Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1)

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Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1) Page 9

by Tamara White

  After graduation, my goal is to open up a shifter hospital, somewhere I could help since I can’t shift. I know there’s a great need for places like that. I remember Drew telling me on one of our dates that female wolves are rare because the majority of them are stillborn. He also mentioned that the mortality rate for the females giving birth was particularly high too, but never really explained why that is.

  After hearing that, I knew I wanted to do something to help. That’s when I came up with my ingenious plan to train as a paramedic, and possibly even get a degree in medical science at college, with the idea of one day opening a hospital for shifters. I couldn’t help shifters in the way Seth or Drew could, by helping them learn to control their changes and instincts, but I could help those that were hurt or malnourished. Work to help increase the success rate for wolf pregnancies. I don’t know how, but I’m determined to figure it out and help anyway I can.

  When I told Seth about my plan, he was incredibly supportive. When he asked what prompted the idea, I played it off, saying that I just wanted to help bring more shifters into the world and help the ones who know nothing of their heritage, people like me. But I never told him about Drew being the one to inspire such an idea. Purely because that was one of my fondest moments with Drew.

  We had finally opened up to each other, telling some of our deepest secrets, like the fact he never wanted to be Alpha. He explained that he had always planned to step down and eventually let Seth take the reins, but when their parents died protecting the pack, Seth no longer wanted any part of pack life. So while that conversation played a big part in my decision, it just didn’t feel right sharing those private moments with Seth.

  He on the other hand, had thoughts of helping the homeless on his mind when he decided to get a degree in the medical field. After graduation, he wanted to open up a homeless shelter, one that catered both to wolves that couldn’t shift or were without a pack, and to young humans, the ones who ran away from neglectful houses and such. Seth wanted those kids to have the chance to grow up around wolves, learning about their existence and hopefully strengthening our ties to the human world.

  Our plan was to use the inheritance I have coming as our start-up fund to buy the shelter. We were planning to do renovations in between classes and studying, but that’s obviously not what happened.

  While the money I have in my trust is enough to support me for twenty years without ever having to work, I still want to pursue the dream I had to help wolves. It feels even more important now that Seth is gone. I still want to open the shelter he wanted too, but at the same time, I feel like I would need a wolf to help me set up and run a place like that.

  I could open a regular shelter, no problem. Hell, I could probably even control the wolves with this Alpha command at my disposal, but even so, I would still have to deal with my heat every month. I would try to leave before that happened, of course, but if it snuck up on me like it did earlier, then there could be problems. And if I had new wolves around at the time, especially ones who hadn't shifted before or who hadn’t been around a female in heat before, then I'd hate to think of what might happen.

  Then there’s always the chance that a dangerous wolf could arrive seeking shelter. While I can easily handle myself against a wolf while they’re in human form, when they're shifted, it’s a whole different story. They can be vicious animals if provoked and I wouldn't want to put myself, or someone I was caring for, at risk. The only way this plan would work was if I had a wolf at my side, helping me out and offering protection when needed.

  I briefly considered Drew, but quickly changed my mind. He’s too selfish to do something for anyone other than himself.

  I pause when I reach the ground floor, the sound of voices emanating from the kitchen shaking me from my thoughts. I take a deep breath, praying that the marking worked.

  My walk to the open doorway is filled with tension. As I watch the eight wolves in the room putting groceries away, I notice two of them in particular, having seen them in a few of my classes.

  I stand in the doorway, watching for a few minutes longer until I finally get up the nerve to step into the room. I can tell the second the wolves in the kitchen get a whiff of me, because they all stop, their gazes slowly turning to me like those creepy ass monsters in horror movies.

  I offer a small wave and straighten my back, presenting myself as someone of higher rank. "Hi, guys! Sorry, I didn't get the chance to meet you all last night. I'm Katie," I say into the awkward silence. I keep waiting for one of them to move, to do anything really, because this stillness is just weird. Do I still smell like I'm in heat? Oh god, I hope not.

  Just when I'm about to snap, irritated with the prolonged silence, Colby walks in through the door from the other side of the kitchen. His eyes widen at the sight of everyone's gaze zeroed in on me. He strides purposefully over to me, inhaling deeply as he does.

  He stops in front of me and turns to face the rest of the wolves in the kitchen, his tall frame offering me a feeling of protection. "Anyone who touches Katie will have to deal with me," he growls out and it's like a switch is flicked. The other wolves immediately look away and go back to what they were doing before I walked in.

  Seeming satisfied by their acquiescence, Colby turns back to me, wearing a wide smile. Without a word, he drops to his knees and tilts his head to the side, offering me his submission. Gasps fill the room, mine included, until I feel hands on my elbows trying to pull me away from Colby.

  I look over my shoulder, growling at Kaden who appeared in the kitchen while my focus was fixed on Colby. Alex isn’t too far behind him, but at least he’s smart enough not to try and pull me away from Colby, like Kaden is currently doing.

  "Let me go," I demand, putting the Alpha command into my voice.

  Kaden immediately drops his hands, freeing me. He stares at me with wide eyes, but I have no time for him right now. I turn back to Colby and bend down, kneeling in front of him. Him like this, offering his neck for me to bite, is an act of submission, something a pack member would typically do for their Alpha.

  Colby stares at me with a look of complete devotion. I sigh sadly. This was one thing I always hated about Drew; he would make Seth submit much the same way I accidently just did with Colby. It was traumatizing to watch and demeaning to the other wolf. "Colby, please stand up. I understand you are trying to show me your respect right now, but you really don’t have to do this. I don't want anyone to bow to me," I tell him sincerely.

  He frowns in confusion, as if my words are in some foreign language. "You don't want me to submit to you?"

  "No." I shake my head and offer him a small smile. "You already thanked me for helping you with your mate. That is all I need or deserve. No wolf should be forced to bow before their Alpha like they are somehow less important, because it’s not one wolf that makes a pack. It's all of you. Your Alpha isn’t better than you, and neither am I." I press my forehead to Colby’s, showing I consider him my equal in the pack, ignoring the hushed whispers and gasps of shock. If I didn't know any better, I would think this pack had never been shown kindness.

  Colby sighs heavily, his breathing hitched as he pulls away, breaking the moment. He gets to his feet, then holds out a hand to help me up, which I gladly take. I smile up at him as he looks at me with hope-filled eyes.

  "Thank you, Katie. You have no idea what it means to be treated with such respect, especially considering how I acted last night. It would be well within your rights to forbid me to shift, keep me from seeing my mate, pretty much anything you could dream of as punishment, but instead you choose to show me kindness. I won't forget this anytime soon and if you ever need my help, I will drop everything for you."

  "Even your mate?" I tease, giving him a wicked smirk.

  His booming laugh startles a few of the guys in the room, making them jump. It makes me smile, though. Seeing him like this really suits him. He looks like he’s hiding a lot of pain inside, and as someone who has plenty of their own, it�
��s nice to see him filled with happiness, even if only for a second.

  "Let’s just wait and see if she agrees to be my mate. Then we’ll go from there,” he replies in a teasing tone.

  Just then, my stomach growls, loudly enough that is causes a few chuckles to echo through the room. I clap my hands together. "Right, who's hungry? I have just under an hour before I have to leave, but I can whip up some food for us all real quick. Although, I could do it faster with a couple of helpers," I suggest in the quiet kitchen.

  One of the tougher looking guys speaks up. "You can cook? This isn’t some kind of trick where you're going to just cut us up some fruit? You mean real food, right?"

  I laugh and look at all the hopeful expressions in the room. "If I have a helper or two, then I can make steak, bacon and eggs for breakfast. How's that sound?"

  A chorus of yeses fill the kitchen, making me smile. I make my way over to the fridge, while counting how many wolves are in the room. I open the door, pulling out twelve steaks. It’s going to take a bit to cook, but I should finish with enough time to eat quickly and make it over to the morgue at the edge of campus before class starts.

  I set up everything so it will be handy when I need it, then turn back, seeing the stunned gazes of all the guys. Kaden, Colby and Alex seem to have joined the others, and are now seated behind the island in the center of the room. "Right, so who's helping?"

  Two guys step forward at the same time and I smile at their enthusiasm. "Excellent. I'm Katie, in case you forgot. Just so you know, I get pretty bossy around food, so if you feel like you're being scolded, it just means you're not doing it right." I grin at them and everyone else chuckles. The ones who aren’t helping are all watching in fascination from their position behind the kitchen island.

  One of my volunteers, a blond god of a man with stunning green eyes, smiles broadly in response. "I'm Dwayne. I actually have a few classes with you and have seen you around before. This is my best friend, Kyle." Dwayne gestures to the shy looking sandy-haired guy standing next to him. He was the one who asked if I knew how to cook, but now looks surly, arms crossed over his chest. He does not appear to be happy with the flirty tone his friend is giving me.

  Dwayne continues talking, seeming oblivious to Kyle’s irritation, and gestures between the two of them. "We're your servants for the day, and the only two among this sorry lot likely not to burn anything. But no promises." He chuckles.

  "It's nice to officially meet you. And I assure you, as long as I'm in the kitchen there will be no burning of food." I pause, an idea coming to mind, and turn to Colby with a devilish grin. "Can you cook, Colby?"

  He shakes his head no, a foreboding expression crossing his face. I beckon him over with my finger. "Come on then. You’re going to get a crash course into how to make your mate happy."

  I set Dwayne, Kyle and Colby each up at one of the burners. Then I pull out pans, placing one in front of each of them. It's lucky this kitchen is set up to feed a pack of wolves. The guys have twelve burners to work from.

  I turn to Colby first, since the steaks are stacked beside him. "One thing women like more than anything is a man who can cook. Even if it’s something simple, she will appreciate the effort you put into your food. My mate hated cooking and would rather burn shit on purpose then cook us dinner. When I was sick, though, when it really mattered, he rose to the occasion and took care of me. So if you're interested, I’ll teach you the basics so you can cook for your mate."

  He nods eagerly, giving me a wide smile. "Yes, I think that’s a good idea.”

  I return his smile with one of my own, before turning to the other two guys. "Right, you boys will be on bacon and eggs. Pick one and that will be your focus. I will oversee you both, so just pick whichever one you're more comfortable with."

  Dwayne nods, his gaze serious. "I'm pretty confident doing the eggs. As long as you don't mind doing bacon?" He glances over at his friend.

  Kyle nods, looking relieved. "Yeah, I cook bacon all the time so that's probably for the best."

  Ten minutes later and the guys are hard at work at their specific stations while I supervise. Alternating between each of them, I give words of encouragement and let them know when they get close to overcooking anything.

  Colby seems confident handling the steaks. Right now, he’s using multiple pans, cooking them three at a time while also sharing the space with Dwayne and Kyle.

  I move past Dwayne's shoulder, looking down at the eggs he's making like a pro. Granted, it’s only scrambled eggs, which are pretty easy for most people, but he was fully engrossed in watching me as I made them. He stopped me when I added in cream instead of milk, claiming I was doing it wrong. After I explained to him that cream lead to fluffier eggs, he was more than happy to let me do whatever and just follow my instructions. He seems to have adapted the same aura of confidence Colby has.

  Kyle, however, seems to be growing increasingly frustrated. I step into the space behind him, my body flush against his back. He immediately stiffens and inhales deeply, turning his head to the side slightly.

  I narrow my eyes at him. "Kyle, focus. You're too busy getting distracted by everything else in the room. Just concentrate on what’s in front of you or you won't succeed. Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, they’re not important right now. Concentrate," I murmur. He seems to take my words to heart, focusing back on the pans in front of him and tuning everything else out.

  I pull away and turn to meet Kaden's eyes. "Come help me grab plates and cutlery."

  He gets up with a grin and moves over to Colby, opening a cupboard to the right of his head. He begins pulling out plates, then moves back to the island, laying out the plates one by one. The others watch me follow behind Kaden, adding a knife and fork to each plate.

  I move back over to the cooking area and grab the dishes that have already been cooked, bringing them to the island one at a time.

  Once that’s done, I start dishing out food. When those dishes are empty, I go back for the next ones, the food hot off the stove, until finally all the food is cooked and the plates are all full.

  When I've finished serving the food, I turn around and step up to Kyle, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for helping. Now go eat." I hand him a plate piled with food. He takes it, walks into the dining room and takes a seat at the large table, all with a blank look on his face.

  Then I move to Dwayne and do the same, giving him a kiss on the cheek and handing him a plate. Like Kyle, he walks off in a sort of dazed state. He sits down next to his friend, leaning over to whisper something in his ear.

  I saved Colby for last because I wanted him to be particularly proud of his efforts. "You did fricking amazing today, Colby. Your mate would be very proud if she could see what you accomplished here. And if you want to further your learning, I’d be more than happy to help you." With that, I place a kiss to his cheek and give him a quick hug before handing him his plate of food. He doesn't say anything as he walks away, but he visibly preens at my words, filled with newfound self confidence, which was the point. After last night, I'm sure he's been feeling down and hopeless about the situation with his mate and I can't help him if he thinks all is lost already.

  Once Colby is seated, I smile at the others, who are all standing by the island, staring hungrily at the food. "Well boys, help yourself." Then I grab my plate and walk over to the fridge, pulling out the loaf of bread I saw when I grabbed the steaks.

  After throwing two slices of bread on top of my food, I move to the table. I watch with curiosity as Kyle and Dwayne both stand up and start glaring down their side of the table. A few of the guys quickly move down so there's an empty seat directly between Dwayne and Kyle. I glance over at Kaden and Alex, but neither seem bothered by their friends wanting me to sit by them. I shrug to myself, knowing if they have a problem with it they can just say so.

  I sit down in the newly vacated chair and look around, trying not to laugh at the sight of the wolves around me. They're all
eating with their knives and forks, but they look so awkward and uncomfortable doing so.

  I only gave them cutlery in case they wanted to use it, but I really wasn’t expecting it. Hell, I didn't bring any cutlery for myself. Using my hands, I put a sandwich together with everything that’s on my plate.

  Silence descends on the table and I can feel everyone’s eyes on me. I lift my gaze, grinning at them. "Seriously, guys. I only gave you cutlery to be polite. How the hell are we supposed to eat as fast as we do by cutting shit into tiny little bites?” I shrug and then focus back on the food in front of me, biting into my sandwich with a moan.

  Halfway through my sandwich, the others finally start in on their food, using their hands to eat. I have to admit it’s kind of funny they waited, wanting to see me eat with my hands first before they gave up their attempts at civility.

  That is something Seth never did. Hell, I was raised by humans and even I ate more like an animal than a human. He thought it was barbaric, though, and encouraged the use of cutlery constantly. Drew, on the other hand, was just as much of an animal as me, only using cutlery when we were in public settings. Wouldn’t want the humans to look at us funny, after all.

  When I finally finish, I lean back in my chair, sighing happily and rubbing my food baby. Unfortunately I'm one of those girls that looks pregnant mere moments after eating.

  Realizing I still have a few minutes before I have to leave, I decide to relax. I flip my hair over my shoulder and begin to braid it. One either side of me, Dwayne and Kyle both immediately stiffen in their seats. They too have finished eating, but until that moment, they had been talking across the table to two other pack members.

  Kyle turns his head slowly and leans close to me, taking in a deep breath. "Why do you smell like Alex and Kaden? But also like melted chocolate? It makes me want to lick you..." Kyle trails off, a slight pink staining his cheeks.

  I glance over at Kaden and Alex and see them smirking at me. Clearly, they aren't going to be of any help explaining this.


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