Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set

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Prisoner and Together: All of You series complete set Page 35

by Silvey, Melissa

  “We’re working on it, baby cakes. I promise we’ll have you out of there before the morning.”


  We are sitting around a table, in a beautiful dining room. Liberty is serving coffee, to Riley, Killian, and me. We are only waiting on Captain Vaden and Jamie.

  “You have to save her,” Liberty says, as she touches my shoulder. “You have to.”

  “Lani’s pissed off, but fine,” Burke says, with a glance my way, as he continues his call. I’m pretty sure he’s talking to Constance. If all of this business with Drake ends well, I’m going to have to take her and her husband out to celebrate. “You remember the state senator we saw at the fights? He has a horse farm just outside of town. That’s where Drake has her,” Killian informs us, as soon as he closes the line. I don’t get overly excited about this new piece of intelligence. We can’t really do anything until her father and partner get here. How they will be able to sneak out without Barrett going berserk is beyond me.

  Sitting here, drinking coffee, it’s the last thing I want to be doing. I need to be out there, searching, hunting. It’s what I do best, not planning and waiting. Riley sits beside me. He doesn’t fidget, he isn’t restless. His eyes are closed, and his head is back. I don’t know why he isn’t in one of the several sitting rooms in the huge house, with his tall body laid out on one of the couches, getting some much deserved rest. Me, I’m the nervous type. I won’t be able to sleep until I have Lani and our unborn child back in my arms.

  Killian sighs deeply. “That means we’re going to need to get a search warrant. We can’t just storm onto a state senator’s property. There’s a federal judge who owes me a big favor. I think I can manage to do this discretely, so the senator doesn’t find out.”

  “But we know she’s there. You’re FBI, can’t you just walk up and knock?” I counter.

  If he is as frustrated as I am, he keeps it hidden much better. “Sure, I can knock all day. But if he says I can’t come in, I can’t kick the door down.”

  “Then I’ll go break down the door. I don’t give a fuck about warrants.”

  “You’ll be in prison when your child is born. Is that what you want?” Killian argues. I stare at him for several moments. “Lani has spent too much time on trying to get your freedom, for you to repay her by getting yourself arrested again.” He’s not trying to reprimand me. He’s just trying to be the voice of reason.

  “You’re right,” I growl. “It’s just so damn hard to sit here, and wait, knowing where she is, and feeling so powerless to do anything about it.”

  “Try to close your eyes, like Riley,” he says, as he waves his hand toward my shadow. Killian turns away, and touches the screen. It still freaks me out a little that phones don’t need buttons anymore. The world changed so much while I was away.

  Liberty approaches again, with a carafe and a tepid smile. “I’m sure you and your group will do everything you can, Tony. I have faith in your abilities.”

  This is what Lani has given me. She’s given me friends, people I can really trust. She’s given me freedom. She’s giving me a baby. I can’t fuck that up by going back.

  “Thanks, Mrs. Foster,” I reply, sincerely.

  “Call me Liberty,” she says, as she pats my shoulder again.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  It seems like as soon as and Captain Vaden arrive, everything actually begins to happen. I can’t read any tension between Lani’s father and step-father. Foster approaches Vaden first, with an outstretched hand. I watch as they lean their heads together, and speak privately for several moments.

  “Where’s Jamie?” I wonder aloud, when I see the captain enter alone.

  “Plans have changed,” Killian replies, somberly, with his phone stuck to his ear. That does nothing to calm my nerves.

  After several moments, the chief approaches, and stands beside me. Constance says Lani is hungry and thirsty, and she needs to go to the restroom, but she’s okay.” He claps his hand on my shoulder, then squeezes. I’m really not used to being touched this much, but I nod anyway. His hand remains on my shoulder, but his attention turns his attention to Killian. “Do we have a search warrant?”

  “It’s ready when we are, Captain,” Killian’s tone is much more serious than normal, and his eyes are laser focused. “Are we still going in under the radar?”

  “Yes, Connie’s not any closer to identifying the mole. At this point, it could be anyone. I mean, most of the citizens of Winston have dozens of cousins strung all over the county, and the state. Trying to trace every cop’s family tree will take time we just don’t have.” I guess he felt the need to explain, since the three of us are not actually from Winston. “But, Connie is extremely intelligent. Jamie Johnson is a lucky man, or very unlucky, if he ever decides to cheat on her.”

  He clears his throat, and begins to try to explain technobabble that he doesn’t really understand, in a way that other idiots might be able to comprehend. “Connie has tapped into a resource that wasn’t available until recently: cell towers. Since it’s late at night, it should be easier to isolate calls from the cell tower near the police station, to the cell tower near the horse farm. Jamie stayed behind to observe everyone in the bullpen. Connie is also tracking the GPS chips in each and every patrol car, if any of them go near the horse farm, they will automatically go to the top of her list. It’s the best we can do right now.”

  Once he’s explained, it kinda makes sense. Maybe technology will break the case. But he’s not finished. “I’m here, officially, to provide my cell phone for you, Tony. In five minutes Drake will call, to let you know where you can turn yourself in to her, in exchange for Lani.”

  “She’s not going to release Lani,” I state, knowingly.

  “At least we know where she’s really keeping Lani. They will expect you to be headed to the decoy location. We will be headed to the horse farm,” Killian informs me.

  “And what about me? If I don’t show up at the other location, who’s to say they won’t make a call and tell someone to kill her?” When Killian nods, it all falls into place. This is why he didn’t tell me that the plan had changed. He didn’t want me to fight him to go to the ranch, and he knew I would, if someone else didn’t explain to me why I shouldn’t.

  “I’ll be with you,” Riley assures me, as he seems wide awake now.

  “I’ll be with the team headed toward the ranch,” Killian says. I frown at that. I want to be the one to save Lani. “But you have the most important part, Tony. You have to convince Drake that you don’t know where Lani is.”

  Maybe if they’d given me a little longer than five minutes to prepare, I wouldn’t be scared. Or maybe I wouldn’t have drunk so much coffee. But no, they were probably right to withhold it from me, it would have just made me more nervous, longer. “This would be easier if we had the police department’s equipment. I always feel more confident with a bullet proof vest, even if they don’t cover everything.” I stand, and begin to pace, waiting for the chief’s phone to ring.

  “Since this is an extension of the federal case against Drake, I’ve called in an FBI taskforce. They’ll be at the high school parking lot in twenty minutes. I’ve asked them to bring extra gear, if you want to join us, that is.” He’s staring right at the chief as he says it. Apparently I’m the only one stunned at that tidbit of info. Seems like this is another thing everyone knew but me. “Did you think I’ve been on the phone with my girlfriend?” Killian’s hard to read tone has taken over, I can’t tell if he’s truly perturbed, or being a smart ass. I see what Lani meant now.

  “When were you going to tell me?” I demand, as I stomp around Liberty’s dining room. I can hear the china rattling in the cabinet.

  “After you talked to Drake,” Killian replies, honestly.

  The chief’s phone rings, and my hands begin to sweat.

  “Chief Vaden,” he barks into the phone. He listens for a moment, then hands the phone to me.

� I croak. I clear my throat, and repeat my own name. Damn my nerves. I need a cigarette.

  “Hello, Tony. How are you?” The voice is familiar, etched into my brain really. This was the woman who took Lani from me, three Sundays in a row. And now, she’s done it again. I might have to kill this bitch.

  “Don’t ever let me see you again, Drake, or I swear to Jesus I will snap your neck just like I did to those men in the ring,” I warn her.

  “There’s an abandoned factory just outside the city limits on county road 742. I’ll see you there in forty-five minutes. And Tony, come alone. Leave your new friends at home.”

  “I mean what I say, Drake. Tell me where Lani is, and I’ll let you live,” I continue, roughly.

  “Not if you want to see your lover again,” she taunts me. “Not if you want your baby to take its first breath.”

  “I’ll be there. You make sure you’re there too,” I say, and hand the phone back to the chief.

  “You’re not going to kill Louise Drake,” Killian asserts, with his brows furrowed and his arms crossed in front of him.

  “You’re not going to be there to stop me,” I counter. “How do I get to county road 742?” I turn to Riley, as Killian is determined to talk me out of killing Drake. “Neither of us have a car.”

  “I have a car, it’s in the parking lot of my apartment building,” he argues, and shakes his head slightly at me.

  “You can take my car, it has a navigation system. Drop me at the high school, and I’ll ride with the other group.” Killian is a little more accommodating now. I don’t know why.

  “I’m with you?” the chief asks Burke. His unsure eyes linger on mine. I think he might be torn between wanting to be with the team that saves his daughter, and wanting to be there to talk me down when I see Drake.

  “Don’t worry, Chief Vaden. Tony’s got way too much to lose to commit murder. Don’t ya, Tony?” Killian’s eyes are very assured. He has faith that I will do the right thing. Personally, I’m not so sure.

  “You know, I’ve been free for all of three days, and this is my second armed raid to save a kidnap victim with the last name Vaden.” We’re not in the back of a SWAT van, at least. This time I am in Killian’s SUV, being followed by Riley and three other agents. Everyone knows where they’re going, so it’s not like they’re tailing me. Everyone’s wearing communication devices in their ears, so at least I’m not talking to myself. There’s that.

  Killian wants so badly for me to do the right thing. I’m just not sure I can. I’m at the point where the universe is working for me, where the pieces are falling together perfectly. I couldn’t have asked for a better woman, who loves me unconditionally, and will always be at me side. I’ve spent time with my children, hugged, them, and I know I’ll be able to see them again in the future.

  The one thing standing between me and my happy ending is Louise Drake, and if I don’t take her out of the equation she’ll keep trying. When we met up at the high school, Killian gave me a bullet proof vest, and took Lani’s little gun. But he knows that I can kill the woman with my bare hands.

  “We’re almost in place, Tony. You should be close to your location as well.” The nav system says I should be at the factory in less than two minutes. I’m nervous. I should be with Killian. Me being here at a different location does nothing to help Lani.

  For some reason Drake and Burke both want me away from that horse farm.

  I should be there.

  I care less about killing Drake than I do about saving Lani. But they didn’t give me the address of the horse farm. And I still don’t have a cell phone.

  “Constance, are you there?” I ask, even though I don’t know if she can hear me.

  “I’m here, Tony. Lani’s still fine,” she answers, thankfully.

  “Tell me the address of the horse farm.” I try to use my best, most threatening, SEAL voice.

  She tries to keep her voice as calm and even as possible. “I can’t do that. Chief Vaden told me not to.”

  “Tell me, Constance!” I implore, as I pull up to the open gate of the factory.

  “We’re in place, Tony. We’re going in,” Killian interrupts. And then I hear gun fire.

  “Tell me now!” I yell.

  She gives me the address, and I enter it into the car’s computer. I am ten minutes away. Fuck Louise Drake. If Burke and the FBI are outside the gates, there’s no way Drake doesn’t know they’re there. Lani is more important. I have to be there for Lani.


  “They’re one minute out, Lani. Now’s the time for you to hide.” Connie is trying to keep her emotions out of her voice, but I can hear her nerves bleeding through.

  “I don’t think I can. I’m chained to the wall. If I was simply handcuffed, I could get out. Just tell them to try to keep the gunfire away from the stables,” I inform her.

  I can hear Connie coordinating between Tony and the FBI, but I can’t hear Tony, and I can’t hear Killian. The county’s equipment must be on a different frequency. When she told Tony my location, I felt goose bumps cover my body. Having Tony in the mix will only make the situation more volatile. From what I’ve heard, I gather that Drake sent Tony somewhere else, to secure him before bringing him here, so Drake could kill us both at the same time, with less fight from Tony.

  She thought she could manipulate my friends, my family, and my soul mate, to get the conclusion she wants. But she’s underestimated all of us. She has no idea what’s coming for her.

  I hear the gunshots outside, and I try to make myself as small as possible. I hope that, when Hughes hears the gunfire, she might decide to run away. But instead, she enters the stables, with her gun drawn.

  She aims it at me, and yells, “Keep quiet, Vaden!” Then, she moves to stand behind me, and aims the gun at my head. I can think of several things that I could do, if my hands were free. But they aren’t. So I just stand here, as Hughes’s shield, and wait for Killian or my dad, or Tony to come through that door, and hopefully not get shot.

  I have to do something. I have to. That’s when I look at the gun, and since it’s so close to my face I can see that the safety is still on. And besides that, she’s standing way too close to me, and right up against the wall.

  Hughes apparently is not too bright.

  I stomp her foot, and when she cries out, “Fuck, Vaden!” I use my elbow to jab her in her throat. She bends forward, reflexively, and I wrap the chain around her neck and pull up as hard as I can. Hughes fumbles with the gun, and drops it when I yank harder on the chain. Then I kick it out of her reach, nudge the back of her knee until she falls forward.

  “Now, give me the keys, or I’m going to choke you out,” I lean forward, and growl against her ear. She begins to fumble in her pocket, and soon produces them.

  I’m trying to unlock the handcuffs while they’re around my wrists. Then I hear the door open, and my father calls out, “Melanie!” I sigh with relief.

  “What took you so long? I really need to pee!” I reply.

  When he walks into the room, the shock on his face from me having Hughes incapacitated in front of me is evident. Before he can reach out to take the keys, I’ve already got them unlocked. He laughs out loud. “I should have known you’d get yourself out of this mess somehow.”

  “Lani, are you okay?” Connie interrupts.

  “Everything’s fine here in the barn, besides the smell. How’s everything with you?”

  Dad untangles the cuffs from the chain, and clicks them in place onto Hughes’s wrists, before he removes the chain from around her neck.

  “Keep your eyes open, Lani. Killian has yet to locate Drake,” Connie informs me.

  I reach down to retrieve Hughes’s gun from the floor, when I hear the door open again. I turn to look, and I see Louise Drake, with her gun trained on me. I’m sure her safety is not on, and she will not be stupid enough to come closer.

  “Looks like we found her, Connie,” I say, as I turn and aim the gun at Drake.

bsp; “Drop the weapon, Vaden,” Drake calls out.

  “No way, Drake,” I yell back.

  “Give up peacefully, Drake. I don’t want to hurt you, but I will if I have to.” My dad’s all cop, all business, as he points his own gun at Drake.

  “There’s no reason I shouldn’t just shoot you both,” she replies.

  “I hate to point out the obvious, but if you shoot one of us, the other will shoot you, that’s why. There’s nothing you can do. There’s no escape this time, Drake. You’re surrounded,” I point out. “So put down the gun, and give up.”

  “Never!” she hisses. “I’m never going to prison. I know what they’ll do to me. The prisoners, the guards, the executives, they’ll all have it out for me.”

  “We can protect you,” I try to assure her, but I’m not sure I mean it. Prison justice would be an almost poetic end for Louise Drake.

  “No one can protect me now,” she argues, and I think I see a tear running down her cheek. She’s scared. I have to get through to her somehow, before she does something crazy and hurts someone.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Where is she, Constance? What building?” I yell.

  “You don’t need to shout,” she replies. “She’s in the stables, south west side of the compound. Drake’s there. Killian and a couple of other agents have the building surrounded. Drake isn’t getting away this time.”

  I try to keep my voice down, and say, “Thanks.”

  I drive past the open gate, and several agents try to stop me. But I don’t stop. I just keep going. I should have known Drake wouldn’t be at the factory. I should have known she’d send her henchmen to do her dirty work for her.

  Killian’s fancy SUV’s headlights catch him, waving his hands at me to stop. So I do. I park, and jump out without turning off the motor. Killian tries to stop me as I walk past him, but it’s like an ant trying to stop a train, it’s just not happening.


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