RICHIE: New Orleans Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 6)

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RICHIE: New Orleans Wolf Shifters with plus sized BBW for mates (Le Beau Series Book 6) Page 11

by V. A. Dold

  “Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. I understand your fear and confusion. I was a human woman without knowledge of shifters not too long ago.”

  That got Piper’s attention. “You were? Wait. What do you mean you WERE?”

  “Once you agree to accept Richie, there’s a ritual that binds you together. After that, you will be a shifter, too. But I’ll let him explain the ritual.”

  “Are you all from the same nut house?”

  “No,” Anna laughed, “but sometimes it appears that way. What would you like to know?”

  Piper shook her head. “I’m not sure about anything anymore. He turned into a wolf in front of me, but I still can’t believe it. I’m pretty sure I imagined it or was maybe seeing things.”

  “How about I shift for you, like he did. That way you will know it wasn’t just Richie and you weren’t imagining things.”


  Anna hopped to the ground and scented her for fear, finding none she shifted.

  Piper staggered back a few paces and eyed the beautiful red wolf. There was no way she was imagining the same thing twice. But how could this be real? Crazy explanations raced through her mind, each more ridiculous than the last. Finally, she took a deep breath and thought of the old saying, after every possibility has been discarded what is left is the truth. Holy Mother! Shifters are real. Once her heart slowed, she took a closer look at Anna’s wolf.

  “You’re gorgeous,” she breathed in awe.

  Slowly, Anna stepped closer to Piper and sat within touching distance.

  “I feel really stupid asking this, but can I pet you?”

  Anna nodded her head and let her tongue loll to the side.

  Tentatively, Piper touched the top of the wolf’s head with her fingertips. “Holy crow, you’re soft.”

  Little by little, Piper’s confidence increased and her fear dissipated. After a few minutes, Anna stepped back and shifted to human.

  “I can’t believe shifters are real,” Piper whispered to herself.

  “Seeing is believing. Feeling a little better?”

  “Yes, thank you. At least now I know I’m not crazy.” She paused for a moment and then quietly asked, “Can I ask you a personal question?”

  “Sure, ask away.”

  “Are you happy as a shifter? I mean you could have stayed human, right?”

  “I’m blissfully happy. My life before Cade and our relationship was dismal compared to what I have now.”

  “That ritual thing you mentioned, does it hurt?”

  “No. You’ll find the ritual quite…” she paused and tilted her head, searching for a word, “exhilarating.”

  “Are shifters, especially the males, dangerous?”

  “Only to someone threatening their mate or family. They’re really just like you, regular people, only more.”

  Piper nodded and was silent for a bit. “Do you ever wish you hadn’t accepted Cade?”

  “No, not for a second. I’m sure you’re confused about just about everything. I know I was. Perhaps it will help if I tell you about the little talk I had with myself before I accepted Cade. Would you like to hear it?”

  “Yes, I would if you don’t mind.”

  “I asked myself if I loved him, and I had to admit I did. At first I was concerned how people would react to my jumping into a relationship in a matter of days. You know, concerned about what they would think and say. But let me explain something about the mate relationship. It isn’t like normal human dating and getting to know the other person over time. Richie is human, but more, and the more changes everything. Mates aren’t just a choice, they’re destined. He has one half of the soul and you have the other. The phenomenon of mating creates an instant attraction between two people that would never occur if he were just human. I’m sure you’ve felt the draw. Where mates are concerned, the individuals involved instantly want and need to be together.”

  Piper blushed. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

  “As a human you may take your time before taking intimacy past kissing as you get to know each other. Mates don’t have that luxury, the bond creates a very strong sexual need. You might find yourself making love to Richie much sooner than you ever would with any other man.”

  “Yep, been there, done that.” She shook her head and blushed hotter.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. The need isn’t something you could have easily denied. With a shifter relationship, the getting to know your partner part often comes second."

  Piper was listening and nodding, that was a good sign.

  “Don’t worry about jumping into the relationship too quickly and then regretting it. Mated pairs are a complete match in every way and encompass all the aspects the other person wants and desires in a perfect life partner. You actually couldn’t have chosen a more perfect match for yourself.”

  “Is this all for real?” Piper asked in a small voice.

  “Yes, it’s very real. And when you find yourself ready to accept Richie in what very well may be only a few days, that is normal, too.”

  “A few days!”

  Anna laughed and wrapped an arm around Piper’s shoulders. “I know, crazy, right? But that’s the way it usually happens. Your soul and his are drawn to each other and demand the ritual be completed to unite the two halves. From what I’ve seen and experienced the mating is usually completed within days of the two people meeting.”

  “What happens when one of the people wants out of the relationship?”

  Anna shook her head. “That would never happen. The ritual is stronger and deeper than a marriage ceremony. The soul actually becomes one and the bond is unbreakable. That’s why the two people are purposely made to be exactly what the other wants and needs in a loving relationship.”

  “How are they purposely made? And where did the two halves of a soul come from?”

  “The wolf goddess, her name is Luperca, is the original creator of the wolf shifters. A long time ago, she blessed a village of humans with powers and gifts. Basically, she gave each person a wolf soul. This second soul gave the human the ability to change at will into the wolf living inside him. She has set it up that the shifter has one half of a soul and the human is born with the other half. In the same manner, the shifter and human are created with the specific personality, beliefs, likes and dislikes, etc. to be an ideal match to the other. There are powers you will be blessed with too, but I’ll let Richie explain those.”

  Piper was quiet for a long time. “That’s a lot to take in. I’m not sure what else to ask.”

  Anna patted the tree trunk for Piper to join her again. “Okay, then let me ask you a few things,”

  “Do you have feelings for Richie?”

  “Yes, I think I do.”

  “Do you want to be with him all the time? Miss him when he isn’t with you? Think of him first when you have news you want to share with someone?”


  “Does he turn you on? Light your fire so to speak?”

  Piper blushed again, “Yes.”

  “All right, I want you to take a minute and imagine Richie gone forever. You will never see him or speak to him again.”

  Anna patiently waited a few minutes and then asked, “Now, how do you feel?”

  Piper absently rubbed her chest over her heart. “I feel lonely and miserable.”

  “You just answered your question.”

  Piper frowned. “What question?”

  “The question of, do you love Richie and want to spend the rest of your life with him.”

  Comprehension dawned on Piper’s face.

  “Are you ready to go back and finish talking to him?”

  “Yes, I think I am.”

  Anna called telepathically to Cade and led Piper back to Richie’s cabin.


  Richie was wearing a path across is living room floor, pacing anxiously. Frustrated and terrified he’d lost his mate before he ever had a chance. He raked his fingers through is hair. When he pu
lled his hand away, his fingers were covered in dark strands. At the rate he was going, he’d be bald before Anna returned with Piper. He shook the hair from his fingers and crossed the floor to gaze across his expanse of lawn toward the tree line Piper had disappeared into. His heart stuttered as Anna and Piper walked into view.

  Frantically, he used his wolfs eyes to search her expression. She didn’t look scared, that was good. He hoped. Hands shaking, he opened his screen door and stepped out. His wolf wanted to race to her side, but Richie stood fast. He wouldn’t be stupid and rush her. That would only insure her flight or fight reactions. No, he had to let her come to him, and it was killing him.

  He scented the air and smelled interest and curiosity. He breathed a little easier. Anna must have gotten through to her.

  “We’re back,” Anna called cheerfully.

  Moments later, Cade, Anna, and Piper stopped at the bottom of the stairs of the cabin. He couldn’t take his eyes from his mate’s face as he held his breath and waited for the verdict.

  Anna grinned up at him. “Cade and I will leave you two to talk in private.”

  Richie was so relieved his knees barely held him upright. “Thank you so much, Anna. I owe you more than I can say.”

  “Nonsense. That’s what friends are for. We’ll see you and Piper soon.”

  Cade paused as he turned to go. “Richie, don’t forget I want to talk to you about the trouble following her when you have the time.”

  Piper looked at Richie sharply, then gave Cade a hard stare.

  “I’ll call you later, Cade.” He needed to talk to Piper about disclosing information before he said anything more.

  Cade gave him a quick nod and turned away.

  When Richie looked back at Piper, her eyes were narrowed. Shit, he didn’t need more friction between them.

  “What did you tell him?”

  He held up his hands in surrender. “I told Anna to bring Cade or one of the other males for protection because you had a murderer after you. That’s all I said.”

  She searched his face, then nodded. “Okay.”

  Shuffling his feet like a nervous schoolboy, Richie asked, “Would you like to come back inside?”

  “Yes, it seems we have a lot to talk about.”

  He waited until she was seated and asked, “Would you like a soda or bottled water?”

  “A water would be wonderful. It was pretty hot out there and there wasn’t much of a breeze. I feel a little dehydrated.”

  Richie grabbed two waters from the kitchen and joined her on the couch. He opened hers and offered it.

  “Thank you,” she said and gave him a little smile.

  His heart sang. Maybe this would end well after all. “I guess I better ask what you ladies talked about before I continue. I’m not sure what you know and what I still need to explain.”

  Piper relayed everything she knew about shifters and mates. Little did she know that new information barely touched the tip of the iceberg.

  Chapter 10

  Richie nodded along, taking note of what she already understood. And thankfully, seemed to accept.

  “All right, based on what you’ve been told, what would you like to know first?”

  “Could you explain the difference between a mate and a girlfriend or wife?”

  He drew a breath. “That’s a good place to start. When a human man finds a woman he is attracted to, he decides if he wants to pursue her. That decision may lead to a happy life together or heartbreak. A mate is destined, and created by design to be the man’s idyllic life partner and lover. Because the two people are so perfectly matched there can be no mistake or heartbreak. It is virtually guaranteed happiness.”

  “Anna explained something about that and two souls.”

  “Did she tell you the two people were created to complete each other? That you hold the other half of my soul and I yours?”

  “Yes, she mentioned that, but at the time my head was spinning and I’m afraid I may have only caught bits and pieces. She explained the Goddess and how shifters were created, that’s when she mentioned the two souls.”

  “Right. There is a ritual that binds the two halves together and gives the human involved all of the gifts and powers of a shifter.”

  When she remained silent with an attentive expression, he continued. “Would you like me to explain the ritual now or would you prefer to wait? There are quite a few other things I need to tell you.”

  Piper chuckled, shook her head, and placed a hand on his arm. “I think we should wait on that. I have a feeling I’ll need a clear head when you explain it.”

  Richie rumbled happily at his mates touch and grinned. “Fair enough.”

  Her eyes locked with his. “What is that sound you make? Are you mad when you do that?”

  His smile was broad, but gentle. “No, mon amour, that’s my wolf’s way of purring. It’s a happy, contented sound.”

  “Oh, good.” Her shoulders relaxed and she let out a long breath. “If it’s not too personal, can you tell me about your wolf?”

  “Absolutely. My wolf is average in size as far as shifters go. He’s about one hundred thirty five pounds. The wolf gives both the human and the animal the ability to hear, smell, and see far better than a full human. This might be a good time to explain a shifter’s gifts and powers. If you agree to complete the ritual with me, you will have the powers as well.”

  Her jaw dropped. “I would get powers?”

  “Yes, all the powers I have plus your natural gift you have as a human would be enhanced.”

  “Holy crow!”

  “Do you want me to continue or have you had enough for one day?”

  Piper crossed her arms and raised a brow. “You can’t dangle powers in front of me and then not tell me about them. This I want to hear.”

  Richie chuckled and put a hand to his heart. “How dare I tease you in such a manner. Let’s see, you know about telepathy, and sending feelings and touch. I explained the enhanced wolf senses, so that leaves zapping clothes and shifting.”

  “Zapping clothes?”

  “As a shifter, you will be able to dress and undress with a thought. The only caveat to that is you actually have to own the clothes before you can zap them. It’s not like you can decide you want to wear a fancy gown and zap it on if you don’t have that gown in your closet.”

  “That makes sense that you would need to possess the clothes. So you just think it and it happens?”

  “Yes and no. You would need to practice a bit before it comes easy, but all you do is picture the clothes you want to wear in your mind and see yourself wearing them.”

  “Huh, that could be handy.”

  Richie let his wolf enter his eyes. “It is.”

  “You mentioned shifting, are you telling me I would be able to be a wolf, too?”

  “Yes. During the ritual you will receive a wolf soul and gain all the gifts and abilities. Even the ability to shift.”

  Piper sat back and stared at him for a heartbeat. “Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.”

  “Oh shoot, I forgot two gifts that I’m sure you’ll find very appealing. As a shifter you will heal ten times faster than a human and you will be able to move so fast, the human eye won’t be able to detect you.”

  “Shit. I sure could have used those powers the last few years.”

  “I’m sure they would have been very handy as a bounty hunter. I know you have a gift. Would you like to explain it to me?”

  “It’s hard to explain. I can sort of send myself outside my body and look around corners or into other rooms. But I have to have an idea of what the room looks like to do it.”

  “That sounds like remote viewing. I’m sure that was a useful gift to have in your profession.”

  Piper grinned. “It does come in handy and has saved my bacon a few times.”

  “I have a special gift as well. Each shifter is born with one special gift. I have visions, both while sleeping and awake.”

  “No way!”<
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  “Way.” His face broke out in a wide smile. Her excitement was infectious.

  Piper grinned as she imagined taking down bounties with the powers Richie described. After a few minutes, she shook off her daydreams and focused on the issues at hand. Wolves, we were talking about being a shifter.

  “Okay, I’m trying to wrap my head around being able to shift. Talk about surreal. Does it hurt when you change?”

  “Not at all, and it’s very fast, not like in the movies where the man agonizes for what seems like forever as his body contorts. When you shift, you just imagine the change and allow it to happen. It’s instantaneous, one minute you’re human and the next you have the body and senses of a wolf.”

  “That’s good. I was imagining all kinds of horrible pain and gooey oozing stuff.”

  Richie barked a laugh. “Gooey oozing stuff?”

  “You know, exposed muscles, and bones, maybe entrails.”

  He continued to laugh until he couldn’t breathe. “Entrails? You have quite an active imagination.”

  She giggled along with him. “How was I to know?”

  “You weren’t, but it’s still funny.”

  Piper caught her breath and got serious again. “I suppose I’ll be a black wolf, too.”

  Richie took a good look at her hair, it was mostly chestnut, but she had a generous amount of red and gold highlights throughout. “I doubt it. You would likely be a rich brown. Red or golden are possible as well, or a mixture of all those colors. But I’m pretty sure you’ll be brown.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “A person’s wolf is always some color of the human’s hair.”

  “Really? So shifters come in different colors?”

  “An entire spectrum. When the pack gathers and shifts for a run, it’s an awesome sight to see. We usually do that sort of thing at the plantation you saw when we landed.”

  “Do you think I’ll get the chance to see that?”

  He took her hand in his and gazed deeply into her eyes. “I’m sure of it.”

  “Excellent,” she beamed. “Hey, you never did explain the private plane and airstrip.”


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