Real Good Wolf (Dirty Monsters Book 1)

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Real Good Wolf (Dirty Monsters Book 1) Page 6

by Milana Jacks

  Svetomir twists his body to the side, trying to get out from under me. But he’s slow, and I clamp my teeth over his throat. He yelps in pain and surprise, his legs moving rapidly. His head twists, and he catches my ear, rips a part of it. Svetomir won’t back off. He is the alpha of his pack.

  I clamp my teeth over his jugular, hear the windpipe crunch as the blood coats my tongue and shoots up my throat. His death is slow, and I keep him under me until he ceases twitching. Blood is all over me when I release him. I fear what I’ll find in the room but know that the male demon hasn’t moved from his spot. I limp to the couch. Fuck. I’m broken all over. I whine as I hop onto the couch so that I may stand between the demon downstairs and my pregnant demon upstairs.

  Amy steps over Svetomir’s kid wolf, who isn’t moving. She descends the stairs as if she’s going down to grab her favorite snack, her face eerily serene while Collin pisses his pants and whimpers. She’s mind-fucking him. While I wanted to fix this guy my way, I ain’t gonna stop her now. She’s crossing the room to me and pats my head, eyes on Collin. I accept my little demon for all that she is. I don’t think a male who pisses his pants is a treat anymore. I have no idea what Amy cooked up for Collin, but fuck if I’m not proud.

  The kid whines, and my gaze flies up the stairs where his body is taking on his wolf form. He wobbles down the stairs and sniffs his buddy. They whine and looks up at me, unsure what to do.

  “Shall I make them eat Sveto?” Amy asks, her voice but a whisper.

  It’s creepy as hell, and I’m feeling great that I’m on her good side. I shift into human and say, “Nah, baby, they’re my wolves now.” I approach the boys. They lie on their bellies, looking everywhere but in my eyes. My wolf accepts their submission. I defeated an alpha male werewolf in his territory. Now I get his pack.

  Amy sits on the couch and waves as Collin walks past me and goes outside.


  Pryus - Three months later

  Snarl functions as a breakfast place in the morning, a tourist lunch place in the afternoon, and a dive bar at night. It’s around six in the evening, and one of the locals booked a party for her toddler at two. She invited the entire town, but thank the good Lord, only about a hundred and twenty people came, and we made it through the afternoon. Now, Snarl is packed with adults inside and out. I’m sitting between my pregnant demon and Svetomir’s kid wolf who is dressed as Mickey Mouse.

  Dirty accepted my new pack into Forestvilas, and we’re both running with our packs in the early hours of the day. The runs bring the packs together as they see Dirty and I are both alphas and completely fine with sharing the territory. I ain’t made for big city life so I sold Svetomir’s nightclub and moved my new pack here.

  They are young. They told me Svetomir’s health was on the decline, but he wouldn’t give up his alpha position to anybody. He either killed or exiled all his potential challengers and kept the beta males as well as females. There are five females for a total of eleven counting both packs. My pack is as strong as its weakest wolf. Which is the kid next to me dressed in the Mickey costume. The kid is gay and has been told by Svetomir he needed to toughen up. Svetomir probably thought I’d kill the kid and he’d be done with it since he couldn’t do it himself.

  For this reason, Amy took to mothering the kid. He’ll do anything she asks, including wearing a Mickey costume. He’s animated and can’t sit still, keeps toodling everyone. I better get used to this. I’m gonna be a dad soon. I tuck Amy under my arm and steal a minute with my baby by putting my hand on Amy’s belly. I haven’t felt him—we’re having a boy—kick yet, but I’m determined. I press on her belly, poke it a little with my finger.

  Amy puts her hand over mine. “If you press, I will pee right where I sit.”

  I kiss the top of her head and inhale. Her scent is changing as the baby grows. I’m trying to inhale every minute of this time so that I may remember it. It makes me feel like I’m participating in his growth, even though I can’t really grow a baby. I catch a scent that’s unusual for Amy. It’s smells a lot like fear. I drum my fingers on her belly. “Are you nervous?” I ask her.

  “Collin has a live interview today.”

  At the sound of his name, I growl.

  Mickey Mouse is up and toodles us as he leaves our table. Amy and I are alone. Amy smiles politely at everyone as they look our way, but I know that mind is running a mile a minute.

  “What kind of an interview?” Amy let Collin leave the loft. I never pressed her about him. She ought to tell me, and I know she will when she’s ready. Patience is my middle name.

  Amy grabs my phone and pulls up a live news station broadcast.

  I watch as if my life depends on it. Her scent is throwing me off. She’s perspiring, and when she puts her finger in her mouth and chews on her nail, I know something’s gonna happen.

  On the screen, Collin shakes hands with the host of some kind of stock market exchange show. They’re bouncing numbers back and forth. Amy’s fidgeting next to me. What the fuck? I watch the interview for a full ten minutes before the incubus’s posture changes. He pulls back his shoulders as if struck with something in his back. I can see the moment Collin’s eyes go out of focus and he stares at the camera. It zooms in on his face. The color of his eyes brightens ever so slightly, not enough for humans to make a big deal of. I shiver.

  “Mandy Jackson,” he says.

  “Ta-da.” Amy pops popcorn into her mouth.

  I glance from her to the man on the screen as he starts admitting to the rape case he got tried for and cleared of all charges. He pauses, and I think it’s over. But oh no, he proceeds with listing more names and admitting his guilt in plain language so everyone clearly understands what’s going on.

  Amy’s having more popcorn.

  Me and the rest of America are gaping at the screen.

  “Iminathi Viljoen,” Collin says, and proceeds to tell the nation about the night he raped her. The show keeps rolling as the man speaks.

  The scent of a vampire hits my nose. I glance up as Sevile makes his way to our table. He’s wearing a suit and a tie. I picture him in a Mickey costume.

  “Pryus. Amy,” he says by way of greeting.

  Amy tenses, but I got some tricks up my sleeve too. And I ain’t paying his five grand. He can suck my dick. I flag Sandy over, and she takes Sevile’s beer order.

  Amy’s fidgeting. The Collin Show rolled off, and he’s probably leaving the station in cuffs. I want to congratulate her, but I gotta take care of Sevile and make a point. “I hear you accused my mate of protecting me,” I say. “Mated pairs are allowed to protect each other and their family. Dirty is my brother, and my mate helped out with his situation. There is no debt here. So fuck off with that.”

  Sevile reaches for Amy’s popcorn and tries a piece. Vamps don’t have to eat food, but they can. He flashes some fang as he chews and hums. “I’d like to fuck off, but it’s not in the cards for me,” he says.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re saying. Are we agreed on clearing the debt?”


  Well, that was easy. I narrow my eyes.

  “I hear you’re pregnant,” he tells me with a smirk.

  “The baby and I,” Amy says, “are happy to know your hearing is as good as a wolf’s.”

  “It’s better,” Sevile says with a wink.

  We’ve been back in town for months, and Sevile hasn’t approached my pregnant demon to collect his money. I appreciate the fact he came around when Amy and I sat together instead of cornering her alone. Sevile chews on his bottom lip. I look around at all the humans at the party, because he’s clearly showing fang now.

  “I’m here to ask for a favor,” he says.

  “Oooo, I love those,” Amy says. “It’s like trick or treat. Trick!”

  Sevile swallows. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was uncomfortable. Sure enough, he’s squirming in his chair. Amy and I both lean forward, because watching this vamp squirm is a pleasure.<
br />
  “When you make your runs”—he points at the forest—“I’d like to know if you come across a portal.”

  Amy props her head with her arm. “You mean like a portal from another dimension?”


  “Which dimension?” I ask, because I’d hate to run into a fifty-foot golem one day. Portals were banned a long time ago. What lives in this world stays in this world, and the other side better stay there too.

  “Any one,” he says. He’s omitting something, and that’s fine. I don’t expect honesty from a vampire. Sevile and I strike a deal. Yes, I’d let him know if we run into a portal. I invite him inside Snarl, where he shoots pool with my brother.

  It’s well into the night when people clear out. Not all people, of course. Bernie makes his way to the bar. Natie is already flagging me over. She knows what’s gonna happen next. Bernie tries to climb the bar chair, the chair tips and takes him down. It’s a sure sign that life is back to normal.

  I stretch, my muscles sore from sitting for hours and following the aftermath of the Collin Show. He’s sitting in jail. I turn to Amy and realize she’s fallen asleep in the chair. I pick her up just as Natie runs by to open the door to Dirty’s pickup truck. I’m shopping for a minivan because Amy and I want a full house. I kiss Amy’s freckled nose. “I love you, baby girl, and I’m taking you home.”


  Hello! Milana here. This has been Real Good Wolf, first in a Dirty Monsters series of standalone stories. If you are new-to-me reader thank you for taking a chance with my book! If you came here from the Beasts and/or Dragons—welcome back my loyal sexy pumpkin!

  Okay, so three things now.

  1. Dirty, Pryus’s brother’s story, Sweet Dirty Wolf, is available exclusively on my website. CLICK HERE.

  2. For Sevile’s story teaser flip the page. (I am STOKED to write vampires. Super fun. Bite me, bite me! Okay, I’m done now. Flip onward.)

  3. If you enjoyed this book, you MUST read my Beasts, so I’ve included a super short snipped with the Alpha Beast at the very end.

  Lonely Vampire Prince teaser

  Uncorrected proof pending release


  “Prince,” the head of my brigade, Salvatore, says and lands next to me. He’s grinning like an idiot because tonight is an exciting night for my people. After a decade, we’re getting fresh pets, descendants of humans from families in our service. Salvatore tosses a human female over his shoulder and slaps her ass. “After you,” he says to me with a wink.

  I wave him off, and he chuckles as he walks inside.

  Some nights, I want to strangle him. Other nights, I want to strangle everyone. Today is a strangle-everyone night as I stand on the edge of my mountain-carved home and stare at the hiking path below. Most of the humans climbing the path are coming from Snarl, a werewolf-owned bar in our cozy little town of Forestvilas, where they’d spent the day with the family member released from service this very morning. The old pet tells the new pet how my court works and passes on the duties. Most of the newbies get drunk, especially when they hear they are also expected to provide my males with their body and their blood. Not sure why their families wait till the last moment to impart that bit of information. As if sex is some sort of taboo compared to bloodletting. Humans are strange.

  They are welcome to return home, and yet they rarely do. Nobody makes them come into service. That’s for one. For two, at the end of the decade, they’re sent off with ridiculous amounts of money. And we guarantee they will leave alive. Unless they betray me to the fairies, of course. Then they lose their minds and wander the earth thinking they’re a pumpkin. Fair is my middle name.

  The hiking path leads to the left and curves, but another path is open and visible only to those of us in the know. At great expense to my well-being, I’ve secured brownie servants who loyally pull their magic together and cast spells on my court so that it appears as a mountain. My vampires are picking off humans from the path and ascending into my court. It’s the only way one can get into my home—by flying.

  Salvatore returns and throws a hand over my shoulder. He squeezes. “Ever heard of the Judases?”

  “It was an old TV show.”

  “That’s the Joneses. I mean the Judases, as in the family who serves us.”

  I frown and mentally run through the list of families. “I don’t recall that last name.”

  “Me either, but they could be from up north and moved here.”

  “Could be. Why?”

  “Because I can’t wait to sink my fangs into the pet I carried.”

  Blood was blood. Food was good. Pussy was pussy to all but me. Without a mate, I eat and exist, occasionally descending to Snarl and hanging out with the werewolves because at least they give my brain stimulation in the form of verbal sparring.

  “You still looking for fairies?” Salvatore asks.

  I hiss. A sore subject to bring up. “I told the wolf packs to report if they sense a portal.”

  “You really think more fairies are gonna breach the realm?”

  “I’m certain.” I’d drained one of their warriors last month. I hope that’ll teach the rest of them a lesson. Nine years ago, the little fairy princess refused to mate me after I sank my fangs into her throat and tied my soul to hers for life. She fucking refused me. Me! The Prince of Rothingham House, one of the most powerful vampire houses in the country. So yes, I drain every one of her kind who comes here seeking pleasures of the human realm. Fuck the fairies.

  As the last of my brigade flies up the last of our new pets, I spin around and walk into the tunnel, my sight perfect in the pitch black. Salvatore follows. I almost feel him grinning at my back while I drag my ass up the stairs and emerge into our reception hall, where I take my seat at the throne, a plush red chair with gold trim. The chair’s for show. We don’t use thrones except for special occasions such as introducing our new pets to their new owners and our way of life in general.

  I survey my court. Humans don’t interest me. They are food. I don’t fuck either, so I bypass the humans and smile at my people. It’s a good night for them, and I aim to spread the fucking cheer. The buzzing energy around me makes me hungry, and my claws extend and my face takes on a more sinister look, the one I use for hunting. My teeth grow, pushing out my jaw and slightly elongating my face. Blood rushes into my eyes and covers their natural color. I’m a red-eyed motherfucking monster.

  I sniff. Fear.

  Fuck, I love this. My heart beats steadily as I say, “Welcome to Rothingham House. I’m Prince Sevile, your host. You were raised to serve me and my house’s members, and you’re expected to follow the rules at all times. Failure will result in your family being removed from our service, which, by the way, means they’ll lose all their wealth. Nobody wants that, and believe me, your family will make you suffer for it more than I care to know. In fact, you are welcome to walk away right now or hold you peace for a decade, after which we will alter your mind to ensure life-long compliance. You will bleed from your ears and die if you mention vampires to anyone besides your family. Anyone unfamiliar with the rules?”

  No hands went up.

  “Anyone want to walk out?”

  Murmurs as humans consult the vampires who brought them here. The trust is a beautiful thing to witness. Because their first contact with us was when my members carried them up and chatted with them a bit, humans already feel companionship. They’re such a cute breed of creatures. I love owning so many of them.

  I leave my throne, dreading this part because I truly don’t give a rat’s ass which one of them will donate their blood for me. Sadly, even the prettiest human is not as beautiful as my fucking fairy mate, and while vampires own their pets for blood, they are also interested in sharing a bed with them. I sleep alone.

  But I need to eat. I make my way from my right to my left as if I’m searching for a pet. My people understand I can pick and choose anyone I want and however many humans I want. I walk to a girl who looks like
she comes from Hyun’s stock, our only Korean family. Their men and women eat well, making their blood sweet. Plus, the girls we’ve had since my dad was a boy were naturally submissive, perfect obedient creatures.

  Like a female fairy.

  Except for mine, of course. Mine tried to stab me with a hairpin as I drank from her. Then she proclaimed she’d rather lose her wings than marry me. So she lost her wings. Nine years later, I am just as bitter as I was the day she rejected me.

  Salvatore stands at the other end of the row, murmuring sweet nothings at the new Judas girl, whose giggles pierce the silence. He’s practically tucked her under his armpit. Bypassing the Hyun girl, I head straight for Salvatore. Ah, nothing makes my night better than fucking with him. Of course, I won’t take his new pet. But he doesn’t know that.

  I stand before him and clasp my hands behind my back. “Whatcha hiding there, my friend?” He’s hating me. The look in his eyes pleads for the girl. Now I’m curious. “Let me see,” I tell him.

  Salvatore groans and nudges the girl toward me. As she steps closer, the scent of her fear overwhelms my senses. And not just mine, judging by the male groans in the room. They’re horny, and they need to feed.

  I love the smell of her fear. I change my mind. “I’m keeping this one.” I lick my lips. “Dismissed.”

  Coming August, 2018

  Meet the Alpha Beast

  A snippet from Blind Beast Mate



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