Royal Affair

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Royal Affair Page 9

by Cristiane Serruya

  Angelica gasped at the words. If the size of the erection under her hand and the shuddering spams in her lower body were a signal, she was pretty sure they would indeed love it.

  Ludwig had to force himself to continue driving when she didn’t pull her hand away but continued the movement by herself when he released her hand.

  “Gott, Angelica.” He wished she would open his zipper and take him right there but instead of voicing his desire, he said, “Since it’s a national holiday in homage to Angus’s wedding, I’m free for the whole week, I’d love if you would spend it with me.”

  Sí. She wanted to stay, not only to prove to her family that she had and deserved a life of her own, but also because she wanted to learn whatever Ludwig had to teach her. But still, she hesitated. “This isn’t exactly how I had this planned.”

  “Thought you could use me for a night of hot sex and be done with me, huh?”

  Her cheeks flushed. “Hoy, no! I mean, sí. I mean…Cristo.” She groaned and slapped her forehead. “Yes, that’s exactly what I had planned. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not offended.” He laughed. He’d half expected her to be more guarded, expected maybe that everything would change in the morning light, that she wouldn’t be near as enticing as he’d thought the night before. But she was just as refreshingly different as she had been yesterday. That was part of what made her so appealing to him, how real and honest she was. “Say you’ll stay.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You want to spend the whole week with me?”

  He laced his fingers with hers, stopping the delicious teasing, and pulled her hand to his lips, kissing it. “Ja, the whole week.”

  “Ludwig…” There was a hint of uneasiness in her voice and then she gave a little laugh. “See what you do to me? I never had a problem finishing sentences. You’re very…”

  “Unexpected,” he filled in, using her own word from the night before.

  “Sí. Unexpected, mucho.” She shifted on the car seat so she could take a better look at his features. “I just don’t know how to react to you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” he said, letting go of her hand to make a turn and enter a small village. “Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”

  A few minutes later, he parked near his favorite luncheon spot, located in a neighborhood that was showing signs of wear and tear.

  The buildings were old and worn around the edges. The signs weren’t new, but they were taken care of. It was a contrast to the rest of Lektenstaten, which cultivated the paradox of being one of the smallest states in the world and also one of the richest. But as she knew very well, all countries had their Achilles Heel.

  Angelica smiled as she stepped out of his car. “This is more what I was talking about. Give me a little history.”

  Really. She’s interested in this. It gave him a bit of insight toward who she was, a person who cared about the people who lived there.

  “We’ve been working to rebuild this part of the city for the last ten years, concentrating on keeping the original feel.”

  She turned to him as he joined her on the sidewalk. “The people who live here can’t enjoy that. Ten years of construction?”

  “Not at first.” He put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her down the narrow street. “When I first broached the matter, there was contention. But…well, I’ll just show you.”

  “I was thinking of the noise. I didn’t think they’d object to improvements.”

  “Ah, but that’s the beauty of it. There’s no noise.” It felt so natural to walk with her, to be with her. She had no pretenses and demanded nothing except the truth.

  He felt like a kid in a candy store. He’d never realized until that moment that he’d never had the chance to share this part of his life with anyone before.

  In many ways, Lektenstaten reminded her of Aragon. But the architecture was completely different. She could tell by the structures of the place that they had a strong Swiss influence. Many of the buildings had steep gables and decorative moldings. She wasn’t going to claim she knew much about it, but it did interest her.

  On the way to one of his favorite restaurants, he explained how he had created the volunteer renovation project. He’d graduated with a degree in engineering before he decided to follow Angus in earning an MBA in Finance.

  Economics just helped him hone his engineering skills. And he never lost the love of working with his hands. Add all of that together with his desire to help others, and the project was born.

  “Systems Thinking is what most engineers lack today. To look at problems from a different angle and frame ingenious solutions to help mankind march forward.” With a wink, he added, “Economics and engineering is a deadly mix, if you have a penchant for both.”

  When they arrived, she was glad to see that it was just the type of place she loved.

  It felt like a small, family-owned affair. When time, work, and politics permitted, Angelica would go to similar establishments in Aragon where the owners knew her and didn’t make a fuss. They knew that she sometimes needed to be allowed moments of…being normal, and they tended to treat her almost like family. She had yet to convince Valantín to accompany her, which she felt would be good for him, and the community. So far though, she’d only gone alone. But since her wedding debacle, she hadn’t been anywhere. And it was not only because of her wedding. The Aragonese people, who had been unsatisfied since the death of her father, were still skeptical of their cherished king’s children running the country. After seven years, they were still viewed as children who had yet to prove themselves and earn the respect of the people.

  An older gentleman greeted them, taking Ludwig’s hand, and clapping him on the shoulder. “It is very good to see you, m’boy. It has been a long time.”

  “Garron, it’s good to see you.” Ludwig grinned and greeted him in return. “And this is Angelica.”

  Garron raised his eyebrows and took her hand in both of his. “A pleasure.”

  “It’s all mine.”

  “It is about time you finally bring a woman over.” He released her hand and clapped Ludwig’s arm again. “Too often, you come alone or with the boys. You must be a very special woman, Fraulein Angelica.”

  She delighted in being called miss. A pleasant reminder that she was just a normal, young person here. That also meant he hadn’t seen her wedding debacle, or if he had, he didn’t recognize her. She felt even more at ease here now. There were reasons she envied those who were able to tour a city or town anonymously. As a princess, she was guarded, sheltered, almost walled off. In moments like this, she felt like she was a part of the world. “We’ve only just met.”

  “Then the connection is kiosmisch.” He moved off, showing them to a table.

  Angelica didn’t know how cosmic their connection was, but she did have to admit she was having the best time of her life in such a simple moment. Her day was off to a fabulous start, following on the heels of an incredible night and morning.

  After seating them and getting them menus, Garron left, telling them his daughter would come out to serve them.

  Ludwig had a half smile on his face as he watched Garron disappear into the kitchen. “He was the first person to jump on board.” He leaned in, placing his elbows on the table, ignoring the menu. “You see, about ten years ago, as Angus and I were eating here…erm…him escaping from his duties in the palace, me from a…romantic entanglement, the kitchen caught on fire.”


  He nodded, seeing that she understood that in a village as tightly packed as this one, that could be disastrous. The fire could run away and consume the entire block before it was extinguished. “Well, we helped put it out. It was…well, it was a harrowing affair.”

  She wouldn’t even know where to start to put out a fire. She knew from reading books and watching a safety video or two that there were different types of fires and that each one was to be put out differently. “I can only imagine.”

  “Yes. Well, we decided we would choose Garron’s place to fix up first. Angus and I invested the money to update his kitchen equipment and his light fixtures, his wiring and plumbing. We installed a newer exhaust system so his kitchen would never catch fire again.”

  “That all sounds quite exceptional.” And it was changing how she saw him.

  He grinned. “It was just work. I did as much of the work as we could to help build relations. People here were seeing me as nothing more than another rich, pampered royal who wanted to own more buildings. And I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

  This really was his passion. He really cared for the people in this neighborhood. He could tell her about each of them and their families. He had stories about some of the misfortunes they’d experienced. And in each of them, he made sure she realized how extremely capable these people were at taking care of themselves.

  As he told her how he labored hand in hand with the workers and how he donated money for those who needed it, a sinking feeling hit her. Not dread. But a fear of sorts. This man was amazing. Too amazing. There was much more to him than beauty and wealth. And being incredible at sex. Her thoughts were dangerously close to going places she was not ready to go.

  She needed to think about her responsibilities to her own people, her own volunteer work, and the needs of her family. Her time in Lekten with Ludwig was intoxicating and dizzying, but it was just a short break from her normal life. She had wanted to be reckless and free, and she’d done it. And it was amazing. But the real world beckoned, and she would heed the call.

  But first, she would eat her one last meal with the one man who had awakened her body and her mind, and who spoke to her soul when he opened his.


  Ludwig had never had an opportunity to share this important side of his life with a woman before. None of the women he’d met had ever been interested.

  He felt like a kid at Christmas. She listened and she cared. He could read the enjoyment on her face and in the questions that she asked about each of the people he had helped. And the light in her eyes grew as her body and face seemed to relax more with each story.

  That was the one thing about people with money. The person would sometimes disappear behind all the glamour. Moments like this were rare. Moments where they could see one another, share one another, and simply be.

  And he didn’t want the day to end. As Cristina, Garron’s daughter, cleared the plates, he leaned over and took Angelica’s hand. “So, what’s your answer?”

  She didn’t have to ask about what. She’d been debating with herself if she should go back or not; if she could neglect her duties for a week; if she could risk exposing her heart to this amazing man for more time than she already had. “I have an important meeting I need to attend.”

  “Is there any way you can get out of it?”

  She considered it. “For how long?”

  How long will be long enough? Ludwig had no trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. He had met Angelica and felt a perfectly healthy lust, as he did with virtually every attractive woman he saw. With his prodigious sexual appetite, if he lusted for a woman and she was willing, he would slake it and be done with it. He already had it set in his heart that he wanted to spend as much time with her as he possibly could. Would they be able to sustain their spark for longer than a few days? He had felt connections to other women before—but nothing like this—and he wanted to make sure he had exorcised his lust for the princess before she left. If he missed her when she was gone, he wanted to know if it was because he actually missed her company and conversation, or if it was just that he hadn’t gotten his fill of her in bed.

  But the question remained. How long? “A week.”

  She shook her head at him. “I cannot be away an entire week.”

  “You seem to enjoy getting acquainted with my country. There are a few more places I can show you. A few more people you could meet.”

  She smiled, tipped her head to the side. “I would enjoy that, but perhaps another time.”

  “Then what would make you stay?”

  What would make me stay? She was tempted to stay anyway. However, she really did have a series of meetings already scheduled this week.

  Couldn’t someone else fill in for me? Just this once. She pulled out her phone and sent her brother a text message.

  Thinking of staying another couple of days.

  Her mobile buzzed a second after with an answer.

  Don’t do anything rash. We’ll cover things here. Be back on Friday to help me for Sunday.

  Ludwig raised an eyebrow at her, flicking his gaze down to her phone.

  She turned the screen off and set it back on the table. “I can stay until Thursday. Next Sunday is Magna Carta Day and I have to be up and working on Friday morning to wrap up whatever needs to be finished and help Valantín with his speech.”

  “That’s perfect.” It wasn’t, but it was better than nothing.

  “And what would we do in those few days?”

  He had more than a few ideas, most of which didn’t involve clothing.

  She seemed to read his thoughts. Her eyes took on a sultry glow and she leaned in. “Besides that.”

  He leaned forward as well, feeling a sudden urge to feel her skin, to smell her hair, to kiss her. “I’m pretty sure I can come up with a few things.”

  A small thrill of excitement shot through her. “What, for example?”

  Her eyes remained on his lips. He hoped she was imagining his mouth on her body. Her lips parted, and he could almost hear her moan again as she had that morning. “I have a few friends I could ask. We have a vineyard that’s quite lovely.”

  “We have several of those.”

  “But not like Mattheus and Henriquetta’s vineyard.” He wasn’t going to show her the high society life. She seemed to be almost put off by it. He had a few more ideas up his sleeve. “Hmm. Are you always so challenging?”


  “Well, keep in mind that I’m on a vacation of sorts. I don’t feel like working. I’ll match wits with you another time.” He winked at her. “How about we head home to shower and rest?”

  “That won’t be a new sight, but it could be exciting.”

  He rose, putting his hand on the small of her back. He loved touching her there. It was almost as if he was claiming her.

  “Just a moment,” he said, and he went to the counter with an old-fashioned cash register sitting at the end.

  She watched him and Garron talking as Ludwig paid the bill and she could see the genuine warm feelings and respect each man had for the other.

  That was probably what endeared him to her even more. Most people in his situation would be trying to make themselves out to be the hero in an effort to impress. But not Ludwig.

  Most men seemed to think she was only impressed with the finest things. They seemed to think that because she was raised in great luxury, that was the only thing she took stock in. Somehow, Ludwig had discovered she found value in the smaller moments.

  He is such an anomaly. A wonderful, wonderful anomaly.

  She didn’t know what to think about him. Or what to feel.

  But the afternoon spent with Ludwig and seeing all the things he had been able to accomplish in helping others had made one thing clear to her. She was a cynic. Being jilted at the altar had changed her. And while she marveled at the fact that he was the only man who had ever connected with her, she also realized she may not be capable of returning the favor. She could not commit.

  And that was a strange thought she hadn’t really considered before. She had always assumed that when the time came, she would be able to combine her life with another. However, that meant more than just living every day with a man. It meant being able to trust him, to believe in him. And while she would be able to have several moments enjoying his company, she doubted she would ever be able to trust Ludwig.

  He was, after all, a ladies’ man. He was quite good in bed and he knew how to c
harm women.

  What if the time spent with him was nothing more than him charming her? What if she was nothing more than another conquest?

  Then, she needed to remember that she had gone into this on a whim. She had wanted to rebel, to feel a momentary freedom. She wanted to experience what it was to live.

  And she had done all of that. She had even cleared her schedule to continue for another couple of days. She would enjoy him while she could for now.

  Because in the end—and there would be an end—she would return to her life and he would stay here in his.

  He would have conquered his princess. After that, he would have no need for her.

  Her hand clenched in a fist, but she kept a placid smile on her face. And really, I would have no need of him.


  “Really? You live with your brother?” Ludwig opened up the wine and served them both, handing Angelica her glass.

  “Half-brother. A little too close for comfort sometimes,” she said, before sipping her wine. “But I’m thinking of moving to the Harem, a small palace where the Taifa’s actual harem was kept.”

  He sat on the couch beside her and stretched out his legs, propping his feet on the ottoman in front of the couch on the far end of his bedroom. He was feeling relaxed and sated after their shower sex. “That’ll be particularly helpful.”

  She shot him a quick, curious glance. “Why?”

  He responded with a sensuous grin. “I wouldn’t think your brother would like to bump into us when I visit you.”

  “Oh.” I haven’t thought about that. “Well…that would certainly make it easy.”

  “I’ve embarrassed you,” he teased, his eyes alight with laughter, enchanted with the rosy tone that creeped on her cheeks. When she was relaxed and unguarded like now, it was an expressive face; a fascinating face that made a man want to look twice.


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