nods. He gets up from the sofa and approaches me. I take his hand and walk him into the bedroom. Brick doesn’t look at the candles. He is only looking at me. And before long both hands are on me. I’m his captive. One of his hands slips between my legs and strokes my sex before he expertly unsnaps the panty. He is kissing me. And then lifting me to take me to the bed. He joins me and kisses my mouth to my throat. He’s rough with my delicate negligee and I can feel the thin lace ripping from seams. Oh well, it’s his to do with as he chooses. He collapses on top of me and my thighs part to accommodate him. I turn my face to the left and bite down on my bottom lip

  “I have always wanted to make love to you as my wife,” he says in my ear. Our faces rub. I revel in the scrape of his shadow of a beard against my cheek.

  Night had fallen. The moon and the stars were out there somewhere. The candlelight casts the room in shadows and fills the air with warm scent of vanilla.

  “Take my pants off me?” he says and lifts to hover above me with his hands. I unzip him and then push his pants down his hips as far as I can reach with my knees raised and apart, and my feet planted flat to the bed. Brick kicks the pants off his legs. He returns to me and his mouth grazes over mine before going to my nipple.

  “Do you call that a kiss?” I ask him and chuckle.

  “I want to kiss you somewhere else,” he says. Maybe he was in a generous mood because he didn’t make me wait for what came next. He moved further down and pressed kisses against the hollow of my belly, tonguing my belly button then brushing his lips over my mound. I’m open for him already. I like putting one of my legs over his shoulder, to make sure he stays on mission. But I should have known that would not be an issue. Brick used his pointer and middle finger to pry open my labia lips and expose my clit as I begged silent
ly for him to keep going. And then he closed his lips around my clit and sucked hard. My knees jerked backward and I grab them both to hold them and keep them apart. His deep, humorless chuckle vibrates against my pussy. Brick’s mouth suctions my clit between licks. And then he inserts two fingers and discovers how slippery wet I am for him. My ass lifts from the sheets. His two fingers slip out of me and his sucking ceases. His tongue delivers lashes to my pussy as his two fingers slick with my essence go into my anus. My belly quivered and jumps. The rhythmic pull of his lips, the increasing depths of his fingers in my anus continue and build so much sweet tension in my core that I can’t lose it. From the depths of my soul, I explode.

  I cream his mouth and chin. Brick lets me go and turns me over on the bed. He removes my tattered negligee from me. I’m nude, and so is he.

  I’m also shivering. My entire lower half is racked with deep shudders. He pats my pussy and it feels even more delicious. He then rubs my buttocks.

  “It’s mine now, isn’t it?” he asks.

  I smile. I point to the side lamp table and the lubricant I left for him. Brick sees it for the first time. I can tell by his deep chuckle.

  “I saved it for you?”


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