Hearts Under Fire (Dragons of Ember Brooke Book 2)

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Hearts Under Fire (Dragons of Ember Brooke Book 2) Page 4

by Victoria Zak

  She pealed herself off the door and took the stairs down to the lobby. She opened the door to pay the pizza guy.

  “It’s already been taken care of.”

  “Really?” She took the pizzas.

  “Have a nice night.” The delivery guy smiled and tipped his baseball cap.

  Stone must have paid for the pizzas.

  She walked back upstairs and stopped outside the door. She couldn’t go back inside, not yet. Her heart needed breathing room before she did something stupid and slept with him. Her body craved his touch, but it wasn’t worth the heartache. One night together wouldn’t change a damn thing. She’d only wake up in the morning hating herself.

  Cynthia sat on the top step. She placed the pizzas next to her and the smell of grease and warm cheese wafted through the air causing her stomach to growl. She looked back at the door, contemplating cracking it open and sliding Stone’s food to him. Nope, she wasn’t giving up this alone time quite yet.

  She opened a pizza box and took out a slice. The taste of salty ham and olives made her groan. Part of her was okay with Stone staying the night. With a crazed lunatic out to get her, she liked the fact he was here to protect her.

  The attacker obviously knew about the dead Dragonkine and knew she was investigating the crime. Maybe he killed the dragon. There was so much more to the story, and it drove her crazy not knowing.

  But it still didn’t explain why Stone magically appeared. His story didn’t make sense. Nope, she threw the bullshit flag on that. He was there for something and it wasn’t the dragon.

  If he would be honest with her, she could help.

  Cynthia sighed. Stone, what’s your connection?

  She placed her hand on her hip where she’d tucked the drive inside the waistband of her underwear. If her instincts were right, this thumb drive could hold all the answers to her questions. Whatever was on it, it was Dragonkine business and she had every right to know. If Stone wouldn’t tell her what the hell was going on, she’d find out herself.

  The door to her apartment creaked open. The familiar scent of Stone’s cologne filled the space. Shit. Alone time was over.

  She turned around. Her lame excuse of why she was sitting outside lodged in her throat. He bent down and picked up the pizza boxes, then held out his hand. Nothing was said. He looked at her as if he understood she needed some space.

  She took his hand, and he pulled her up. Their bodies where close, only the pizza box stood between them. Her eyes focused on his full lips as they turned into a sexy grin. She missed that smile. It always made her dizzy.

  He held the door open, motioning for her to go inside. She followed him to the dining room table where he placed the pizzas. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat. She watched him walk into the kitchen where he grabbed two paper plates, two wine glasses, and a bottle of wine. Upon returning, he poured their wine and placed a couple of pieces of pizza on her plate. He sat on the far side of the table and tucked his napkin on his lap.

  Inside, Cynthia sighed as he took a sip of wine. Her mate was taking care of her. Knowing Stone’s billionaire status, she knew he was more than just peperoni pizza on a paper plate. He enjoyed the finer things. But damn, he made the simple things in life feel like the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

  They ate in comfortable silence. Two slices and two glasses of wine later, Cynthia couldn’t keep her eyes open. The sound of a chair sliding against the hardwood floor jerked her awake. Half asleep, she watched Stone wipe the corners of his mouth. Was she dreaming? Was Stone really here? She fought to keep her eyes open. Damn, he had a sexy mouth.

  Strong arms cradled her and picked her up. She opened her eyes to find herself in Stone’s arms. “What are you doing?”

  “You’ve had a rough day. I’m putting you to bed.”

  “I can walk.” Instead of fighting, she laid her head on his chest. “I can…” She yawned. “Take care of myself.”

  “Shhh.” He pressed his lips against her forehead. “I’m taking care of you.”

  Stone walked upstairs. They entered her bedroom. He pulled back the covers, laid her on the bed, and tucked her in.

  “I’ll be downstairs if you need anything.”

  She looked up at him. Her dragon wanted him to crawl into bed with her and make her forget about everything, but she couldn’t forget.

  “There’s extra blankets in the hall closet.” She rolled over on her side.

  “Goodnight, Cyn.”

  His voice washed over her, wrapping her in a warmth only Stone could give her. She was safe.

  Cynthia sat on the edge of her bed, zipping up her boots. The smell of fresh brewed coffee penetrated her room. “Goddess be,” she sighed. He remembered how much she loved her morning cup of java.

  She ran her hands down her black pants, internally giving herself a pep talk like a coach would his team. “Go downstairs, grab your coffee, and go to work. Do not make eye contact. And…break.” She sprang to her feet making sure her white blouse was buttoned and tucked properly before leaving her bedroom.

  She walked downstairs, putting on her blazer and fluffing her hair into place. Her heart sank as she reached the kitchen. Stone was dressed to the nines in a three-piece suit. His dark hair glistened in the sunlight coming through the kitchen window, not a hair out of place. He smiled at her. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

  Shit, she was doing it again, allowing him to charm past her scaled armor and straight to her heart. Quickly, she patched her scales, blocking every loving thought of Stone out. “Yeah, how about you?” She pulled two coffee cups from the cabinet, then walked over to the coffee pot next to the sink.

  “Not bad.” He stretched and yawned.

  She poured the coffee, nonchalantly watching him roll his head from shoulder- to-shoulder, working out a kink in his neck. His five o’clock shadow was darker than the day before, giving him a rebellious, sexy look. “Shit.” Hot coffee spilled over her cup and onto her hand.

  “You should be more careful.” Stone grabbed a kitchen towel and soaked up the spill. “Are you okay?” His hand brushed against hers, and for a second, they stared into each other’s eyes. The lust burned in his eyes, warning her he wanted to kiss her.

  Quickly, she moved away and washed her hands. “You probably need to get to work. I’ll be fine. I can call Zee for a ride to the station.”

  “That won’t be necessary.”

  Cynthia grabbed her coffee and took a sip. “Why?”

  “Because I’m going with you.”

  She about spit coffee. “I didn’t know it was bring-your-pet-to-work day.”

  “Cyn, I’m not going anywhere until I find out who attacked you. It’s not safe for you to be alone.”

  She huffed. “There’s no stopping you, is there?”

  “Not when it comes to your safety.”

  “So, I now have my own personal body guard?”

  “Yep, and I’m even house trained.” He grinned.

  Cynthia grabbed her coffee and shook her head as she headed toward the door. “Let’s go, Godzilla. I’m late.”

  They walked into the station and heads turned. She could feel the heat of their stares on her back. There was a time when she wouldn’t have noticed it, but it had been awhile since Stone and she had walked into a room together.

  Cynthia sat down at her desk and went through a stack of papers, hoping she’d find the forensics report. She glanced at Stone. “Why are you still here?”

  Stone placed his hands on her desk and leaned in. “Cyn.” His smoldering eyes locked onto hers, sending a shiver down her spine. “The harder you push me away, the longer I’ll stay. Besides, you don’t really want me to leave. I can feel her; your dragon hasn’t forgotten me.”

  Inside he’d rattled her to the breaking point, but on the outside, she stood firm. “Well, she isn’t getting her way until you can be honest with me.”

  “You know I can’t.”

  “Listen, we’ve already been there
and done that. Go home, Stone.”

  “Well, if it isn’t Stone MacMarcus,” a voice boomed across the room.

  “Shit.” Cynthia watched her boss stride over.

  “How the hell have you been, son?” Her boss and Stone clasped hands.

  “Very well, Captain Rogers.”

  “Cynthia.” The chief planted his hands on his hips as he scolded her like a child. “Why didn’t you tell me Stone was in town?”

  “Well…I…I mean—”

  “You must be here for the DFU fundraiser gala tonight.”

  Stone looked at her with a mischievous smile. What was he up to? She glared at him and shook her head.

  “I am.” He winked before turning his attention to her boss. “Cynthia and I are looking forward to attending.”

  “Fantastic,” her boss exclaimed. “Blacktalons Enterprise has been one our biggest supporters. Your generous donations are highly appreciated.”

  “I’m happy to support fellow Dragonkine in any way I can.”

  “Well, then I’ll see you all tonight,” Captain Rogers nodded and left the room.

  “What in the hell was that about?” Cynthia shot out of her chair.

  “You can’t not go to the fundraiser. You have to show your support to the DFU.”

  “I’m going,” Zee said from the desk next to hers.

  Cynthia glared at him. “Well, I’m not.”

  “Yes, you are,” Stone replied. “You’re my date.”

  Heat rose up her body and reddened her cheeks.

  “I’ll be by to pick you up around eight.”

  “Stone, I’m not going. I have nothing to wear.”

  “Wear the black dress.” He grinned, then walked out of the station.

  Cynthia stood speechless. He remembered the black dress.

  “Now, I understand everything.” Zee said, breaking the spell she was under.

  “Shut up, Zee.” Cynthia huffed as she sat back down at her desk.

  “Seriously, Cynthia, why didn’t you tell me you were mated to Stone MacMarcus.”

  “Because it’s none of your business.”

  “His father is legendary.”

  “How about you be Stone’s date. You seem to like him more than I do.”

  “Hell, I’d turn gay for a night to be with him.”

  Cynthia wadded up a piece a paper and threw it at him. “Get to work.”


  Stone raced back to his penthouse after receiving a text from Jensen. He had footage from Cyn’s attack. This could be exactly what he needed to find out who attacked her and who was after the thumb drive.

  Stone opened the door and tossed his keys on the table. “Hey, honey, I’m home,” Stone called out as he made a beeline to the office.

  Jensen sat behind the desk with his eyes glued to his laptop. “Hey. Come take a look at this.” Jensen pointed to the screen.

  Stone stood behind him. Frame-by-frame he watched a man in a black leather jacket hold his mate against her will. Stone snarled and held back the urge to reach inside the screen and snatch the bastard over to his side. He’d rip the fucker’s head off.

  “Cyn kicked this guy’s ass,” Jensen gloated.

  A sense of pride streaked up Stone’s spine. His beautiful mate knew exactly what to do to keep herself safe.

  “The attacker isn’t dragon,” Stone said as he studied the footage closer. “When I was with Cyn after the attack, I smelled something on her. It was sour.”

  “If the attacker isn’t a dragon, then what is it?”

  “I definitely think human, because she wouldn’t have been able to escape quickly with one blow to his head. Can you get a closer look at his face?”

  “This is the closest I can get.” Jensen zoomed in. “It gets grainy if I zoom in any farther. Unfortunately, the camera angle was pointed behind them.”

  Yes, it was unfortunate. All he could see was the back of their heads as the attacker pushed his mate against the wall.

  There had to be something here that would give him a clue of who he was up against. Someone else knew Cyn had the thumb drive. And what was more alarming, they knew its importance. But who? Stone scratched his chin as he studied the images.

  “Rewind to the beginning where they entered the alley.” Stone narrowed in on the attacker. “Stop.” Stone leaned in, getting a better look at the footage. “Pause it here.”

  Jensen paused the images. “It looks as if he has something on the side of his neck. A tattoo?”

  That was exactly what Stone was thinking. “Zoom in.”

  “Holy Shit,” Jensen exclaimed.

  Stone stared at the black and gray dragon eye engulfed in flames tattooed on the side of the attacker’s neck. “Lords of the Eternal Flames,” Stone said under his breath, because saying it out loud was horrifying.

  “This isn’t good.” Jensen exhaled.

  Stone stepped away and began to pace, deep in thought. The Lords were a secret society of elder Dragonkine and were very powerful. Mostly, they kept to themselves. But what did this human have to do with them? It didn’t make sense. Dragons never involved humans in their business. What was he missing?

  Stone returned to the laptop. “Zoom in closer on the tattoo.” Stone’s heart plummeted to his stomach. Underneath the dragon eye, a row of ancient Dragonkine runes spelled out Dragonslayer. “Do you see it?”

  Jensen leaned back in the chair and scrubbed his hand down his face. “Dragonslayer.”

  “The Lords want the drive and have sent their minions to do their dirty work, not thinking we’d expect humans to be involved.” Stone picked up where he’d left off pacing. “Cyn has no idea how much danger she’s in.”

  “Stone, you have to tell her what’s on the drive. She deserves to know,” Jensen added.

  Stone hated that Jensen was right. He knew it was time he came clean and told Cyn everything, but it would only put her in more danger. He needed that damn thumb drive to end the mission. How did everything become such a cluster fuck?

  “J, has the forensics report come in?”

  “I’ve been checking, nothing yet.” Jensen turned his chair and faced Stone. “Brother, I have a very bad feeling about this.”

  “Me, too.” Stone shoved his hands in his pockets. “Listen, I’m going to the Pinewell’s Dragon Flight Unit gala tonight. I’ll be there with Cyn.”

  “Really?” A sly grin crept across Jensen’s face. “Did you go all Godzilla on her, forcing her to go? Or did you ask her?”

  Stone glared at him. “A little of both.”

  Jensen snickered. “I bet she loved that.”

  “Why should you care? She’s my mate.”

  “Because I know you. You can be an ass.”

  “I’m not an ass. All I said was I was picking her up at eight.”

  “Right.” Jensen gave a knowing nod and turned his chair back around to his laptop.

  Stone was stunned at his friend’s accusation. He didn’t classify sacrificing everything to keep Cyn safe asshole status. He loved Cyn and would die for her. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t tell her about the mission. “Fine, I’ll bring her some flowers.”

  “Whatever, dude, flowers won’t erase a year of heartache.”

  Stone swung Jensen’s chair around. Both dragons met each other’s reptilian eyes. “What’s your problem?”

  Jensen stood up. His nostrils flared with anger. “Your head is so far up your ass that you can’t see that this mission has consumed your life and ruined the best thing you ever had.”

  Stone stepped forward, chest bumping Jensen back. “I accepted this mission to keep her and Dragonkine safe. I’ve done all of this for her.”

  “Then you need to tell her before it’s too late.” Jensen pushed back.

  Silence fell between them. Stone glared at Jensen. His friend would never understand why he did what he did; he wasn’t mated. It wasn’t easy to open up to Cyn about everything that was going down. As a Guardian and a mated dragon, it was his responsibi
lity to keep her and Dragonkine safe.

  “Jensen, you’ll never understand what I’ve had to sacrifice. Believe me, things are going to change…tonight.”

  Cynthia sat across from Stone in his black limousine. It was exactly how she remembered it, warm leather seats and chilled champagne. They hadn’t said a word to each other since Stone arrived at her apartment. To be honest, if he had said something, she couldn’t remember. She’d been too busy taking note on how sexy her mate looked dressed to the nines.

  His tux was classic black and fit him nicely in all the right places. There was no doubt he’d had the thing custom tailored. She’d caught herself fantasizing about running her hands down the black satin lapels, tearing it from his body, and ripping the buttons off his white dress shirt, exposing his muscular chest.

  She remembered how he felt, hard…smooth…warm.

  Her dragon moaned. She crossed her legs to ease the throb and looked out the tinted window of the limo, focusing on anything but the sexy beast across from her.

  Remember, you hate him.

  Her emotions were all over the place, jumping from hate to lust, the need to fuck him and get him out of her system. If he held true to nature, Stone would be gone soon and she could go back to her mate-less life, pretending she was happy.

  But how was she supposed to stay in control when Stone could seduce her with a smile? She looked at the seat next to her. Long-stem roses that didn’t grow in Pinewell.

  “Thank you for the flowers,” she said and looked up at him.

  A smooth grin spread across his lips, and the ache between her legs vaulted into holy fuck territory. He was definitely on his A-game tonight. “You’re welcome. I know how much you love purple roses.”

  “I do.” She brought the full velvety petals to her nose, loving the raspberry-clove scent. These flowers only grew at Stone’s mountain house in Ember Brooke where they had spent a lot of time getting to know each other when they were first mated.

  He’d asked her what her favorite color and flower were, and by using his dragon magic, he created her very own species of roses. The deep lavender petals symbolized their enchanting, magical love. It was the sweetest, most romantic gesture anyone had ever done for her. So, yeah, looking at them now made her heart ache even worse.


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