Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set Page 31

by Silvey, Melissa

  She unbuttons and unzips my pants, and I sigh loudly. “I love you too, baby. Can you be careful with it, and not take too much?”

  She pushes her panties aside, and slides my cock against her wet pussy. I feel my entire body shiver with lust.

  “Maybe,” she whispers, right before she kisses me again. She’s leaned forward against my body, and takes only a few inches of my cock inside her. “I love you, Tony,” she sighs, just as I feel her muscles clench around me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  “Jesus, I’m so damn nervous,” I mutter. Lani and I are in the back of the rented SUV, with Riley and Burke in the front. I almost wish I could ditch them, so it could just be me and Lani for the evening. But Burke is adamant that he needs to protect us.

  She places her hand on my cheek, and it calms me. Just having her near me soothes me. “You’ll be fine, dear,” she assures me.

  Burke parks in the lot of the restaurant Lucy chose. I stare at the brightly lit building. Everyone in the car remains silent, and it’s almost ominous. “Someone say something.”

  “They have good hot wings,” Riley remarks. Burke snickers.

  “I wish I could have a mudslide,” Lani states longingly. I frown at her, hoping to convey my displeasure. She merely shrugs in return.

  “Okay, guys. Let’s go,” I sigh, and reach for the handle. Once I’m out, everyone follows after me. It’s kind of odd having my own entourage while I’m going to dinner. I almost drag my feet, I’m so anxious, but Lani takes my hand and squeezes it.

  Once we’re inside, I see Max and Lauren in a booth near the door. I ignore the hostess stand and walk straight toward them. It can only be my kids. Max looks like a younger version of me, and although Lauren is feminine and beautiful, she looks like me as well. I feel like my heart might burst. Lani loosens her hold on my hand, but I grip it tighter as I stand at the end of the table.

  I breathe deeply several times, trying to calm myself. Max and Lauren stare at me as well. Finally, I say, “Hi.”

  “Hi, Dad.” Max is closest to me, and he stands up. He’s only a few inches shorter than me, maybe six feet three inches already.

  “You need to eat something kid, you’re almost as skinny as I was when I was your age.” I close my eyes and hug him close. I remember exactly the last time I saw him. But he’s not a kid anymore. I want to hold him and never let go. I think of all the things I missed with him; his first t-ball game, his first little league football game. I missed Lauren’s first dance recital, and her first day of school. I can never get those things back.

  “Too tight, Dad,” he complains. I realize I have him in a bear hug, so I loosen my grip slightly. He chuckles as he releases me, and I finally let him go when I see his sister standing beside him.

  Then it’s Lauren’s turn. She grabs me immediately. She’s close to six feet tall herself. “I think you both need to eat,” I laugh through my tears, when I see how skinny she is. She could be a freakin’ model she’s so thin.

  “Dad,” she sighs, and I hear tears in her voice. She pulls away, and I wipe her cheeks dry. “I can’t believe you’re here.” I’m still fighting my own tears. My heart feels like it’s going to burst at any moment. I can hardly believe it’s finally happening.

  “Me either, baby. If it wasn’t for this lady, I wouldn’t be.” I turn slightly, and she’s standing right there beside me. But my gaze immediately returns to Lauren. I can’t take my eyes off her, she’s so pretty. She’s a young lady.

  “You’re the one who broke Dad out of prison,” Lauren says. Although she sounds happy, her eyes are suspicious. “Why’d you go through all that trouble?”

  When a waitress tries to walk by us, we finally all sit down in the booth. As soon as we’re seated, Lani grabs my thigh tightly. I try not to grimace.

  She looks at me, unsure of what to say. So I explain for her. “She didn’t really break me out of prison. I was still a prisoner. I was just, out of harm’s way.”

  “I’m Lani Vaden,” she says, hesitantly.

  “Are you in love with our dad?” Max asks. “You look a lot younger than him.”

  “Well, I…” she starts, and turns toward me.

  “Are you two going to get married?” Lauren demands.

  These are questions I don’t think either of us were expecting. I open my mouth to answer, but Max asks, “Will you two move to Pittsburgh, or can me and Lauren move to Winston?”

  Lani’s eyes grow wide at that question. Her grip is getting tighter and tighter. She’s going to cut off the circulation to my foot if she doesn’t stop.

  “Because you’re free now, right? You can go wherever you want.” Lauren’s dark eyes have me pinned in, demanding an answer.

  This is usually where Burke pipes up, and claims ownership over me. But he’s standing over by the bar watching for possible threats, and I can’t tear myself away from the eyes of my children, so like mine. And for unknown reasons, Lani has become very quiet.

  “You know what happened in the prison, right?” Both kids shake their heads. A waitress approaches then, and I feel like I’ve been saved. We each order, which takes at least ten minutes. But after we’re finished, the kids are still waiting expectantly for my answer. “Something very bad happened at the prison. The FBI needs me to help them catch the people who caused it to happen.”

  The waitress delivers our drinks, and for a moment everyone is silent again. When she’s gone, Max implores, “Just tell us. We can handle it.”

  “I had to do something horrible, just to stay alive. I had to kill three people.” I grab Lani’s hand, and she twines her fingers in mine. Neither of my children know how to respond to that. “I told you it was bad. I’d rather not talk about it.”

  Lauren wipes tears off her cheeks again. “I’m glad you’re alive, Dad.”

  “Me too,” Max says. “You saved him?” Max’s eyes turn toward Lani.

  “I’d like to think we saved each other.” Her voice is raw with emotion. “I needed your father just as much as he needed me.” She forces a smile to her lips, then takes a sip of water.

  “I saw the video of you in the red dress. You were so bad ass, with your gun, protecting Dad.” Lauren says it with a shy grin, but her voice has a touch of hero worship in it.

  “I was a SEAL,” I remind her.

  “I know, Dad. But did you ever have to do it in high heels?” Lani chuckles at my daughter’s question. I groan. “I like your hair brown better. Although it was pretty blonde too.”

  “Thanks,” Lani replies with a smile.

  “Do you think you could teach me how to shoot a gun?”

  “Sure,” Lani says, at the same time as I exclaim, “Definitely not!”

  We glance at each other, and Lani’s green eyes are a dark emerald, just like her mother’s. “I was Lauren’s age when my dad taught me how to shoot a gun.”

  “She’s too young, maybe when she’s…” I protest.

  “Hey, I’m right here. And I want to be just like Lani when I grow up. She’s strong, independent, and not afraid of anything.”

  “Oh, I’ve been scared more in the last few months than I ever thought I would be.” Lani sighs loudly. “Your father has definitely added some excitement to my life.”

  The waitress delivers our food. Lani has ordered French fries, and nothing else. I frown when I glance at her plate, but she shrugs, and quickly shoves one in her mouth.

  “Meat’s bad for you, and bad for the environment,” Lauren states, as she glances at my steak.

  “Leave Dad alone, he just got out of prison,” Max argues, as he takes a bite out of his hamburger.

  Lauren glances at me under her eyelashes. “Sorry, Dad.”

  It feels so good to hear them call me Dad. I can’t help but grin as I cut my steak.

  We’re only half way through dinner when Lucy approaches. “It’s time to go.” From the set of her jaw and the flare of her nostrils, I can tell she’s angry. I can read her emotions in
her brown eyes, and all her hate and resentment is focused on me.

  “Mom, I’m not finished eating,” Lauren complains with a huff.

  “You’re done when I say you’re done,” Lucy hisses through gritted teeth.

  “This is why no one can stand to be around you. Even Joe hates you. He’s just with you so…” Lucy reaches out and smacks Max before he can finish. I hear Lani’s loud gasp from beside me. And before I have a chance to say anything to her, Riley is standing behind Lucy. He easily grabs her wrist, and pulls her away from our son.

  “Get your hands off me,” Lucy says in a low, deep, almost demonic voice.

  “You won’t hit that boy again. Do you understand me?” Riley states unemotionally. He doesn’t identify himself, or pull out his badge.

  “Yea, I understand,” Lucy practically growls. Then her vicious gaze darts back to me. “I understand that he’s always had friends who would watch his back. But where were those friends when you were sitting in prison, huh? How long will it be until the FBI turns their back on you, too?”

  I open my mouth to speak, but Lani grabs my hand under the table, and holds it tight. I know that she will always be by my side, and that’s enough for me. “You want to live with your dad so bad, you can go with him. Come pack your clothes, and then get out! You’re ungrateful for the ten years I raised you by myself.”

  I watch out of the corner of my eye as Burke is apparently paying the tab, and apologizing for the scene. He is walking toward us, looking very serious. He approaches Lucy slowly, and takes her shoulders to lead her outside.

  I glance back at Lucy. She’s in tears now. “They hate me. They disrespect me. They don’t want to do what I tell them to do.”

  “Are you okay, Max?” He refuses to look me in the eye now. “Did she hurt you? Does she do that often?” Max shakes his head. They both look penitent, as if they both feel guilty. “Do you disrespect your mother?” I frown as I glance between both of them. They both place food in their mouths, and try to ignore my question. “That is not acceptable. It’s not your mother’s fault she was put in that situation. Life hasn’t been easy for her, and it hasn’t been easy for you two either. Things would have been very different if I wasn’t put in prison, but neither of you would have ever disrespected your mother if I was there.”

  “Yes, Dad,” Max says as he looks at his plate.

  “Sorry, Dad,” Lauren says. They both sit their forks down.

  “You have to respect your mother, but you shouldn’t fear her. If she’s hurting you…” They both shake their heads.

  “I think it’s the stress of everything that’s happening. She’s never laid a hand on me before,” Max says softly.

  “Me either,” Lauren adds.

  “I’m sorry that happened to you,” I say. I am almost in tears now. He must be so ashamed. As exciting as it is to see them again, the entire situation must be confusing for them, and Lucy. “Hopefully Riley isn’t arresting her.”

  Max shrugs, and moves his hand to his wrist. He’s twisting my watch around it.

  I smile as I say, “You’re wearing my watch.”

  “I sleep with it beside my bed. I always thought you’d come back.”

  I blink my eyes tightly. I’m going to break down in the middle of the restaurant. The feelings of everything that I’ve lost overwhelm me. I grab my napkin, and begin wiping at my cheeks.

  After several moments of this, Lani realizes my anguish and asks the kids, “Are you two finished?” Both of the kids nod their heads. She raises her hand to get the server’s attention. She lets us know that the tab was paid. “Do you want boxes?” They shake their heads. “I’d like a box, please.”

  The waitress nods, and while we’re waiting for her to return, I force a smile and say, “You two can come to stay with me if you want, but I have to let you know, I won’t put up with any sass, or back talking. You hear?”

  “Yes, Dad,” they both reply.

  Then Max pipes up, “I still want to stay with you.”

  “Me, too,” Lauren concurs, but her eyes are on Lani.

  “Well, we’ll see what we can work out,” I say. They both nod. Lani’s been my rock the entire time, quiet yet steady. I glance over at her, and she gives me a weak smile, and nods.

  Lani pulls some cash out of her purse and leaves it for the server, as the rest of us stand up and head outside. I see Riley pacing along the back of the car, Burke is chatting with Lucy, and she’s actually chuckling.

  Lauren hugs me, then spontaneously hugs Lani too. When Max hugs me, he says, “I missed you, Dad.”

  “I missed you too, Bud.” I mess up his hair that looks so much like mine did once upon a time. Lauren gives me a ladylike wave, then they both walk slowly toward their mother. I hear both of them faintly apologizing. As they’re walking toward their car, Max turns back again. We both smile and wave.

  When they pull out of the parking lot, Lani wraps her arms around my waist. “It’s going to be okay. I promise. It’ll be okay.”

  “I know, baby,” I reply, before I kiss the top of her head. Then, I guide her toward the car.

  “I’m sorry. It was an automatic reaction,” Riley says when we draw near.

  “No, it’s fine. You saved me from doing it. She might have had me arrested on assault charges.” He reaches out his hand, and I take it and shake it.

  I feel like my first meeting with the kids should have gone better, but I got to see them, so that’s what’s important.

  “What happens next?” Lani asks, as we climb into the back of the SUV.

  I place my hand on her stomach, and lay my head on her shoulder. “I don’t know baby. I don’t want to talk about it now. I need a beer and a massage.”

  She kisses my cheek gently, and places her hand in my hair, holding me against her. “I love you, Tony. But I’m not giving you a massage.”

  “You’re gonna be huge in five or six months, and you’re gonna ask me to massage your feet, and I’m gonna remember this,” I murmur.

  Burke sighs loudly. This just feels right. All of it, Lani beside me, seeing the kids, Burke being a jackass. This new life is amazing.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Tony, honey, your phone,” I murmur as I roll over and nudge him.

  “Baby, I don’t have a phone,” he reminds me, in his rumbly morning voice.

  I groan as I roll over to the other side of the bed, and read the clock. It says eight o’clock. My phone stops ringing, but it immediately starts ringing again. “Grrrrr… I can’t believe we slept so late.” I groan, as I roll over and grab my phone. “Detective Vaden.”

  “Lani, we need you back in Winston, right now.” I glance over at Tony, who’s rubbing his eyes and stretching. I almost don’t want him to know that Barrett’s on the phone, or that he’s ordering me to return home.

  “What is it, L.T.?” That gets Tony’s attention. His eyes grow wide, as he turns his head toward me. I shrug my shoulders as I sit up.

  “It’s Chief Vaden, he didn’t come in at six,” Barrett explains.

  I yawn loudly. “Maybe he overslept. Call him, not me.”

  “We did. He didn’t answer.” He sounds terse.

  “Okay…” My hand goes out to touch Tony’s forearm, and I slowly caress his skin. He mumbles and smiles at me.

  “Someone else did.”

  “What?!” My exclamation startles Tony, and we both sit straight up in the bed.

  “What’s wrong?” Tony demands, concern evident in his dark eyes.

  “They want you and Tony, or they’ll kill your dad.” I sit dumbfounded, my mouth wide open.

  “They, who?” I implore. My voice is high, and loud. I try to even it out. “Who?”

  “We don’t know, Lani. They will call your cellphone in twelve hours, and if you don’t answer your dad is dead. You have to get here now, Lani.” He actually sounds worried.

  “Wait.” I scramble off the bed, and look around on the floor for my clothes.
I slither into the jeans and t-shirt that I wore to dinner last night. “Hold on,” I continue. I walk into the living room, and open the door between our room and Killian’s, and knock. He immediately opens it, and he’s already dressed with his cell phone against his ear too.

  “I just got the call,” he says. “The office in Oakville is already coordinating with the Winston Police Department.”

  I take a step back, and feel Tony behind me. “What’s going on?” he asks.

  “Chief Vaden’s been kidnapped,” Killian answers him.

  “Lani, I assume you’re with Special Agent Burke. I’m going to let you go now. I have a lot to do here. Call me when your plane lands, we’ll have an escort waiting for you at the airport.” With that he closes the line.

  “Tell me this isn’t happening.” I don’t know what to say, how to react, or what to think. I feel like the walls are closing in around me. I can’t breathe. I put my hands on my knees and lean forward.

  Tony puts his hand on the small of my back, and bends down onto the floor beside me. “Lani, whatever you’re thinking, you can’t. I won’t let you.”

  “You’re not letting me what?” I groan, as I inhale deeply. I’m trying my hardest not to hyperventilate.

  “You aren’t going to run off and do anything crazy, Lani. You’re pregnant.” His voice is hard, unwavering. I’ve never heard him sound so dominant, so powerful.

  I turn swiftly to glare at him, but his expression is as rigid as his voice, and his eyes are like burning coals. “It’s my dad, Tony.” I sob as I say it, but his eyes don’t soften. He glances from me to Killian.

  “How long do we have to plan?” Tony asks, forcefully.

  “Less than twelve hours,” he replies. He seems a little awestruck by Tony’s attitude as well.

  “Lani, bring Riley in here. We need all of our resources for this. Burke, how many agents can you gather for a taskforce in twelve hours?”


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