Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule

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Righteous Reign II - Righteous Rule Page 11

by Thomas J. MacDonald

  Ship building yards and academies went into high gear, in 2259, in an attempt to stay ahead of the demands created by the increase in Mobile Fifth RAC and IGB. Twenty percent of warship production was reserved for the lifetime program; while half went to George and thirty percent came to me, at IGB. By November 1, 2259, Theatre Nine and Ten had grown by two Fleets and Theatre Eleven had expanded by a pair that would be moved to a new Theatre Command, when two more Fleets were assembled.

  During that entire period, the battle of wills continued, on the border straddling Boots and Draco. The constant strategic moves kept the pressure on Fifth Mobile RAC. But, George was sure that the enemy must be aware of his increased strength. He deployed the new ships to the existing Theatres, in the open, as they arrived; then, re-stationed them to needy positions. Even subs would be placed in the field uncloaked; then go dark and follow the zig-zag protocol they use to hide their locations. He wanted the Inscrutables to always worry about the force they faced; especially the "invisible" vessels that could destroy without being detected.

  Though the past twelve months had its problems, 2259 had been exciting.

  Chapter 8 The Battle of Lambda Bootes

  Monday, November 7, 2259

  "Our pleasures were simple - they included survival." Dwight D. Eisenhower

  Any commander of a large tactical military contingent must have innate battle skills, so sharply honed that; it is almost possible to sense the opponent's thoughts and plans. It is not the sweeping enemy movements that are hard to analyze. It is the smaller ones. If the foe moves a thousand ships; you have to counter that redeployment, just to be safe. But, if he has a force of a thousand and moves just a hundred, it may be for relief or rest of those on the front lines; or, it may be staging for a feint or diversion; and, that may be the prelude to a major attack.

  And in the course of normal operations, it is standard to make these small moves on a regular basis. And, it is an opposing commander's job to figure which of these is operational; and, which is tactical. A good general must be able to nearly read his adversary's mind.

  And so it was, on Monday, October 31, 2259, when George saw one hundred ten of the Inscrutables' warships form-up and jump towards a point in the line opposite Lambda Bootes, about twenty-six light-years from the current center of the line. He knew it couldn't be for relief. There were only forty enemy ships scattered along five light years of the front, opposite that star system. It was actually a weak point compared to other positions on the skirmish line. So, it could be to shore up that location; or, just a practice maneuver; or, it could be staging for an attack.

  George took a few minutes to study the stellar system. Lambda Bootes is an A-type star burning white/blue at eighty-seven hundred degrees Kelvin. It is almost twice the mass and diameter of Sol and shines at sixteen times the brightness. The light from this hot star has a high component level of ultraviolet. The system only has a couple of gas giants in cold, distant orbits; but, humanoid life is uncommon, if not unattainable, in these types of systems.

  Both gas giants boast a preponderance of moons. The Federation uses one in each planetary system for very formidable, large, high-resolution, ground-based monitoring stations. Punching a hole in the detection system here would create an expansive gap in the defensive perimeter; so, George assumes the move is a prelude to a raid - to destroy these stations.

  At their standard velocity, it would take Fifth's antagonist a week to reach the point less than three light-years from Lambda Bootes. He did not want to weaken the current formation to meet this possible offensive; so, he contacted Pal and ordered four Fleets and her command vessel, the Asgard to accompany the Valhalla, and its security flotilla, to Lambda. They would make the trip at forty percent of maximum speed; placing them on site, in a little over two and a half days. If the enemy contingent jumped across the border, Admiral Palakiko would meet them with eighty of the Federations dominant warships; having deployed eight hundred fighters onto the field before their foe even exited their jump points.

  The Theatre Ten vessels, accompanied by Valhalla and Asgard, landed at Lambda Bootes, at fourteen hundred, on the second; deploying thirty-two hundred eighty long range sensors to the border, and tapping into the two local observation stations. Then, they sat and waited; taking the time to organize and play a couple of baseball games, on the Valhalla's main hangar, between the two command vessel teams. By the fifth, half of all Raptors were patrolling within the intensely scrutinized region, in shifts.

  On Sunday, November 6, 2259, they spotted the enemy flotilla off the border at thirteen hundred thirty hours; which meant, they had actually landed there at around ten hundred hours. An hour later, they detected them jumping out. The trajectory indicated they were on the way to Lambda Bootes.

  George analyzed all the vortex paths. They would land half their force at each of the two planetary systems; so, it was likely they were after the two stations. It would take nearly seventeen hours from the detection time before the enemy would appear on-site; so, George took the time to shuttle over to Pal and discuss it with her. They would place a full Task Force Command in low orbit, around each moon defensively; and three task forces in a distant orbit, without their subs to hit the enemy from behind; when, they exited their event horizons. The subs would be sitting in orbit very close to the exact positions calculated for the enemy landings.

  The Task Force Commands in low orbit, at each planet, were ordered to defend their specific station and not attempt offensive action. The distant forces were commanded to begin attacking all out, as soon as event horizons began to form. Subs were directed to hold fire for five minutes after any remaining enemy Cruisers were in stable positions. All forces were instructed to deploy fifty percent of their raptors one half-hour before the enemy expected arrival.

  On Monday, November 7, 2259, at precisely six hundred thirty hours, fifty-five thresholds began to form at each planetary site. Fifth forces deployed offensive Raptors almost on top of these bubbles, Frigates and Cruisers a few kilometers behind them and Carriers just a little back of that line. Each line took on a sort of orange-section-shaped arrangement; protecting a narrow, more densely populated area, at the leading edge; but, more broadly and widely situated at the rear. The pattern allowed the line of Frigates and Cruisers to fire into the center from above and below the Raptors; and the Carriers operating from above and below the cruisers. This permitted each stage to shoot without a forward one situated within their line of fire.

  At the innermost planetary site, nineteen wormholes were collapsed before the encapsulated vessel could hatch. At the outer planet, the same was true of seventeen enemy craft. Thirty-six warships were destroyed before the Inscrutables even entered the battlefield. Fine dust and pulverized material seemed to spew from unseen pores in the fabric of space-time; creating a dusty cloud at each location.

  But, thirty-six ships at one site and thirty-eight at the other did exit their travel conduits; firing wildly and blindly into the surrounding space in an attempt to ward off any attack they could not yet target with sensor systems. Like driven hail in a tornadic storm, sheaves of spears poured on to them while particle weapon charges jack-hammered their shields and hulls with the concussive force of small nuclear weapons. A few moments elapsed; while, the Inscrutables got their bearings and aligned and coordinated sensor and weapon systems; but, they finally focused everything they had on Fifth Mobile vessels.

  Admiral Bryant had long ago developed a technique of deploying Raptors in three operation modes. A forward group was always equipped with weapons for both fighting and bombardment. Behind them, a group was loaded for fighter-to-fighter dogfights. In proximity of our own ships, Raptors carried supplemental particle traps and heat seeking missiles for defending their Carriers and supporting ships.

  And so it was that a Raptor squadron leader, at the inside site, came up with a tactic that changed the way we would deal with an enemy forever after. Slipping in under the hail of fire, his squad worked at d
estroying enemy ship launch catapults; used to deploy fighter craft. One after the other, they moved from ship to ship removing their ability to dispatch these other weapons platforms; or, ensuring those already launched would be forced to exhaust fuel; without the ability of ever returning to their parent vessel. The Asgard was the Command Ship in this region; so, Palakiko sent a message containing sensor images of the action to Bryant, aboard the Valhalla, in the other system.

  George did not want to interfere with the CAG and his duties; so, after watching the replays, he sought out Rear Admiral Malakali Uchuvchi the Valhalla's aero-fighter senior Commander; instead of asking him to the Flag Bridge. CAG officers are independent of the Carrier's Command line. They always hold equal or superior rank to the ship's skipper; and, fall under the jurisdiction of the flotilla Flag Officer controlling their tactical level. For example, CAG on a Group level carrier will answer to the Group Commander. Aboard the Theatre station, the CAG is directed by the Theatre Commander; and so on. This is because, Raptors are operated by independent pilots; fighting within groups or squads, in open space; employing tactics specific to their tasks; and, completely unique to those practiced by large warships. So, CAGs receive their orders from their superior and build a tactical plan for their team that will enable them to meet the objectives of the Command. Even launch, recovery and maintenance teams fall under their chain of command. In wider operations, the senior CAG determines the broader tactics all other subordinate ones will adopt.

  And so it was that Mal passed on the sensor clip to all subordinates in his chain; with orders to adopt the technique, immediately.

  Getting this information to fighters in the field takes a little time. You cannot force-feed it to them; without distracting them from any current fight. So, messages are sent to each Raptor which stores the data; enabling an enunciator light and chime. The pilot will view the information on the heads-up display when circumstances permit viewing. And, the next shift of fighter pilots, still aboard their vessels, will be fed the information in their pre-mission briefings.

  But over the next ten or fifteen minutes, both George and Pal could see the forward Raptors' tactics changing. More and more were adopting the concept of destroying enemy launch tubes.

  Several hours after the battle began, the only enemy fighters in either battlefield were floating dead in space; or, on some trajectory to nowhere; a result of residual momentum they had, when they died.

  Palakiko and Bryant had both agreed, during their face-to-face, that; they would use their command vessels and their protective flotillas, to shield any resupply. Throughout both battles, both ships had used thrusters to snake their way in and out of formations; providing defensive cover fire; while maintaining the majority of their targeting on enemy front lines. So, both contingents of Fifth ships were well sustained. But, as in the last fight, the same was not true for the Inscrutables. George felt they had not changed this tactic; because they had targeted facilities so far afield; and, did not believe they would be engaged so forcefully. At any rate, it was Pal who brought the enemy situation into perspective.





  From:Admiral Palakiko Theatre Ten Commander

  To:F. Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  Re:Status of Enemy Forces - Lambda Bootes

  Date:November 7, 2259


  Our sensor systems are detecting depleted emissions from power generation systems and shield generators on enemy vessels, in our region. Have you monitored the same?

  Admiral Palakiko

  George sent out a communiqué to all OFSA vessels, in the region, asking them to surveil their antagonists to confirm Pal's observation. Fifteen minutes later, reports streamed back; indicating power losses were widespread throughout the enemy fleet; prompting him to send the following.

  Tactical Action Message #FMC59-1344A1




  From:F. Adm. G.T. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To:Admiral Palakiko Theatre Ten Commander

  C.C.OFSA Office of C&C H.Q. Campus

  Date:November 7, 2259


  You are ordered and required to keep as much pressure on enemy forces, as possible; but, with an eye on disabling, not destroying, the enemy ships. The object here is to force them to use shields and weapons at a rate that will prevent them from jumping out; until, their power is depleted.

  I seek one or more enemy vessels and crew, intact, to enable us to examine and understand this enigmatic foe.

  Fleet Admiral G. Bryant

  George sent off orders to all those at his battle site; echoing the theme outlined within the TAM to Pal; but, with details tailored to the specifics of this combat region. He knew it could be impossible to save all the ships; and, that was not necessary; so, he tailored the order so teams would let up a little when only two enemy warships remained.

  Out the view-window, he eyed fighters weaving through both sides' weapons discharges; strafing enemy ships with cannon fire; as Theatre Ten ships launched salvos of cannon and railgun shot, accompanied by hundreds of missiles and torpedoes, every minute. He observed near instantaneous rippling or shredding of panels as the heavy weapons fire hit; and, the rapid expulsion of interior gasses, bodies, and equipment as punctures suddenly appeared in their hulls. Their opponent; though, facing depleting resources, returned fire at a metered rate. The space between the two formations was full of high-speed projectiles and flashes; periodically lit by the sun-like starburst of an Inscrutable ship erupting into a massive flare. George was sure that Admiral Palakiko would be viewing an almost identical scene.

  The fight raged on until sixteen forty-five; when, Inscrutable ships started self-destructing, one after the other. By seventeen thirty, both contingents of Theatre Ten were alone in their sectors; left to wonder how a people can have such a casual view of life that; they can take this mass-suicidal approach to battle. George sent a memo "in the clear" to Pal.


  Not Encrypted but Classified

  From:F. Adm. G. Bryant Commander Fifth Mobile RAC

  To: Adm. Palakiko Commander Fifth Mobile RAC Theatre Ten

  Re: Battle at Lambda Bootes

  Date:November 7, 2259


  We have experienced a situation where we are left with no enemy vessels for post-conflict examination; because of, their penchant towards self-destruction. I assume the same is true, at your position. Though discouraging, I suspect there is considerable material floating, in space, at both locations, that might be put to use in our engineering departments and specialty laboratories to determine the nature and capabilities of the Instructables' ships. Please take the next few hours to recover what you can; then meet the Valhalla, here, at zero hundred November 8, 2259.

  Flt. Adm. G. Bryant

  The two Commanders compared notes when they reassembled their forces. They had recovered parts of what they believed were power, shield, environment and particle charge generation systems. They now had small hull panels containing embedded sensors and thrusters, too; along with a couple of particle cannons and magnetically directed kinetic weapons. But, they lacked a computer system; which would have given them insight into the Inscrutable language, home world and capabilities. It was time to return home, to the front line of the ongoing struggle.

  George filed his wrap-up report of the battle the following day. Fifth Mobile had lost the Cruiser Collatia destroyed with all hands. Another forty fighter pilots and forty-two Raptor class fighters were lost. Total casualties were listed at one thousand three hundred twenty-one dead and seventy-one injured. Fifth Mobile destroyed all one hundred ten enemy warships and their estimated eleven hundred fighter craft. George estimated enemy casualties at eighty-two thousand five hundred dead. How long cou
ld this rival endure this foolhardy course of action? How long could they continue to suffer losses at nearly seventy times what they inflicted? It all seemed ridiculous to him.


  On December 1, 2259, the C&C sent the schedule, for the plan for Fifth Mobile, that was approved by The Secretary of Defense. They wanted to continue the growth of the two existing Theatre Commands to twelve fleets and add the third, of the same size. They also sought to address a need the increased staff and added Command Station Super Carrier would create; by, having Bryant nominate someone officially to serve as his deputy. They projected completion of all phases of the expansion by December 1, 2261. The Command would be more than twice the size of a standard one, by that time.

  His response to the "Deputy" idea was that he was happy with the current situation at his C&C level. But, he believed the best course for Mobile Fifth RAC was to make each of its Theatre Commanders level eleven full Admirals equivalent to Quadrant Commanders; since, Mobile Fifth RAC, in its entirety, was no longer at that level; but, was nearly half the size of the four earliest quadrants combined. He pointed out, it was more like a mobile HQ in size and organizational structure. He would set strategy, policy, and objectives for them; but, the Theatre Commanders would be responsible for how those requirements were met; and, their own tactical situation. As their direct Superior Officer, he would be able to take tactical jurisdiction of the entire force, if required.


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