Bourbon & Bonfires

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Bourbon & Bonfires Page 15

by Andrea Johnston

  “Mom, you’re totally pouting. It’s okay. When we get there, we’ll do all the work, and you can read or nap. It’s a vacation!”

  Landon and I laugh at his excitement, and when Landon takes my hand and links our fingers, resting it on the center console between us, I relax into the seat. Reading and a nap sounds great. As much as I love Mason’s excitement, twenty-four hours away from town is not a vacation. But, I’ll let him have his version of vacation for now.

  While the guys chatter on and on about all things camping and fishing, I rest my head on the seat and take in the scenery. The last time we drove out here, it was dark and I wasn’t able to appreciate the beauty. Rolling hills as far as the eye can see, large trees in the distance, and bright blue skies set the perfect backdrop for the country songs playing, and I’m lost in the moment, and I realize I’m happy. Content. Impromptu camping trips, laughter bellowing from my son, and a beautiful scene passing by as we drive is what I’ve always wanted in my life. I thought I had that with Dan but realize now, I never did, and I never would have had it with him.

  Can I have it with Landon? There are moments when we’re together I think it’s possible. I see him with Mason, I watch him with Mason. Landon treats Mason the way I want my son treated—with kindness and love. He parents without realizing he’s doing it, and it’s . . . well, it’s kind of hot. I can easily see Landon being a father, raising small children to amazing and kind young adults, the same way he’s teaching Mason.

  Then my overactive mind takes over, and I second guess everything. I’m not young. I don’t even know if I can have more children at my age. Do I want them? Will Landon realize how much an impact our age difference will have when deciding a future? Will he look at me one day and see the fine lines, the extra fifteen pounds I can’t get rid of? Will he wake up one day and give our relationship an expiration date?

  “Is this it?” Mason shouts from the backseat, his head sticking out the window like a dog.

  “It’s the road to the property.” Looking out, I see more natural beauty. Landon tells us about the history of the property as we continue to drive.

  “For years we came out here and camped. Eventually, Jameson built a small cabin; it’s more like a glorified shed with plumbing, but we let him call it a cabin. It worked great for only him, but now he and Ash are together and growing their little family, and he’s going to expand it to an actual cabin. I’ll probably be out here a lot this spring helping him and Owen get it done in time for summer camping trips. You guys will love it when it’s done, we can still camp but will have two bathrooms to use and a full kitchen for cooking.”

  My head flies to face him the minute he mentions “you guys” in reference to more time here over the summer. “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “Huh?” His confusion evident as he glances at me before putting his eyes on the road again.

  “Never mind,” I mumble, tilting my head to the backseat where Mason is busy snapping pictures on his phone. Landon nods in understanding, but the look on his face says he has no idea what I’m talking about. Landon and Mason talk more about the property and what they plan to do this weekend before pulling up in front of a small cabin.

  The second Landon puts the truck in park, Mason jumps out and starts running for the lake in the distance. He doesn’t make it more than twenty feet before Landon whistles, stopping him dead in his tracks.

  “We set up, and then we play. Come on, help me get the food into the cabin before we pitch the tents closer to the fire.”

  I grab a box of food, following Landon inside the small cabin. The space is limited but Jameson and Ashton have done a great job of making it work. The plans for the new cabin are tacked on a wall next to the tiny kitchen. I can see from the rough sketches how amazing the end result will be.

  When Landon and Mason each set a box down on the small kitchen table, I place the items I’m holding next to them. “Why don’t you guys do the outside stuff, and I’ll put this away.”

  “Sounds great, Mom. Come on, I want to see the lake!” Mason takes Landon by the shirt and begins tugging him toward the door. As he’s being led away, he looks at me and mouths “We okay?” I nod in reassurance, and he smiles before turning to walk out.

  I make quick time of putting the groceries away and decide to make a few sandwiches and place them in the refrigerator until the guys are done. I’m sure they’ll be starving with how much work they listed off on the drive here. After using the restroom, I exit the cabin and walk toward where the tents are set up. I note there’s one on either side of the fire pit we sat at the last time we were here.

  I guess I hadn’t thought much about sleeping arrangements. Landon hasn’t slept over before the other night when I was upset. I’ve never had an overnight guest, and I’m not sure if I should say something to Mason about it or not.

  “Mom, did you see my tent? It’s so cool. I mean, your guys’ tent has two rooms so it’s even nicer but mine has a window on the top so I can see outside!” Mason is half shouting, half gasping for air as he drags me toward his tent. I guess he handled my conversation for me.

  “Hey, bud,” I begin, “Are you okay with me sleeping in a tent with Landon?”

  “Uh, yeah. He’s your boyfriend; where else would you sleep?”

  “My boyfriend?”

  “Oh gosh, are you going to call him your lover? Mom, please no!” Mason exaggerates a shiver, and I gasp.

  “Mason Taylor Sinclair! Do not ever say the word lover again!”

  We both start laughing, and I guess he’s okay with whatever is happening with Landon and me. He grabs my hand and tugs me onto his makeshift bed so I can see the tent’s skylight. We lie together for a few minutes while he talks, and I am overwhelmed with emotion. My son is happy. He’s being a kid, and I want to snuggle him to me and tell him how much I love him.

  I don’t. Instead, I leave him to his tent house or whatever he called it and go in search of . . . I guess, my boyfriend. That’s weird to think. It’s been close to twenty years since I’ve had a boyfriend. I don’t know what to do with that title.

  Spotting Landon by the lake, I shout to Mason that there are sandwiches in the cabin. I’ve never seen that child move faster than when I mention food. As I approach the dock near Landon, I clear my throat to signal my appearance.

  “Hey, babe. Did you get everything set up?”

  He’s messing with a fishing pole, and I stand for a minute, watching him. His shorts fit like his jeans, loose in the thighs and hug his ass. The T-shirt he’s wearing is snug but not tight. Each time he moves his hands, his bicep flexes and a little flutter appears in my stomach. I didn’t know I was an arm girl.

  When I don’t immediately reply, he turns back to face me, and that’s when I notice he’s turned his ballcap backwards and those flutters fall a little south of my stomach. I take three large steps toward Landon and grab the front of his shirt, pulling his mouth to mine.

  Our kiss is fast, fierce, and full of promise. I hear the pole hit the dock as his large hands wrap around my waist and pull me toward his body. I moan the moment I feel his erection, and his lips curve into a smile. I mimic the smile and soon we’re both laughing.

  “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”

  “You look hot, and I wanted to kiss you. Plus, I need to thank you for this weekend and apologize for earlier.”

  “You don’t have to apologize. Maybe tell me what I did, but never apologize for feeling, Addy.”

  I run my hands under his T-shirt, which must startle or tickle him because he squirms in my arms.

  “When you were talking about the summer, I got a little defensive. This is all new for me. I never really dated, I never brought a man around Mason. You make plans, giving him hope and he’s already so disappointed by the one man who is supposed to do all the things with him you’ve promised. I worry for him. It’s not only me you’re dating, we’re a package.”

  “Addy, I would never do anything to hur
t you or Mason. I love that damn kid. He drives me crazy, and half the time I want to knock some sense into him, but he’s part of you, and that makes him important to me. If for some reason you get sick of me and dump me, I’ll still be there for him. Always. His idiot father may have dropped the ball, but I won’t.”

  And that is the moment I fell in head over heels in love with Landon Montgomery. The moment the final wall collapsed, and I gave myself to him.

  “He called you my boyfriend.”

  “Well, it’s about time someone did. I was starting to get a complex.”

  I smack him in the chest as he steps away. “You did not. And what do you mean ‘about time’?”

  “I didn’t want to push, but I kind of thought the labels were a given by this point. Addison, I’m just waiting for you to catch up to me, babe, that’s all.”

  “I’m just waiting for you to catch up to me . . .”

  Landon’s comment from earlier on the dock is in a constant loop running through my mind as I walk along the lake. After our lunch and a little nap on the dock, I decide to take a walk. Landon and Mason are not the successful fishermen they claimed to be so I don’t expect the big fish fry they are talking about. Instead, I am quite certain we’ll be dining on the steaks and potatoes we brought instead.

  I spot a clearing in the distance and turn toward it. A log lies along the water’s edge and I sit down, looking out at the vast lake. I can see why Jameson purchased this property. It’s beautiful and serene. And quiet. Far too quiet for the thoughts consuming me.

  Landon said catch up. Catching up means he’s there. He’s been there. I’m the one who is dragging my feet.

  Of course I have. It’s fast, so fast. Hell, for the first few weeks I knew him, I thought he was a cheating on his pregnant girlfriend. When I found out he wasn’t, I agreed to friendship. Not even friendship, acquaintances. If this were a race, I’d absolutely be the tortoise.

  That’s what you do when you’re a parent. You put the well-being of your children first.

  I was serious when I told him Mason and I were a package deal. I have seen too many people in my life jump into relationships and bring their children into the fold for it all to crumble. In the end, the adults survive the chaos, but the children suffer. I swore to myself I would never do that to Mason. He’s suffered enough with an uninvolved father.

  I assumed with my rules and boundaries, my slower than molasses approach to dating, Landon would have moved on. He didn’t. He hasn’t pushed. He hasn’t asked for more. He’s stepped back and let me set the pace. And somewhere along the way I fell for him.

  I know I did.

  If I were a hopeless romantic, I’d admit it was that first kiss on New Year’s Eve. But I’m not. I’m a realist who reads about hopeless romantics. I lose myself in a romance novel and absorb every single word like it is my last breath, but in real life, I’m less of a believer in happily ever after.

  Or I used to be.

  He makes me believe there’s a chance at that happy ending. That somehow, someway, we can make it. But, it isn’t only him; it’s Mason. I had no idea a teenage boy could so easily accept a new man in my life. Perhaps it isn’t that there’s a new man in my life but because Landon is in our lives. A package deal, even when it comes to the new man in our life.

  When a frog croaks nearby, I jump and scream.

  “Holy shit, froggy. You scared me half to death.”

  The frog croaks again and I laugh. Maybe that frog is my reminder of the frogs I had to kiss to find a prince. I can be a romantic realist. If that’s a thing.

  Standing from the log, I brush off my backside and turn toward the cabin. As I approach the area, I see a fire in the pit. The sun is beginning to set, and there’s a light chill in the air. A fire will be a must tonight. The closer I get to the fire, I see Mason in the distance with an ax held above his head. I take off running as he swings it, splitting a log in two.

  “Wha . . . wha . . . wha . . .” I should not have run. Holy shit. Bent over, my hands on my knees, I try to catch my breath with next to no luck.

  “Whoa, babe. You okay? Take a deep breath.” Landon steps next to me and rubs my back.

  I look up and see Mason with the ax in his hand and since breathing seems to be a chore, I don’t bother attempting to speak and only point at the ax and shake my head.

  “What . . . holy shit I need to add cardio into my workouts,” I gasp as my lungs begin to fill with air. Regaining my composure, I continue, “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Uh, cutting wood,” Mason states, annoyance lacing his tone.

  “Obviously. I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  “Why?” Both Landon and Mason ask simultaneously.

  “What do you mean why? He’s fourteen.” My exasperation at the question is evident as I place my hands on my hips, glaring at Landon.

  Raising his hands in mock surrender, he smiles that goddamn smile that makes me giddy, and I refuse to succumb to his charms; this is serious.

  “And? Look, Addy he’s fourteen not four. Learning to use an ax is an important part of camping. We’ve gone over the safety rules, I showed him how to use it, and he’s already split all that wood over there,” Landon says, motioning toward a small pile of wood.

  “Yeah Mom, turns out I can’t catch fish for sh—crap. But I’m a pro with the ax.”

  I laugh at the look on Mason’s face. I’ll let the fact that he almost swore pass, because he looks so damn impressed with himself. Landon puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me tight. Sniffling and wiping a non-existent tear from his cheek he says, “Our boy is growin’ up so fast. I’m so damn proud.”

  Mason scoffs.

  I elbow Landon in the ribs.

  We all laugh.

  Like a family.

  “I’m going to bed,” Mason declares before standing and stretching his arms over his head. “This camping stuff is exhausting. See you guys in the morning.” He places a quick kiss on the top of my head before pulling his earbuds from his pocket and placing them in his ears as he walks toward his tent on the other side of the large fire.

  “Finally, I never thought the kid would go to bed,” Landon says as he stands and steps in front of my chair. “I’ll be right back.” He takes off toward the cabin, and when he disappears inside, I turn my attention to the fire. The flames are bright orange with the logs glowing a hot red. I love the sound of the wood crackling, and I’ll be honest, I’m proud to say my son chopped the wood that made this amazing heat source.

  Landon returns, setting something down on the ground before quickly grabbing my hands and pulling me from my seat. He quickly settles into the spot I was sitting in and tugs me onto his lap.

  Laughing, I snuggle in tight and let him wrap his arms around me. With my head resting on his shoulder, I watch the fire as he says, “I have something for you.”

  I look at him, and he’s holding a bottle of my favorite bourbon. I love the gesture and offer him a small smile. How has it only been two nights since I drank that as the news that I’d lost one of my childhood best friends had died?

  “I wasn’t sure if you were ready for more of this after the other night. And frankly, I’m not sure if I am. I tried a glass and it was possibly the worst thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”

  “You tried my bourbon?”

  “Yeah, I had that talk with Mason, and I couldn’t do it stone-cold sober, so I poured a glass. This shit is awful. But, it’s your favorite, and I wanted us to sit here by the bonfire and share some.”

  “You had the talk with Mason?” I ask. I had no idea.

  “Yeah. It’s done. Don’t ask me about it, it’s something Mason and I should keep between us for now. Just know, I made sure he knew he could come to me, you, or Taylor at any time.”

  “Thank you.”

  Landon places his lips on mine. The kiss is short and sweet, but I love everything about it. I accept the bottle from him as he moves a little to his side befor
e holding up a glass with a few ice cubes in it.

  “You brought ice and glasses?”

  “Nope, I brought ice and a glass. We’ll have to share. Apparently Jameson and Ashton only have one tumbler.”

  Landon holds the glass as I pour three fingers of the dark liquid. Replacing the cap, I gently set the bottle on the ground next to us. I take the offered glass from him and lift it to my lips. I pause to savor the warm scent of oak and brown sugar. Tipping the tumbler gently, the first wash of the perfectly chilled liquid rolls across my tongue. I savor it as I always do before offering the glass to Landon.

  “Goddamn that was hot.”

  Lifting a brow, I nudge him to take a drink. He doesn’t pause. He doesn’t savor. No, he cringes and squints his eyes as he takes a small sip.

  We sit together and share a glass of bourbon, watching the fire, and I feel nothing but happiness, peace, and . . . well, horniness. A wanton need overcomes me, and I throw back the rest of the bourbon before handing Landon the glass and bottle. He places them in the small cooler he brought and I stand from his lap.

  “I’m ready for bed,” I profess.

  “You are? It’s . . .” The words slip off his tongue as I lift my long-sleeved shirt over my head. “I could go to bed.”

  I laugh as I turn toward our tent. Once inside, I quickly tug off my boots and leggings, leaving only my bra and panties as I snuggle into the bed he made us earlier with a mountain of blankets and pillows. Seconds turn to minutes, and I wonder if I should see what’s keeping him, when he suddenly pops his head in the tent with a huge smile.

  “Sorry, I had to deal with the fire. I don’t want it to get too cold later. I’ll have to get up in a bit,” he begins as he kicks off his shoes and begins undoing his pants. “Fuck, it’s cold with no clothes on.” He shivers as he kicks his pants aside and grips the back of his T-shirt, pulling it over his head.

  I pull back the blankets and his eyes bug out when he sees I’m only in my panties and bra. I giggle when Landon practically dives under the covers and on top of me. Bracing himself over me, his elbows rest on either side of my head. I open my legs a little, giving him room to settle between them. I feel his erection and a wicked grin appears on his lips as his breath tickles my lips. I gasp slightly, causing my mouth to open. A movement that doesn’t go unnoticed.


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