Falling for Her Husband

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Falling for Her Husband Page 5

by Karen Erickson

  His smile faded in an instant. “Before what?”

  “The accident? When you weren’t so worried I might shatter into a hundred pieces?”

  The smile was replaced with a scowl. “What exactly are you talking about, Amber?”

  Was the man playing dumb on purpose? God, she hoped not. “I’m hoping we can resume being…intimate soon.” She lowered her voice. “I missed you so much, Vince.” She didn’t remember much before the accident. From what she could figure out, a solid two or three months before she was hurt just disappeared from her memory. So strange, though Vince tried his best to reassure her everything was fine.

  Vince’s scowl vanished, replaced with an unmistakable expression of relief. “I miss you too, Amber. And if you want me to sit with you, I can. The chair is big enough. I’ll have to help you up, though, and settle in first.”

  “Let’s do it now.” She set the unopened water bottle on the table beside the chair, holding out her hand so he could take it. He pulled her into a standing position, trying to move past her so he could settle into the chair, and she didn’t get out of his way. He brushed up against her, his hard, hot body touching her soft, warm one, and she swore her knees grew weak.

  And not because of her injuries either.

  This was what she wanted, what she missed. Being with her husband, cuddling with him, kissing him. She was downright addicted to the man.

  “Come on, then,” he encouraged, holding her hand as he sat on the chair. She went down with him, aware of her casted arm as she nestled into the chair beside her husband. He made sure she sat on his right side and she cozied up next to him, her head against his chest as she sat in his lap.

  “This is so much better,” she said on a sigh. He grabbed the remote, turned on the TV and started roaming through the channel menu, and she closed her eyes, savoring being so close to her husband.

  Finally. So what if he was doing something so incredibly boring as channel surfing? She didn’t think they’d ever sat together and watched TV since they got married. They were always too busy working, traveling or making love.

  This, though, in all its banality, felt like absolute bliss.

  Vince had been so careful, so cautious around his wife since the accident. The amnesia still lingered and the doctor was unsure if she’d ever gain her full memory back. They’d conducted numerous tests, but all the results came back normal. There was nothing wrong with Amber.

  She just couldn’t remember the last three months or so of her life.

  Her arm was healing nicely after surgery. A consultation with the plastic surgeon was scheduled in approximately three weeks. She moved more fluidly again and she seemed in better spirits. More like the old Amber.

  Well, the Amber he’d first met and fallen in love with.

  There were no remnants of the angry, frustrated woman he’d argued with out on the street only a few weeks ago. He still couldn’t believe his luck that she didn’t recall that horrific fight. Her threats of divorce. He hadn’t mentioned what happened, afraid everything might come tumbling back and she’d remember every detail. He couldn’t have that, not now, when their relationship felt back on track.

  Amber wanted to be with him, and he wasn’t about to stop her. They could work on this. He could earn her trust, her love. They could find happiness again together. And once they did, then he could be honest and come clean.

  It wouldn’t matter by then. They’d be so in love. They might even laugh about their past troubles, it could be so good between them.

  “This is perfect,” she said on a sigh. “The only thing ruining it is my stupid cast.”

  “You won’t be wearing that much longer,” he reassured, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. She smelled amazing. “Are you comfortable?”


  “How’s your cheek?” The cut still bothered her, throbbing on occasion, and there was even some minor swelling. She didn’t look in the mirror much and he understood why. It hurt, knowing that her career could be cut short. “Do you need any pain meds?”

  “I’m fine, Vince. Really. I just need you,” she stressed. “I was so tired of being in that stupid hospital.”

  “I’m glad you’re home too.” He had plans for them. Big plans. Yes, he’d come to New York to take over the US headquarters of Renaldi Accessories, but he’d asked for a minor leave of absence after Amber was injured, which Matteo had given him. Family always came first for the Renaldis. “The accident…what happened to you scared me.”

  She lifted her head, her crystal blue eyes meeting his. His wife had the face of an angel and she’d used it to her best advantage during her modeling career. Even with the bandage on her face and no makeup, she was stunning. He preferred her fresh-faced and natural—he always had. “Will you tell me what happened between us that day? How did I end up stepping in front of a car and getting hit?”

  God. No way could he be truthful. He’d have to hedge around the facts. Just knowing he was being dishonest to his wife, the woman he loved, made him break out into a sweat. “You’d just gotten off work,” he started, his voice low, his audience of one completely captivated. She was curious and eager to discover the details that were frustratingly out of her reach. “I came by to meet you.”

  “Always the attentive husband,” she added teasingly.

  If she only knew the truth. “We got into a bit of a…heated discussion.”

  Her face was still pretty even wearing a frown. “Are you saying we argued?”

  “Somewhat,” he lied. “It was a minor thing, but you were upset.” More lies. Well, about the minor thing. “You walked away from me and I called your name. I sometimes believe that the accident was—my fault. That you turned when I yelled at you and I distracted you.”

  He’d never confessed that. Just lived with the pain these last few weeks as he’d watched her suffer. Agonizing over her finding out the truth, worrying over her injuries, afraid he could’ve been the one who did this to her. Not outright, since he hadn’t been behind the wheel of the car that hit her, but still. He’d distracted her enough to make her do something foolish.

  Like run out in front of a speeding car that had the right of way.

  Amber lifted herself away from him so she could meet his gaze head-on. “This wasn’t your fault.”

  “How do you know?” he asked incredulously. “You can’t say that with such conviction. You don’t even remember what happened.”

  “I know that you would never do anything to risk my life. You love me. And I love you.” She leaned in so she could deliver a smacking kiss on his lips. “We would never do anything to put each other in harm’s way. So of course it was an accident.”

  “But—” He started but she placed her finger over his lips, cutting him off.

  “No. An accident. This was no one’s fault.” She traced his lips with her fingertip, her touch so light it sent a shiver stealing through him. He parted his lips and she dropped her hand, brushed his mouth with hers again, softer this time. Lingering. As if she wanted more.

  God knew he wanted more. Needed more. He’d missed his wife so damn much.

  Reaching up, he cupped her uninjured cheek, holding her to him as he took over the kiss, parting her lips with his delving tongue. She welcomed him, the soft sound of pleasure making his skin tight, and he slid his fingers into her thick, silky hair, holding her to him.

  When was the last time they kissed like this? He couldn’t remember. All he knew was he could devour her. Kiss her for hours. Touch her everywhere. Slowly strip off her clothes…

  “Sorry.” He broke away from her still seeking lips, feeling like an ass. “We’ve gone too far.”

  “What? Are you serious?” The teasing smile curving her lips would be the death of him. He knew it. “We aren’t teenagers with curfews, Vince. You’re my husband. You can do with me what you wish.”

  If that wasn’t a bold invitation… “You’re still in recovery, Amber. I can’t push too hard. I don’t want to h
urt you.”

  “I’m not dead.” She slid closer to him, pressing her cheek to his so her lips rested just beside his ear. “I want you. It’s been too long since I’ve felt you inside me.”

  If she only knew the truth to that statement. They hadn’t been together in months. And her words of promise, the way she moved against him, the honey sweet taste of her still on his lips…it was taking everything within him not to jump her. Take her back to their new bedroom and christen that giant king-sized bed properly.

  “Amber,” he said warningly, but it was no use. His persistent wife was now nibbling on his ear.

  And she knew how much he loved that. What it did to him. Such a dirty trick.

  “If you’re afraid you’ll hurt me, don’t be.” She nipped his earlobe, and a low hum that he couldn’t hold back escaped him. “I know you’ll be gentle this time. We can take it slow. Can’t we?”

  He wanted to. God knew how badly he missed having her beneath him, naked and willing. But it would kill him if he hurt her. He’d never forgive himself. And what if he couldn’t control himself? Her body, the way she responded to his every touch and kiss had always been his weakness. The first time they met she’d flashed that wicked smile at him and he’d been done. Dead.

  They’d moved fast. One minute they were flirting, the next, they were kissing. And then…he got her into his bed.

  He never let her out of his life after that. Sexually, they were combustible.

  Could he hold himself back if he had her naked in his bed? He wasn’t sure.

  And he hated that he doubted himself.

  “What if you just make me come?” she suggested hopefully, making him laugh. “Don’t laugh, I’m serious. I’m all amped up, having you next to me. I can smell you. Feel you.” She nuzzled her nose against his cheek, and he pulled away so he could study her.

  “How do you think I feel? This is torturing me too, you know,” he said, meeting her gaze.

  The triumphant smile told him she knew she had him. “Finally, the ice man cracks. I was starting to think you’d turned into a nun.”

  “I’m insulted,” he murmured.

  Amber laughed. “Fine. A priest, then. Did you take your vows, Vince? Have you given up on our marriage and become a man of God?”

  “Now you flat out mock me,” he said on a growl.

  “I can’t help it.” Her tinkling laughter taunted him further. And aroused him almost past his breaking point. “I’ve wondered since the accident, what happened to my husband. He’s been replaced with a stranger, I swear.”

  That was it. He’d had enough. Standing, he brought her up with him as he cradled her in his arms and held her close. A soft gasp escaped her and she hooked her good arm around his neck to anchor herself. “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to our new bedroom and showing you exactly where your husband is.” He jostled her in his arms, giving her a little bounce but still being careful. Maybe he knew his limits after all.

  “Really? Where is he?” She trailed sweet, hot kisses along his jaw as he strode through the living room and down the hall, entering the giant master bedroom.

  “He’s right here. And he’s about to give you exactly what you want,” he said as he set her on her feet near the foot of the bed.

  “Promise?” She sounded so hopeful, he almost laughed.

  But he kept a straight face as he reached out and tucked a stray tendril of golden blonde hair behind her ear. “Would you ever doubt me?”

  She slowly shook her head. “No,” she whispered, her eyes wide and luminous.

  “Good. Because I vow I will never let you down. Ever,” he said, just before he kissed her.

  And completely lost his head.

  Chapter Eight

  Vince’s large, rough hands cupped her cheeks and held her still for his onslaught of devouring kisses, not that Amber protested. She loved it when he grew so commanding, so fierce when he touched her. As if it took everything within him to hold back from unleashing that restrained passion all over her. Usually, he broke down quick—always to her benefit.

  She had the distinct feeling that wouldn’t be the case today. He was too cautious, too afraid he’d hurt her. His consideration for her injuries touched her, but she wanted more. How could she express to him that she didn’t want him to hold back? She’d already tried once.

  At least they’ve gotten this far.

  They stood at the foot of the giant bed, Amber’s body trembling with need as his tongue delved deep inside the recesses of her mouth. Oh, how she’d missed this. Craved it. Human contact, specifically from her husband. She’d longed for his kisses, his touch, the entire time she lay in that hospital bed. The long nights alone in her room, staring out the window when she was unable to sleep. Thinking of Vince and how much she wished she were at home with him alone. Just the two of them. Talking and laughing, eating and exploring the city during the day, making love all night long. That was what they’d done when they first got together.

  Maybe once she was fully recovered, they could do that again. She’d like to travel more, especially since she would probably eventually give up on her modeling career. A sore subject she didn’t like mulling over too long since it depressed her. It was a decision she’d have to face eventually, but now…now it was too tough. She could hardly look at herself in the mirror; the gash in her cheek made her sad every time she caught a glimpse of it.

  Thank goodness she had plenty of money in the bank saved up for her future and her family’s future too. She couldn’t depend on her husband’s money no matter how often he told her she never had to worry again. She was too independent. Didn’t believe that her family’s poor financial situation should become Vince’s burden. Her mother had wanted to come see her, but her busy schedule hadn’t allowed it and they couldn’t get away…

  “I’m losing you,” Vince murmured against her cheek just before he dragged his lips along her jaw in a shiver-inducing kiss. “You’re drifting, Amber. Thinking too much.”

  “H-how did you know?” The man could read her every action, she swore. It was rather unnerving.

  “I have my ways. I know you better than you think.” His hot mouth closed over hers once more, his hands releasing their hold on her cheeks to drift down along her body before they settled on her hips. “Are you comfortable?”

  “I’d be more comfortable if I was lying on that massive bed,” she said, gesturing toward it with her uninjured arm.

  Vince chuckled and moved away from her, his eyes twinkling as he studied her closely. “You’re a funny little thing, aren’t you?”

  She frowned. He made her sound like some sort of strange creature when he described her like that. “If you’re trying to pay me a compliment, I think you’re going about it all wrong.”

  His chuckle deepened, the sound slipping over her and warming her skin. “Trust me, my wife. It is definitely a compliment. You always have a quick thing to say. You’re very…feisty.”

  “Mmm, you used to say you liked my feistiness.” That she could remember. He’d always liked her attitude, the way she gave as much as he. Vince didn’t like weak women, and she was far from that. She even remembered him telling her that she was too strong-willed.

  You think you can do whatever you want and I’m going to stand by and let you? You’re my wife, Amber. We belong together.

  Huh. Where did that conversation come from?

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes,” Vince said, tugging on the hem of her sweater. She lifted her arms dutifully, her mind elsewhere as she tried to recall the exact conversation when he would’ve said that to her. It sounded terribly macho and old-fashioned of him, to make such a broad statement.

  She didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  “It’s been so long,” he said on an exhale after he pulled her sweater up and over her head, tossing it on the floor without a care. He stared at her, his gaze drinking her in as she stood before him wearing just a simple black bra. “You still have bruis

  His fingers pressed gently on her right shoulder, trailing to her collarbone. She winced, hating that she wasn’t perfect for him. “Do they look bad?”

  “No.” He shook his head just as he bent and ran his lips along the length of her neck. “You’re beautiful. So beautiful.”

  When he said it like that, with such complete reverence, she could believe him. “I’m scarred,” she whispered. And scared. Vince was so handsome. He worked in an industry where he was constantly surrounded by gorgeous, perfect women. What if he grew tired of her? Her arm may never heal properly. She may never have full capacity of it again the damage was so great.

  And what about her face—what if all the plastic surgery in the world couldn’t hide her new scar? It was huge. She’d hardly looked at it in the mirror, but late at night, when worry nagged at her like a relentless beast, she touched her face, her fingers tracing the edge of the bandage. That bandage went on forever. Clear across her right cheek, practically the entire side of her face, from her ear to the corner of her mouth. She was ruined.


  “Your scars don’t matter, bella,” he whispered, his voice deepening with his accent. “I’m just so damn thankful you’re alive, standing here with me.”

  His brutally honest words touched her heart so completely she felt tears form in the corner of her eyes. Her throat thickened with emotion and she swallowed hard, closing her eyes to fight off the well of tears that threatened to slide down her face at any given moment.

  “You mean everything to me,” he continued, his accent still thick, which usually happened when his words were so raw. “I love you. When I thought I might lose you…I was beside myself.”

  “Well, you can’t get rid of me if you tried. I’m here now.” She cracked open her eyes and rested her hand against his chest, her palm flat against the center. His heart beat a thunderous race beneath her touch and she curled her fingers into his shirt, suddenly eager to pull it off him. “And there’s no place I’d rather be.”


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