Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set Page 15

by Silvey, Melissa

  “Thank you, sir,” Tony replies. Both men are very serious, and it all feels a little too Medieval for me.

  “I think you should be asking me that question,” I state the obvious.

  “I will, when I have the means to support you.” God, I love his smirk, and his smart ass attitude. Maybe I am falling in love with him. Wouldn’t that be crazy?

  “You’ll probably get a book deal, and a movie deal, and every other deal you can think of. Burke’s been contacted by his boss’s boss, and some very important people are pissed, for the right reasons. I think tomorrow will be very busy for all of us. Get some sleep, kids.” He kisses my cheek again, and pats my stomach. He looks back at Tony, and says, “Congratulations. I’m excited.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Tony smiles brightly, and we both listen as the door closes. “Does everyone know but me?”

  “I tend to talk when I’m nervous. Doctor Dad told me in the back of the ambulance, while leaving the jail. My partner was in the ambulance with him, and he overheard. Being upset, I told Killian why I needed to protect you. And then I told my dad because, well, he’s my dad.”

  “Lay back down, baby. I’m tired,” he says.

  “I’m gonna brush my teeth first, okay?” He nods, and I carry the bag to the bathroom. When I look inside, he’s brought me a red nightgown, and red underwear, along with some pink underwear to wear tomorrow with my pantsuit. Besides the violation of my privacy I’m feeling, and wondering if he found my toy chest, I’m thankful he brought it, kinda.

  I put on the gown, not the underwear, and brush my teeth and wash my face. I spray myself with some of the perfume Tony likes, and return to the room to find him with his eyes closed, snoring softly. I tiptoe past him, and sit down in the uncomfortable looking chair beside his bed. I just look at him.


  I only close my eyes for a moment, but I feel something that jerks me awake. I see her sitting in the chair, watching me. “You’re so beautiful,” she almost sobs.

  “You, my dear, are absolutely spectacular in red. Did your dad bring that?” I can’t imagine it’s something a dad would pick out.

  “This is one of the few gowns I have. It’s not really supposed to be sexy.” Her face is as red as her gown when she answers, and stands up. It’s knee-length, but it has spaghetti straps, and it clings to her unbelievable body. “I usually sleep in a t-shirt and shorts, or sweats if it’s cold.”

  “Come here, baby, and get warm with me.” She gives me a weak grin, and thinks about declining, but she gives in and joins me. The bed is too small for both of us, but much bigger and more comfortable than my cot. “I want to be with you, wherever we can be together. I know after tonight they’ll move me to the jail. And I know your dad works there, and it will be impossible to spend any time alone.” I say it as she’s getting comfortable beside me, but there is something twitching, and moving, and demanding her attention. I want us both to sleep, but she somehow senses that I’m hard again, and aching to be inside her. I’m lying on my back, and she curls around my body and uses my chest for a pillow.

  “I work there too,” she says, as her hand roams slowly over my bare chest. “I can sneak in easily.” She kisses my nipple, and I feel like I’ve been shocked by an electrical current.

  “Baby, you can’t sneak into a men’s jail, where there are bars and not concrete walls, and seduce me. I won’t allow it.” I say it, but her lips are moving over my ribcage, her hand is moving lower, and I don’t think I would ever be able to say no to her, about anything, ever. I’m almost glad I met her under such crazy circumstances. If I’d met her on the outside, and I was still married, I would have cheated. There’s no doubt in my mind. And I would have felt conflicted, because I would have stayed with Lucy because of the kids. But then she would have found out, and…

  She’s untying my pants, and I think my heart might stop. She rubs the inside of her wrist, and the heel of her palm, down the entire length of my cock, and then her fingertips touch the base and my balls. I hiss loudly. “Sorry about all the hair. I wish I’d had a razor, or even a pair of scissors, in prison,” I admit. “How did you stay so smooth?” She’s moving down the bed as she’s moving down my body, and I realize she’s kneeling between my legs. I can see the tops of her beautiful breasts, and just a hint of her rosy pink nipples.

  “Laser hair removal,” she chuckles, as her lips are on my belly button. “If I didn’t have it, I’d be waxing once a week. I’d look like a sasquatch if I didn’t.” She’s teasing the head of my cock with her tongue, as she’s playing with my balls with her fingers, and I don’t know how to react, except to watch her. And then I realize watching her is even worse, because she’s looking up at me with her mischievous green eyes, and I’m fucking hopeless. “There, I admit it. I’m not perfect. Also, I had laser surgery on my eyes. And I had braces when I was ten.”

  She sucks the head slowly into her mouth, and I grab the sheet with my right hand. If I put it in her hair, I’ll rush her, and I don’t want to do that. She needs practice with my tool, and I’m more than willing to let her. Until I can’t take any more, anyway.

  “I was super skinny until I was fifteen, and I was getting too tall and everyone else in football was filling out and I just kept growing taller. So I forced myself to eat, anything and everything. I’d drink raw eggs like Rocky. I’d eat two helpings at every meal. And of course I worked out like the rest of the team. I played a couple of years in college, but I saw some movie and decided I wanted to be a SEAL. The rest is history.”

  Talking about my past almost made her experimentation tolerable. She’s playing with my balls, which is nice but a little itchy with the hair, when her fingers stray down to the skin right under them, and I buck off the bed. To be honest, nobody but Lucy ever wanted to spend that much time on my cock. Lani’s not the only woman who’s been afraid of it. Lucy never got more than half of it in her mouth, and she never paid much attention to my balls. So, no one’s ever touched that spot until now. It’s another shock to my system. I know she thinks I’m some kind of sex god, but the real truth is I haven’t been free to experiment that much either, until Lani. Although I did learn to eat pussy on Lucy, because she demanded it to get ready for my cock. I didn’t mind.

  But Lani’s touched me in ways that I’ve never been touched before, in more ways than one. And it feels…

  “No!” I exclaim, when she’s touching my ass. But she doesn’t stop, and she starts pumping my cock hard with the other hand. She’s got almost half my cock, working it up and down with her mouth, and I’m about to come down her throat from her exploration. She rubs it harder, without penetrating, and works harder on my cock. “No, Lani, I’m gonna come.” It’s broken, between gasps, moans, and pants. “Get on top, baby, I want to come inside you.”

  She doesn’t, though. She keeps working her magic, and I grunt as I spill my seed into her mouth. After she’s swallowed all of it, she sucks a few seconds more, still playing with that spot, and I want to jump off the bed and run. “Stop, now, stop,” I say, and when she chuckles against my sensitive glands, I grab her hair and pull her off. I’m afraid of her reaction, but she smiles like the cat who ate the canary.

  “Tell me I can’t suck cock again,” she threatens, with the most beautiful, wicked smile I’ve ever seen in my life.

  I pause for a moment, trying to breathe. My normal smart ass attitude comes out, and I say, “You can’t suck cock.” She pouts, and genuinely looks sad as she tries to pull away. “I’m sorry, baby. I was teasing. Sometimes I can’t stop my mouth from saying stupid shit. I’m sorry, that was the best blow job I’ve ever had.”

  She looks at me, like she doesn’t believe a word I’m saying.

  “In my life,” I continue. “Honest. I swear to God. And I’d love you to do it again, just not right now. Give me three minutes and it’ll be hard for you again.” She almost smiles. “Do you want me to do you now? Because I owe you like, a hundred orgasms for that.” She smiles, and shake
s her head. “A thousand?”

  She puts it away, and ties my pants back up. Then she curls up against my side again. “Aren’t you even going to kiss me after that?”

  “Not tonight. I’m comfortable. I’ll kiss you in the morning,” she says. “We need to buy you some underwear.”

  That shocks me. “I like commando. Underwear isn’t made for men of my size.”

  “I’ll do an internet search, and find some. Knowing it’s just there is too tempting. Maybe another layer of protection will make it less enticing.” She’s closed her eyes, and opened her mouth, and I see her tongue between her teeth. She’s ready to sleep. I watch, because I can, and wonder why all of this is happening to us.

  Chapter Twenty


  I hear voices, and I wake up with a start to find Doctor Dad sitting casually in the chair. He and Tony are having a conversation, and I get the feeling it’s not about his bandages.

  “Morning,” Tony says tensely, and I know Doctor Dad has said something. I shoot him a dirty look, but he doesn’t acknowledge it.

  “The patient is healing nicely. He’ll be transferred tomorrow.” I can barely see the sun rising in the east, through the nearly closed blinds behind Doctor Dad. It’s probably almost six o’clock. “They brought him some clothes, but I’ve sent them back because he will only be able to wear front snap or zip up clothes for at least two weeks. I’ve actually found some here at the hospital that might fit him, but I’ve instructed Agent Burke to get some. Baths only for two weeks, which might make it awkward in the jail. Killian is actually considering a hotel now, at least until he’s healed. Walking around shirtless and unbathed in the jail is not conducive to healing. And I can’t release the patient until he’s solved the problem.”

  I am watching him, but I say nothing and neither does Tony. “I know Killian thinks I’m doing all of this to enable the two of you. I’m not. I think the two of you being together is a horrible idea. Guilty or not, Mr. Roman’s a prisoner, and frankly I just don’t think that’s good enough for the only daughter I have left.”

  That breaks my heart. He’s really gone for the jugular with that statement. It’s almost unfair, but it’s exactly the same thing I would say. I didn’t get all of my tendency to say what I shouldn’t from my father.

  “Honestly, I feel the same way, Doctor Foster. But you have to know, I didn’t choose this, and I can’t control it. We were thrown together by evil people, into a situation that neither of us can explain, nor even comprehend. I don’t want to live without her, and frankly without her I might not even be alive right now.” His uninjured arm rubs my hair. I’m comforted somehow. “I’m sorry I’m not good enough for your daughter, but that’s not going to stop me from wanting to be with her. And I will be available to her until she doesn’t want me any longer.”

  “Lani, you’ll have to help him bathe and dress.” I nod. “I’ll have the nurse bring in the scrubs for Tony. I see your dad stopped in with clothes.” I nod again. “I’ll stop by to see how you’re doing later.” He tries to smile at me, and he shakes Tony’s hand before he leaves.

  “I think your mom wants to have lunch with you, soon,” he says, before I hear the door close. I continue to stare out the thin slivers of window I can see through the blinds.

  “Please say something,” Tony begs, as he continues to play with my hair.

  “I need to go to the bathroom,” I say, and move away from him.

  But he quickly sits up and grabs my wrist before I’m off the bed. “No. Talk to me, Lani. Please. We can’t act like this is normal. We can’t act like I’m not a prisoner.”

  “Yes, I can,” I exclaim, as I stare into his dark eyes. “And I can do everything humanly possible until you’re not one. I don’t take no well, Tony. What did you call me? Spoiled, entitled bitch? Well you were right, on all three counts. I am, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.” I say it stubbornly, with my chin out and my head high.

  “I’m a man, Lani. A proud man, a SEAL. I had a family that I love, took care of, and protected. I’m almost glad Lucy divorced me. This way, she’s not carting my kids back and forth to prison. I don’t want my kids to see me in shackles. And I mean that for the one that’s not born yet, too.” I see his heart is breaking, just like mine is. I hear it in his words, and his voice, and I can see it in his eyes. This beautiful creature is in pain, and he’s already felt too much of it over the last ten years. I want to fix him.

  “You might be a pessimist, but I’m an optimist,” I counter. “The difference between me and Lucy, is that I will never, ever stop fighting for you. I will never give up. It’s not in my nature.”

  “I appreciate that, baby, I do. I’ve never met a woman I’ve respected more than you. You fucking saved my life. Me, a SEAL, was saved by a woman a foot shorter than me.” I narrow my eyes at him. “I’m not a pessimist, Lani. I’m a realist.”

  “So am I, and my reality is this. If I have your child, he or she is going to know their father: prisoner, free, SEAL, whatever. You’re stuck with me now, Gladiator. Suffer.”

  “If you have my child?” he asks. Damn it, nothing gets by him.

  “If I’m pregnant. Like you said, it’s so early, and I took the pill. Maybe the test was wrong.” God, please, please believe me.

  He searches my face, and pulls me in to kiss him. “You promised you’d kiss me this morning,” he reminds me. I kiss him, until we hear the door open again. It’s either my dad, or Killian. I pull the covers up over myself, but it’s the nurse bringing Tony some clothes. She looks like she’s been prepared for what she might see, and places the clothes on the bedside table, before making a hasty exit.

  “Did I see a bathtub in the bathroom?” he asks, excitedly.

  “I wonder if he sent underwear,” I say, as I peek through the clothes.

  “I fucking hope not. I won’t wear them.” He gingerly climbs out of the bed, without help. I watch him walk away for probably the first time ever. His back is just as incredible as his front, with even more tattoos. I can make out an Eagle, an anchor, and maybe a trident, with three flags under them. The center one is obviously American, and bigger than the other two. I stare out the window for a few more moments, wondering if I’m doing the right thing. A completely sane, rational woman would have walked away. Why would I choose to date a prisoner?

  “Are you coming? You have to help me bathe, doctor’s orders.” I look up, and he’s standing in the doorway completely nude, and hard.

  I’m reminded of why I choose to be with him. He is so good-looking, he makes me insane and irrational. “Yea, I’m coming.”


  “I want the bubbles. I’m putting them in.” I’m sure I sound like a spoiled brat, much like the girl standing in front of me naked, but I don’t care. I haven’t had much chance to be selfish in the last ten years.

  “It smells like someone shit a florist,” she argues. This time, I can’t help but laugh. “What? I’m not trying to be funny.”

  “You would fit right in with my team, I swear to God. Do you fight? I should teach you, just for shits and giggles.” She frowns at me, and I don’t care. I pour more bubble bath in the water, and climb in with one arm. It’s harder to balance than I thought it would be. “I’ve never thought a woman should be a SEAL until I met you. Were you born a man?”

  “No, I wasn’t born a…” I lean forward to turn off the water, and she sits down on the floor beside me. “I don’t know. I’ve never felt like other women. I know I’m different. I just want everything my way, and I don’t want to have to answer to anyone.”

  “Like a man,” I point out.

  “I like to be in control. I like to call the shots, especially in bed,” she continues.

  “Hold up, let me remind you of that first night we were together, when you were facing the wall, and I had you lifted off the…” As I talk, my dick is growing, and popping out above the water level. It’s almost embarrassing, until it gets her attention.

sp; “I was there, don’t remind me,” she interrupts. She lays her right forearm on the edge of the tub, and with her left hand she starts to touch and tap the head. It moves when she touches it, and she idly chases after it. “Was that really the best blowjob you’ve ever had?” she asks, but she doesn’t look up at me.

  “Yes, really.” She wraps her fingers around the head, and turns them like she’s turning a knob. “You do things to me no one’s ever done before, Lani.”

  “You do too,” she says, almost wistfully.

  “For whatever reason, we’re here. And I’ve never believed in fate, or heavenly intervention, but I have to admit, this sure feels that way.” She’s toying with me, and I’m loving it.

  “I love you too, Tony, but I’m very afraid.” She stands up to grab a wash cloth and some soap, and I miss her already. But she comes back, and I feel right again.

  “You think I’m not?” I ask, as I look into her eyes.

  “I don’t think you’re afraid of anything.” She scoffs, looks away, and begins to lather the cloth.

  “I’ve already lost everything I loved once, and it very nearly destroyed me. If it happens again…” I’d rather die, but I don’t say it.

  “I will do my very best to make sure that never happens, Antony Roman.” She begins to wash my right shoulder, avoiding my eyes. She says so much when she doesn’t let me look into her green eyes, as if she’s trying to hide the world from me.

  “That would be easier if you’d climb in here.” My dick begins to move around again.

  “Any reason to get me on top,” she sighs heavily. But her eyes are sparkling when she climbs in, the water splashing out over the top, and with a loud gasp, she takes all of it inside her.

  My eyes grow wide, and I watch every movement she makes. The feelings going through me shock me as much as hers do her. “You’re so fucking eager,” I whisper, as my hand moves to her tits.


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