You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3)

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You're Mine (The Winters Family Series Book 3) Page 6

by Terra Kelly

  “I think I need to tell Joshua first, and then I can share with you. I feel that’s only fair, he deserves the truth. The problem is, I don’t know how to tell him.” She looked out the big bay window, and whispered, “I’m afraid he will leave me once he knows my past.”

  “Oh sweetheart, I can promise you this, he will never let you go again. He has cared about you for too many years and wanted you near him for so long. I have a feeling you will be stuck with him for a long time.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Sweetie, didn’t you know? I’m always right?”

  They sat there talking for another thirty minutes, then they both needed to get to work. When Kenzie was leaving, she said, “Thank you, Isabel. I needed to get that out.”

  Isabel reached in and gave her a big hug. “That’s what friends are for, right?”

  Kenzie was holding a couple bags full of food as she walked up the steps to Joshua’s house. She knocked and heard barking off in the distance, then it got louder. Joshua was laughing as he opened the door. “Finally!” He opened the door further to let her in and relieved her of the bags of food. He bent and breathed in the scent coming from the bags. “This smells amazing!” As she walked past him, he bent his head to kiss her sweet lips. “What are we having for dinner? I would like to have you for dinner,” he teased, and pulled her closer to him. Her body fit perfectly against his. “You smell amazing.”

  “Hmmm… let’s see, I smell of ink, glue, and paint. Not sure how those smell amazing?” She leaned in and planted another heart stopping kiss on his sweet lips, then she bent down to pet Elvis and Costello. “I hope you are hungry because I had a craving for Mexican food. I grabbed a few different things. Have you ever eaten at that little Mexican restaurant about a block from my boutique?”

  “It’s one of my favorite go-to restaurants.”

  “Why didn’t Elvis and Costello bother us last night?” she asked, sounding confused.

  Joshua grabbed plates, forks, and napkins. “They were in their back room when you arrived. I left them there. It’s like their own little hotel but I’m the maid and chef for them.”

  Kenzie laughed. “So they never sleep with you?”

  Joshua smiled. “Oh, they sleep with me and take up all the bed. When I’m gone, they sometimes stay in the backroom. It depends on how long I will be away.”

  “I bet they are like your very own heating system in bed, but cheaper?” She bent to rub Elvis’ head and received slobbery kisses back. She walked over to Joshua. “I like your slobbery kisses better.”

  Joshua pulled her in for another much needed hug. “Slobbery? Really?”

  She laughed, then leaned in and kissed his nose, his chin, and soft lips, “Yup.” Then she turned to unpack the dinners she grabbed for them. After they had everything on their plates, they both sat down at his kitchen table. She took a bite of her chicken enchiladas and moaned in pleasure. “It will never be as good as the Mexican food in Arizona, but this comes close.”

  He smiled and removed sour cream off her chin. “Do you miss Arizona?” Then he leaned forward and kissed her chin.

  “Sure. It will always be my home.”

  “True, I would miss Wilmington. What about your family, won’t they want you to move back at some point?” He slathered guacamole on his carne asada burrito, then took a big bite. “Oh, this is good.”

  “My family pushed me to moved here. They were tired of me talking about you. I guess I mentioned your name one too many times, so they shooed me out the door. They’ll visit at some point, I’m sure. Gage, my brother, might move here. He hates being separated from me.”

  Joshua stood and walked to the refrigerator. “Want something to drink? I grabbed white and red wine the other day. I have bourbon and beer.”

  Kenzie thought it was sweet he bought wine for her. “White wine. Thanks.”

  He came back with her wine and his beer. “Tell me about your parents, are you close to them? I found out you were a military brat. Is your dad still in the military?”

  Kenzie went quiet for a moment. She had her head bent and was moving the refried beans around on her plate. She took a deep breath. “My dad was injured on his last tour of duty in Afghanistan. It was two months after we moved back to Arizona.”

  “Two months after you moved? I’m sorry, is he okay now?”

  “He’s in a wheelchair. He will never have mobility in his legs again. He is doing great though. My dad is my rock, my support system. He is the reason I have the boutique.”

  “I’m sorry for bringing it up.” He sat his burrito down and reached for her hand. “You okay?” He tugged her up and onto his lap. “Please let me know if I upset you, hurt you, or annoy you. We’re still getting to know each other, so I’m sure one of us will say the wrong thing at some point. I’m sure that person will be me, since that’s what I do so well.”

  “I’m okay, I promise. I’ve had ten years to get used to the new way of life. He’s amazing and a serious fighter.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “So that’s where you get it from?”

  She laughed. “What, being rough, needy, and what else did you say?”

  He pulled her close. “Goddamn sexy.”

  She snuggled into him. “Well, I’m not sure on the goddamn sexy part, we can ask my mom.”

  He tickled her, then picked her up in his arms and carried her down the hallway.

  Isabel was just about to head upstairs to grab a light sweater when her doorbell rang. Then Shawna opened the door and walked in like she owned the place. She had a smile on her face and raised her arms up in the air. “I’m here. Who’s ready to party?”

  Isabel laughed. “Hi, sweetie. I’m so excited about tonight.” Then she turned back to head up the stairs. “Let me go grab my sweater and then we’re ready to roll!”

  A few days ago, Isabel decided it was time to have Shawna and Kenzie meet. She knew they would hit it off, and they both needed girl time. Between her two friends, she couldn’t figure out which of them was more distracted. Shawna had taken Friday and Saturday off, so she now only worked Sunday through Thursday at the TV station. She seemed tired a lot and very distracted. Then there was Kenzie who had secrets from her past and was holding them in pretty well. So, Isabel decided a girl’s night out was what they both needed.

  Isabel came back down the stairs and looked at what Shawna was wearing. She had on black knee-high stockings with red lips all over them. A short black leather skirt and red corset with black trim. There was a little black top under the corset, with short sleeves. Shawna knew how to be flashy but this outfit was the icing on the cake. “Ummm… did I miss a memo?”

  Shawna looked confused. “What memo?”

  “The “wear-a-flashy-outfit” memo?”

  Shawna pushed Izzy. “Oh stop-it, I found this sexy outfit the other day and had to wear it tonight. Come on beautiful, you know you’re jealous.”

  Izzy laughed. “I am jealous. We need to talk to Kenzie about carrying some of this fabulous attire.” She then looped her arm into Shawna’s arm. “Okay, are we ready to party?”

  At 6:00 p.m. the little bell on the front door to Kenzie’s boutique chimed. Then the sound of laughter filled the store. Isabel and Shawna had their arm’s looped and were bumping their butts together, followed by fits of giggles.

  Kenzie was in the back room finalizing the inventory for an order she received today. When she heard the commotion, she shook her head and was smiling as she headed to the front room.

  “Okay, okay, who drank without me?”

  Izzy continued to laugh. “What? Who, us?”

  Shawna chuckled. “Nothing for me yet, but so ready to take a big sip of wine… or maybe a flashy cocktail.” She walked toward Kenzie and held her hand out. “I’m so excited to meet you! Izzy has shared so much about you, all good of course.”

  “It’s wonderful to meet you, too. Holy shit, girl.” Kenzie did a once over of Shawna’s outfit. “Okay, tell me, wher
e did you get this gorgeous get-up?”

  Izzy grabbed Shawna’s hand and twirled her in place. “I knew you would love it. You need to carry this here.”

  Shawna blushed. “Okay ladies, now I am feeling self-conscious. Are you sure I should wear it out tonight?”

  Kenzie laughed. “If you don’t, I will wear it.”

  They all burst into fits of giggles. Shawna nodded. “I will keep it on, then.”

  Izzy was still giggling. “Okay, you ready to close-up shop and party like there’s no tomorrow?”

  Kenzie walked to grab her purse, shut everything down, and set the alarm system. Looping her arm into Izzy’s arm and turning to do the same to Shawna. “Let’s do this!”

  They planned to tried out a nightclub that was on the other side of town, they wanted to dance the night away. To be safety girls, they took a taxi to the club and arranged to be picked up at midnight. It was just easier to take a taxi and then they could enjoy more cocktails.

  Shawna had a secret she hadn’t even told Izzy yet. With where they were heading tonight, it was time to share it. She knew it would feel good to come clean to Izzy about her new crazy schedule. The nightclub was just around the corner from “Burlesque Me Tonight,” the place where Shawna was spending more of her time. If she shared that she worked at “Burlesque Me Tonight,” maybe they would want to go check it out.

  They were piled together in the back seat of the taxi, and Izzy was talking about something that happened at work. Shawna interrupted. “Ummm… I have a confession to make.”

  Izzy went serious. “You stopped drinking?” She patted her friend’s hands. “Sorry, sweetie. What is it?”

  Shawna sighed. “Well, I thought it was a perfect time to share why I work Sunday through Thursday only at the station. We will be right around the corner from where I spend my Friday and Saturday nights.”

  Izzy seemed confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Wait. The flashy outfit and you work not far from the nightclub. Does your new job include dancing and singing?”

  Izzy gasped. “Shut up. Are you? No, way.”

  “I’m a dancer at “Burlesque Me Tonight.”

  Kenzie smiled. “Okay, we are going there instead… if that’s okay?”

  Shawna smiled. “Of course, everyone is wonderful there. Can we keep this between us though, I don’t want everyone to know just yet?”

  Kenzie and Izzy had their fingers close to their months, turned an imaginary key and then threw the key away.

  Kenzie looked at Shawna. “Your secret is safe with us, but now I want to know more about the wardrobe. I would love to carry items for the dancers in my shop.”

  They all three were sitting at a high-top round table on the right side of the stage. Kenzie was sipping on a Cabernet Sauvignon; Isabel had her favorite, an old fashioned. Shawna was more about flash and flair, so her drink was fruity, full of alcohol with a pink umbrella. They were on their first round but getting closer to the second.

  Isabel was sharing the story of how she met Drew. Kenzie shook her head. “I don’t know if I would feel comfortable walking around my house in the nude! You even clean in the nude?”

  Shawna laughed. “Sweetie, Isabel hates clothes. Which is why you see her in comfortable clothes most of the time?”

  Isabel couldn’t deny the accusation. “You won’t see me argue or Drew for that matter.” They roared with laughter. Isabel looked at Kenzie. “So, tell us, have clothes been worn much since you and Joshua started seeing more of each other?”

  “You know how to get straight to the point.” She sighed with pleasure as she thought about being in Joshua’s arms. Her eyes glassed over and her thoughts were drifting to just that morning, lying in bed snuggled against his side.

  Shawna and Isabel both said, “Earth to Kenzie, you still with us?”

  Kenzie shook her head. “Sorry, I’m here. After ten years of wanting him, having him close is better than I ever imagined.” With a light giggle, she said, “Maybe I need to walk around in the nude, he may get a kick out of that. Although he has two huge dogs, so that could be weird.”

  “I forgot about Elvis and Costello, those huge snuggle bugs. I need to come over and visit them soon.” She stopped talking and was locked onto something. “Um, Shawna, looks who’s across the way and looking right at you.”

  Shawna looked, then did a double take. “Oh shit, why is he here?”

  “Wh … What am I missing here?” Kenzie asked.

  “Danny, Drew’s best friend, is sitting at the table right across from us,” Isabel said. “It’s interesting to see him here, who woulda thunk he liked burlesque.”

  Kenzie asked Shawna, “So, is there something brewing between you two?”

  Shawna shook her head. “No, nothing is happening between us. I don’t have time for a relationship.”

  Isabel cleared her throat. “Um, he’s three o’clock and heading this way.”

  Shawna wanted to hide, but it was too late. Under her breath, “Shit, shit, shit.”

  Isabel and Kenzie laughed yet again, and Shawna kicked both their legs.

  “Hi ladies, this is a surprise,” Danny said, and leaned against a chair. He had been coming to the club for few years now. When he found out that Shawna performed there, he was excited to watch her. On her first night at the club, she about blew everyone away with her mad singing and dancing skills. It was possible that Shawna didn’t realize what an important addition to the team she was. It was a packed house every time she performed. She had no idea he came to watch her. He always stayed to the back and left before she caught a glimpse of him.

  Danny smiled. “How are you beautiful ladies doing tonight?”

  Isabel giggled. “Wonderful. How are you, love?”

  Danny walked over and kissed Isabel on the temple and gave her a light hug. “Great, a few of my friends wanted to stop by tonight. We thought someone was performing, but she’s off tonight. So, we’re just hanging out and enjoying the other performances.”

  Shawna looked worried, did he come just to watch her perform? Oh my god that would be embarrassing. He continued to look right at her as he talked to them. Danny had a way of looking into your soul. A little part of her wanted to know who he was, but she tamped down that urge.

  “You’re the long lost love for Joshua, right?” Danny asked.

  Kenzie laughed. “Not love, but yes, we have waited a long time to be together.”

  “Well, all I know is, I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. So whatever it is, keep it up.”

  Isabel smiled. “I agree, keep it up for sure.”

  Shawna was sitting there about ready to crawl out of her skin. Why did she wear the flashiest outfit tonight? Shit, shit, shit.

  A few minutes later, Danny excused himself and did another once over of Shawna- before heading back to his table.

  Isabel’s mouth fell open. “Oh my word,” she said, pointing at Shawna. “Do not tell me he is not interested in you, because he is so into you, girl.”

  Kenzie shook her head. “That one will be hard to deny, it’s written all over your faces.”

  Shawna just sat there shaking her head, she then raised her hand to the server. “Sweetie, can you get me two more of these? I need a lot of alcohol to get me through the rest of the evening.”

  Isabel reached over and grabbed Shawna’s hand. “Awww, sweetie, it’s okay, but don’t deny you have an immediate attraction to him. I can promise you this, he doesn’t bite. Well, he may a little during sex but that’s it, I promise.”

  Kenzie burst out laughing. “Just a little?”

  Shawna thunked her head on the table and groaned.

  At around midnight, they all three headed outside to wait for their taxi. The night was cool with a slight breeze coming off the ocean. The smell of sea and salt permeated the surrounding air. Shawna was blitzed and struggling to keep from falling onto the sidewalk. She held on to Kenzie and Isabel, then out of the blue said, “I wonder what he lo
oks like naked?”

  Isabel and Kenzie both looked at each other. Isabel asked, “Who, sweetie?”

  Shawna laughed, patted Isabel’s shoulder. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  Kenzie shook her head. “You’re an adorable drunk. Do you know that?”

  Just then a burgundy four-door Jeep Wrangler pulled up next to the sidewalk. The man Shawna was thinking about hopped out of the Jeep. “Do you need a ride, ladies?”

  Isabel smiled. “We were waiting on a taxi but would love to ride with you more. Your Jeep will smell good compared to the taxi we were in earlier.”

  Kenzie moaned. “I was wondering if you caught that.” Then Kenzie and Isabel helped Shawna into the Jeep. Isabel whispered, “Someone had one too many fruity cocktails.”

  Shawna just ignored them and held up her middle finger to Isabel.

  Isabel laughed. “And they make you grumpy.”

  Isabel had Danny go to Shawna’s place first, so she could help get her to bed. Since she didn’t live far from Shawna, he dropped her off next. Isabel leaned forward in the seat to kiss Kenzie on the cheek. “Night, sweetie. I will stop by the boutique this week so we can go over wedding fun.”

  Kenzie squeezed Izzy’s hand. “Sounds perfect. Thank you for the night out, it was needed.”

  Kenzie had Danny drop her off at Joshua’s place. She hesitated going to his place, but as they got closer to town, she had a sudden urge to be in his arms. She knocked on his door and saw a light click on in the hallway. Then the shadow of his tall frame covered the small window on the door. He pulled back the shade to see who was there and smiled.

  “I thought I wouldn’t see you until tomorrow night!” He reached for her hand and tugged her inside. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Kenzie felt at home in his arms and that scared her a little.

  Chapter 5

  “I have a surprise for you, but you have to close your eyes.” Kenzie grabbed Isabel’s hand and lead her to a dressing room all the way in the back of the store.

  “Where are you taking me, Raleigh?” She then tripped and grabbed Kenzie with both her hands and burst into a fit of giggles. “Oh my word, this better be amazing.”


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