Up In Knots

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Up In Knots Page 14

by Gillian Archer

  “Really? You can think that after Saturday?”

  “Whit, it’s not like that. We’re not serious. I don’t think he even knows how to be. And nothing happened on Saturday.” Nothing that her sister saw, anyhow. And nothing that would have spelled commitment for Sawyer. She couldn’t let herself think it. Not if she wanted to walk away completely intact when Sawyer gave her the old heave ho. Because he would. They were only temporary. And yet her heart still stuttered at the thought.

  “Don’t give me that. I saw your face when you were at breakfast. You’re falling for him.”

  Kyla hunched her shoulders. “I am not. I can’t. I mean, we agreed.”

  “The heart wants what the heart wants.”

  Kyla rolled her eyes. “Do not quote Woody Allen to me. And I am not falling for him.”

  “You might be able to fool yourself, but you’re not fooling me. And the fact that he even agreed to go to breakfast with us...” She trailed off dramatically and sent a significant look at Kyla.

  Kyla pushed herself off the mat with a sigh. “It’s none of your business, Whit. What is going on between us is exactly that—between the two of us. Stay out of it. If and when I want your input, I’ll let you know.”

  “Believe whatever you want, Ky. I know.”

  Kyla was tempted to tell her sister exactly what the deal with her new guy was. If only for the shock factor. But she knew she would eventually regret it. Some things family definitely didn’t need to know. Plus, the sound of their front door decided the matter. But she still gave her sister a parting shot. “Suddenly you’re a member of CSI? Whatever. And I’m not falling for him.”

  She turned to smile as the first student of the class arrived but she heard her sister’s taunting voice lilting from behind her.

  “Yes, yooouu aaaarrrreee!”

  No, she wasn’t. She couldn’t, because there was nothing but heartache waiting for her on the other side of this arrangement if she was.

  * * *

  “I thought you invited me to help set up your house. You know, cleaning up, putting out food. That kind of thing.” Kyla twisted her head to watch Sawyer as he wound rope around her body. He was in his usual leather pants and basic T-shirt. But he filled them out well. Almost too well. Watching his arm muscles bulge and flex as he completed the intricate tie had her lightheaded. Or maybe that was the rope. “I wouldn’t have spent so much time on my hair and outfit if I knew you wanted to dress me yourself.”

  Sawyer laughed. “I thought you understood—it’s not that kind of party.”

  “Well, I got the message now,” she murmured as she looked down at the gorgeous weaving of rope. His hunter green hemp rope rubbed against her naked body and did interesting things to her libido. She’d never been so on display before. Well, expect that one time at the restaurant. When people showed up to Sawyer’s house, they would be able to see everything. His rope wound her body, covering nothing that mattered, and left everything else bare.

  Or so she thought until he grabbed another length and began winding it around her hips. When he was finished, she had the most interesting pair of rope panties she’d ever seen. Or felt. She would be able to walk but with the slightest movement, his rope rasped against her body, reminding her of its presence. Like she’d be able to forget. But still, it was exciting. The rough texture was so much like Sawyer’s hands on her body—only his rope held her tight all over. And had the added benefit of rubbing against her clit every time she shifted. It was tortuous in that yummy masochistic way.

  “But there is something you can do to help me out.”

  Kyla turned slightly to look at him and moaned at what the motion did to her already slickened pussy. “Yes?”

  “Let me know when the phone rings? Some of my friends haven’t been to this house before, so they’ll need directions.”

  “I can do that. Sounds simple enough. Where’s your phone?”

  “Right here.” Sawyer whipped out his cell and slid it into a sealable bag. “Thanks, you’re a doll.”

  What the heck was the baggie for? She reached out for the baggie but he bypassed her outstretched hand and slid it neatly between her rope panties and her body. It came to rest fully against her slippery folds. Oh, wow. She closed her eyes even as laughter bubbled up inside her.

  “Is this how you treat all your secretaries?”

  “Nah, only the lazy ones.” His eyes twinkled back at her.

  “Wait, so if your phone’s in my panties, how are you going to answer it?” She paused a beat. “Or do I want to know yet?”

  Sawyer tapped the ear piece she hadn’t noticed he was wearing. “Bluetooth. It’s a brave new world.”

  She was starting to appreciate how brave and new it was. Especially for her. “What am I supposed to do in between calls?”

  “Stand there and look pretty.”

  Kyla snorted.

  “If you really want to earn your dinner tonight, I can think of plenty of duties for a naughty little sub. You cou—”

  Sawyer broke off as her squeal filled the living room.

  He must’ve had some kind of special phone. She felt the vibrations all the way to her toes. She groaned as the start/stop cycle of the rings did interesting things to her clit. Just when she thought he wouldn’t ever answer the phone, the vibrations stopped.

  “Dammit, I was too caught up in the show. Forgot to answer. I’m sure they’ll call back.”

  Her toes curled at his smug grin. She couldn’t wait.

  A few beats later, she groaned as the vibrations started up again.

  If it were possible, Sawyer’s grin grew wider. He waited a few more rings before answering. “Sawyer.”

  She could have cheerfully throttled the man. Although she couldn’t be sure if it was due to his devious mind or because he’d answered the phone so quickly.

  “Hey, man. Yeah, it’s been a while. What have you been up to lately?”

  As Sawyer talked on the phone, her mind wandered. No matter what her sister had tried to tell her, there was no way she was falling for Sawyer. They were only having fun. She was old enough and experienced enough to be able to separate sex and love. Sure, they might have friendship added in there—you couldn’t hang out with a guy for weeks without becoming friends. But her heart was still hers.

  “Sounds great. Hey, are you bringing anyone? Because I have something special lined up for ya.”

  Kyla shivered as Sawyer looked hard at her. Of course her heart was still hers. It had to be. Apparently Sawyer wanted no part of it. Sounded like he was all ready to pawn her off on his single friends. She tried to ignore the weight that settled over her chest. This was what she’d signed up for. She could safe word out at any time if she wanted. And walk away from Sawyer.

  Even she was starting to believe the latter might prove impossible for her.

  “Later.” He tapped the button at his jaw and ended the call.

  “Something special, huh?”

  Sawyer laughed. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Said the spider to the fly,” she muttered.

  Sawyer flinched.


  “Ah, nothing. It’s just I always say that.”

  “Huh. I didn’t realize.”

  A memory came back to her of Sawyer confessing how he’d broken up with the last girl he was seeing. During one of their late night cuddling sessions and after a particularly intense rope scene, the subject had somehow come up. Sawyer had told her once he’d realized that she’d moved in some of her stuff—clothing, toiletries, etc.—he’d stopped seeing her. At the first inkling of commitment, he’d pulled the plug.

  And now she was pretty sure he had his hand on their relationship cord, waiting for the right moment to give it a yank. This party was his way of helping her find s
omeone new so he could move on. She bit her lip to give herself a different kind of pain to focus on. She was wrong. It wasn’t fun anymore.

  They stood there, looking awkwardly at each other. She didn’t want to be the one to say the obvious and apparently neither did he.

  She jumped as her rope panties began to vibrate again. But this time the feeling wasn’t nearly as pleasurable as before.

  Sawyer stared at her with heavy eyes. After a moment he turned away and answered the phone. “Yeah.”

  Kyla watched him pace away, her heart heavy with his subtle rejection. Maybe Whitney did know her better after all. Because when he’d turned his back on her, he took a little piece of her with him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  An hour later, people showed up with drinks and food and began to congregate in the main areas of the house. The mood was light as friends who hadn’t seen each other for a while caught up and others dug into the provisions left out. Yup, it was almost like any other party she’d been to.

  Well, aside from the apparent dress code. Suddenly she didn’t feel so underdressed. A woman clad in a barely there miniskirt and thigh-high boots led a completely naked man around the room by a collar and leash. Scratch that, he wasn’t completely naked—his cock and balls were tied up in some elaborate contraption. Her eyes grew wide as she contemplated the implications of that number. Definitely not her kink but to each his own.

  She searched the room in vain for a familiar face. She hadn’t wanted to give the impression of a clingy girlfriend and had somehow lost Sawyer in the crush of people. And honestly, after their last not-quite exchange, she got the feeling he needed some space. Still, she hadn’t thought he had wanted this much.

  Feeling a little lost at sea, Kyla left the living room and walked to the kitchen.

  “Kyla, sweetheart, there you are!”

  Kyla didn’t have to turn around to know exactly who had found her. She’d know that boisterous alto voice anywhere. “Neri, hey. Had no idea you were coming.”

  “You can’t be surprised, sweetheart. You know how I love a play party.” And she was definitely dressed to play. Her skin-tight black dress showed off her lithe body to perfection. And her tall leather boots with countless buckles were drawing the attention of every nearby submissive man. Or it could’ve been that throaty laugh she’d given when calling Kyla sweetheart.

  Kyla laughed as Neri’s effervescence calmed the panic that had been overwhelming her moments ago. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Uh-oh.” Neri took a step closer and enveloped Kyla in a huge hug.

  Kyla held tight as her eyes burned with her suppressed tears. She’d missed this. Why hadn’t she called Neri sooner? But she couldn’t break down here. No matter how much Sawyer had hurt her earlier.

  After a moment, Neri took a step back but didn’t let go of her arms. Honestly, Kyla was glad for the contact. “So what’s going on with you and Sawyer?”

  Kyla swiped at her eyes and gave a husky laugh. “It’s going good. I’ve learned a lot. That man can push boundaries like no other.”

  Neri gave her a sidelong look. Kyla’s cheeks heated as she felt the searing gaze from her watery eyes to her bright red toenails. Darn Neri and her observation skills. That was what made her such a good dominant. She never missed a single thing.

  “I heard he’s different with you.”

  That statement hurt more than anything else Neri could’ve said. And Kyla wasn’t prepared for it. She couldn’t hold back the watery half sob, half chuckle that escaped. “No, I really don’t think so. In fact, I’m pretty sure this party is to introduce me around. He’s ready to pass me off to the next dom.”

  Neri rubbed a hand along Kyla’s arm in a sweet, soothing way that had her blinking back tears again. Crap, she couldn’t do this here.

  Pulling away from Neri, she waved a hand in front of her face and looked away.

  “Oh, honey. You okay? Do you wanna go and find a quiet place to talk?”

  “No, I’m fine. This is what I signed up for, right? I went in with my eyes open. I can hardly complain now.”

  Neri tossed back her hair, her eyes alive with fire. “Yes, you damn well can. If he’s giving you mixed signals—”

  “But he’s not. It’s not his fault I’m starting to hope for more. He made it crystal clear this afternoon that’s not gonna happen. He’s ready to move on. And I guess I need to be too.”


  “No, it’s okay. I’m good. I should go find Sawyer. He probably has a few people he wants me to meet.”

  Neri sighed. “Okay, sweetheart. But if you need anything—”

  “I know just who to go to. You’re a good friend, Neri.”

  “Love you.”

  Kyla gave Neri a distracted smile, then turned and wove through the crowd. She didn’t want to dwell on the emotions churning inside her. She was here to have some fun.

  A distinct rumble from her panties had her freezing in her tracks. She enjoyed the sensation for a nanosecond before a twinge of fear had her resuming her search. Sawyer had warned her she’d be punished if she didn’t notify him about a call. This was not the place to find out what Sawyer considered punishment. She could only imagine the kind of public torture that man could come up with. Finally spotting him across the room, she waved to get his attention. Nothing. Afraid the caller would give up and hang up, she ran across the room as fast as her rope panties and his diabolical phone would allow.

  She reached his side and waited impatiently for the tall, good-looking guy to finish what he was saying. Shifting from foot to foot, much like an impatient child, she froze and closed her eyes as another vibration rippled through her crotch ropes.


  She sighed in relief as Sawyer finally answered his phone.

  “You’re right. She’s gorgeous.”

  Kyla looked up in surprise at the sound of Sawyer’s friend talking. He had his cell up to his ear and was speaking to the man right in front of him.

  “And she’s a gymnast?”

  Sawyer’s mouth curved with his smug grin. “Oh, yeah. You wouldn’t believe the bendy things she can do with her legs.”

  She resisted the urge to punch him in the stomach. Barely.

  Hanging up, Sawyer turned to her and introduced his friend. “Kyla, this is Grayden. Gray, this lovely lady is my, er, Kyla.”

  Her shoulders hunched at his slip, but she tilted her head and gave Sawyer’s friend a slight nod. “Nice to meet you,” she murmured.

  “Nice, huh? Ah love, I’ll have you singing a different tune by the end of the evening.” Grayden’s British accent was as wickedly attractive as his smile.

  Sawyer grumbled something under his breath.

  Unabashed, Grayden grinned in reply.

  Kyla was starting to have an inkling at the undercurrents swimming between the two men and she wasn’t sure what to feel. Pain, certainly. But she’d known since day one this was what she’d signed up for. Had just told Neri as much. And yet that didn’t make her heart hurt any less.

  Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and gave Grayden her full attention. He may or may not be the guy for her, but she’d be damned if she showed Sawyer how upset she was.

  “Looks like Kyla approves of your choice.” Grayden’s slight British accent was definitely the stuff of panty-melting dreams.

  But it did nothing for her. She much preferred Sawyer’s mellow American voice. Even when he was being an insufferable butthead. So she decided to play dumb. No need to make it easy for Sawyer. The jerk. “Choice? What’s he talking about?”

  Sawyer glared at his friend. “Come on, let’s all go someplace quieter to talk.”

  Sure enough, the room around them was growing to boisterous proportions. Apparently there was some sort
of contest going on in the corner, but Kyla was too far away to see. She craned her neck and stood on her tiptoes to find out what all the fuss was about.

  “Yeah, I don’t think you’re quite ready for that.” Sawyer grabbed her arms and led her away toward the stairs.

  She looked back, still unable to see the contest, but Grayden’s smirking face made her think twice about her curiosity. Some things couldn’t be unseen.

  They wove through the room away from the contest corner, dodging mostly nude people, and she caught a few bits of conversations here and there. The past convention was a popular topic, but so was the upcoming election. It was a little unnerving to hear the candidates’ strengths listed by a guy who held what could only be described as a halter. She craned her neck to take in his partner’s tail. How exactly was that held in place without any straps or buckles?

  Suddenly the obvious slapped her in the face and she blushed at her naiveté. Thank heavens Sawyer only had her in a body harness. His understated perviness was more than enough for her to handle right now.

  Once they reached the stairs, she stopped and tugged Sawyer’s hand. “Isn’t it rude to leave your guests? Shouldn’t you stay down here with them?”

  “Are you so eager to be alone with Grayden?”

  Sawyer’s snappy tone—not to mention his question—had her backpedaling. “I, uh, no. I didn’t mean that. I just meant... It’s a party and they’re your guests...”

  “First, not all the guests are downstairs. I’m sure more than a few of them have already ventured upstairs to find an available room. And second, this isn’t my first play party. Everyone here knows the rules, what to do. And third, I don’t have to explain myself.” His biting tone had her flinching inside as he stared impassively down at her. He might as well have been talking to a stranger for all the coldness in his body language. They could’ve fit three people in the space between them. “If I want to leave my party, I will. If you want to leave, you’ve got a safe word. Either use it or get your tight ass up those stairs.”

  Kyla stared at Sawyer. In all their time together he’d never really snapped at her—he hadn’t needed to, since his inherent dom-ness always had her jumping to attention and eager to please. For the first time with him, she was uncertain. Something was going on and she couldn’t read the undercurrents. Was he pissed at her? At Grayden? At himself?


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