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Destruction Page 16

by R C Knight

  This must be done, she thought to herself as she made her way to the door. She cracked the door open and poked her head out. The village was empty, the red mist floating lazily along the ground. The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping happily from their trees. A smile crossed Myra’s face as she walked out of the hut and made her way to the forest without looking back.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The harsh afternoon sun filtered through the canopy above. The birds chirped happily from their perches as they watched the angels pass by. The red mist swirled around Ryder and Kai as they made their way through the dense forest undergrowth.

  “All I’m saying,” Kai commented with a smirk. “Is that you need to show Aria why you are a better choice than Zane.”

  “You mean besides the fact that Michael won’t kill her if she’s with me,” Ryder responded bitterly as he made his way through the undergrowth, his eyes locked on the path in front of them.

  “Well,” Kai responded with a sigh. “Some women like danger.” He chuckled as he followed Ryder closely, his eyes scanning their surroundings. “Maybe Aria is one of them. You know, a forbidden fruit type of thing.”

  “So,” Ryder replied, his voice tired. “How am I supposed to compete with the threat of death?”

  “You can’t.” Kai chuckled as Ryder sighed in defeat. “But you can show her why you are worthy as a life partner. Honestly, what does Zane have to offer her other than some fun and danger? You’re the stable one that she can spend her life with.” Kai laid his hand on Ryder’s shoulder, causing him to stop in his tracks. He looked into Ryder’s eyes and smiled. “Think about it. You have so much more to offer her.”

  Kai continued onward as Ryder stood there, staring at the tree in front of him. He focused on the moss that had covered the trunk, such a delicate plant that could be wiped away with a flick of the hand. “Huh,” he muttered as he followed Kai. “You really think so?”

  “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t believe it,” Kai shouted over his shoulder. “So, stop focusing on how much you hate Zane and start focusing on what you can do for Aria.”

  Ryder ran Kai’s words through his mind. How the hell can I forget about Zane and what he is? he wondered as he continued through the undergrowth. He’s an abomination that needs to be wiped out.

  “Get out of your head,” Kai shouted, startling Ryder. “We’re almost there.” He smiled as he pointed ahead of them. The trees began to thin as the soft sand of the beach appeared. “I love how fast we can travel without the humans,” Kai chuckled as he reached the beach, a sigh escaping his lips as he looked out over the ocean.

  Ryder approached, his body relaxing as the smell of the ocean reached him. “I don’t see why we can’t hang out here,” he muttered as he inhaled deeply. “The oceans here are so relaxing.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Kai smiled as he clapped a hand on Ryder’s back. “Now, let’s signal their ship and get this over with.”

  “Yea.” Ryder responded as he walked towards the ocean, waving his arms in the air. Kai followed suite, a smile on his face as he stared at the two ships anchored in the distance.


  “Why do we always get left behind?” Cain muttered as he paced along the polished deck of the ship. “I’m tired of this shit. We should just go ashore and kill everyone there. I’m better at killing then Zane.”

  Abel chuckled as he leaned against the railing, staring at his brother as he paced across the deck. “You’re better at killing then Zane?” He laughed as he took a bite out of the apple he was holding. “Care to elaborate?” He commented, his mouth full.

  “Shut up you cuck,” Cain muttered angrily as he ran a hand through his brown hair. “Everyone knows I’m better then Zane. That’s why he left me to get captured in Chicago in the first place.”

  “Whatever you say, brother,” Abel muttered as he took another bite of his apple.

  “Let’s just go to shore. I’m tired of being cooped up on this fucking boat.” Cain sighed as he made his way to where the rowboat was stored. “It will only be for a little bit.”

  Abel sighed wearily as he walked towards his brother. “Do whatever you want, Cain. Just make sure you don’t take too long.”

  “Finally, some common sense leaves your mouth.” Cain chuckled as he prepared to lower the rowboat.

  Abel chuckled as he looked over the sparkling blue water towards the beach. The red mist made it difficult to see any farther than the first few feet of sand. “Wait a second, Cain,” Abel muttered as his gray eyes focused on two figures that had appeared on the shoreline. “Do you see that?”

  Cain narrowed his eyes as he focused on the shoreline. “Looks like someone’s trying to get our attention.” A smile crossed his face as he shoved Abel’s shoulder in excitement. “The fuckers have returned! Finally, I get to do some killing!”

  “Greta!” Abel called towards the stern. “Get your ass over here!”

  “Coming!” Greta’s voice echoed as a small figure approached them. Her brown hair had streaks of gray, the only sign that gave away her age. She looked up at Abel, her brown eyes shining with anticipation. “What can I do for you?”

  “You see those figures on shore?” Abel asked as he pointed towards the shoreline. “We’re going to go meet with them. I want you to lower us in the rowboat, then let Nikolai know. We’ll return as soon as we can with any new information we receive.”

  “Got it.” Greta smiled as she watched Cain and Abel get into the rowboat. She grasped the lever and pulled, waiting patiently as the rowboat slowly lowered into the water. She released the lever and waited as they removed the ropes. “Stay safe,” she shouted as they rowed away.

  “Stay safe.” Cain chuckled as he rowed, the boat moving quickly towards the shore. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say she has a thing for you, brother.”

  Abel laughed as he eyed the shoreline. “You’re funny, Cain. Like I would ever do anything with her.”

  “Once a cuck, always a cuck.” Cain responded with a laugh. “I wouldn’t put it past you. Sometimes a man gets desperate.”

  Abel sighed wearily as they reached the shoreline. “Whatever.” As the boat hit the sand, Cain jumped out and quickly pushed it onto the shore and out of the water. The two figures were coming towards them, and Cain smiled in delight once he realized who they were.

  “The angels!” he shouted in excitement. “I can’t believe you’d grace us with your presence,” he chuckled as Ryder and Kai reached them.

  “We just wanted to go for a walk and see how you guys were doing.” Kai chuckled nonchalantly as he clasped Cain’s hand, leaned in, and they clapped each other’s back. A smile crossed Kai’s face as he looked at Cain and Abel. “I don’t know why, but I like you guys. Just this feeling I have.”

  Abel laughed as he looked at Ryder. “Maybe you should share that feeling with him.”

  Kai glanced over at Ryder, noticing the stern look on his face. “Don’t worry about him,” Kai commented. “He’s having woman problems,” he whispered towards Cain and Abel. Ryder glared at him as he readjusted his stance.

  “That is none of their business,” he muttered.

  Cain laughed darkly as he looked at Ryder. “Don’t worry, my friend. Abel can help you, he’s an expert on women.”

  “No, I’m not,” Abel muttered under his breath as Cain laughed.

  “Anyway.” He cleared his throat. “Not that I don’t enjoy your company or anything. But please tell me you have someone for me to kill.”

  Kai smiled as he nudged Ryder. “I really like these guys.”

  “Zane needs you,” Ryder commented, his voice stern and monotonous. “He’s taken control of one of the nomadic villages and is preparing the attack on the Red Horseman.”

  “Yes!” Cain shouted enthusiastically. “Finally! Abel.” He turned towards his brother, his gray eyes shining with excitement. “Go back to the ship and let them know we’ll be gone for a coup
le days. Nikolai is in charge until we get back.”

  “Sure,” Abel muttered as he turned back towards the rowboat and pushed it into the water. He quickly sat down and grabbed the oars, rowing as fast as he could back to the ship.

  “Like I said, once a cuck, always a cuck.” Cain chuckled as he looked at Ryder and Kai. “Now, tell me more about this village. Did you guys get to kill a lot of demons?” His voice was filled with excitement as he bombarded them with questions.

  “Why don’t we go into the wood line?” Ryder commented as he nodded towards the forest. “I don’t like being out in the open for too long.”

  “Fine,” Cain muttered as they made their way towards the forest. “But I want all the gory details. Don’t leave anything out, little angels.”

  Kai chuckled as they entered the wood line, the red mist even thicker than on the beach. He jumped in surprise as an ear shattering growl left Cain’s lips. His eyes grew dark as his muscles bulged and his skin cracked, revealing the corded muscle underneath.

  “What the fuck is this?” Kai shouted; his voice filled with worry.

  “Fuck,” Ryder muttered as Cain’s teeth sharpened into fangs, his black eyes locked onto them. “We need to subdue him, and quick!” Ryder shouted as he leapt forward, grabbing one of Cain’s arms. Kai followed suit, grabbing the other side and taking Cain to the ground.

  He growled at them, his black eyes locking onto Kai like he was his prey. Smoke began to billow from Cain’s body as his muscles grew even larger. Ryder ripped Cain’s shirt from his chest and quickly found the sigil that had been tattooed by Raphael. He placed his hand over it and began chatting in Enochian, his hand glowing bright with holy light.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Kai asked, his dark blue eyes filled with confusion as he stared at Ryder. “And how did you know that sigil was there?”

  “Zane told me,” Ryder responded quickly as Cain’s body began to return to its normal size. He looked at Kai. “They are half-demon.” He shook his head as he released Cain. Cain rolled to his side and wrapped his arms around his stomach.

  “Fuck,” he muttered wearily. “That’s never happened before.”

  “I should have seen this coming,” Ryder muttered as he looked around them. “This red mist works fast on you. Come on.” He motioned at Kai as he knelt next to Cain and grabbed one of his arms, throwing it over his shoulder. Kai followed suit. “Let’s get you back on the beach.”

  Cain grunted as they lifted him from the ground and made their way out of the wood line. He looked over at Ryder, his gray eyes filled with awe. “What did you do back there?”

  “I imbued more holy light into the sigil Raphael tattooed on you,” Ryder responded breathlessly. “It should help you maintain control.” He grunted as they reached the shoreline and helped Cain sit down.

  “Thank fuck you knew what to do.” Cain sighed as he stared down at his hands laying in his lap. “Otherwise I could’ve killed you two.”

  “I doubt that,” Kai chuckled as he sat down next to Cain. “So, what’s it like being half-demon?” he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. Cain chuckled as he looked over at Kai.

  “Kai.” Ryder looked at him, his eyes narrowed as he shook his head. “Another time. Right now, we need to focus on imbuing more holy light into him. I want to make sure that doesn’t happen again.”

  “Don’t forget about Abel,” Cain muttered as he laid back, the soft sand surrounding his massive torso. “Although, I doubt he’d do much damage to you two in his demon form.” He chuckled as Kai placed his hand over his sigil and began to chant. “He always was a weak beta male.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Aria sighed wearily as she approached Dominick’s hut. She could hear Zane and Bishop’s muffled voices from inside. She approached the door, trying to focus her mind on the task ahead, but all she could think about was Myra. Her frail form filled her mind, the black vines of corruption eroding her skin. Aria shook her head, focus. The whole world needs you to focus, she thought as she took a deep breath, her hand reaching for the door. She softly pushed the door open, her mind still not focused.

  “How is this supposed to work when we can’t understand what they are saying?” Bishop muttered in frustration.

  Zane and Bishop were standing across from Dominick, who was pointing at a crude drawing he had made in the dirt. Their eyes were filled with confusion as Dominick spoke to them, his native language filling the hut. Zane turned as the door slammed shut behind Aria.

  “I thought you were with Myra?” he asked.

  “She wanted some time alone,” she responded softly as she shoved her hands into her pockets and pulled out some necklaces. A silver amulet, shining with holy light, hung from each leather string. “I forgot to give you these last night,” she muttered as she held them out to Zane. “Kai made them. They’ll translate for you.”

  Zane smiled as he grabbed the necklaces from her and quickly slid one over his head. He handed one to Bishop and placed the rest in his pocket to hand out later. “Thanks.” He smiled at Aria. “You want to stay and help?”

  “I was planning on it.” She smiled as she looked at Dominick, her eyes landing on his severed hand. “If that’s alright with you, of course.” She nodded at Dominick, her eyes meeting his dark brown ones.

  Dominick chuckled as he stared at Aria. She’s so tiny, he thought as he followed the curves of her body. His eyes drinking in her long, golden blonde hair and her bright green eyes. A smile formed across his face. “A female’s place in bedroom, not planning war.” He looked over at Zane and Bishop. “Do you really allow women input on your plans? Maybe that why you need our help,” he chuckled.

  Zane’s jaw tightened as he made eye contact with Dominick. “She stays,” he responded sternly. “We value the input of our women, and this woman would break you faster than I did.”

  “Very well.” Dominick chuckled as he returned his gaze to Aria. His eyes were filled with lust as they roamed her body. “Feel free to join me in bedroom afterwards.” He smiled as he winked at her. “And I show you how real man treats woman.”

  Zane growled as Bishop chuckled softly next to him. Aria moved quickly as she pulled out a dagger and jumped on Dominick. Her legs wrapped tightly around his neck as she lightly dug her dagger into his temple, watching as a trickle of blood begin to stream down the side of his face.

  “I am not a plaything.” Aria growled as she tightened her legs around his throat, her bright green eyes burning into him. Dominick smiled up at her, his eyes shining with delight.

  “She’s feisty,” he croaked. “I like.” He stared up at her, his eyes daring her to kill him.

  She released her hold on his throat and jumped to the ground, landing softly. She re-sheathed her dagger, her eyes never leaving Dominick. “Explain your map,” she growled as she pointed down at his crude drawing in the dirt. “Then you can leave us alone as we make our plans.”

  Dominick smiled as he bowed his head. “You have strong females,” he commented to Zane as he returned his gaze to Aria. “Very well, woman. But offer still stands. I show you night you never forget.” His eyes twinkled with delight as Aria stood her ground.

  “I highly doubt that,” she responded with confidence as she walked over to Zane and Bishop. Zane smirked as he watched the bravado leave Dominick’s face. “Now, can we get back to planning?” she asked haughtily, her eyes focusing on the drawing.

  “Fine,” Dominick muttered as he knelt next to his crude map. “This.” He pointed towards a circle he had drawn. “Is Colosseum. Where battles are. No personal weapons allowed. When we arrive, you chained, spend night underneath. After first fight, free to roam city.” He pointed towards a thin line he had drawn on the back side of the colosseum. “This is shoreline; Colosseum overlooks ocean. And this.” He pointed at a row of boxes near the front side of the colosseum. “Is marketplace. Here find hotels and whorehouses.” He smiled as he looked up at Aria. “After all, everyon
e needs a good release now and then.” He chuckled as he smirked at Zane and Bishop. “You two understand.”

  Zane rolled his eyes as he glanced over at Bishop. “Is there anything else we need to know?”

  “Yea.” Dominick smirked; his demon side excited with the discomfort in the room. “I go with you.”

  “Fuck that,” Bishop responded angrily.

  “And why do we need you?” Zane asked as he glared at Bishop.

  “So, you can fight.” Dominick smiled. “You think our God will believe you.” He gestured at Zane. “Are leader of tribe? When you so pale? No. I go as leader, you will be tributes.”

  Zane sighed as he acknowledged the startling contrast. He ran a hand through his hair as he scanned the hut.

  “He has a point,” Aria’s voice was soft as she responded.

  “Yea,” Zane muttered reluctantly. “But I don’t like it.”

  “Alright. We have him get us in then we get rid of him.” Bishop smiled as he glared at Dominick. “We won’t need him anymore after we are there.”

  “I’d like to see you try, little man,” Dominick responded as he stood up, his figure towering over all of them.

  “We’re here!” Cain’s voice echoed excitedly through the hut as he barged through the door. Zane smiled as he turned to see Cain, Abel, Ryder, and Kai entering the small hut. He looked at Dominick, whose eyes had filled with wonder as he examined Cain and Abel.

  “You can leave now.” Zane glared at Dominick as he gestured towards the door. “I can’t say I’ll miss your company.”


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