The Consequence of Revenge

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The Consequence of Revenge Page 23

by Rachel Van Dyken

  She flushed and looked down.

  “But by the look of red on your cheeks I’m not in danger of that happening just yet, am I right?”

  “So climbing.” Becca exhaled and put her hands on her hips. “Do I just go up?”

  “You can go down too,” I assured her. “I’ll allow it.”

  “And then I place my hands on the edges of the rocks and pull?”

  “Pulling is always advised,” I said seriously. “Some say that the little tug is the best part.”

  “And what? The ropes help pull me to the top?”

  “Peaking.” I thrust out my chest. “Think of climbing like an orgasm.”

  Becca started coughing wildly.

  “What?” I shrugged. “I’m a guy, I use sexual references, sue me. It’s a cliff.”

  “The rocks?” Becca placed her hands on the rocks and waited for me to follow.

  “Right.” I stood behind her. “And the higher you get, the better it feels, because you can see the top, you can feel yourself reaching it. And I guarantee that the minute you finish your climb, you’ll want to do it all over again.”

  Becca’s body trembled beneath mine.

  “Or we can zigzag-run through the sand, try to lose the camera crew, and lock ourselves in the hut.”

  Becca’s eyes went wide, as if she was really contemplating not climbing.

  “I was kidding.” I sighed into her hair. “You’re going to climb. Besides, who knows what’s waiting for you at the top, hmm?”

  “But you’re behind me?”

  “Baby.” I trailed my fingers down her jaw. “Haven’t you realized it yet? I’m everywhere.” I placed my hands on her hips and lifted. “Now shimmy up so I can get a good view of that ass.”

  “You’re an ass!” she fired back.

  “Thank you!” I chuckled, climbing up after her. “And if you get nervous just think orgasm.”

  “Or,” Becca called back, “I could just slip and you could break my fall.”

  “I need my face, Becca, it’s all I have. Men can’t live off of sparkling personalities, you know.”

  “You’d survive.”

  “Duh, because I’m Max, but I don’t want to have to survive off my wit and charm. Without my looks I’m only half a man.”

  “I think you mean without your balls.” She climbed higher.

  “You thinking about removing them or something? Because I have to admit, right now, watching you sweat while threatening me, kinda hot.”

  “Max!” she yelled, I could tell her teeth were gritting together because my name was strangled.

  “Orgasm!” I shouted.

  “National TV!” she fired back.

  “Say it!”

  “I hate you!”

  “Almost there!”

  “Stop yelling at me!”

  I laughed and kept yelling.

  Becca started cursing.

  But finally she reached the top.

  When I joined her and sat next to her on the rock, I didn’t have time to speak, she quickly straddled me and then attacked my mouth with hers. When I was finally allowed air, she whispered, “Was it good for you?”

  “The best.” I grinned. “But how about we make it better?”



  “What did you have in mind?” I was still trying to get my mind off Max’s bare chest and focus on his eyes when he helped me to my feet. He really was a cocky piece of work but I had to wonder if he truly realized how beautiful he was.

  “Oh, you know.” Max wrapped his muscular arm around my body. “World domination and all that.”

  “I can dig it,” I agreed.

  “Zombie partners for life, yo.”

  “So.” I looked around. There was absolutely nothing except for a really pretty view of the ocean. “This is nice.”

  “Deep breaths, Little B, deep breaths.”

  “I’m fine,” I explained. “I’m not really afraid of heights. I mean, I’m not exactly thrilled that we had to climb, but that was more of me not being a fan of lifting my body a few hundred feet into the air.”

  “Fair enough.” Max led me to the edge of the cliff and pointed. “See that beach down there?”

  I followed the direction he was pointing. There was a private beach on the other side of the rock. A small bonfire was going and there was a beautiful hut built around it in a half circle. The entire scene looked like paradise, especially since the sun was starting to set.

  “Hungry?” Max kissed my head.

  “Yes!” I bit down on my lower lip. “So do we just climb down the other side of this giant rock, or . . .”

  Max’s eyes teased. They taunted. Shit.

  “You see that down there?” Max pointed below. Rocks ringed a large pool that was protected from the splashing waves of the ocean, creating a lagoon.

  “No,” I lied. “So about that climb . . .”

  “Halt.” Max grabbed my arm before I could walk away. “Now we fly.”

  “Can we just maybe . . . climb instead?”

  “The only way up is down. Fun, right?” Max tilted my chin toward him. “You afraid?”

  “A bit.” I looked over the edge. “I mean, that’s at least a forty-foot jump.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It’s something.”

  “You’re going to be no help at all during the zombie apocalypse if you cower in the face of danger.”

  “Max.” I leaned over and placed my hands on my knees to catch my breath. “Look around you, do you see any zombies chasing us?”

  “True.” Max sighed. “Rex is at the bottom of the cliff, otherwise that may actually work.” He tapped his chin.

  The camera crew that seriously followed our every move busted up laughing.

  “Want me to chase you?” Max offered.

  “Please don’t.”

  “No, really.” Max moved away from me, then started staggering toward the cliff edge, making groaning noises. “Should I drool? I think zombies drool.”

  Laughing, I reached for him, just as he wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “Let’s do it together.”

  “We already did that,” I teased.

  “That”—his eyes darkened—“we’ll do until I’m so dehydrated Hades has to bring me his milk.”

  “Nice visual, what, you gonna suck on his nonexistent nipple, Max?”

  “Guys have nipples, Becca. Or didn’t you notice? Aw, poor soul, tell the truth, were you raised Amish?”


  “Did you have one of those sexy little hats with the strings?”


  “Holy shit, tell me you wore braids. I’m such a sucker for braids. I freaking ruined the Heidi VHS my parents had for me when I was little.”

  “No words.”

  “No, none, just lots of singing. It’s weird, right? At any rate, saddle up, Amish B. We’re going under.”

  I didn’t have time to respond.

  Because Max grabbed my hand and pulled.

  Soon we were free-falling in the air.

  And then warm water cascaded all over my body.

  When I swam up for air, it was to find Max’s mouth already on mine. Breathing for me.

  “So,” he whispered. “How’s the date so far?”

  “Goats, orgasms, climbing rocks, stories of zombies, and Heidi? It’s normal . . . for you it’s normal.” I smiled. “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  “Oh, good.” Max’s wide smile made my stomach flip. “Because there’s more where that came from.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Girl, I could talk Heidi all day, try me, just try me.”

  I rolled my eyes and swam with him to the edge of the pool and into the ocean.



  By the time we reached the beach, I was famished. And not your normal famished where your stomach politely growls and you smile shyly. No. Hell, no. Since we actually had food in front of us, I can
’t be sure I would have gone as far as to eat a bug, but the very fact that the thought appeared in my head . . .

  Well, it tells me something, doesn’t it?

  I’m no good when I’m hungry.

  I’m like those Snickers commercials. Swear I’d be the dude that goes all bat-shit crazy on his friend, turning into a weird celebrity, until he has the chocolate in his mouth.

  “This is so pretty.” Becca released my hand and walked over to the table where our first course was already set out. “I’m starving, can we eat now?”

  “Thank God.” Have I mentioned how much I love a girl who loves food? There’s a reason Carl’s Jr. makes a killing off those stupid commercials, people. A girl biting into beef? Sauce dripping down her . . . whoa there, boy, whoa. Sorry, I almost blacked out for a minute imagining licking barbeque sauce off Becca’s stomach.

  “You okay?” Becca asked from her spot at the table. She’d already sat down and was drinking some wine.

  “How do you feel about barbeque sauce?” I sat down next to her and watched as her eyes peered through mine.

  “Hmm, considering it’s you asking and not a sane individual, I like to eat it, and I’d say that the world is a better place because of it, and, well, if I had to choose between swimming in a tub of barbeque sauce versus ketchup I’d probably choose barbeque.”

  “You”—I nodded and lifted my glass in appreciation—“are a true American. Tell me you own a cowboy hat and I’m proposing at midnight.”

  “It’s pink.”

  “Good God, you’re perfect.”

  “Why midnight?”

  “Silly.” I winked. “Midnight’s the only time where you can be both in the past, present, and future.”

  Becca leaned forward, her smile growing wider by the second. “How do you figure?”

  “The clock strikes twelve. Your cell phone’s always on time, my watch is always late by one minute, the clock in my car is early.” I shrugged. “So I exist in all time, and come on, isn’t it romantic that the proposal would be part of your past, present, and future all at once?”

  Becca’s breath hitched before a pretty blush stained her cheeks. “Yeah, that’s, um, actually pretty romantic.”

  “And you doubt me.” I scowled.

  Becca tilted her head. “You do realize not thirty minutes ago you were pretending to be a zombie and accused me of being Amish.”

  “Details.” I waved her off. “So, food. We have salad to start and oh, look, Reid . . .” I did a double take. “Son of a barbecue-sauce-drinking slut.”

  “What?” Becca looked up.

  “Surprise, bitch,” Reid mouthed. “I’ll be helping this evening since I’m part of this camera crew.”

  Side note, we changed camera crews because the other crew was shooting from the rocky cliff. It only made sense to have one waiting for us while we approached from the beach.

  “Tell me the truth, did you poison the food?” I asked. “Don’t lie, Reid. It tarnishes the family name and Pop-pop always told us he’d haunt us if we lied.”

  “Pop-pop’s dead.” Reid rolled his eyes.

  Something howled.

  I lifted my hands in the air and pointed at Reid. “Cool, so when whatever that was comes to get you tonight, remember those words.”

  “Romantic.” Reid nodded to Becca. “Am I right? He talks about his dead Pop-pop over a candlelit dinner—nearly stole my breath away.”

  “He’s hungry,” Becca explained.

  “I’m marrying her,” I announced. “Not only does she realize that I’m not myself when I’m hungry, but she owns a cowboy hat.”

  “Got any boots to go with that hat?” Reid asked, his interest piqued.

  “I’ll do you one better.” Becca leaned back and took a long sip of wine. “I’ve got a rope too.”

  “Oh, God,” I moaned.

  Reid patted me on the back. “I think you just gave my brother his first orgasm.”

  “Why do they let Reids in this joint? It’s supposed to be a classy establishment!” I pushed off his hand. “Now bring us food, damn it!”

  Reid walked off behind the hut and helped the cook bring out the first appetizer.

  “Bon appétit!”

  I looked down.

  Becca tilted her head.

  “I’m not gonna lie.” I poked around with my fork. “I don’t need this . . . I’m already there.”

  “Huh?” She looked up.

  “Oysters for my oyster,” I explained.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You sure you’re not Amish?”

  “Do Amish people not eat oysters?”

  “Horny.” I nodded. “They make guys horny. It’s said to aid blood flow to certain areas of the body.”

  Becca snorted. “Like you need help with that.”

  “Aw.” I winked. “Care to find out? I promise I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  “Cameras.” Becca coughed.

  “Free show!” I shrugged. “Besides, it’s dark.”

  Becca’s gaze met mine. “I don’t care if its pitch-black. Some things you just can’t hide, Max, especially if they’re big enough.”

  “I want to paint you.” I nodded. “It’s the biggest honor I can think of next to making a statue in your name and honestly, that’s just too far.”

  “Amazing.” Becca picked up an oyster and used her fork to remove the inside. “That you even know the definition of too far.”

  “Too far.” I cleared my throat. “When you cross the line and have sex. Too far. Next question, please.”

  Becca smirked and rolled her eyes. Pretty sure we were about to go through an entire bottle of wine before the second course.

  Luckily, Reid brought bread, which was good because I hadn’t been drinking much water and the wine was going straight to my head, making me feel more brave, which, if we’re all being honest, is just a bad idea all around. For everyone.

  Myself included.

  Two salads.

  A loaf of bread.

  Two bottles of wine.

  Chicken and vegetables.


  And finally . . . dessert.

  Our date had officially lasted longer than the rest of the dates put together. I got up from my chair and held my hand out to Becca. We walked over to the fire and sat on the cushions placed around it. A tray of different types of chocolate and strawberries had been placed next to the cushions. And, of course, more wine, because apparently they wanted us completely smashed before the night ended.

  “I’m tired.” Becca yawned.

  “I seem to have that effect on people.”

  “You are pretty exhausting.”

  “I count that a victory.” I laughed, picking up a piece of white chocolate and holding it to her lips. “Now bite.”

  Becca bit into the chocolate and moaned.

  Damn chocolate.

  Why didn’t I think of rubbing my body down with chocolate, then asking her to bite?

  “So good.” Becca opened her mouth again, like a little bird. I had no choice but to keep feeding her, and lusting after every little movement her tongue made across her lips. Self-control be damned.

  “You’re killing me,” I said in a hoarse voice. “But if I had to choose a way to go, this would be it.”

  “Feeding me?” Becca laughed.

  “Watching you eat.” I sighed. “I could watch that mouth all day long and never get bored. In fact, you’re my favorite when you’re this way.”

  “What way?”

  “Don’t move.” I pulled away and stared. “Exactly like that.”

  “Hardly breathing and so full of dinner I want to sleep?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “Sitting by the fire. I could watch you eat chocolate, drink wine, I could just watch you all day because everything you do is so unique, so part of who you are.” I sighed. “It’s possible I drank a bit too much wine, but you’re absolutely, astonishingly beautiful.” I cupped her face and brought my mouth
close to hers. “Mmm, white chocolate.”

  “Do I taste better with or without chocolate?”

  “If you tasted any better I’d be dead, and where’s the fun in a dead Max?”

  “No fun at all,” Becca agreed.

  “So . . .” I leaned back. “The last part of the date.”

  “Is this where you kill me?”

  “Damn it! I always give away the endings!”

  “It’s okay; just do it fast.”

  “Can’t.” I sighed. “I have a thing for slow torture.” I licked my lips and started inching my hands up her thighs. “It’s more . . . pleasurable that way.”

  “They never warned us about Maxes in school.” Becca groaned as her eyes fluttered closed. My hands kept moving toward her hips, then slid to the sides, cupping her ass.

  “Silly, of course they didn’t,” I murmured against her neck. “It’s rare to see one in the wild, even more rare to be able to catch it.”

  “To see a Max in the wild.” Becca tilted her head toward the sky as an awe-filled expression crossed her features. “Must be a glorious thing.”

  “Dangerously attractive,” I agreed. “Seductive, truly a feast for the eyes.”

  Someone cleared his or her throat. I pulled back reluctantly and glared at the producer. Fine. I’d do the dance, then I was taking Becca into the hut.

  “Becca, I want to keep you.” I said it in a no-shit voice and shook my head. A person would have to be blind not to know that. “Also, we’re sitting so conveniently by this hut, would you care to go inside and look around? You see it’s an overnight date.” I gasped and put my hands on my cheeks. The producer rolled his eyes. I’d only recently discovered that little tidbit during our confessional break. “And, well . . . I know you promised to save yourself for the right guy, and golly gosh, I think I may be him.”

  “Shucks.” Becca snapped her fingers. “But my daddy always taught me never to go into a dark room with a man. He says they only got one thing on their minds.”

  “Not I!” I stood. “I swear it!”

  “Oh, Lord!” Becca stood and wrapped her arms around me. “I found a good one! Mama would be so proud!”

  “Dude,” I whispered in her ear. “We would have killed at theater camp together. Literally slain them.”

  I took her hand and led her to the door of the hut. Rex said he needed to film some of the scene, which was fine. But later tonight? She was all mine.


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