Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule

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Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule Page 8

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  They spent the next two and a half hours in discourse about the plan. By the time they adjourned, everyone was happy with all the details and knew their part. The one significant change that developed was that; only twenty-five representatives speak for the delegation; but, the petition would contain all six hundred, or so, signatures. The entire body would make the visit; but, the smaller group would meet with King Edward; so, he would not feel overwhelmed.

  "There is one other small matter.' Grace piped in. 'The OFSA does science missions focusing on specific regions outside our territory, in any given year. Since our technology is not advanced enough to make extremely remote journeys, we tend to examine items of interest along our Orion Arm of the Milky Way that are within a thousand light-year radius of the Federation. This year's mission was to the 32 Eridani; which is a binary system of two exceptionally breathtaking stars. The primary is a large yellow, but the secondary is blue-green; which is exceedingly rare. The farthest one is nearly ninety parsecs from us. And, from this vantage point, they are to observe NGC1300 a truly magnificent barred spiral galaxy.

  These assignments are often very dangerous. We tend to leap-frog to the destinations in short jumps; so, we can observe the space. We jump to a perch; extend a sensor net out as far as possible; survey the area; then jump to the far edge of that region; repeating the whole process again. So, the majority of the trip is done in two to three-light-year jumps. That way, we know if any occupants may pose a hazard. If space faring inhabitants are detected, we stop and ask permission to enter their domain, for scientific purposes. We will attempt to travel through peaceful sectors as far as possible; before jumping off into the unknown. Often, friendly sovereignties know their surroundings for great distances. They can often assist us with their neighbors; or, in understanding what regions are unclaimed.

  Though dangerous, we gain a lot of information from these excursions; including a map of friends and foes who are close; but, just outside our detection range. This year, Eridani Fleet was chosen for the year-long mission. And, we have enjoyed diplomatic relations with the Spiel since the war, in early 2249. They have agreed to help. They accompanied our vessels through their space; and they know the region beyond, for a fair distance. But, Eridani Fleet is now on its own. The last report puts them about two hundred five light-years out." She was interrupted.

  "So, what's the problem? I don't see where you're going here, Grace." Steven Nichols interjected.

  "Well, it's just that; we, have always made it a policy to bring all ships into our own territory; when significant changes are materializing. We never leave them way out in the field during any critical modifications; so, they are not left unattended and without aid. I believe, we should recall Eridani Fleet; but, it will take them some time to arrive. A recall message will take two and a half days to reach them; and, even at forty percent velocity, it would be a minimum of six days, with rest stops, to our borders. I was concerned about the timing of these amendments, with them out there all alone." Grace finished.

  "My feeling is that; you should issue the order, right now; but, we should proceed with our proposals, as quickly as possible.' Bill advised. 'I don't believe, we should wait. Things could get hairy if the disarray is allowed to continue." He added.

  "I will write the order, as soon as we adjourn.' She countered. 'Do you think, we should resume the mission, after; or wait and go on to another, next year?" She asked.

  "No, I think, we should complete it, when everything is stable. That one star is a rarity. Our scientists would never forgive us; if, we fail to study it." Bill responds with a chuckle.

  Command Action Message #CC59-R121367&


  From:F. Adm. G. Tonaka; F. Adm. W.O. Stephenson, C&C OFSA

  To:Vice Admiral Kura Neko Commander Eridani Fleet

  Re:Current Mission - 32 Eridani

  C.C.Quadrant 1 Commander; Theatre Two Commander; Inspector General

  Date:April 15, 2259

  Admiral Neko,

  You are ordered and required to terminate the above mission, immediately. Further, you are ordered and required to make best possible speed to a position inside OFSA territorial boundaries.

  There are current forces and events within our Federation that may negatively impact on our ability to assist you, if necessary. We have generated this order out of an abundance of caution. The mission will be revived, at the earliest opportunity that circumstances permit.

  Thank you.

  Fleet Admiral Grace Tonaka

  Fleet Admiral W.O. Stephenson

  I pay meticulous attention to the order to Admiral Neko. Recalls are only issued in troubled times. I am also acutely aware of the fact that he has been Commander of Eridani Fleet for ten years, now. I have to look at his record. Why is he being passed over for promotion?


  Helena and I pulled into a parking orbit, over Rigil HQ at thirteen forty-five on April 20. After receiving permission; we shuttled down and were in Admiral Stephenson's office, at fourteen hundred hours, as promised.

  "Both of you have a seat and relax. Would you like anything, at all?' Stephenson asked; after all, the proper protocols had been attended, and all greetings were complete. The Secretary of Defense, Attorney General, Marie and the other five quadrant level commanders were all present; with one person I did not recognize who was introduced as an Assembly Representative. We took up the offer; each grabbing a bottled water.

  It had been nearly three months since the last time either of us had been with Bill; and, we were shocked at his appearance.

  The paunch was gone. The Admiral was erect and vibrant. His hair was still thin and grayed; but somehow, his face appeared younger. We both must have displayed our surprise.

  "I started a new exercise program a couple of months back. I was feeling old and tired; and, it occurred to me that it was my sedentary life behind a desk. I started light; but, I'm up to sixteen kilometers on the bike, ten on the treadmill; and, I'm bench-pressing one hundred fifty pounds. I might even have medical do a few touch-ups during my next leave. A little more hair and fewer lines and wrinkles wouldn't hurt. I don't want to try looking younger. I just don't want to appear so near death.' He added as a partially stifled chuckle broke through the ear-to-ear grin. Then, he resumed.

  'Kurt, I think I speak for all of us when I say; you did a great job at Rho. I know you and George have both done it before; but, this time, I think we may have nipped it in the bud; and, excised its roots way down deep. How are the reports that are coming back from your covert units?" He finished.

  "They're relatively passable, Bill. IGB intelligence and investigation haven't found any more people; but, they keep turning up references, here and there. It's hard to estimate; but, I imagine the purge will be complete, within six months. But, I think we should leave a reasonably formidable intelligence force there covertly for a few years. If they just integrate into the society and circulate around the planet, they should be able to detect if any additional fragments are remaining. We can report anything they find to Chalisez. I believe; he is completely trustworthy. He knows Rho Three's future is with the Federation. I'd like to leave fifty there; until early 2262." I finished the report.

  "It sounds like things are good; and, the plan for the near future seems well thought out." It's your baby. Do what you have to." Bill finished and looked to Grace; who nodded her assent.

  "We're all here because of a constitutional crisis. The people in this room are those the King trusts the most. Everyone has put a lot of pressure on George to come up with some sort of plan we can use to eliminate the problem; because, he is so familiar with the constitution; and, devised the first plan for democracy. So, I'll let George do the talking. He can explain everything better than anyone." Grace finished.

  George took half an hour explaining the particulars of the situation; then, highlighting King Edward's repugnance with dictatorships. Finally,
he sketched out the plan. He sat back and relaxed; looking for a response when he finished.

  I had been sitting with as blank a look as I could manage until he concluded. Then, I tried to express a bewildered and naïve look. "Not again…" I mumbled it just loud enough for all to hear, as I shook my bowed head. The laughter broke the somber mood.

  "Don't worry, Kurt. It's not the same thing, this time. Your part in it would be just to support us with the King. He trusts us; especially you. So, he will listen if we are united. He may not agree; but, he'll give it serious consideration." George said earnestly with an ear-to-ear grin. There was a long silence; while, both Helena and I thought out our participation.

  I know, for my own part, at least, that; the democracy we are trying to achieve is particularly essential. It is not only what I believe; but, what both Old Tom and Emperor Edward I hoped we would accomplish over time.

  Most Orion citizens are cognizant of the quotations and statements those two historical characters made, eluding to the dangers of both party politics and organized religion, to the smooth operation of democratic government. However, few understand that both men found valuable lessons in religious instruction; yet, also realized that organized faiths invariably spawned radical, pugnacious, zealots intent on imposing their interpretation, on the masses; no matter who they had to kill, or how they twisted politics, to succeed. But, neither found any value in party politics. The former United States had best preserved the constitutional intent, when; bodies of candidates ran independently; and, the top contender assumed the position, whatever it was. Though it took a particular interval to fully manifest itself, the beginnings of formal groupings with common goals, platforms or aims were the malignant cells that metastasized into a tumor that utterly restricted administration of that nation. Parties ended up serving their own agenda over the good of the country; often, spinning the constitution to suit their own purposes; and vilifying persons or parties who disagreed. But, in my position, with such incredible access to records and documents, I have read enough to motivate me to explore the documentation of the distant past in an effort to understand why these two men were so adamant; and, why our King and the C&C strive so hard to comply with their wishes. I have studied the terrorists' attacks, fueled by theology, and the nationalized stagnation, created by faction based partisanship, of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. They contributed, in no small part, to the vast array of problems that led to our near extinction, more than two centuries ago.

  So, without reservation, I support any attempt, to keep our democracy healthy and robust, that eliminates the need for these two destabilizing infections to be permitted to creep into our lives and society.

  But, humans are an uncertain lot. We know right from wrong. We can analyze and determine what is needed to progress. But, our insecurity requires leadership to show us that; what we already know; is really the right path. So, in that light, we compel those like King Edward to steer the course. It works for me - if it means a smoothly functional representative government. Helena and I exchanged nods. Though I am not a mind reader, I was somewhat confident Helena's thoughts were echoing my own.

  "Of course, I'll support you. And, it's a good plan. When do we call on the King?" I asked.

  "We have a request for him to receive our contingent, tomorrow morning. We're awaiting a response, right now." George explained.

  "What's next?" Helena asked.

  "We have to go down to the amphitheater. Six hundred Assembly Representatives are chomping at the bit, down there, right now.' Bill jumped looking at the clock on his wall. 'Shit. I told them we'd be down there fifteen minutes, ago." He said as we all rose and quickly left the office.


  The hour in the amphitheater was fun. It turned into a raucous assembly. There were lots of question followed by detailed answers and explanations; but, the Representatives were mostly festive at the thought their situation was being addressed. It was decided that; the thirty-four-person delegation would be accompanied by all supporting Representatives; who would remain in the background.

  We all headed to the bar, downstairs, after that. The sizeable group enjoyed a few; as, we talked, joked and really got to know each other. Many Assembly Reps held us in esteem; much the same way we view the Secretary of Defense. I think all the Flag Officers present were overwhelmed by their acceptance. It was a restrained gathering. No one drank themselves into a stupor. We spent our time sipping at our personal selection and connecting with everyone else.

  Around eighteen hundred hours, the C&C somehow managed to detect enunciations from their data pads, despite the din in the room. It was a memo from the King's offices agreeing to a meeting at ten hundred hours thirty minutes, in the morning; and, asking for details on the delegation. Bill responded; forwarding all the appropriate information.

  We're lucky this is the OFSA. Transportation is never an issue. When Bill showed everyone the message, the eight senior Admirals, and both C&C began tapping out messages feverishly. Each Admiral's Craft would be available. They all would return to Earth, together, in style; allowing everyone to rest, on the way. We would just make the meeting; if, all vessels traveled at maximum speed and had a group of shuttles from the surface meet them to transport everyone directly to the official residence, from their individual ships.

  Though Rigil is headquarters for the OFSA and the location of Federation Government and legislature, Earth had remained the official center of the Federation; since the founding of the Empire on July 1, 2022. And though the Earth's Assembly meets in a stadium-like complex, in Wildwood Florida, that can accommodate its forty thousand representatives, the much smaller Federation Council meets in a parliamentary style hall adequate for its one thousand Representatives; and, all its sub-committees and administrative offices, in the Administration Center in Rigil New York. As long as the Monarch's seat of power was on Earth, it would be the center of Federation Government.

  On Wednesday, April 21, 2259, the thirty-four-member delegation was ushered into the King's reception room; as the remaining five-hundred-eighty-seven people waited in a spacious salon. This space was designed to impress all the dignitaries and senior government officials that had cause to visit the Monarch. Vaulted and coved white ceilings incorporating interesting detail peaked at fifteen meters. Three and a half meter high by two-meter-wide lighted windows bordered the space; each framed in finely carved wood trim. Swaged gold-trimmed burgundy velvet drapery adorned each casement; complementing the teal-green walls and white trim and ceiling. Overstuffed tufted wood framed armchairs and couches were accompanied by, seemingly fragile, glass-topped, wrought-iron side and coffee tables; ordered in small conversation groups. One chair was distinctly different. It conveyed the might and fortitude of a throne and was unsubtly embellished with a gold crown placard on the seatback's upper trim. Hand woven wool carpets garnished the floors; and, gilt-framed fine art and tapestries ornamented the walls. Chrystal chandeliers and mobiles gently provided and reflected illumination in a kaleidoscope of patterns throughout the room. Refreshments were available for all not included in the inner circle.

  The bright sunshine beamed in through ten-foot-high lighted windows and danced off many glassed top surfaces, carved crystal ornaments and gilded picture frames holding a collection of classic original paintings. It was all very elegant. It was all very majestic.

  Once all protocols were satisfied, King Edward and his wife became welcoming, warm and entertaining hosts. We all just visited for half an hour.

  "Well, there must be a purpose to this visit besides just getting to know each other." He said with a laugh.

  The Secretary of Defense spoke. "Your majesty, we need to have a serious discussion. But, we all felt it would be better to have Admiral George Bryant be our spokesperson.

  The King broke into a loud, prolonged full belly laugh.

  "If George is doing the talking than it must b
e serious; and, it can only be about one of two issues. Either another great war has erupted…' He trailed off for effect. '…Or, you want to change the constitution. I think I would have heard about another war; besides that mess out off of the border of Bootes and Draco. And I have caught a constant murmur, that has evolved into a roar, about the stagnation in our Federation Assembly. But, I think this will take some time; and though, this room is quite large it would be nice to have a little more air. Don't you think? Let's move to the patio. It's a warm, sunny, fresh day; and there's lots of seating out there." He finished as he rose.

  He led the way to the massive French doors; opening them to reveal an extended patio; replete with carved, polished-marble seating and glass topped tables; all assembled atop a limestone pad at least fifty by one hundred fifty feet in size; looking out onto a garden-like setting, complete with fountains and pools. Gasps of surprise could be heard from nearly all parties.

  We were offered various non-alcoholic beverages including iced tea, freshly squeezed lemon, lime, and orange aides; and the most mouthwatering fruit punch; along with finger-food sized pastries and sweet rolls.

  "Well, George; the floor is yours." He said, once all were quite comfortable and relaxed.

  Chapter 6 All Aboard!!

  Wednesday, April 21, 2259

  "We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." Abraham Lincoln

  "Well, your majesty, I think, it goes without saying, that the Representative Assembly is in trouble. It is fractious and extremely partisan. Behind the scenes, members have taken to working together to seek common goals. Various clutches have platforms and agendas; but, say they are not members of political parties. However, they vote in unified blocks. One group is substantial, at just under four hundred associates. Slightly more than six hundred have approached these cabinet members, the C&C and the Senior Admirals of the service for assistance. In particular, they asked for my help to develop and negotiate constitutional changes needed to resolve these issues and prevent them, in the future. To be frank, they initially demanded your return as Emperor and the restoration of the previous constitutional document." George was interrupted before he could continue.


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