Legacy of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Legacy of the Wolf [The Gray Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Lori King

  “You must be pretty tough to not even cry when you have this kind of injury,” he said to Clara, and she glowed under his praise. “I know lots of big guys who would probably still be crying on the playground if they got hurt like this.”

  “You do?” Clara asked in astonishment.

  “Sure! Not everyone is as brave and tough as you are, sweetheart. You would make a great firefighter,” Rafe said to her. The whole time he spoke he washed, doctored, and bandaged the tiny knee with his huge hands. Clara never grimaced or even seemed to notice what he was doing. He quickly moved on to clean the gravel and dirt from Clara’s hands, and then her face. When he announced that she was all done, Clara looked just as surprised as Shandi felt.

  “It feels better now,” Clara announced, and then stood up. Shandi still knelt on the floor next to them in stunned silence. How was it that this huge man could be so tender and nurturing? The sound of the school bell broke her thoughts just as Ryley stepped closer to them.

  He reached for Clara’s hand, as he smiled at Shandi. “Good, princess. My brother is the best doctor there is. We better get back to your class, so that we can meet the rest of your friends. Do you want to sit in our fire truck?”

  Shandi remained on the floor as she watched the big man lead Clara out of the office and back down the hallway. As they turned the corner she caught the wink he threw at her over his shoulder, and laughed. He is an intriguing man, she thought to herself. Who am I kidding, they both have my attention. I’m going to have to get it together before I embarrass myself.

  Rafe got to his feet, and then held out his hand to help Shandi stand. The jolt of fire that raced up her arm started the butterflies churning in her belly again.

  “Thank you, Mr. Whetstone. I think without you and your brother, she might have cried all afternoon,” Shandi said politely, as she put away the supplies.

  The room suddenly seemed so much smaller with just her and Rafe in it, and she swallowed nervously when he took a step closer to her.

  “My name is Rafe,” he said softly as he moved another step closer. He was boxing her into the corner, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to smack him or open her arms to him.

  “R–Rafe, thank you again. Now, we had better get back to class before Clara has them all believing that she lost an arm in the attack,” she said, tilting her chin up at him, and crossing her arms under her breasts.

  Rafe’s eyes dropped to her chest for just a moment before he smiled knowingly at her. “Why, Miss Martin, you seem rather flushed all of a sudden. Do you need to lie down?” he asked in that brandy-laced, warm tone. It went straight to her throbbing clit, and she nearly moaned with need.

  “No, I’m perfectly fine, and if we’re on a first name basis, please call me Shandi.” She fidgeted nervously.

  “Shandi. What an unusual name.” He wasn’t moving out of her way, but he wasn’t moving closer either. Frustration rode high in her body, and she felt herself shiver.

  “I’m an unusual person, Mr. Whetstone, I mean Rafe,” she said, and then she took a chance, and brushed past him. His wide arm brushed against her breast as she shifted toward the closet, and she shuddered as both nipples drew tight.

  Rafe threw his head back and laughed loudly at her comment. “I believe that wholeheartedly, Shandi. You are an unusual and beautiful woman.”

  Shandi couldn’t hold back the snort of laughter. “Hardly. I’m just plain old Shandi Martin, kindergarten teacher. I spend my days mopping up spilled glue and wiping noses while trying to teach them to tie their shoes and wash their hands after using the bathroom.”

  Rafe frowned at her disagreement, but after a moment that spark of fire returned to his blue eyes. “And your nights?”

  “Alone,” she said firmly, and she shut the closet door resolutely.

  He reached out and secured her smaller hand in his massive one, leading her out of the office and into the hallway. “By choice?”

  Shandi blushed and turned away from his inquiring gaze. Frustration ran through her body at his inquisition, and she snapped back at him, “Yes, Mr. Whetstone, that is most definitely by choice.” Jerking her hand out of his, she nearly ran the rest of the way to the classroom and the safety of her students.

  Chapter 2

  Ryley ached with a need he had never experienced before. His wolf was prowling in his mind, and his body was so taut with desire he was afraid he would shift without warning. Standing next to a lush woman with gloriously long, flaming copper-colored hair, large, firm tits, and a curvy round ass would usually put him in an exceptional mood. But make that woman his wolf’s mate, and an unknowing human, and it just frustrated the hell out of him.

  He could hear her speaking to the class in that calm melodic voice, and he wondered if that same soft tone carried over to her screams of orgasmic bliss. The urge to find out was almost stronger than he could bear. The question was how to tell a human woman that she was a werewolf’s mate, and destined to become a werewolf herself. Especially when said human was intentionally keeping physical distance between them. Every time he stepped too close to her she moved away, running like a scared bunny rabbit.

  Even if Rafe hadn’t told him telepathically that Shandi was his mate, too, he would have known just by watching Rafe with her. They would be doing this as a team. She was definitely going to be a shared mate. The lusty scent of desire on her told him that she sensed the mating bond even if it was subconsciously.

  “Okay, boys and girls, thank Rafe and Ryley for taking the time to visit with us, and show us their fire truck. I’m sure they need to get back to the firehouse now, and school is almost over, so we need to pack up for the day.” She marshaled the children like they were an army contingent preparing for battle. It was amazing to watch. She was patient, and gave every single child one-on-one attention. She would make a fantastic mother for their pups someday.

  With that stray thought Ryley’s half-hard cock shot to attention, and he grimaced as he tried to adjust his stance to give it more room. He hoped that no one would notice considering he had the thick uniform pants on, but he also wanted Shandi to know that he wanted her.

  Ryley had no shortage of offers from women who wanted to spend the night in his bed, so it was a little irritating that she was keeping him at arm’s length. The slightest indication that they were interested in her had her blushing and retreating.

  The children moved around the room gathering their school bags and jackets, as he and Rafe stood near the classroom door. Glancing over at Rafe, he shot him a thought.

  Rafe, should we stay or go?

  I think we should stay, and at least ask her out.

  Ask her out? Hell, I’ll be lucky if I can keep my wolf from taking over and jumping her sweet, round ass.

  Cool it, Ry, she wouldn’t understand. We need to take this slow if we’re going to get her to accept us. She’s going to be our mate for the rest of our lives. We can afford to move at her pace. Besides, she already tried to dissuade me once, so we’re going to have to ease her into this.

  Damn it.

  She’s our mate, Ry, be patient with her. Trust me, man, my wolf is chomping at the bit for a taste of her, too.

  Ryley knew that Rafe was right, but he hated it all the same. The school bell rang, and students filed out into the hallway, until just the three of them were left standing in the empty classroom. She began to poke around the room, pushing desk chairs in and cleaning up trash from the top of the desks.

  “Thank you again for coming out. The kids really seemed to enjoy it,” she said distractedly over her shoulder. It seemed like she was trying to portray an unaffected image, and his wolf hated that. He would show her how unaffected she really was.

  Moving quietly, but quickly across the room, he reached out to grasp her hand as she reached to pick up another ball of paper from a chair.

  “Shandi, it was our pleasure,” he said easily, and lifted her knuckles to rub his lips over them. She was flustered, and he could see her heartbeat
fluttering in her throat. She didn’t pull her hand away from him, as she finally met his gaze. For the first time he was able to see that her eyes were a vivid shade of violet. They were amethyst purple, but with enough blue in them that in the right light they might look like sapphires. Right now those bottomless pools were staring at him with blatant desire, and it took all of the strength he had to push his wolf back down inside of him and step away from her.

  She whimpered softly as he let go of her hand, and he almost reached out to take it again. Rafe was right. They had to move slowly with her, and Ryley wasn’t honestly sure that he was ready to give up his free-loving life for a full-time mate yet.

  “I’ll meet you at the truck, Rafe. Shandi, I’ll be seeing you again soon.” With that Ryley forced himself to turn around and walk out of the classroom. He knew he was probably walking funny with nine inches of hard cock keeping his legs spread uncomfortably. But all he could think about was that lush waterfall of red hair spread out over a white bed pillow. His white bed pillow. Man, I’m screwed, he thought to himself as he left the school building.

  Shandi was left standing in the middle of her classroom with her mouth agape, looking like a complete fool, when Ryley walked out of the room. There was no doubt that he wanted her physically. She could see it in his bright blue-green eyes. When his lips touched the skin of her knuckles she had seen his pupils dilate and his nostrils flare. It was insanely hot, and she had to admit she was turned on. She bit her own lip when he let go of her hand, to keep from asking him to kiss her.

  Now she was staring after him like a lovelorn idiot, while his brother watched her silently. With a deep breath, she thrust her chin up and her shoulders back, turning to face Rafe. He was better at hiding his thoughts, but she could see arousal and interest in his eyes as well. They were beautiful men with hot bodies that just begged her to run her tongue over them, and she felt slightly ashamed at her lecherous thoughts.

  They stared each other down, she and Rafe, silently waiting for the other to make the first move. Shandi told herself that there was no way she would give in to him, but after a few moments she found she couldn’t hold his gaze anymore. She dropped her eyes, and when she flicked them back up to his face he wore a satisfied smile.

  “Thank you, Rafe,” she said, loudly clearing her throat as she tried to ignore the huskiness of her own voice. “I appreciate all of your help today.”

  Then she turned her back to him, reaching for another misplaced chair. Without making a sound he was suddenly at her back. His hands settled on her shoulders, and he urged her to turn around to face him.

  “Shandi, I know you’re feeling this attraction, too. Please, don’t try to hide it,” he said, catching her off guard. Her normally perfect defensive shields slipped for a moment, and her eyes met his stunning electric-blue gaze. She could see desire in their depths, and it shook her to the core.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” she said, irritated that she sounded so breathless. He was only a man after all, why was her body reacting so powerfully to him?

  “Really? You’re a beautiful woman, and I want to get to know you better,” he said softly, running his thumbs gently up the curve of her neck. Her skin prickled up in goose bumps, and her panties grew damp. She couldn’t seem to break the connection between their eyes, so she noticed instantly when his pupils dilated and his nostrils flared just like Ryley’s had a moment ago.

  “I–I—” She couldn’t seem to make the correct words come out of her mouth, and her heart fluttered in her chest wildly. Rafe seemed to sense her panic, and he ran his hands down her upper arms to lightly hold her hands in his.

  “I would really like to take you out. How about dinner tonight?” he said, with his eyes riveted on her now-parched lips. Her tongue darted out to lick them nervously, and his quick intake of breath sent her blood pounding in her brain. Standing only inches from him, she was able to take in their height difference, and she was inexplicably pleased at how delicate he made her feel.

  “I–I umm, thank you, but I’m not really dating right now. I just got out of a long-term relationship. I wouldn’t want you to be my rebound or anything like that. Thank you though, I’m flattered,” she said. While she spoke her eyes again drifted away from his, and she stared unseeingly at the Battalion 1 emblem on his navy blue T-shirt.

  “Really? What kind of man was stupid enough to walk away from you?” he said with surprise, and she snorted and pulled away from his grip.

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s not important anymore. Thank you again, Rafe. Maybe I will see you around sometime,” she said, with a dismissive wave of her hand as she walked across the room to her desk and slid into her seat as gracefully as she could manage.

  He didn’t respond immediately, and a part of her hoped he would stay and argue, maybe push her a little more. After several quiet moments she heard his voice from the doorway.

  “Count on it, Shandi,” he said in a voice that was full of lustful promise, and then he walked out the door.

  Immediately Shandi was kicking herself for letting him leave. “What are you thinking?” she asked herself out loud. “He was hot, and interested in you, Shandi Martin. What kind of an idiot lets a man like that walk out the door?”

  With a heavy sigh she turned back to her desk, dropping her head in her hands. It never failed that she sabotaged herself out of the things she wanted. This was another prime example of what a failure she had become.

  “Well?” Ryley asked, as he drove the fire truck back to the station house.

  “Well what? I asked, and she turned me down. She said that she just got out of a relationship, and she isn’t dating right now,” Rafe said blandly, as he stared out the windshield.

  “So now what?”

  “Shit, I don’t know. We’ve both watched Liam run around chasing his own damn tail with Tina, and we both saw what happened when Devin and Damon took Caroline as their mate. I don’t want to force her, but now that I’ve met her, and my wolf has her scent…” Rafe’s words drifted off. He didn’t know how to put it into words, the fear that they had found their mate, and that she wouldn’t accept them. It wasn’t easy being a werewolf in this day and age. You couldn’t just walk up to a woman and tell her that kind of news, expecting her to open her arms in acceptance.

  “Well, fuck.” Ryley slammed his palm down on the steering wheel. “You know what? I’m over it. If she isn’t interested, then we obviously are mistaken. She can’t be our mate and not feel something for us. I say we hit Rustlers tonight, and find a hot little number to take home.”

  “Oh yeah, sure. We’ll just pretend everything is hunky-dory, and that we didn’t just meet our soul mate. We’ll just go screw random women until the urge goes away. You’re a moron,” Rafe snapped.

  “I sure as hell can’t walk around with a hard-on all the time. I’ll call Cash and see if he’s singing tonight. We’re off the clock after we turn in the rig for the next three days. Surely I can get drunk enough to forget about her. I mean hell, she’s a freaking kindergarten teacher. I like sweet and innocent, but that’s even stretching it for me. How do you think she would react to us wanting to share her?” Ryley said. His frustration was in his words, and Rafe couldn’t blame him.

  This was an awkward situation in the best of circumstances, but with Shandi they were going to have to tread carefully.

  “Fine. We’ll go out, but I’m picking this time. I want a woman with real breasts, not those fake plastic-filled tits,” Rafe said petulantly, and Ryley grinned.

  “No problem. Let’s get rid of this rig and get on the phone. We can plan a hell of a fun night, and forget all about Miss Shandi Martin,” Ryley responded, as they pulled the truck into the station house.

  Rafe highly doubted that was possible. The image of her small heart-shaped face needled him. She had a tiny upturned nose, and clear, soft, milky-white skin. He was guessing she was around twenty-six or twenty-seven, but the deep dimple in her cheek made her look at least ten yea
rs younger than her age. He agreed with Ryley that there was an air of innocence that surrounded her, but her body was certainly built for orgasmic fantasies.

  She wasn’t a slim, skin-and-bones woman, thank God. She was short, at least a foot shorter than him and Ryley, and she was all sinful curves. Large, plump breasts that would certainly overflow his hands atop generous hips that would feel perfect pressed against his groin. Groaning out loud, he shifted in his seat and then realized where he was. Ryley had already jumped out of the driver’s seat, and here he was daydreaming about a kindergarten teacher. Chiding himself, he forced his body to exit the truck and focus on his job.

  Chapter 3

  “Holy god of thunder and lightning! Thor just walked through the door!” Lily Hutch exclaimed to her tablemates, and they all twisted to see who had grabbed her attention.

  “Dayyyummm! I would love to get my hands on his ass for a night!” Jennifer Shea said with a laugh, and Shandi felt the blood drain from her face.

  “Oh my God!” she squeaked.

  She couldn’t peel her eyes away from Ryley Whetstone, as he walked into the bar. What in the hell was he doing here? Of all the places he could have gone tonight, he just had to show up at the same one she did? Another groan rumbled in her throat when she saw a slightly darker blond head appear behind him. So they were both here. Great.

  From this distance she could evaluate him more closely than she had earlier today, and to her dismay she found that he was just as perfect as she remembered. He was laughing at something someone near him had said, and he threw his head back, which caused his shoulder-length blond locks to sway with the movement. It was a glorious corn color, and looked like it was softer than satin. She wondered what it would be like to tangle her fingers in it, or even to feel it brushing lightly across her naked skin.

  He was built like a bodybuilder, with broad, muscular shoulders that tapered down to slim denim-clad hips. Judging by the muscular ridges she could make out under the tight material of his navy-blue T-shirt there was no part of him unworthy of seeing. She moaned softly as she turned her attention to his brother.


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