Sensational Six: Action and Adventure in Sci Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal Romance

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Sensational Six: Action and Adventure in Sci Fi, Fantasy and Paranormal Romance Page 47

by Sasha White

  Folding a lighter into her hand from the kitchen, she lit every single candle, then turned to him and started unbuttoning her blouse. Standing across the room, by the window, and in full daylight, she started stripping for him, slowly as the candles combined with her scent and flooded the room.

  But by the time she’d reached the last button, he’d grown into a desperate state. He panted and his shoulders hunched. He felt his grayle power itching to release. He folded his shirt off and let the smoky mist rise around him.

  Her lips parted and she gasped. “I think this is taking too long.”

  She waved her hand and poof, clothes gone. He growled and came at her fast, turning her toward the bed, plowing her backwards, and as he got her flat, he made his way inside her beautiful wetness.

  That she laughed, cooed, and whimpered told him she didn’t mind, not even a little. He made love to her briskly, barely two minutes of wild touching and pushing, before she arched beneath him, crying out, his body releasing into her in electric pulses of ecstasy.

  They were definitely on their breh-moon.

  She held him fast, her arms encircling his neck as she kissed him on his cheek, his forehead, his lips.

  He spoke words of love and lust and heat and all that they were together.

  He took her again, slower this time, bringing her to climax repeatedly until at last he spooned her and slept away the last of the afternoon.

  He woke up as the sun sank low on the horizon, Vela and the beautiful mass of her hair, cradled against his chest. The peace he knew astounded him, the completeness, a sense of destiny fulfilled.

  When she moved and looked up at him, he smiled and kissed her. “Looks like a beautiful sunset.”

  “Show me.”

  He rose up from the bed and wrapped her in one of the sheets, laughing the whole time. He took her onto the balcony, and she leaned against his chest sighing contentedly.

  Holding his woman in his arms was probably the best sensation he’d ever known. “I love you,” he whispered.

  She sighed again. “I love you, too. Now and forever.”

  Now and forever.

  The desert, with all that dry earth, wind, and dust, made beautiful sunsets full of rich yellow, orange, and lavender hues, one of the beauties of the expansive Sonoran desert.

  And he shared it now with Vela, his woman, his breh.

  He marveled at life, at all the wealth that had come to him in just a few short weeks, of loving Vela, of knowing her deeply and intimately, of having her love him in return, and of starting this new life with her as a goddamn righteous Warrior of the Blood.

  Thank you for reading The Darkening. I hoped you enjoyed it.

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  Ascension Terminology

  AAF pr. n. Allied Ascender Forces, Endelle’s army.

  ALA pr. n. Ascenders Liberation Army, the name Greaves assigned to his army.

  ascender n. A mortal human of Earth who has moved permanently to the second dimension.

  ascension n. The act of moving permanently from one dimension to a higher dimension.

  ascendiate n. A mortal human who has answered the call to ascension and thereby commences his or her rite of ascension.

  call of ascension n. A period of time, usually involving several weeks, in which the mortal human has experienced some or all of, but not limited to, the following: specific dreams about the next dimension, deep yearnings and longings of a soulful and inexplicable nature, visions of and possibly visits to any of the dimensional Borderlands, etc. See Borderlands.

  ascension ceremony n. Upon the completion of the rite of ascension, the mortal undergoes a ceremony in which loyalty to the laws of Second Society are professed and the attributes of the vampire mantel along with immortality are bestowed.

  answering the call to ascension n. The mortal human who experiences the hallmarks of the call to ascension, will at some point feel compelled to answer the call to ascension usually by demonstrating significant preternatural power.

  call of ascension n. A period of time, usually involving several weeks, in which the mortal human has experienced some or all of, but not limited to, the following: specific dreams about the next dimension, deep yearnings and longings of a soulful and inexplicable nature, visions of and possibly visits to any of the dimensional Borderlands, etc. See Borderlands.

  rite of ascension n. A three-day period during which time an ascendiate contemplates ascending to the next highest dimension.

  the Borderlands pr. n. Those geographic areas that form dimensional borders at both ends of a dimensional pathway. The dimensional pathway is an access point through which travel can take place from one dimension to the next. See Trough.

  breh-hedden n. (Term from an ancient language.) A mate-bonding ritual that can only be experienced by the most powerful warriors and the most powerful preternaturally gifted women. Effects of the breh-hedden can include but are not limited to: specific scent experience, extreme physical/sexual attraction, loss of rational thought, primal sexual drives, inexplicable need to bond, powerful need to experience deep mind-engagement, etc.

  cadroen n. (Term from an ancient language.) The name for the hair clasp that holds back the ritual long hair of a Warrior of the Blood.

  catch skin vb. When a blade draws blood.

  Central pr.n. The office of the current administration that tracks movement of death vampires in both the second dimension and on Mortal Earth for the purpose of alerting the Warriors of the Blood and the Militia Warriors to illegal activities.

  Command Center pr. n. Headquarters for the Allied Ascender Forces, currently at Endelle’s Palace, Thorne’s base of operations.

  the darkening n. An area of nether-space that can be found during meditations and/or with strong preternatural darkening capabilities. Such abilities enable the ascender to move into nether-space and remain there or to use nether-space in order to be two places at once.

  the darkening grid n. A grid built centuries ago, by powerful Third Earth entities, that spans Second and Third Earth for the purpose of travel, transport, and access to Second Earth. The crossing of the dimensional boundary that allows access to a Lower Dimension, makes the grid highly illegal in the multiple-dimension arena.

  darkening grid monitor n. A Third Earth specialist who tracks movement on the inter-dimensional darkening grid.

  death vampire n. Any vampire, male or female, who partakes of dying blood automatically becomes a death vampire. Death vampires can have, but are not limited to, the following characteristics: remarkably increased physical strength, an increasingly porcelain complexion true of all ethnicities so that death vampires have a long-term reputation of looking very similar, a faint bluing of the porcelain complexion, increasing beauty of face, the ability to enthrall, the blackening of wings over a period of time. Though death vampires are not gender-specific, most are male. See vampire.

  dimensional worlds n. Eleven thousand years ago, the first ascender, Luchianne, made the difficult transition from Mortal Earth to what became known as Second Earth. In the early millennia four more dimensions were discovered, Luchianne always leading the way. Each dimension’s ascenders exhibited expanding preternatural power before ascension. Upper dimensions are generally closed off to the dimension or dimensions below. See off-dimension

  duhuro n. (Term from an ancient language.) A word of respect which in the old language combines the spiritual offices of both servant and master. To call s
omeone duhuro is to offer a profound compliment suggesting great worth.

  dying blood n. Blood extracted from a mortal or an ascender at the point of death. This blood is highly addictive in nature. There is no known treatment for anyone who partakes of dying blood. The results of ingesting dying blood include, but are not limited to: increased physical, mental, or preternatural power, a sense of extreme euphoria, a deep sense of well-being, a sense of omnipotence and fearlessness, the taking in of the preternatural powers of the host body, etc. If dying blood is not taken on a regular basis, extreme abdominal cramps result without ceasing. Note: currently there is an antidote not for the addiction of dying blood itself but for the various results of ingesting dying blood. This means that a death vampire who drinks dying blood then partakes of the antidote will not show the usual physical side effects of ingesting dying blood; no whitening or faint bluing of the skin, no beautifying of features, no blackening of the wings, etc.

  effetne n. (Term from an ancient language.) An expression, an intense form of supplication to the gods, an abasement of self, and of self-will.

  folding v. Slang for dematerialization, since some believe that one does not actually dematerialize self or objects but rather one ‘folds space’ to move self or objects from one place to another. There is much scientific debate on this subject since at present neither theory can be proved.

  grayle n. (Term from an ancient language.) The name for a misty power that only Third Ascenders possess. This power has two facets: a potent stream capable of taking life and a battling form that increases folding speed, levitation capacity, and physical power. Grayle is most often found among warriors.

  grid n. The technology used by Central that allows for the tracking of death vampires primarily at the Borderlands on both Mortal Earth and Second Earth. Death vampires by nature carry a strong, trackable signal, unlike normal vampires. See Central.

  Guardian of Ascension pr. n. A prestigious title and rank at present given only to those Warriors of the Blood who also serve to guard powerful ascendiates during their rite of ascension. In millennia past Guardians of Ascension were also those powerful ascenders who offered themselves in unique and powerful service to Second Society.

  High Administrator pr. n. The designation given to a leader of a Second Earth Territory.

  identified sword n. A sword made by Second Earth metallurgy that has the preternatural capacity to become identified to a single ascender. The identification process involves holding the sword by the grip for several continuous seconds. The identification of a sword to a single ascender means that only that person can touch or hold the sword. If anyone else tries to take possession of the sword, other than the owner, that person will die.

  Militia Warrior pr. n. One of hundreds of thousands of warriors who serve Second Earth society as a policing force for the usual civic crimes and as a battling force, in squads only, to fight against the continual depredations of death vampires on both Mortal Earth and Second Earth.

  millennial adjustment n. The phenomenon of time taking on a more fluid aspect with the passing of centuries.

  mind-engagement n. The ability to penetrate another mind and experience the thoughts and memories of the other person. The ability to receive another mind and allow that person to experience one’s thoughts and memories. These abilities must be present in order to complete the breh-hedden.

  mist n. A preternatural creation designed to confuse the mind and thereby hide things or people. Most mortals and ascenders are unable to see mist. The powerful ascender, however is capable of seeing mist, which usually appears like an intricate mesh, or a cloud, or a web-like covering.

  Mortal Earth pr. n The name for First Earth or the current modern world known simply as earth.

  nether-space n. The unknowable, unmappable regions of space. The space between dimensions is considered nether-space as well as the space found in the darkening.

  off-dimension n. An expression referring to an ascender not being on his or her prime resident plant, e.g., an ascender from Second Earth who goes rogue and lives on Mortal Earth would be considered off-dimension.

  pretty-boy n. Slang for death vampire, since most death vampires are male.

  preternatural voyeurism n. The ability to ‘open a window’ with the power of the mind in order to see people and events happening elsewhere in real time. Two of the limits of preternatural voyeurism are: the voyeur must usually know the person or place and if the voyeur is engaged in darkening work, it is very difficult to make use of preternatural voyeurism at the same time.

  royle n. (Term from an ancient language.) The literal translation is: a benevolent wind. More loosely translated, royle refers to the specific quality of having the capacity to create a state of benevolence, of good-will, within an entire people or culture. See royle adj.

  royle adj. (Term from an ancient language.) This term is generally used to describe a specific coloration of wings: cream with three narrow bands at the outer tips of the wings when in full-span. The bands are always burnished gold, amethyst, and black. Because Luchianne, the first ascender and first vampire, had this coloration on her wings, anyone, therefore, whose wings matched Luchianne’s was said to have royle wings. Having royle wings was considered a tremendous gift, holding great promise for the world.

  Seer pr. n. An ascender gifted with the preternatural ability to ride the future streams and report on future events.

  Seers Fortress pr. n. Seers have traditionally been gathered into compounds designed to provide a highly peaceful environment, thereby enhancing the Seer’s ability to ride the future streams. The information gathered at a Seers Fortress benefits the local High Administrator. Some believe that the term fortress emerged as a protest to the prison-like conditions the Seers often have to endure.

  spectacle n. The name given to events of gigantic proportion that include but are not limited to: trained squadrons of DNA altered geese, swans and ducks, ascenders with the specialized and dangerous skills of flight performance, intricate and often massive light and fireworks displays, as well as various forms of music.

  Supreme High Administrator pr. n. The ruler of Second Earth. See High Administrator.

  Territory pr. n. For the purpose of governance, Second Earth is divided up into groups of countries called Territories. Because the total population of Second Earth is only one percent of Mortal Earth, Territories were established as a simpler means of administering Second Society law. See High Administrator.

  Trough pr. n. A slang term for a dimensional pathway. See Borderlands.

  Twoling pr. n. Anyone born on Second Earth is a Twoling.

  vampire n. The natural state of the ascended human. Every ascender is a vampire. The qualities of being a vampire include but are not limited to: immortality, the use of fangs to take blood, the use of fangs to release potent chemicals, increased physical power, increased preternatural ability, etc. Luchianne created the word vampire upon her ascension to Second Earth to identify in one word the totality of the changes she experienced upon that ascension. From the first, the taking of blood was viewed as an act of reverence and bonding, not as a means of death. The Mortal Earth myths surrounding the word vampire for the most part personify the Second Earth death vampire. See death vampire.

  Warriors of the Blood pr. n. An elite fighting unit of usually seven powerful warriors, each with phenomenal preternatural ability and capable of battling several death vampires at any one time.

  What-Bee pr. n. Slang for Warrior of the Blood, as in WOTB.

  wings n. All ascenders eventually produce wings from wing-locks. Wing-lock is the term used to describe the apertures on the ascender’s back from which the feathers and attending mesh-like superstructure emerge. Mounting wings involves a hormonal rush that some liken to sexual release. Flight is one of the finest experiences of ascended life. Wings can be held in a variety of positions including but not limited to: full-mount, close mount, aggressive mount, etc. Wings emerge over a period of time from one year
to several hundred years. Wings can, but do not always, begin small in one decade then grow larger in later decades.

  wrecker n. A warrior who serves to patrol the Third Earth darkening grid and destroy specific targets. Wreckers use identified, short-barrel shot-guns, with explosive cartridges, to bust through the darkening grid walls. Breaking up the grid walls shortens any distance through the grid. Grid monitors direct their paths.

  y pro nai-y-stae n. (Term from an ancient language.) The loose translation is, you may stay for an eternity.

  Preview of RAPTURE’S EDGE 1: “Awakening” by Caris Roane


  Chapter One

  Duncan’s captor laid it out. “All I want is your lover’s current location. Once you give that to me, I’ll let you wake up and we can move forward. But I really do need Rachel to take a big step back.”

  Right over a cliff, no doubt.

  Duncan was under no illusion; the woman, Yolanthe, wanted Rachel dead. She’d said so more than once in the early part of this bizarre captivity. Softening her word choice didn’t change the intention.

  Caught in a two-week trance he couldn’t escape, Duncan once again tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Though he knew he was lying in a hospital bed on Second Earth, he was staring at a snow leopard that his captor held on a short black leather leash. But he didn’t know how he could see either the leopard or the beautiful red-haired woman or her rust-and-cream marble home.

  And how the hell could he be in two places at once?

  Although, his gut told him he wasn’t, not really. It was just some kind of Third Earth power, a mental distortion maybe. Yolanthe had called it a voyeur window, but a Third Dimension variety, not the simpler kind found on Second. Endelle, the leader of Second Earth, had a voyeur window, so he knew the concept was viable.

  For two weeks now, during his waking hours, the trance had kept him focused only on Yolanthe.


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