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Destruction Page 4

by R C Knight


  The golden rays of the rising sun fell across the camp. Men and women were fast asleep, their bodies intertwined and mangled, like they had simply fallen to the ground and passed out. Cain’s eyes fluttered open, he groaned and quickly covered them with his arm, shielding them from the rising sun. He slowly sat up, grabbing his pounding head with a sigh. He opened his eyes, squinting against the morning light. The brisk, morning breeze sent a shiver down his spine. He crossed his arms over his bare chest and looked around him, searching for his clothes. A sigh escaped his lips as his eyes landed on two naked women, cuddled into him for warmth, neither of which were pleasant to look at. He grabbed a tin cup and downed the last of the rum that was left from the night before. “Mistakes were made,” he muttered as he searched for his pants.

  The sound of a deep chuckle grabbed Cain’s attention. Nikolai was leaning against a tree, smoking a cigarette. He shook his head as Cain found his pants, stood up, and quickly pulled them on. “Looks like you had a good night.” His voice was deep as he eyed the women that had been lying next to Cain.

  “I guess.” Cain chuckled as he walked over to Nikolai. “Where did you find those?” he asked, gesturing to the cigarette.

  “In one of the barns we raided a few nights back.” Nikolai smiled as he pulled out the pack, holding it to Cain.

  “Do you mind?” Cain asked as he reached for the cigarettes, quickly grabbing one as Nikolai nodded with approval. Cain grabbed a match from Nikolai and quickly lit the cigarette. He inhaled deeply, a sigh of relief leaving his lips as he exhaled.

  “What are your orders?” Nikolai asked as he eyed the sleeping figures scattered throughout the camp. Cain sighed as he scanned the area, regretting the celebration from the night before.

  “Well, we can’t let my damn brother beat us to Austin.” He took another long drag, his brows furrowed in concentration. “Get everyone up. We gotta smoke the meat and get moving.” Nikolai nodded with approval, his cigarette hanging from his lips. “This is gonna be a long day,” Cain muttered as he spotted his boots under one of the naked women. He sighed wearily as he rolled her off them. “This was fun and all,” he commented looking back at Nikolai, “but don’t let me do this again until after we’re done in Austin.” Nikolai chuckled as he watched Cain force his feet into his boots.

  “Whatever you want,” he laughed.

  Chapter Five


  Electricity crackled through the early morning air. The chatter of birds echoed through the trees as they woke from their slumber. Sweat dripped from Aria’s brow as she continued her assault on the punching bag, lightning coursed through her left fist. Her golden blonde hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, swinging freely behind her as she attacked. A growl of frustration left her lips as she stomped her foot on the ground and grabbed the punching bag for support.

  “I thought you were supposed to use your daggers when training your elemental magick?” Zane commented as he walked out of the wood line, his arms crossed over his chest. His blue-hazel eyes seemed to glow as he stared at her. His stubble had filled in along his jawline, making him look more threatening than before. Aria sighed as she slowly turned, her green eyes locking onto him.

  “My daggers help focus the energy I have.” She held her hands out and stared at her palms. “I don’t have enough energy to lose control.” She smiled as sparks of lightning jumped along the fingertips of her left hand. She furrowed her brows as she concentrated her energy, forming a small ball of lightning in the middle of her palm. Zane watched with fascination as she twirled the ball, letting it wrap around her palm and fingers. She sighed heavily as she released the energy, the lightning disappearing with a hiss. “Did you need something?” Her green eyes locked onto his, piercing his soul with her gaze.

  “No. Just checking in.” He smiled as he walked past her and to the punching bag, grabbing a hold of it as he took a firm stance. Aria smiled as she threw a few punches at the bag. “I haven’t seen you much since we got back from Chicago.” Zane watched her intently as she continued her barrage on the bag.

  “I’ve been busy,” she replied breathlessly as she threw an uppercut, the loud thud of her fists hitting the bag filled the small clearing.

  “I see,” Zane responded as he braced the bag. He stared at Aria, watching the concentration on her face. “Ryder said you’ve been spending all of your time down here training.”

  “So.” She stopped and crossed her arms over her chest. “Is there something wrong with that?” Zane sighed wearily as he released the punching bag.

  “There is more to life than training.”

  “You sound just like him,” she chuckled.

  “Like who?”

  “Raphael. He said those exact words to me. More than once, actually. It’s surprising to hear it from his son.” She paused; her brows furrowed with concentration. “Speaking of which, we’ve just added another reason for the Counsel of Heralds to kill us. So, I need to train, because I don’t want to die here and I sure as hell don’t want to be murdered by an Archangel.” She threw her hands up with frustration. “Don’t you get it Zane? All I have left is training. If I don’t train, then I’m as good as dead.”

  “Aria,” Zane responded. “The Counsel will not find out about me. And now that your powers are coming back, you’ll be able to go back to Heaven. There’s no reason for them to kill you.”

  “No. They’ll just lock me up instead. So much better,” she responded sarcastically.

  “Aria –”

  “Stop Zane,” she interrupted. “I know you’re trying to make me feel better. But please… just stop. I need to focus on my mission here. And in order to do that, I need to make sure we are ready this time.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “We weren’t ready for Chicago,” she responded as she threw another punch at the bag. “I told Ryder we weren’t ready. We should have trained longer and harder. If we had…” She paused, her breath catching in her throat. “Then Mikayla and Jackson might still be alive,” she shouted as she turned away from the punching bag and began pacing around the clearing. Zane sighed as he lowered his head, running his hands through his hair.

  “It’s not your fault. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I gave the orders to leave. I said we were ready.”

  “Oh please,” Aria chuckled darkly as she stopped and stared at him. “I could have prevented us from leaving if I wanted. I was just too damn caught up in my head. I became too attached.” She paused to make eye contact with him. “I never should have dragged you into this. This war is between Heaven and Hell, something that we should have settled long ago.”

  “This war will decide the fate of the world, Aria,” Zane responded haughtily. “We have every right to fight alongside you. We will fight. With or without your help. You can’t stop us.”

  “Watch me.” She lunged forward and hit him square in the jaw. He leapt back; his face filled with shock.

  “Alright. Let’s do this.” He bounced on the balls of his feet as he relaxed his shoulders. Aria quickly squared her stance before lunging at him, her fists flying with fury. He blocked each of her blows but didn’t counterattack. She continued her assault, one punch after the other landing against his forearms. She growled with frustration as he blocked another of her attacks and refused to counter.

  “Hit me back!” she screamed as she threw another punch. Zane grabbed her fist and pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

  “It’s not your fault.” His voice was hoarse as he placed his forehead against hers, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You hear me? It’s not your fault.” Aria nodded as she sighed with relief, her body sagging with exhaustion against his broad chest. Zane smiled as he held her tight, relishing the smell of her hair, the mix of ocean and cinnamon, everything that he associated with her. An overwhelming sense of peace enveloped them, his soul letting go of his anger and hatred. This is what he needed, what they both need
ed. The sound of someone clearing their throat pulled Zane out of his reverie. He looked over to find Ryder staring at them, his arms crossed over his chest and his green eyes filled with disapproval.

  “Aria,” his voice was stern as he glared down at her. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing,” she responded as she hesitantly pulled away from Zane, her eyes lowered to the ground.

  “This doesn’t look like nothing.” His eyes locked onto her, watching as she fidgeted uncomfortably. “You shouldn’t be making your situation worse. You know better than that!”

  “What situation?” Zane glanced back and forth between the two. Aria sighed sadly as she continued to stare at the ground. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, she didn’t tell you?” Ryder responded with irritation as he glared at Zane. “Of course, she didn’t.” His eyes drilled into Zane. “The Counsel knows that she’s in love with you. And they can’t risk the birth of a Nephilim,” he continued; his voice filled with anger, “she’s going to get herself locked up in Heaven, or worse.”

  Zane looked over at Aria, but she kept her head down. Her body was trembling ever so slightly as she clenched her fists by her side. “Is it true?” Zane asked quietly, his face falling in defeat as Aria nodded her head. “But how did they find out?” Aria glared up at Ryder, her eyes piercing him like daggers.

  “I didn’t have a choice,” Ryder responded defensively. “It’s for your own good, Aria,” he sighed as he looked over at Zane. “What kind of future could you possibly have with him? The Counsel could have you executed just for thinking about it!”

  Zane looked over at Aria. “They’d kill you for being with a human?” he asked with disbelief.

  “Yes,” she responded quietly.

  “Aria,” Ryder continued. “Michael has agreed to look past this as long as nothing else happens.” He hesitantly stepped towards her. “Don’t force him to act. Walk away while you still can.” Aria sighed as she looked between Ryder and Zane.

  “Michael would never go against our laws. He is the head of the Counsel. I’m already facing punishment.”

  “Would you listen to me?” Ryder responded with frustration. “He is not going to punish you Aria. As long as it does not continue.”

  Aria sighed wearily as she looked over at Zane. “I can’t let them kill you,” he spoke quietly as he met her eyes. “Not for me. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you because of me.” Ryder nodded with approval as Aria’s face fell in defeat.

  “At least he understands,” Ryder muttered, his eyes pleading with Aria. She glared at both of them as a tear silently rolled down her cheek.

  “Go,” her voice was firm as she pointed out of the clearing, electricity started to crackle around her.

  “Aria, I –”

  “Get the fuck away from me!” she shouted as a bolt of lightning struck the ground near them. Zane sighed with defeat as he stared helplessly at her. “Please… just go,” her voice cracked as she turned away from them. Ryder sighed heavily as he nodded at Zane and turned to leave the clearing. Zane followed, staring at the ground as he walked. The sound of bare fists hitting the punching bag filled the air as they walked away.

  Chapter Six


  Zane stormed into his hut and slammed the door. Keira jumped up from the worn couch, dropping the book she had been reading. “What the fuck, Zane!” She shouted as her blue eyes frantically searched his face.

  Zane stared at her, taking in the delicate features of her face. His eyes traveled down her body, examining every little detail. He strode forward and jumped over the couch, landing next to her. She gasped as he grabbed her and pulled her into his chest. “You’re mine,” he said firmly as he forcefully crushed his lips against hers. He ripped off her worn shirt and tore off her black bra. His mouth never left hers as he unbuttoned her jeans, which she quickly stepped out of.

  He ripped off her panties and pushed her onto the couch, a soft gasp escaped her lips as her back hit the worn cushions. Zane quickly stripped off his shirt and jeans then leaned over her. He reclaimed her mouth with his as he massaged her breasts. His breathing was heavy as he reached down and began to tease her clit. She squirmed beneath him as he mercilessly tormented her, holding her in place with his hand firmly around her throat, bringing her close to climax then stopping. She stared up at him with lustful eyes, her mouth open as she breathed heavily. She moaned loudly as she raised her hips, encouraging him to finish the job. He smiled as his fingers slid into her wet pussy, teasing her even more as her eyes begged him to continue.

  He growled as he re-positioned himself and forcefully thrust his cock deep into her. She moaned in ecstasy as he pounded into her, hard and fast, his grip around her throat tightening. Her nails dug into his back as her body tensed, her back arching off the couch. His massive cock forcing its way deeper and deeper inside her, creating an erotic mixture of pain and pleasure. Her adrenaline spiked as he tightened his hand around her throat even more, her breath catching in her throat. She started to panic; her body tensed as he finished inside her. He was breathing heavily as he smiled down at her. Keira gasped for air as her eyes met his, her panic rising.

  “Your eyes,” she choked as she pushed him away, breaking his grip on her throat as she huddled into the corner of the couch. “What the hell is going on Zane?” Her face had filled with fear.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Your eyes are fucking black!” she shouted as she pulled her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. Zane closed his eyes and took a long, slow breath. His shoulders shuddered as he slowly exhaled. After a moment, he opened his eyes and glanced at Keira. She was curled into the corner of the couch, fear radiating from her as she created as much distance between them as possible. Her eyes nervously scanned his face, eventually falling on his eyes. She sighed with relief as her shoulders relaxed. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry.” Zane cleared his throat. “It’s the corruption. Sometimes I lose control, now that my seal is broken.” He ran his hand through his black hair as his blue-hazel eyes stayed locked onto her face. He reached forward and gently grabbed one of her trembling hands. “It won’t happen again. I promise.”

  Keira sighed wearily as she stared into his eyes. “Okay,” her voice shook as she took a deep, calming breath. “Okay… though, I must admit, that was kind of exciting. I felt like I was your only desire. You were so, animalistic.” She giggled before her face turned serious again. “But then I thought you were going to kill me,” she sighed wearily as she looked away from him. “Does it make me a bad person if I told you that was probably the best sex I’ve ever had? Definitely in the top five anyway,” her voice was quiet as she nervously looked over at him. He chuckled as he gently pulled her into his chest.

  “Not at all.” He smiled as he ran his hand through her hair. “Everything is going to be fine. I’ll keep it under control.”

  “Yea, it’s no big deal, right? It’s perfectly normal to have a boyfriend turn evil every now and then.” She paused; her lips pressed tightly together as she looked up at him. “Keep the passion but lose the almost killing me part.” She said sternly as her body relaxed into him. Zane chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “As you wish.”


  Firelight flickered across the small living room. A worn couch sat next to an equally worn wooden table. Boxes had been scattered throughout the room, their contents spilled out on the floor and table. Bishop stood silently, holding a light pink blouse. He looked over at Ryder and sighed.

  “Thank you for helping me,” his voice was quiet as he placed the blouse into a box and looked around the room. “I don’t know what I’m going to do without her.” Ryder glanced around the room, his eyes examining all of Mikayla’s belongings.

  “I admit, I was surprised when you asked for my help,” Ryder responded as he folded a pair of jeans, gently placing them into the box.

“I had something I wanted to talk to you about.” Bishop glanced at Ryder as he grabbed Mikayla’s ring, which he had placed on a chain around his neck. He fidgeted with the ring as he eyed Ryder, his brows furrowed in concentration.

  “Very well,” Ryder responded wearily as he watched Bishop fidget. “Whatever it is, I will help you the best I can.” Bishop dropped his eyes as he continued to fiddle with the ring. Ryder picked up another pair of jeans and started folding as he waited for Bishop to gather his thoughts.

  “You use magick.” He paused as he looked up at Ryder, his hazel eyes filled with confusion.

  “Yes,” Ryder responded with hesitation.

  “Can’t you bring her back?” his voice cracked as the words tumbled from his lips. A small flicker of hope flashed through his eyes as he looked up at Ryder. Ryder sighed as he ran a hand through his dishwater blonde hair.

  “It doesn’t work like that,” he responded sadly. “That kind of magick is forbidden. And even if it wasn’t, I would never use it.”

  “Why not?” Bishop shouted with frustration, the glimmer of hope leaving his eyes. “If you could just –”

  “That is Necromancy, Bishop!” Ryder interrupted, his voice strong and harsh. “Even if it worked, you wouldn’t get your Mikayla back. Once a soul moves on it cannot be brought back.” Ryder took a deep breath, his body shaking with fury. “It cannot be done.”

  “But –”


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