Royal Affair

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Royal Affair Page 29

by Cristiane Serruya

  Ludwig offered her a folding chair at the makeshift table, and then did the same for Alizia.

  Alizia giggled. “I almost feel like a princess.”

  Angelica chuckled and shook her head. “Being a princess is not what it is in all the books. It’s a lot of hard work, just a different sort.”

  Ludwig took the chair next to Angelica, his body on fire with need. Seeing her like this, so vulnerable and open, delved deep into the most instinctual parts of him. He wanted to protect her and to have her, but a part of him knew that in order for him to do that, he needed to claim her first. And while he had claimed her physically multiple times, she still hadn’t chosen him yet. He would make that happen. One small step at a time.

  “Princess Angelica is going to teach me how to eat properly,” explained Alizia to him.

  Her mother, Clara, snorted. “Good. I’ve been trying to teach you that for years.”

  “I feel like I should leave,” Angelica said quietly so that only Clara and Alizia could hear.

  “Nonsense.” Clara appeared to be exhausted, but she gave Angelica a slight smile. “My mother will be talking about this for the rest of her life, how she was able to serve Princess Angelica dinner on a makeshift table.”

  Ludwig, feeling her uneasiness, took her hand under the plywood and squeezed her fingers, and tried to make small talk to distract her. “Are you excited about the new hospital?”

  Clara handed a bowl to Angelica and glanced at Ludwig. “Well, I am, of course, but it won’t be here for at least another two years, so it’s hard to get excited.”

  Angelica smiled at her. “We were trying to get a new hospital pushed through years ago, but were turned down.”

  “Turned down?” Clara asked, her tone affronted. “You’re the ruling house. Our King didn’t want it?”

  “Oh, he did,” Angelica said hastily. It was never a good idea to make their king look weak. “It was a good idea, but we lacked the capital. And the people interested in doing it where overcharging. Took me this long to get it.”

  Alizia mimicked Angelica’s movement when she raised her spoon to her mouth.

  That’s distracting. A little too cute. Angelica laughed to herself.

  Clara narrowed her eyes and nodded. “Over-charging.”

  “Precisely,” Angelica said. “The people won’t feel a lot of those effects, but others would and it would strain the system. So, my brother decided to do things the smart way. We upgraded the existing hospital where we could until we could build the hospital the right way.”

  Silvia turned, placing her own bowl on the table and sitting down. “That is excellent and the last political topic of conversation for the evening.”

  They laughed and moved to other topics.

  When she bid her goodbyes, Angelica realized how connected to that perfectly lovely family she felt. And that was something she did not want to let go of.

  Abelardo let go of Americo and watched him crumble to the floor, a sneer on his face. “Vete al demonio, lame botas.”

  As that ass kisser had attempted to kill him and failed, so would Aguilar, who surely had assigned Americo the task of eliminating him. They would all fail for he was smarter than the lot of them. He alone had carried this revolt on his back, toiled through the obstacles that had been placed before him! They were the weak links, not him.

  He searched Americo’s pockets as he planned his next steps.

  Tomorrow was to be the day.

  He would eliminate the entire royal family and put an end to this madness. He alone would be responsible for taking down those that did not care for the common people of this country.

  He would ensure that this country ran as it should. And if he died in the process, that would only make it more certain than ever that he would go down in history. Not just as the savior of Aragon, but also as a martyr who died for his people.


  Saturday, June 11, 2016

  “What time is it?” Angelica asked Ludwig. She was eagerly awaiting Siobhan’s arrival.

  “Hmm…” He nuzzled at her throat, his hand running up her bare leg to tease her clit.

  She loved when he touched her. Like nothing she could remember. She stretched, her breasts smashed into him, her hair trailed over his chest and she felt his hard cock against her belly, ready to go again, despite the hours of lovemaking the night before.

  “Ludwig. I have to shower and do my hair.”

  He stretched his hand and grabbed his cellphone. “Not seven yet. We have plenty of time.”


  “Why not?” He kissed her, his tongue licking her lips, slipping in and out her mouth. “You are soft, silky, and wet where you should be. And I am horny as fuck and hard as a rock.”

  She didn’t object when he rolled over, slipped inside her and pumped leisurely, bringing her to a slow and easy climax.

  He grunted as he picked up his pace, chasing his own orgasm, bringing her to another shuddering high.

  “Cristo. You’re a talented man,” she sighed, smiling dreamily, floating on a quiet sea of bliss.

  He laughed, his electric blue eyes twinkling. “Easy to do good work when the material is the best.”

  Her smile turned into a grin.

  When Angelica thought of the future, it looked bright.

  Lauriana bit her lip as she stared at the phone, knowing that she could not just stand idly by and allow this to happen. Innocent people would die, including a mother who had yet to hold her babies in her arms.

  It was wrong.

  Picking up the headset, she dialed the police.

  “Can I help you?” a male voice asked.

  “There’s going to be a bomb,” she forced out, clenching her hand tightly until her fingernails dug into her palm. “In front of San José Cathedral.”

  “Hold one second.”

  As a sweet and melodic song sounded in her ears, Lauriana thought of hanging up so the call could not be traced. Her eyes trained on the clock as she counted the seconds.

  Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Forty seconds.

  “Guardia Civil, Roger Alcoa speaking.”

  “The royal family will be killed today,” she repeated in a rush. Forty-five seconds into the phone call. “In front of San José Cathedral.” Fifty-five.

  “Excuse me? Did you say bomb?”

  Sixty seconds. “Trust me on this!” Lauriana nearly shouted, hanging up the phone before they could ask her any more questions. She couldn’t allow this to happen, not in this way. Their cause had turned into a dangerous one and she wanted no part in it.

  She had given the police what she could; time, location. It was up to them to save the royal family now. But she felt a little better for having given them the chance to survive. If blood was spilt that day, she knew it would be on her hands still, but at least she’d given them a shot.

  If she could save their lives, she would, with nothing expected in return.

  “We’re here.”

  Siobhan rubbed her bulging belly lightly as the plane taxied on the tarmac, hearing the worry in her husband’s voice. Angus had not wanted to come anywhere near Aragon and they had argued about it on more than one occasion before she had eventually wore him down. She could understand his concern: putting his pregnant wife in the thick of an unrest, but she had to be here. Yet, having never known who her father was, and her grandmother putting her for adoption when her mother died, Siobhan had a deep need to connect with her family.

  “Aragon. I’ll add it to my list,” Jaxon said dryly, stroking Sunny’s fur as he looked at the couple across the plane from him. “Before I know it, I will be a world traveler.”

  “You already are,” Siobhan said, sticking out her tongue. She was forever grateful that her foster brother had decided to come along with them. The more people she had that she trusted surrounding her the more she felt at ease. Only Jaxon and Angus understood her true concerns.

  Truly, she was excited about coming to Aragon, meeting her extended fami
ly and helping out however she could to settle the unrest that was here. She wanted to stand with her family, to show that solidarity.

  “I feel like I married you both,” Angus said lightly. “Oh, wait, I married all three of you if you count that devil with claws.”

  Siobhan laughed as the plane shuddered to a stop. Lately, Sunny had been protective of her—so protective they had to lock the cat out of their bedroom so Angus could even touch her. She suspected it had something to do with her being pregnant.

  The door to the plane opened and she pushed herself out of the seat, huffing as the babies moved around in her stomach.

  Five months pregnant with twins—and Angus’s sons wouldn’t of course be small as her, but huge as their father—she felt as if her body was already stretched to an unusual size.

  Angus took her hand and helped her out of the plane, the bright summer sunshine hitting Siobhan’s face.

  “My family’s country!” she said, smiling at her husband and foster brother, as she felt something warm inside of her. An anchoring feeling in the land where she belonged. An orphan no more.

  She had a family tree. A history. And a legacy.

  Stepping onto the ground of Aragon made it all real to her, and she loved it.

  “Police! Open up!”

  Lauriana winced as they banged on her door once more, knowing that she would have to open it before they kicked it in.

  How had they found her? Didn’t they need more than a minute to trace a call? And why were they at her front door instead of trying to save the royal family?

  Reaching for the knob, she opened it and was greeted by six policemen. “Yes? How may I help you?”

  “You called in a bomb threat,” the police officer in front said, with no emotion in his voice.

  She shifted her stance, ready to close the door, but the man blocked it with his hand, shoving it open and motioning for his men to enter and inspect her one-room apartment. “Where did you plant the bomb?”

  “You’ve got the wrong—”

  “Don’t bother to lie,” he added, when she opened her mouth to deny. “We traced the bomb threat call to this location.” Not since the eighties had an incoming call needed to last three minutes or longer in order to trace it successfully.

  “I wasn’t making a threat. I was giving a warning. Why aren’t you doing something to stop it?” She sighed. While she was about to be in some serious trouble for making that call, she did not regret it. Her call could save countless lives, including those of innocent, unborn babes if the police acted quickly enough. When she had signed up for this revolution, no one had told her that they would be killing their own kind. His gaze narrowed before he nodded to his companions. “Take her to the station. We’ll see what else she knows.”

  Lauriana did not make a sound as they hauled her out of her apartment, gritting her teeth against the onslaught of tears. She had nothing to do with the planning. They could give her a lie detector test and she would pass with flying colors.

  Somewhere, though, someone was going to be grateful for what she did.

  “Welcome to Aragon,” Angelica extended her hands as Siobhan descended onto the pavement. “I am so excited you’re finally here.”

  “I’m even more excited. You have no idea.” Siobhan glowed as she looked around, taking in the view of her country.

  Ludwig greeted them as well, giving his best friend and Jaxon a solid handshake.

  “There’s a whole building of excited people over here. Just wait till you see all of their smiling faces.” Angelica led the three of them toward a building not far from the plane. “Siobhan, if you don’t mind, after you meet everyone, I would like you to do a very brief exclusive interview before the procession to the palace starts. I owe someone a big favor, and I promise it will only take a minute.”

  “I’m not sure what to say, but if you think it’s a good idea, then I’m all for it.” Siobhan smiled.

  “I think it’s one of the ways that you’ll be able to help us. And don’t worry. The reporter is a friend.”

  They entered the air-conditioned building and Siobhan took in a deep breath when she saw the royal family—her family—gathered and waiting on her arrival. They truly wanted her here.

  Angelica pulled back and allowed the others to greet Siobhan.

  Maria was the first to approach her, throwing her arms around her, followed by Anchela. Siobhan patted her back, tears rushing into her eyes. Valantín hugged her in his awkward way, before shaking hands with Angus.

  Angelica watched the exchange between them, seeing some of the tension ease from Angus’s face as he looked around and noticed that enough security surrounded the royal family.

  They had made sure they could start their own war and be perfectly safe.

  “And here comes the newest member of the royal family. Rumor was that she would make an appearance and it seems that those rumors were indeed true. I hope that our viewers can see the smile on her face. She looks happy to be here, even so soon after her honeymoon.”

  Abelardo tucked his hands behind his back and looked at the many television screens in the shop showcase, his mood darkening as he watched Siobhan make her way across the tarmac on her husband’s arm and a guy he had no idea who was trailing close behind, holding an orange cat.

  “That’s pathetic,” he murmured.

  He easily identified Angelica, as she stepped ahead to greet Siobhan.

  His mood grew darker as he watched Ludwig walking beside her and place a hand on Angelica’s back, offering his support to the young princess.

  He should be at her side, not that, that bastard.

  Growling, he clenched his hands tightly together. This was not how he had planned this to go. Angelica was to be desperate for his help, alone in her world looking for a way out.

  He was supposed to be that way out, not Ludwig.

  But his plan had backfired and he did not know how to fix it.

  Abelardo didn’t wait to watch as the royal family greeted their newest member.

  Aguilar deemed him a failure, sending Americo to kill him. He had not failed yet and he’d show them all. They had once had faith in his ability to succeed, to end this reign and start a new one, one that would be better for the people of Aragon.

  He still had a mission and he would not fail.

  “Jammers, we need jammers.” Chief Bandres ran out of the room Lauriana was in and motioned to every officer to follow her as she shouted. “Send the electronics team to the parade route with cell phone jammers a.s.a.p., along with all available units to search for anyone suspicious. Quick! We have less than twenty minutes.”

  Angelica’s smile was warm as she stared at Siobhan. “I hope you don’t mind staying in a former harem.”

  Siobhan’s eyes grew wide as they walked together to the limousines. “Are you serious?”

  Angelica nodded and gave a brief description of Aragon’s history and the building of Palacio del Al-Andalus, hoping Siobhan would love it as much as she did.

  Siobhan laughed. She couldn’t wait to tell Angus. “It’s perfect.”

  “I am glad you’re here,” Angelica said, tightening her hold on Siobhan’s arm. “It’s been so difficult lately, with the unrest. I just want this to be over with.”

  Siobhan patted her hand, hearing the pain in Angelica’s voice. “I understand, and I hope my presence will do some good.” She truly wanted to help, to ease this tension and restore her home country to its original grandeur. Angus had said more than once that she could help from the safety of their home, but Siobhan wanted to be in the thick of things, with her family. Angus understood the need, but did not like the idea.

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you happy with Ludwig?” Siobhan whispered to her as she took her place on the back seat of the limousine which would take her, Angus, Siobhan, and Ludwig to the palace through Aragon’s main avenue.

  Angelica’s cheeks pinkened. “Sí. Mucho.”

  Ludwig helped her when she
needed it. He pushed when she needed a push. He supported when she needed someone to lean on.

  She recalled the conversation she had with her brother. He had given her leave to make a life of her own somewhere else if she wanted to.

  Maybe it was time to think about that.

  They had to die. Abelardo gritted his teeth as he watched the people wave their flags, cheering on the royal family as they approached. He hated all of them, even the woman he had attempted to seduce.

  Everything was ready. Everything was about to be reset in this country and he could not wait to see the panic in their eyes; see their loss as he had felt loss.

  The crowd’s cheers grew louder as the procession approached and he pulled his cell phone from his jacket pocket, feeling the thrill move through his body.

  There would be so much carnage, but to make a difference, people had to die. The police swelled in numbers as the family grew closer. Abelardo ducked into the crowd as he recognized Inspector Alixandre.

  His punishment would be death for committing so many murders, but Abelardo was ready to die.

  The main limousine appeared, with King Valantín, followed by the one for Anchela and Maria, and the last one with Angelica and Siobhan.

  Abelardo raised the binoculars to his eyes.

  “Hijo di perra.” His ire grew as he recognized Ludwig seated with Angelica, as if he was part of the family already. He would die as well; it was just a pity he wouldn’t feel the man’s blood on his hands.

  Now, all he had to do was wait for the perfect synchronicity.


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