Spell Disaster (Silver Hollow Paranormal Cozy Mystery Series Book 2)

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Spell Disaster (Silver Hollow Paranormal Cozy Mystery Series Book 2) Page 7

by Leighann Dobbs

  “Right.” Raine sat back, clearly skeptical. “Chances are good she has another agenda, and we shouldn’t believe a word she says. She is a Knight, after all.”

  “Yeah, we can’t trust her.” Issy leaned forward and picked an orange hair off Gray’s shirt then held it up to the light to inspect it.

  Gray scowled at the hair. “That orange tabby we saw at the store was with her. Meowing and causing all kinds of bad vibes. That cat seems bossy.”

  “Sounds like someone else I know.” Issy cast a pointed glance at Brimstone. “But I wouldn’t put too much stock in anything Starla Knight said. She’s probably trying to cast suspicion on someone else. I noticed that she was wearing a charm bracelet and has been acting out of character. Maybe it’s her that is possessed.”

  Gray shook his head. “I don’t think so. She seemed sincere. Said she knew we didn’t always get along, but the Southies don’t want a demon loose any more than we do, so she felt compelled to tell me who bought the charm.”

  Issy, Ember, and Raine exchanged a look. They were all thinking the same thing. Starla might have bewitched Gray in order to get him on her side.

  “She told you who bought it?” Ember asked.

  Gray’s face turned grim. “Nikki Pettywood.”

  “Oh dear.” Issy slumped back in her chair. “She was there that morning when Enid summoned the demon too. She headed for the pub right before Enid got stuck.”

  “Yeah,” he said. “She seemed pretty tipsy already too, when I was cutting her hair. Alcohol makes people more susceptible to possession. Lower inhibitions and all.”

  “Especially when they are passed out drunk like Nikki was yesterday afternoon behind O’Hara’s pub,” Brimstone said.

  The cousins turned to look at him.

  “What? A cat has to carouse, and there’s no better place than the alley beside O’Hara’s, despite the greasy smell of french fries and the disgusting aroma of sage burgers or the stench of rotted lettuce.” Brimstones whisker’s twitched. “They need some new fish items on the menu, I tell you. Anyway, Nikki was dead to the world… no pun intended. Even loud police sirens couldn’t wake her, and you know how demons love to inhabit people who are unconscious. Easy pickings.”

  “Still doesn’t explain why Starla would want to help us,” Ember said.

  “If I had to guess”—Raine sat forward, scowling—“I’d say she’s setting us up to owe her big time later. Those Knights never do anything without expecting something in return.”

  Issy rubbed her eyes. This day had somehow taken a downward spin. Her chest pinched at the thought of poor Enid all alone. What if her granddaughter went to prison for murder? “Well, even if that’s the case, it does seem like there’s a good chance that Nikki is hosting the demon.”

  “Maybe, but are we going to go by what Starla Knight tells us?” Raine asked.

  Issy shrugged. “If we could find some way to get the demon out of Nikki that wouldn’t harm an unpossessed person, maybe that would be worth a try.”

  “Right, hedge our bets,” Raine said. “Get rid of the demon if she is possessed, and no harm if not. Worth a try.”

  “Yeah, but how do we get it out of her?” Gray asked.

  “A potion,” Ember said. “No self-respecting demon will drink one, but I can put it into a special batch of my chocolates. Maybe infuse some soft maple centers. Those are Nikki’s favorite. She comes into Divine Cravings all the time to buy them.”

  “Okay.” Issy picked up Bella, who was dancing around her ankles. “What supplies do you need to make it?”

  “I’ve got everything I need except briarwort fern.” Ember turned to Raine. “Do you have any in your greenhouse? It’s pretty rare.”

  “Nope. I know where I can dig some up, though.” Raine stood and adjusted the straps of her green overalls. “I’ll go out into the woods right now.”

  “Awesome.” Ember pushed to her feet as well, the twirly skirt of her frilly sundress swishing around her legs. “I’ll go back to my shop and get the molds for the candies and the other ingredients ready.”

  “Great,” Gray said. “I’ve got to get back to my shop. Tonight’s my late night in the salon. When are we doing this?”

  Issy took another sip of her juice. “Tomorrow. Two p.m. Enid told me once that Nikki always visits her every day at that time for afternoon tea. We can drop by and give her the chocolates without anyone thinking twice about it.”


  The next day, Issy tended shop at Enchanted Pets while Hannah went to lunch. She fiddled with her outfit for the umpteenth time while attempting to work on her slogan. Hard to believe she’d spent way too much time this morning picking out this stupid skirt and top that itched and felt too tight in all the wrong places and…

  Ugh. Just ugh.

  If she was honest, her discomfort had nothing to do with her clothes and everything to do with the fact that she’d agreed to go on a date with Dex Nolan. The whole thing still seemed a bit unreal, especially since she hadn’t even realized she’d agreed to it, what with being so preoccupied with Raine and Ember coming toward them.

  She probably could have wriggled her way out of it, but he’d called her last night, and they’d ended up talking for over an hour—covering every subject from Gordon’s care to music to movies—and she hadn’t even realized the time. Darn if he wasn’t interesting and cute and everything she wanted in a guy. He’d even offered to take her to this new French bistro in the next town over, the one she’d been dying to try since it opened three months prior. How was a girl supposed to refuse an offer like that?

  She hadn’t, and that was the problem.

  And not her only problem at the moment either. Not by a long shot.

  Normally a solid sleeper, Issy had tossed and turned all night, unable to forget Dex’s sunny smile or their previous kiss—oh holy toads—that kiss. Her lips still tingled every time she thought about it.

  Issy sighed and covered her face with her hands.

  Then there was also the upcoming meeting with Nikki and Enid as soon as Hannah returned. Dread settled heavily in her stomach like a bowling ball. What if they couldn’t get Nikki to eat Ember’s chocolates? What if the potion wasn’t strong enough to drive out the demon? What if it wasn’t even in Nikki? What if…

  “Hey, cuz.” Raine came through the door of Enchanted Pets. “Ready?”

  “Not yet.” Issy glanced at the clock. “It’s only one thirty. I have to wait for Hannah to get back first. She should be here in about five minutes.”

  “Fine.” Raine scratched her arm then winced. “I’m going to wait outside. I got a rash from picking the briarwort, and the sun helps. Plus, Ember gave me a couple of Benadryl to stop the itching.”


  Issy watched her cousin walk back out to her Jeep, parked near the curb, then climb inside. Raine had worn something other than her usual overalls today too—a pair of dark-blue jeans and a long-sleeved black top. The sleeves, Issy knew, were to cover the rash. They didn’t call those ferns briarwort for nothing. They carried lethal-looking stickers that left their poor victims covered in awful welts.

  She checked the clock again then squinted out the front windows into the early-afternoon sunlight, spotting her assistant crossing the street and heading for Enchanted Pets.

  Perfect. Right on time.

  At least one thing today seemed to be going properly.

  Hannah came in, and Issy quickly gathered Bella and did a final check of her hair in the mirror before hurrying outside to join Raine and the newly arrived Ember in the Jeep. Bella seemed desperate to play with Ember’s kittens, so Issy gave in and secured her in the backseat with the tiny cats instead of holding her on her lap as usual. “Where’s Gray?”

  “He’s not coming,” Raine said then yawned. “Said he’s booked solid for the afternoon.”

  “You okay to drive?” Issy asked, concerned. Anytime she’d taken Benadryl in the past for allergies, it was like getting shot with a tran
quilizer gun.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Raine signaled then pulled out into traffic. They all waved as they drove past Sheer Magic. “I’ll be better, though, once these stupid hives go away.”

  “Well, if you need me to drive, just let me know,” Ember said from the backseat. Her kittens peeked over the rim of the basket on the seat beside her.

  It was a short drive to Enid’s small cottage, and they made it there with ten minutes to spare. Raine parked under a large shady oak tree. Issy unbuckled her seat belt and glanced back at Ember. “You have the candy?”

  “Right here. Maple creams for Nikki, and raspberry creams for Enid.” Ember held up two gold-foil-covered boxes.

  “And you’re sure they won’t hurt Nikki if she’s not possessed?” Issy asked.

  “Relatively sure. I mean, it won’t cause any permanent harm, just minor side effects like upset stomach, flu-like symptoms. Nikki is young, so she can handle it. Enid is older and might have a more severe reaction, which is why I brought her the raspberry creams.”

  “And if Nikki is possessed, how will we know it worked?”

  “There should be a sign. Some kind of electrical disturbance,” Raine said. “At least that’s what it said in my class notes.”

  “Okay, then.” Issy studied her cousin. “Raine, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. I’m good.” She stifled another yawn then got out and walked around to wait for them on the sidewalk while the ladies made sure their familiars were happy and content to remain in the open-air Jeep while they went inside. Issy didn’t want to take the chance of Bella or the kittens being injured by the rogue demon harbored inside Enid’s home, and neither did Ember.

  Once they were sure Bella and the kittens couldn’t get out but still had enough air from the open top, they both joined Raine.

  Together, the three Quinn cousins walked up to the door and knocked.

  Enid answered, her smile broad. “Oh, what a lovely surprise! Nikki, dear, come see who came to visit us today!”

  Nikki peeked her head around the door, her gray, slightly bloodshot eyes widened. “Oh, hi.”

  “We hope it’s okay to drop by unannounced, but we thought it would be nice to spend some time together,” Issy said. “Right, Raine?”

  “Yep.” Raine agreed.

  “And we brought treats!” Ember held up her boxes of goodies. “May we come in?”

  “Of course! Please.” Enid stepped aside and let them into her quaint little home. “Let’s go into the kitchen. My granddaughter and I were about to have tea. Won’t you ladies join us?”

  “Sure.” Issy watched Nikki carefully as they walked through the tidy living room bedecked with doilies and crochet and headed into the kitchen. For a woman possessed, Nikki Pettywood didn’t show any of the outward signs. In fact, with her plain T-shirt, jean shorts, and flip-flops, she looked more like one of the town’s many tourists than a dangerous paranormal. She wasn’t wearing her charm bracelet today either—or any other jewelry, for that matter. Had Issy heard something about demons not liking the feel of precious-metal jewelry and stones on their skin? Then again, Enid didn’t seem to be wearing any either, so maybe the Pettywood women just didn’t like to get all jeweled out when they were just having their usual afternoon tea.

  They all took a seat around Enid’s dining table, and Ember set the chocolates in the center of the table. “I brought your favorite, Nikki. Maple cream centers.” She slid one package toward Nikki then the other toward Enid. “And I brought you raspberry cream.”

  Both Nikki and Enid unwrapped the boxes. Enid plucked out a raspberry cream, popped it into her mouth, and made nummy noises.

  Nikki shoved two maple creams into her mouth. The cousins all exchanged a look, and Issy slipped her hand into her purse and curled her fingers around the smooth obsidian talisman she always kept nearby for both comfort and protection. She wasn’t exactly sure what kind of energy would be flying around when the demon left Nikki’s body, and she wanted to be ready.

  Nothing happened.

  Nikki stuffed a third into her mouth then looked at the cousins, her cheeks full. She slid the box toward them and mumbled, “Would you like one?”

  The three cousins shook their heads.

  “I would. I like maple creams too.” Enid reached across the table toward Nikki’s box.

  “I brought the raspberry creams for you.” Ember’s voice squeaked with anxiety as she pushed the raspberry cream box closer to Enid and pulled the maple creams farther away.

  “Yes, but I like them both. Don’t worry, I’ll share the raspberries with Nikki.” Enid grabbed the maple cream box again.

  “You don’t want one of those—” Issy tried to shove the box away.

  Enid gave her a funny look and swatted her hand away. “Whyever not? They look just as delicious as the raspberry creams.”

  Before Issy could stop her, Enid plucked a candy out of the box and ate it.

  Ember tensed beside Issy as they watched Enid chew.

  They all stared as Enid ate another one. “Yes, these are tasty.”

  Before they could stop her, she’d gobbled down three more in short order.

  Then, suddenly, Enid frowned and grabbed her middle. “Oh, I don’t feel so good.”

  The lights around them flickered.

  “Uh-oh…” Raine said.

  “Oh, no worries.” Enid looked up at the overhead light. “Just more of the crazy electrical disturbances we’ve been having around town. You know, someone really should talk to the electric company—”

  Her words were cut short when the lights winked out. Enid’s kitchen was at the back of the house, shaded by trees, and she had the kitchen curtains drawn tight on the door and window. She must have had room-darkening shades since it was downright murky in there without the lights even though it was mid-afternoon.

  “Oh my!” Enid said from the shadows. “I feel a little…”

  “Gram!” Nikki cried. “Are you okay?”

  Nikki stood from her chair and lurched toward Enid, who was now slumped over, but Nikki must have tripped. She fell, and her chair clattered to the floor, and then…


  The table shook, then the lights came back on. Nikki jumped up from the floor. Enid sat upright, a slight frown on her face.

  Apparently, the maple creams had had a delayed effect. But Issy felt a flurry of satisfaction—the electrical happenings had proved the demon had been in Nikki and now was vanquished. Her satisfaction was tempered with a tinge of disappointment. She had been hoping just a little that Starla was the one possessed. Oh well, as long as the demon was gone now. She just hoped that Enid hadn’t been badly harmed in the process.

  “Belch!” Enid’s hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, excuse me. That wasn’t ladylike at all.”

  Nikki righted her chair then turned concerned eyes on Enid. “Gram, are you all right?”

  “Never better, dear.” Enid stood then looked around her, as if seeing the place for the first time. “Excuse me, but I need to get to my bridge game.”

  “No, Gram.” Nikki glanced at Issy, her voice fearful. “That’s on Monday. Today’s Thursday.”

  “Oh.” Enid appeared confused. “I guess time has slipped by.”

  Issy contemplated Nikki. Her eyes were clear, and she appeared to be genuinely concerned about Edith. Issy doubted she’d be able to fake that level of concern if the demon were still in her. Thankfully, Enid seemed relatively unharmed other than the bout of indigestion. “Maybe we should leave. Sounds like your grandmother needs some rest.”

  “Yes.” Ember pushed to her feet as well, inconspicuously grabbing the box of maple creams from the table before any more could be consumed. “I need to get back to my shop.”

  “Me too,” Raine said.

  “I’ll show you out,” Nikki said. “Gram, you stay here.”

  “Okay, dear,” Enid resumed her seat and grabbed a raspberry cream from the box.

  “Thanks for coming by.”
Nikki held the door for them while the three of them scooted out.

  “You’re welcome. Nice to see you,” Issy waved and moved in between Nikki and Ember, who was trying to hide the box of chocolates.

  Nikki closed the door, and they skedaddled to the Jeep, Raine lagging behind, still sluggish from the Benadryl.

  “I’ll drive.” Ember held her hands out for the keys, and Raine gave them over willingly and hopped in back with Bella and the kittens.

  “Thanks. I guess that medicine is affecting me worse than I thought.” Raine pulled up her sleeves to show the weepy scratches. “Isn’t working either. These are still itchy.”

  “Those briarwort scratches itch something terrible. I had them once when I was a kid,” Issy said.

  “I remember.” Ember buckled her seat belt then waited while Issy did the same. “The Knights made fun of you too. Called you Itch-a-Long Cassidy.”

  “Yep.” One more reason to dislike the Knights. No compassion whatsoever. They turned off Enid’s tree-lined boulevard and headed toward downtown Silver Hollow. “Sorry the Benadryl isn’t working, Raine. I think we had better luck with the potion in the candies working, though. That’s what caused the power to go out, right?”

  “I think so.” Ember shrugged. “I’m no demon-exorcism expert or anything. I just mix the potions to the best of my abilities.”

  “I hope poor Enid will be okay too, after eating those chocolates,” Issy said. “She seemed to have some indigestion and memory loss. What will you do with the rest of them?”

  “I need to de-charm them. Then they’ll be fine for anyone to eat. I think Enid will be okay, but maybe you should call and check on her tonight, to be sure.”

  “Oh, right.” That would give her an excuse to cut her evening with Dex short too, which was good. Too much time in that man’s presence might be detrimental to her willpower.

  “I’ll get with Gray later and see if he can help me keep an eye on Nikki. See if she goes anywhere or does anything suspicious.”

  Issy nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Good luck trying to get Gray out of his shop, though. He seems crazy busy these days.”


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