Drawn Through You

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Drawn Through You Page 21

by Sarina Rhoads

  “Sure will,” she replied, and then left him and Shaun for a couple that had wandered in.

  Cole poked at the battered deliciousness, tempering his fingertip to the heat still radiating from the hot grease. “Hot,” he mouthed to the beautiful woman across the table.

  “Yeah, I can see the steam rising,” she added, taking a sip of her beer, obviously not willing to burn her fingerprints off. He could still hardly believe she was here with him. He loathed the idea of their time together having to end.

  “You know, you’re really different here. Here in your element.”

  “Here as in Charlie’s or here as in Sweetwater?” he asked, still not ready to burn his tongue on a fritter, although his mouth watered.

  “Sweetwater. You’re just,” she lifted her shoulders in a non-committal gesture, “I don’t know, comfortable. Sure of yourself.” He pondered her words and hoped that they were meant as a compliment. “Do you want to work at Jacobson’s all your life?”

  Cole appreciated the lack of judgment in her question. He shrugged, not sure anymore, since he’d experienced something completely different while working at the firm. He loved Jacobson’s because it had belonged to his father and the customers were like family. But he couldn’t decide if that was enough now.

  “I’m sorry. It’s really none of my business. I just think you’re too talented to limit yourself.”

  “What about you? Don’t you get tired of showcasing someone else’s work? I mean, your suggestions played a huge part in the final proposal.”

  Shaun bravely selected and popped a fritter into her mouth, moaning as she chewed. “I was raised to believe that you’re only as good as your next achievement, so I never stayed in one place for long enough to see it that way. Jacobson-Wright Contracting is my longest-running relationship.”

  A relationship about to end if his uncle succeeded with his plan, he thought. Guilt bubbled to the surface like acid, at the ready to ruin everything. “Shaun, I…”

  “Here we go. Two Grill Monsters.” Grace set down a burger in front of each of them and a platter of waffle fries to share. “Anything else I can get you?”

  “I think we’re all set.”

  “Enjoy.” Grace patted Cole on the back and disappeared through the kitchen doors.

  “Wow. I’m not sure my mouth will fit around this.” Shaun grabbed a knife and started to cut the burger in half.

  “I don’t know about that. You did pretty well–” A waffle fry flew through the air and pelted Cole right between the eyes before landing on his plate. He laughed and popped the square of deliciousness into his mouth. “Hey, you can’t waste good waffles fries like that.”

  “You’re lucky it wasn’t the burger.”

  “Fair enough. Can I say something?”

  “Can anyone really stop you?” She smirked.

  Cole ate another waffle fry while Shaun tackled half of her burger. “I really like you like this.”

  She wiped a drop of ketchup from the corner of her lips, looking absolutely adorable. “I beg your pardon?” she mumbled through a full mouth.

  He chuckled, maneuvering his hands around his own burger. “I mean away from the office. Relaxed.”

  “Oh.” She dipped a fry into the ketchup, swirling it in a circle. “Can I say something?”

  Cole nodded, his mouth too full to speak.

  “It feels real nice to be relaxed.”


  Cole pulled on a pair of track pants and grabbed his phone, ready to head downstairs and let Jester out for a walk. He felt reluctant to leave Shaun alone in his bed. She looked so beautiful lying there, hair wild and fanned out across the pillows. The multi-faceted chestnut tendrils glistened in the rising sun, which reached through the loosely closed blinds for a coveted touch.

  Hair he’d knotted around his fist last night while he rode her hard from behind. Hair that had brushed and teased his groin while she drove him mad with her mouth. Hair he had threaded his fingers through while her head rested on his chest once they’d paused to catch their breath.

  Before he woke her in search of a taste to stave off his growing hunger, Cole hurried downstairs and opened the side door of the kitchen, Jester promptly barreling outside. He inhaled a lungful of fresh air and glanced out over the small lake in the backyard, an eerie mist dancing along the calm surface. He imagined how easily he could get used to the idea of being here with Shaun, waking with her wrapped in his arms. That was, if she would ever consider splitting her time between Sweetwater and Mason for him. They could make a go of something more committed. More definite. He’d of course have to build a place for himself off his mother’s land. A move he knew deep down had been long overdue. He’d just never had much of a reason until now. Shaun successfully coaxed out an all-new ambition within him. A hunger to breach the constricting confines of his comfort zone and explore new possibilities on his own.

  Thinking of his mother, Cole put the phone to his ear and listened to his voicemail. He stretched his free arm over his head, bracing it against the upper doorjamb. His mom had carried on about usual mother stuff when her numerous calls went unanswered. Was he all right? Was he in the hospital, bleeding somewhere? Did he remember to eat? God, he loved her so much. He only hoped she would understand how different he felt, care of the few short weeks away and the woman asleep in his bed.

  Returning to the kitchen, Cole scoured the cabinets and fridge, piling up the supplies he would need to make a hearty breakfast. He set a cast iron skillet down on the open burner, the memory of the day spent with Shaun curving his lips into a permanent smile. The bacon sizzled when dropped into the heated pan, the scent heavenly but soon overshadowed by the sharp lick of pain he felt on his bare chest every time the meat popped and sent blazing hot grease his way. He retreated to toss four frozen waffles into the toaster oven, positive Shaun would be as hungry as he when she finally woke. Maybe he would bring a tray of food up to her. A huge romantic gesture. If only he had a tray, he thought. Most likely following the scent of cured pork frying to a crisp, Jester cut his run short and parked himself strategically at Cole’s feet, the bushy tail sweeping the wooden floor and tickling his bare ankles.

  “Hungry, bud?” Jester barked his affirmation, and Cole tossed him a piece of meat as he moved the cooked slices to a plate.

  “All right, what exactly is wrong with you?”

  Cole coughed, nearly choking on the piece of bacon he’d nabbed for himself as he turned to find Shaun standing in the doorway of the cozy kitchen, her arms folded over her chest. She was wearing the heather-gray RCIT t-shirt he’d laid out for her, and the lower hem rode up high on her thighs, pulling his attention.

  “What do you mean?” he replied while surveying the well-charted territory with approval. He found a knowing smile waiting for him when his gaze finished the slow upward climb.

  She shrugged, stepping farther inside. “You cook, could live comfortably off the furniture you make – with the right connections and an ambitious business plan, of course – and you’re fairly easy on the eyes.” She swiped a strip of bacon from the plate on the countertop with a smirk and took a bite. “Why hasn’t some woman snatched you up already?” she asked between chews. Her bottom lip shined from the bacon grease, and Cole ached to lick the salty slickness with his tongue. He curled his hand around her waist and guided her against his chest, and then both palms found purchase on her fine backside.

  “Maybe I wasn’t all that interested in being snatched.” He touched the tip of his nose to hers and whispered, “Until now.”

  The words came out with minimal effort on his part, completely unexpected. Yet he couldn’t deny the truth behind them. He missed working at Jacobson’s and bullshitting with the guys between customers, but all that took a backseat when compared with a chance to be a self-sufficient man able to hold the interest of a woman the caliber of Shaun.

  Unfortunately, a sobering mix of shock and panic wrestled for control of her facial features in re
sponse to his revelation, forcing Cole’s revived confidence to falter.

  “Uh, did I say something wrong?” His heart took the express elevator down to the pit of his gut, waiting for her answer.

  “No. Not at all,” she replied – the universal code for yes, you did. She took a step back, freeing herself from his hold. He didn’t make the mistake of reaching for her again. He couldn’t risk a second rejection.

  Cole cursed in his head. He’d pressed too hard, charging through the perfect moment, as graceful as a herd of elephants. From the moment he’d felt the mutual attraction the evening they’d stayed late together at the office, he’d sensed Shaun needed to be in control. Needed that wall of self-preservation to protect her from feelings she didn’t care to disclose. Not ready to watch her build that wall back up with reinforcements because he was moving too fast, Cole redirected the conversation to a less controversial topic – food.

  “There are waffles in the toaster oven, and take as much bacon as you want.” He glanced at the small portion of breakfast meat left. “I can make more.” He smiled sheepishly. “However, I have to put a shirt on first.” He pointed to the few red blotches where the hot grease tagged his skin.

  “Oh, shit,” she said, failing to hold back a laugh. “I’m sorry.” She smoothed a gentle fingertip over the still tingling skin.

  He pulled away this time, but not because her touch hurt his healing wounds. More like he needed to do a little self-preserving of his own, her reaction to him moments before still stinging his heart. “Yeah, yeah. My fault.” He winked and handed her a green ceramic plate from the upper cabinet and some cutlery. She picked up three strips of bacon with her fingers and a waffle from the oven. “Coffee?”

  “Yes, please.”

  He poured a fresh cupful into a mason jar dressed with a strip of brown bridle leather sewn around the center and handed it over. Shaun lifted the jar into the air, inspecting the leather collar. “You?”

  Cole laughed and nodded, not thinking much of the coffee jars he’d taken a stab at constructing until now. “Yeah. Don’t look too closely. It’s not very good. My stepdad does a hell of a lot better, and I asked him to teach me once.”

  “I think it’s beautiful.” She lowered the jar with an appreciative tilt of her head.

  “Thanks.” Feeling his cheeks start to burn, Cole pointed to the small counter next to the fridge. “Sugar and cream are over there.” Skipping the offered add-in, Shaun drizzled maple syrup on her waffle and searched for a table to sit at. “Head on upstairs. All surfaces on this floor are otherwise occupied.” He smiled and gave her a gentle swat on her ass. He scrunched his face, ready for a possible puss full of hot coffee, but instead was gifted with a soft squeak from his target, who playfully narrowed her eyes at him over her shoulder. When she disappeared from the kitchen, Jester followed close on her heels, most likely hoping she’d have pity and share her bacon.

  “Dammit!” Cole muttered once sure she was out of earshot, and dropped his fist down on the counter in frustration. The silverware shook with a mutual fear of the unknown. The time he and Shaun had spent together this weekend had felt good between them. Not clearly defined, but good nonetheless. Why did he have to go fuck it up with his big mouth?

  Releasing a low sigh, Cole made himself a plate of food and proceeded upstairs to join Shaun, catching her setting her empty plate on one of the spruce end tables he’d built himself. Cole wondered how she could’ve eaten so fast, but from the way Jester was licking his chops, Cole suspected she’d had a little help.

  “I hope that was okay?” Shaun asked, catching onto his train of thought. “He looked so sad.”

  “I bet,” Cole replied, shaking his head at Jester. “He has a talent for hamming it up when he wants something bad enough. I can go get you more if you’re still hungry.”

  “No, thank you. I’m good,” she said, taking a sip from her coffee jar, both hands clutching the leather in reverence. Cole figured he must have been wrong about her appetite. Or maybe she wasn’t a big breakfast person. There was so much he didn’t know about her and so much he wanted to learn.

  Charging on despite a waning confidence, he arranged a few of the pillows against the headboard and sat down in bed next to her, trying not to think about how short their time together grew. He couldn’t tell if things had progressed far enough to change their relationship back in Mason or if this weekend was only a casual fling to soon be forgotten. He took a bite of his waffle, thinking he’d better stuff something inside his mouth before he said something he’d most likely regret.

  “So,” she said, drumming her fingers against the leather collar.

  “So,” he replied with a mouthful of dough, tip-toeing through the conversational minefield.

  “You took a bus here, right? Or did you drive?” she asked, savoring another sip.

  Small talk. Okay, he thought. He could do small talk, although his pastime of choice required far less clothing. “Bus,” he answered. “My truck is in good shape, thanks to Jake, but I wouldn’t push my luck with that long of a drive. Not to mention, Old Bess is a country girl at heart.” Did he just admit to naming his truck Old Bess? Out loud? To Shaun?

  “Old Bess,” she asked, hesitantly as if waiting for a punch line. Cole started to try and explain about the horse his parents had, but ceased when she threw up a hand. “Never mind. I probably don’t want to know.” Cole wondered if he should forge on anyway and attempt to convince her that he had a perfectly rational reason for naming his truck. Baffled by how things could take a turn for the awkward so fast.

  “The reason I asked,” she said, fingers starting a more nervous tempo against the jar. “You’re welcome to fly back to Mason with me. There is more than enough room.”

  Yes, Cole thought to himself. God, he wanted to say yes.

  “Or not,” she continued when he didn’t answer straight away, crossing one bare leg over the other. “If you have other plans, that’s fine too.” The tight line formed by her lips said the exact opposite. Maybe he hadn’t screwed up in the kitchen like he feared. However, consistent with textbook Shaun, she needed to exact control of the situation. Hold the reins. Cole was more than willing to appease. For now.

  “No. I mean yes, I would love to go back with you.” He could see the uncertainty in her eyes. She set her jar down next to her plate, then sandwiched her clasped hands between her thighs and started to turn her chin away from him. “I mean it.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “Unfortunately, there are some arrangements I have to make before I can leave, and I also have to apologize to my family for my absence yesterday. My mom bitch-slapped my voicemail box.” He took another bite out of his waffle, trying to appear cool about everything, although inside he was grinning like an ass. She wanted him to go back with her.

  “Oh.” She glanced down at her hands. “I hope she isn’t too mad about yesterday. I mean, I’m sorry if she is.” She started to worry her lower lip.

  “No, please be anything but sorry.” Fingers sticky from the syrup, Cole grazed his knuckles over her jaw. “I didn’t want yesterday to end, and I’m pretty fucking annoyed about us having to go back, period. But, my boss is a bit of a hard ass.” He leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers.

  “Is that so?” she asked, leaning into his tender touch.

  “Mm-hmm,” he replied. “Would you mind if I stop by when I make it back to Mason?”

  She pulled back and licked her lips. “You sure you won’t be too tired?”

  “No. So you better save some of your strength.”

  Shaun laughed and stole a strip of bacon off his plate. “Well, that is pretty presumptuous of you, Mr. Jacobson.”

  “You bet your sweet ass, Ms. Wright.” Cole grinned wide and snuck a bite of the bacon she held. He set his own plate down and sucked his fingertips clean of syrup. He could eat later, but now he hungered for something far sweeter.

  Rising off the bed, he took the last bacon strip and whistled for Jester. The dog popped up
to his paws and came running straight for the offered treat.

  “Sorry, bud.” Cole led him out the door, then closed it, leaving Jester on the other side with his consolation prize.

  He stalked back to the foot of the bed, and Shaun shifted under his stare, gripping the sheets beneath her. His gaze traveled up her long, bare legs, and he noticed her thighs squeezing together.

  “Cole,” she said, voice shaking slightly.

  “Mmm?” he replied, digging his knuckles and knees into the mattress, crawling toward her on all fours, a predator preparing to descend on his cornered prey.

  “I have a plane to catch,” she breathed half-heartedly.

  “I know. So, shh,” he replied with a finger pressed to his mouth. Balancing on his knees, he skated his hands up her legs and slipped them beneath the thin t-shirt. He groaned when he discovered the absence of panties. She pressed a palm against his chest, but it soon fell away when his middle finger found her slick opening. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. Cleaving her soft folds with a slow back and forth motion, Cole pushed inside her for a deeper caress.

  “God, Cole,” she moaned, hands gripping the sheets beneath her even tighter.

  “I couldn’t let you get on a plane without one last taste to hold me over.” A soft gasp escaped her lips. He shifted lower, stretching flat onto his stomach. He pushed her thighs apart, exposing the sweet feast between her legs. His cock ached, pinned as it was at a painful angle against the bed.

  Cole worked the t-shirt above her midriff, baring her to him. So beautiful. So his. Unfurling soft, plump petals to reveal a tender bud, he stroked her gently with the calloused pads of his thumbs, using the roughness to her advantage. He then speared his tongue deep into the recess of her heat, sampling the nectar of her arousal. Her back arched, hips bucking upwards. He pushed deeper, unable to get enough, as if his last breath resided within the center of her body, waiting to be unlocked. Her cries of pleasure could barely be heard over the beating of his own heart. Cole felt himself falling hard, and although it was scary as all hell, he refused to stop. He couldn’t have stopped, even if he’d wanted to. And he couldn’t imagine ever wanting to.


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