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Ondrej Page 7

by Saranna Dewylde

  He didn’t like it.

  Of course, Ondrej had already decided he didn’t like anything about this guy.

  “No, I wasn’t bitten. My escort took very good care of me.”

  “I didn’t know you were friends with dragons,” Borgia said, a bit reproachful.

  “One can never have too many friends, can they?”

  “Mister Dragon, kindly take your biped form so we can discuss what’s happened like civilized creatures.”

  “I’d rather wait and see your witch first.”

  “Our witch?” Borgia seemed confused. “We haven’t had one for some time. She passed. We’re still looking for her replacement.”

  “Has your father sent anyone to fill in?”

  “Not as of yet. How does it concern you, dragon?” Borgia asked.

  “Because Krysanthe of the Orlaith was trusted into my care. Before I leave her in yours, her father asked me to make every inquiry into her safety.”

  “I want this war finished as much as Krysanthe does.”

  “Then why not tell your people it’s over without this archaic nonsense? Marrying someone who is not your mate for what?”

  “Come inside, so we can talk away from my men.”

  Ondrej narrowed his eyes and sniffed him again. There it was, that’s what he was looking for. The underpinning of rot and corruption with just a dash of magick.

  This creature was not Borgia Remus.

  He wondered if any of his men knew it or if they were under some sort of spell as well.

  His guess was that the witch had killed Borgia and faked his own death. Borgia was a known libertine and nothing about him smelled of any well-loved vice, only magick. Even the wet dog smell had been part of the ruse, but now that Ondrej recognized it, he could see through it.

  Did the witch know he could see through it and was this witch the only player who’d teamed up with Dezo, or were there more?

  “Ondrej?” Krysanthe asked.

  “Come outside, Borgia Remus.”

  The wolves had started to gather around them, curious as to why the dragon would not enter. It was an insult to refuse to Change back to bipedal form and enter a shifter’s home when invited.

  Borgia looked bored. “Very well.”

  Only instead of walking back out amongst his people, he grabbed Krysanthe and held a glowing knife at her throat.

  “One move and she’s dead.”

  “Well, that would be stupid, don’t you think? Then what do you have? A dead nymph and no gold.”

  “You don’t care about that. My spies tell me you’ve mated her. You’ll do anything to protect her. You were never going to leave her here.”

  “That’s where we’re different, witch. Of course I’d have left her here, if that’s what she wanted. If that’s what would’ve stopped the war between the Remus and the Orlaith.”

  “Bah.” He held the knife closer to Krysanthe’s throat, nicking her.

  “Doesn’t matter really. Either I kill her or you will. The ghoul infection is already in your veins. Remember when you bit your beloved Dezo? That poison is coursing through you now. You haven’t Turned because I haven’t wished you to Turn.”

  “Do it,” Krysanthe cried.

  She wanted him to destroy the witch wearing Borgia’s skin with his Alpha fire, but he couldn’t. Not while he still held Krysanthe.

  “Don’t try your little gold tricks on me either, nymph. The second I feel my body go cold, I’ll turn your lover into a ghoul. Mmm, yes. Maybe that’s what I’ll do anyway. Can you imagine a beast like that to do your bidding? I could bring the supes out of the dark and crush the mortals beneath my heel. Nothing like a good dragon harrowing to drive it home.”

  “That would be the end of us all.” Krysanthe said.

  “No, it would be a new age. I’m not the only one. There are others. Like Peter Breslin, who think we shouldn’t have to hide. It’s eat, or be eaten. The way apex predators should live.”

  “Apex predators don’t pretend to be something they’re not. Beta cuttlefish on the other hand…” He shrugged his giant shoulders.

  “Then why are you hiding behind your dragon? Why not face me biped to biped?”

  “Why should I give up any advantage I have?”

  “You have none. I’m holding all the cards. Including your mate.”

  The Remus wolves were all stock still, waiting to see how it would play out. They were all now aware that the man who said he was Borgia Remus was in fact Azazel Ciardha, the pack witch that had betrayed them.

  “Not really. How long are you going to stand there with a cursed blade to her throat? You’ll either kill her or not and my action after that depends on your choice. You can let her go and we’ll leave. Or you can kill her and I’ll devour you like a dragon of old.”

  “You’ll become a ghoul—”

  “With my mate gone, I will anyway.” He shrugged. “I don’t care.”

  “Take him,” Azazel demanded.

  Only the werewolves didn’t comply.

  “I’ll turn you all to berserkers!” he threatened.

  Still, the pack did not comply.

  The wolves began exiting the compound. They weren’t even going to try to rip him apart. They simply left him for Ondrej to dispose of as he wished.

  “Right now, ghouls are attacking Hidden Mountain. The Orlaith are doomed.”

  He could feel his mate’s panic at the witch’s words and he saw her power spark from her fingers before she was aware she was doing it.

  Their eyes met and Krysanthe gave a slight nod. She bent away from him just as he would’ve drawn the knife across her throat. She only managed to turn his feet to gold, but it was enough.

  Ondrej summoned the Alpha fire and obliterated what was left of Azazel Ciardha.

  Chapter 8

  Obviously, the engagement was off, she thought to herself as Ondrej flew them both to safety.

  Krysanthe couldn’t be happier about that fact. Without an Alpha leading them to war, that Remus pack would be too much in flux to fight a war with them. The hostilities had ceased since Krysanthe had been in talks with Borgia.

  It made her wonder if she’d ever spoken with Borgia at all.

  She was worried about Hidden Mountain. “If he’s got an army of ghouls…”

  “We’ll find them and we’ll stop them. Just like we did here,” he assured her.

  “And then what?” She slid from his back and he Changed back to his bipedal form.

  “First, we’re going to check into a hotel. That one over there.” He pointed to a quaint mountain in that boasted views and a hot tub on the sign. “Then we’re going to call your father and warn him about what happened with Azazel and his threats. You will also tell him that I did successfully change your mind. Then I’m going to make love to you. After that, we’re going to the dealership and I’m buying a new bike.”

  She nodded. “Okay, I’m on board with this plan, but I think you know what I mean.”

  “You mean after? You mean how will we mesh our lives?”

  “Yeah. I’m a princess. You’re a biker.”

  “Oh, now it’s a problem?” He dragged her to him.

  “No, not for me, but it might be for you when I make you wear a suit for political functions.”

  “Baby, I’ll wear anything you want to dress me up in.” He kissed her. “And I’ll let you take it off of me, too.”

  “Is this really what you want? Forever between worlds? I can’t stop being a princess.”

  “I don’t want you to, and I hope you wouldn’t want me to stop being who I am either.”

  “No, you’re pretty perfect, too.”

  “Then it’s settled. We’re perfect and perfect together. We’ll make it work. Just like we did today.”

  Hope bloomed in her chest. This was everything she ever wanted. A love like no other that didn’t compete with her love for her family or her people. A love that built them both up, made them both strong—a commitment to his famil
y as well—the Drago Knights.

  “Forever?” she asked him, looking into his green eyes.

  “Now, you’re getting greedy.” His lip curled in a half grin. “Of course forever.” He kissed her again. “Because I’m greedy. Maybe I will have to hide you away in a tower with all my gold like a proper dragon.”

  “Proper dragons get rewarded.”

  “So do improper nymphs.”

  “Are you going to talk about it all day or are you going to show me?” She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “I’m definitely going to show you.”

  Krysanthe decided that maybe she believed in fairytales after all.

  Author’s Note : Krysanthe and Ondrej found their way together, but there’s more to the big picture. Want to see them again, find out what happened to Fabian, and see who else is playing with ghouls? Check out Mikolas and Voshkie’s story out March 21st in Mikolas.

  Fun Fact 1# All of the Orlaith names have something to do with gold.




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