Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1)

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Show No Fear (Rising Goddess Book 1) Page 27

by Tamara White

  And all at once, I know where I am. This is the vision I had before my death.

  My eyes flick open and I lock gazes with the Guardian. “I’m sorry, young man. I was confused. This is indeed your mate’s body, but I am inhabiting it for the time being while she bonds with the power. We have but seconds before she regains control and I am released back into the abyss.”

  The men all look at me with reverence and drop to their knees, bowing before me. The presence in the back of my mind grows stronger, ready to push me out so I offer the only advice I can with the time I have left. “You six will not be the only ones she calls to her side. Trust her above all else, or you will all fall.”

  I’m sitting on Colby’s bed, completely naked, with Kaden and Alex on either side of me. Apparently, I had used magic to fling them from the bed. Well not me exactly, but a goddess who was possessing me while I accepted her power.

  Not that I remember any of that. When I came to awareness, I was facing off against my mates while wearing nothing but a sheet. Colby, Kaden, Alex and Bas were all there, as well as Dwayne and Kyle. Apparently they had arrived while the goddess was talking, or whatever it was she was doing with my body while I was still out of it.

  As they watched me, their eyes were filled with worry. I almost fainted from the sheer craziness of the situation, but Kaden managed to catch me. Then he set me down me on Colby’s bed while they took turns explaining what had happened over the past day.

  Apparently, I had fainted not long after Colby’s mother appeared, due to the overwhelming pain in my back. Which, as the guys claim, now sports a tattoo of sorts.

  “Show me,” I demand. I had never really wanted a tattoo, believing that I would only mark myself in such a permanent way if the image truly mattered to me. They exchange hesitant glances, seeming worried about how I’ll react and unsure about who should take the lead. Right now, I imagine they’re in their bond, arguing over who gets the lucky job of showing me this tattoo they mentioned.

  Finally Bas lets out a heavy sigh and gestures for me to drop the sheet covering me. I just stare incredulously at him. “Well? You need to let me see it for me to be able to take a picture and show you,” he teases with a wry smile.

  I roll my eyes and stand up, ignoring Kaden, who holds out a hand for me in case I fumble. Once I’m off the bed, I drop the sheet, holding back a cocky smirk as I do. I bet Bas didn’t think I’d have the balls to do it, especially in front of everyone.

  I turn around so he has full view of my naked back, which leaves me completely nude and facing Colby, Alex, Kaden, Dwayne and Kyle. None of them meet my gaze. In fact, they avert their eyes from me completely, which I admit is very sweet.

  After a long tension-filled moment, I look over my shoulder at Bas. His eyes are heated with lust and he seems more interested in studying my naked backside rather than taking a picture of it.

  “Well? Are you just gonna keep staring or will you take the damn picture already?” I ask, my voice filled with amusement.

  He shakes his head, a small smile on his lips. Then he pulls out his phone and snaps a picture of my back. “There, all done.”

  He waits for me to wrap the sheet back around myself and sit back on the bed. I look up and see that both Bas and Kaden are now watching me with heated eyes. The others still keep gazes averted, offering me privacy even though I don’t really need it. I’m perfectly happy with my body, even if I’m not stick model thin.

  After I’m comfortably situated, he hands me his phone. He says something to the others, but I don’t hear it. I think I’m in shock.

  I look over my new mark, feeling completely awed. The guys continue speaking, but I don’t hear what they’re saying, my focus on the image of a wolf howling at a moon that is permanently etched into my back. No wonder it hurt so much. The thing takes up almost my whole back and looks like a tattoo at first glance, but the longer I look at it, the more I’m convinced there’s something mystical about it.

  I hand the phone back to Bas, who offers me a small smile. Then I turn to Kaden and Colby, who seem to be arguing about my safety.

  “We’re safer here,” Colby insists. “There are more mature wolves in this pack, ones who are more capable of protecting Katie.”

  Kaden, however, doesn’t like that and growls in annoyance. “We are more than capable of protecting our mate. Besides, she was attacked here, not at the frat, so what does that say about the so-called safety you’re offering?”

  “Enough!” I shout, startling the both of them. “Colby, I get that you want to stay here so you can be near your brothers, but having me here only puts a bigger target on their heads.” I don’t want to leave little Jack and Dylan either, not after the witches have made their presence here known. If the rest of the witches figure out the people they sent aren’t coming back, then I’m sure they will contact the person who led them here to begin with. And if my suspicions are correct about the person who told them of my existence, she will tell them exactly where we are, which needs to be far from those two little boys I have come to adore.

  “And you,” I growl, turning my attention to Kaden, “stop being an ass. Yes, we’re going back to the frat house, but you don’t have to be a dick about being right. Just help get everyone organized and ready to leave, alright?”

  “What are you going to do?” Colby asks suspiciously, having picked up on the fact I didn’t say I would be helping them.

  I smirk at him, letting him see the deadly intent in my eyes. “Well, Colby, I am going to find your mother. She has some answers that I need.” At least if my suspicions are correct. Now that I look back, she did seem awfully insistent about Colby visiting the pack and his brothers today. Not to mention that we had barely been here for thirty minutes before we were threatened by witches.

  No, something fishy is going on, and if my hunch is correct, finding out the truth might break Colby’s heart. Because if his mother is working with witches, it could change everything. Because if the guys were worried about how he would react to Emily being a witch, then what would he do to his mother if he found out she was working with them?

  I get to my feet, then look down to ensure the sheet isn’t going to trip me up before moving over to the dresser in the room. While part of me thinks I should care that they are all watching me, I just don’t right now. There are too many thoughts going through my mind to worry about this as well. I let the sheet drop and open the top drawer, pulling out a shirt that smells of Colby. I smile softly and pull it on, glad it’s long enough to cover me. Then I get to work, searching for my own clothes. I still don’t know why they stripped me bare while I was passed out. At the very least, they could have left my bra and panties on. After a quick search, I come to the conclusion they are probably either destroyed or in the wash.

  I turn and make my way out of the room. But I don’t make it more than five feet before Colby appears at my side, refusing to let me go alone. “The others are going to get the cars ready, then we will go back to campus. What do you need to talk to my mother about?”

  I remain silent as I try to figure out what to say, pretty sure he’s not going to like my answer. Thankfully I’m saved from having to answer, because as we step into the living room, I see that Sarah’s already there. Jack and Dylan are both sitting in her lap as she reads them a story. When they see us, both boys immediately leap from their mother’s lap and launch themselves at me.

  I bend down and pull them into a tight hug, so glad to see they’re safe.

  “Alright, boys, it's time to let Katie go now. Nina is here to take you to school,” Colby announces as a knock sounds at the front door.

  They both groan, but neither of them argue. I let them go and Colby walks them over to the front door, watching as they retrieve their school bags.

  I move to stand in front of Sarah, who looks nervous to have my gaze fixed on her so she looks down at the floor instead. “I, uh, cleaned your clothes from yesterday and put them in the bathroom if you would like to

  “Yeah, I will before we go. I still want to wait a bit before getting dressed, though, because my back is still stinging slightly. Besides, we have more important things to discuss right now.”

  “Oh, really?”

  Colby comes back into the room, and I sigh in resignation. I frigging hate that he is going to be here for this. Still, I don’t let his presence deter me from this. “Yes, Sarah. For instance, we have to discuss how the witches knew exactly where I was, as well as what I was.” Her face blanches and I’m sure she’s just now realized that I’ve put one and two together.

  “I thought it was very weird when we had our appointment that you mentioned a goddess, but then later acted as if you had no memory of saying such a thing. But that's all it was, wasn’t it? An act. You knew who I was, and you told them where to find me.

  “You didn’t realize how close Colby and I were, so you thought it would be easy enough to just get rid of me. That was before you realized I was his mate. But by then, you had already told the witches and it was too late.”

  Her head hangs in shame. Even though she didn’t say as much, her reaction is enough to confirm that that is exactly what happened.

  Colby growls low in his throat, his anger palpable. “Why?! Why would you help them? After what they did to Dad?”

  “I had no choice, Colby. After they killed your father, they put a spell on me. They knew sooner or later the goddess would come back and try to save us. They spelled me so that I would have to call them if I ever encountered such an individual. If I tried to deny them, they would have hurt your brothers. I chose the necessary evil.”

  “Oh really? The necessary evil? You know Katie and I were playing in the woods with the boys when they showed up? And that the majority of the pack was hanging at my place?” Colby is fuming now. “If it weren’t for Katie’s quick thinking, neither of them would be okay right now. The least you could have done was warn us, tell the pack to stay out of the woods, something! But no, you didn’t think beyond your decision to hand Katie over to the witches. Next time, it might be wise to remember you are not just one person, but the Alpha of an entire pack.”

  At those words, she gets her feet. I can tell what she plans to do before she does it.

  Her Alpha command rises and she uses it to try force Colby to his knees, but he stays standing, meeting her angry gaze head on. “That won’t work on me, Mother.” Then his gaze flicks to me. “You inherited Father’s Alpha power when he passed, but now that I am Guardian to a goddess, no one can command me but her.”

  I sigh and rub my temples in frustration. Then I sit down, needing to be off my feet. “Look, I am not here to be all judgey about what your mother chooses to do. She is well within her right to ally herself with whomever she believes will help her and her pack. But what I want to know is what you told them about me. Did you tell them everything?” I ask worriedly as my hand strays to my stomach, not wanting to say the words out loud. The boys might hear and this isn’t how I want them to find out.

  Sarah’s shoulders slump as she looks from me to her son, then she lets out a breath of air. “No, I only told them who you were. Nothing more. That was the deal and now that I’ve lived up to my end of the bargain, I’m done with them.”

  “Good, because I won’t offer protection to someone who is willing to aid those who wish to kill me or mine. If you ever need me, then you are more than welcome to call on me for help. But for right now, I think it would be best if the guys and I all went back to campus, so we can try to figure out what this all means.”

  She’s nodding before I even finish. I glance over at Colby, who looks relieved at the prospect of returning home.

  “It’s probably a good idea for you to get back to your territory and hole yourselves up for a while.” She pauses for a moment before adding, “Although, I do strongly recommend you contact Ian and Lachlan. They will be able to offer advice on how to handle the witches, since they are the only two of our kind who have gone against them and come out alive. Because of that, they are the only two wolves in existence the witches fear.”

  Interesting. I wonder how they survived and why exactly the witches fear them? Maybe because they’re older? One thing I realize, though, is that she doesn’t know about Colby having killed his father’s attackers, otherwise she wouldn't have phrased her statement quite that way.

  “I will, but I have to sort out matters with my pack first. I wanted to thank you for letting us stay on pack lands during the time I was transitioning. I know your pack must be afraid after what happened, but I promise to do my best to keep the witches from coming back. When I have more control over my power and there are fewer threats in my life, I will visit again to assure them of their safety.”

  Colby moves closer to me, holding out a hand to help me to my feet as I get up, still feeling completely exhausted. Who knew transitioning into a goddess could take so much out of you? Then again, it could also have something to do with the fact I have two little lives growing within me, draining me of all my energy.

  I lean on Colby for support as he leads me away. But before we leave the room, Sarah calls out, stopping me. “Katie, I have something before you go.”

  Oh? What could she possibly have for me?

  I wait as she approaches me slowly, her face radiating kindness. Then she reaches in her back pocket and pulls out a square envelope, handing it to me with a grin. As I turn it over, I realize that she has printed out a disc of my ultrasound, something I can show Kaden and Alex when I tell them. So I can show them the miracles that our night together created.

  The rest of our time at the house moved quickly from that point on. Colby didn't want me there any longer than necessary, so we just grabbed our stuff and headed straight back to campus.

  There was a bit of an argument when we first got out to the cars over whose car I would be going in. None of the guys wanted to be separated from me, and Kaden and Alex, having only just reconnected with me, were very sullen about the whole thing. But Colby insisted he needed to talk to me about something privately and they gave in. They did ask, however, that we at least take Bas with us. They also said that they would be spending time with me tonight, leaving no room for argument.

  We’ve been driving in silence for over an hour, with Colby and Bas in the front while I sit in back, mulling over everything. It’s just hard to process that I'm some kind of goddess and the witches want me for some reason. Whether it’s to kill me, or because they want to use my new powers for their own ends, who really knows?

  Just thinking of my new power sends a thrum through my body. All this time, I thought that the ball of rage I felt inside me was nothing more than magic in its untapped form. It’s no longer a ball, though. No, now it flows freely through my veins, magic filling my very essence.

  I concentrate on my hands, wishing to see what this new magic looks like. My eyes widen as my hands start to glow brightly.

  "Jeez, Katie. Would you mind not lighting up like a Christmas tree when I'm driving?" Colby asks with a touch of agitation in his voice as he glances back at me in the rearview mirror.

  I concentrate on making the magic disappear again. Once it's completely absorbed back within me and the light disappears, I look back up, ignoring the questioning glance from Bas.

  "Sorry, Colby. I was just getting a little bored and thought I'd try my magic. I’m not sure what exactly I am capable of, but if I can figure out some of this magic, then maybe I can use it to better protect me and the babies if the witches ever decide to attack us again.”

  Colby's hands grip the steering wheel tighter and he takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I'm sorry for snapping at you and that you’re afraid for your babies, Katie. You shouldn’t have to worry about that right now.”

  He sighs softly, keeping his gaze fixed on the road. “I have to admit, you being a goddess has thrown me for a loop. And now I’m a Guardian, but I still can’t protect you on my own. I had to lie to Kaden and Alex to get th
em to come down here because you haven’t told them the truth yet. They just think you have a bug, not that you’re pregnant, so they’re going to think I’m being weird about your protection. It was bad enough having to tell them I’m your true mate and dealing with their anger about hiding that from them, but add in my recent overprotectiveness, well, that might just be too much for them to handle.”

  "Babies? Does that mean you’re having more than one then?" Bas asks, his eyes swinging between Colby and me, amazement in his expression.

  "Yeah, apparently there are two little invaders in here," I tell him with a wry smile, cupping my small barely existent bump gently. I am both dreading and excited for the time when I can actually tell I'm pregnant by sight alone.

  As I look down at my stomach, caressing it reverently, I know it's time to tell Alex and Kaden the truth. "Look, when we get back to the frat, I want to hold a pack meeting of sorts. Both to tell everyone about the witches, but also because I want to tell Kaden and Alex about the babies. It's time for everything to be out in the open. We need to present a united front against the threat of the witches. If they were bold enough to invade your mother’s pack land with the intention of attacking, then who knows what else they are capable of? We all need to be prepared for what’s to come. I would suggest calling your Alpha and telling him it's imperative for him to come home. We need all the help we can get, but more than that, I really would prefer not to be the one issuing instructions to his pack."

  Colby looks at me in the mirror, his eyes filled with worry or possibly fear, I'm not sure which. "I already called him. He should arrive at the frat house shortly after we get there."

  I lean back in the seat and sigh, feeling a weight off my shoulders. "That's good. At least he might have a better idea what to do about all this. Maybe he can even offer some insight into this whole ‘goddess’ thing?" I pause, waiting for one of them to chime in but they both remain silent.


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