Her Soldier

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Her Soldier Page 2

by Annette Fields

  She moves closer to me despite my wingman attempt. "And what do you do?"

  "Um, nothing interesting, really." I shoot an apologetic look over at Conner and he just shrugs defeatedly and starts chugging his beer.

  I feel bad for the guy. I'm not out to steal his girl but I'd be lying if I said this never happened before.

  "Well it must be interesting if you like it," Sheila purrs and is practically rubbing up against me. One look and this girl wants my dick and nothing else.

  I can't deny that it's tempting. She's pretty enough and I've had a bit of a dry spell since preparing for this job promotion. But there's no way I can do that to my boy, Conner.

  My eyes drift over the other partygoers milling about the house, hoping to see someone in my squadron or really, anyone that I recognize so I can have an excuse to get away from this desperate broad.

  Just as I finish scanning the open living room, my eyes rest on the stairs and that's when I see her.


  I almost don't recognize her outside of her work clothes. She wears light makeup, including a red lip color that looks absolutely delicious. Her strapless, pale grey dress contrasts with her tan skin and revealed her long graceful neck and delicate collarbone and shoulders. The more I see of her, the more I want to taste.

  But there's something else going on. Something that doesn't seem right.

  I can't hear what she's saying, but her large doe eyes show fear and discomfort. Her body language is screaming don't touch me with her arms crossing over her chest. Unfortunately for her, it's only amplifying her gorgeous tits sitting on her chest.

  I keep watching her as she leans away from whoever she's talking to. The throng of people clears and I can see the man she's talking to. He's standing close and leaning in aggressively. Her small hands are against his chest trying to push him away.

  She looks extremely uncomfortable and no one is helping her.

  From her lips I can read her saying "No" over and over again and the guy doesn't seem to be taking no for an answer.

  I clench my fists at my side as I watch. Before I know it, my legs are moving toward her.

  Nothing pisses me off more than guys who prey on women who clearly want nothing to do with them. I may have stolen a kiss from her but I could read that she wanted me and took a chance. If she looked as revolted by me as she does with this guy, I never would have done it.

  As I get closer, the guy moves on to wrapping his arms around her and trying to drag her up the stairs. She's crying and trying to wriggle free.

  Her eyes finally catch mine as I make my way across the room. In them I see relief and a plea for help.

  I don't know what I'm going to do when I reach her, but I'm going to make that bastard regret this night for the rest of his life.



  "What's the point of this party again?" I ask Jessa as I turn around in her mirror, checking myself out in the strapless pale grey dress I borrowed from her. I have to admit it doesn't look too bad.

  "It's a divorce party," she says between poses for her Snapchat selfies. "A celebration of independence and moving forward. Why be sad when you can celebrate? It's a trend Katy Perry started."

  "Why am I not surprised," I mutter, smoothing my hair out in the mirror. Although for her it made sense. She and her scumbag ex had been separated for months but their divorce had just finalized.

  While always a faithful Air Force wife, Jessa loves to throw parties and no reason is too trivial. Now as a civilian, she still works at the grocery store on base which offers her great pay and benefits. She's able to rent a large two-story house with roommates who also enjoy partying. Unsurprisingly, her roommates are in the Air Force as are the bulk of the people they invite.

  "Hot damn, girl! That dress looks way better on you than it does on me." Jessa placed her chin on my shoulder and held her arm out in front of us to snap more selfies. "You're guaran-fuckin'-teed to get lucky tonight."

  "With an airman? Not a chance," I scoff before thinking back to Adam at the bar last night. The way he teased me and flirted all night, then finished it all with a kiss.

  My face grows hot as I think about it again for the millionth time, as does my vulva. How can a single, chaste kiss that's over in under a second get me all hot and bothered?

  Hot and bothered. That was the phrase he used.

  "Come on, girl. You gotta broaden your horizons a little," Jessa says as she applies mascara.

  "Says the woman who's celebrating her divorce from an airman," I shoot back.

  "Hey, divorced doesn't mean dead. You know how long it's been since I've had a good lay? Clay was a minute man if he was lucky."

  "Wow, TMI." I dig through my makeup bag and settle on a dark red lipstick. As I carefully apply it, the memory of Adam's kiss is just that more potent.

  I feel like I should be angry that he tricked me into that but I'm not. It was over so fast, I never got a chance to really feel it. I find myself wondering what it's like to really kiss him. To feel the pressure of his mouth, the texture of his stubble and feel what his tongue would do.

  "Earth to Mia," Jessa pokes me playfully in the shoulder. "You are such a space cadet today."

  I realize I've been staring blankly into the mirror, my mouth parted and practically drooling while I fantasize about kissing Adam.

  "I'm gonna head down," Jessa says with a final adjustment of her clothes in the mirror. "People are gonna start showing up and you know I gotta be the hostess with the mostest."

  "Alright. I'll head down to the kitchen in a bit." I prepared a bunch of vegetarian finger foods ahead of time for the party. Vegetarian cooking is my main hobby and what I hope to make into my profession someday. Jessa was blown away when she first tried my tofu "chicken" curry. She demanded I make the food for all her parties since then.

  "Remember, you are required to socialize," she says, poking me again. "Get out there and get some, girl."

  "Yes, mom," I say sarcastically. I know she's trying to look out for me but I'm just not a social butterfly. Sometimes I do miss having a boyfriend but I tend to be pretty picky. Any guy I date has to be okay with my vegetarianism, first of all and I lose most of them there. One guy even tried to trick me into eating meat. I'm hoping once I get out of this Air Force town, I can find someone who's more open minded.

  I finish applying eye shadow and mascara before deciding I look good enough and head downstairs.

  The music has started and people are coming in and starting to mill around. The next hour flies by as I go back and forth to the kitchen to restock what people are eating so fast. My veggie nachos and bruschetta disappear as soon as I turn around, then my spring rolls soon after that.

  It isn't until I'm setting out the third platter of nachos that I feel a hand on my arm.

  "Relax, Barefoot Contessa. Slow down for a minute and have a drink."

  When I stop to look, it's an airman with blond hair slicked back and crooked teeth in his smile. He's holding out a red Solo cup to me and I realize I haven't socialized with anyone since coming downstairs.

  I force a smile and accept the cup from him. "Thanks."

  "I'm Billy," he says, extending his hand.

  "Mia," I reply, accepting his handshake and wincing at the amount of pressure he uses. It feels like he wants to crush my bones.

  "You seem to know your way around a kitchen, miss Mia." Billy leans in uncomfortably close. "You'd make good wife material."

  Wow, you really know how to make a girl's skin crawl.

  "Um, thanks." I look away from him and scan the crowd of people for Jessa. I need an excuse to get away from this guy.

  Just as my eyes fall on the front door, a tall, muscle-bound figure walks in and my heart stops.

  It's him. Adam.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  He walks in with another airman and a small blonde girl makes a beeline straight toward them, practically attaching herself to Adam's hip.

p; In a panic, I turn away before he can see me. I never expected to see him again, let alone at my best friend's house party!

  "Um, I need to check on the party platter in the other room," I say to Billy and run to the back of the house before Adam can get a glimpse of me.

  I pick up empty party trays strewn out about the den as I try to get my thoughts in order. What are the odds of Adam Gunn coming to this party?

  Not too far-fetched if I think about it. Highfield isn't a huge town and there's guaranteed to be nothing fun to do on base.

  That blonde girl seems awfully familiar with him, I think as I make my way back to the kitchen while keeping an eye out for Billy. I wonder if she's his girlfriend or flavor of the week.

  No, that's not fair. You don't know the guy.

  But it does make that kiss feel more forbidden, taboo. Who knows, though. Maybe he kisses all his female bartenders.

  I wash and dry the trays before getting more spring rolls out of the fridge and arrange them carefully.

  This is where I'd rather be all night. Not having to deal with awkwardness from Billy or Adam's smoldering gaze. Just in the kitchen with my little food creations.

  Still, hiding from two people at a house party would be no easy task.

  "There you are!" Jessa leaps into view, her skin flushed with a warm glow and swaying slightly on her feet. She points a finger and narrows her eyes at me. "Have you been socializing?"

  "Uh, a little. Not by choice," I say.

  "Come on, Miaaaaa," she whines. "There are so many hot guys here! You're not gonna find a cute face to ride if you're slaving away in the kitchen! Don't worry about the food, fuck! You're making me feel bad."

  She grabs a fresh cup and pours half of her drink into it before shoving it at me.

  "Loosen up, girl," she commands.

  I accept the drink from her and take a swig. It's one of those cheap margaritas with just tequila and margarita mix. It's strong but I trust her more than anything.

  "Hey, so do you know everyone here?" I ask, already feeling the light, tingling effects of the alcohol.

  "Atta girl, I knew you had your eye on someone," Jessa grins. "Almost but not all. People bring friends and friends of friends, you know."

  "How about the tall guy with the dark hair in the front room?" I ask.

  Jessa turned to look and immediately whipped back around to face me. "The guy who looks like an Abercrombie model? No, but I wish! He came in with Danny Conner who was in Clay's squadron."

  "He came to my work last night," I confess. I'd been torn on telling Jessa about the kiss. Knowing her, she'd march me right up to him and tell him to finish what he started.

  "So go talk to him!" She grabs my wrist and pulls playfully but I resist, laughing.

  "I need to finish this first." I chug more of my liquid courage, my stomach shuddering at the sudden influx of alcohol. For a bartender, I don't drink very much.

  "Alright but I expect to see you out there in five minutes!" Jessa says in a joking warning tone before fluttering away like the social butterfly she is.

  No sooner after I'm alone in the kitchen, I feel hot breath on the back of my neck.

  "I thought she'd never leave," says Billy's voice.

  I whip around and he's standing way too close. His eyes are bloodshot and unfocused. He's definitely on something and not just drunk.

  I'm frozen in my spot until he starts reaching out to touch me, then I'm moving as fast as my legs can carry me.

  Jessa, where did you run off to? I think desperately as I move around and in between all the bodies taking up space. I need to find you and get this guy kicked out!

  When I dare to look back, Billy is hot on my heels and his expression is angrier with each passing second.

  I turn a corner at the end of the hallway and run smack into someone's back. That gives him time to catch up with me and grab me by the wrist.

  "What's the matter with you?" he growls nastily into my ear.

  "What's wrong with you?!" I cry out. "I don't even know you!"

  "Well, why don't we get to know each other." His mouth brushes against my neck but I wiggle free and make a beeline toward the stairs. My purse is up in Jessa's bedroom. If I can get my phone out of my purse, I can call the police on this psycho.

  The crowd is thick near the bottom of the stairs, which is also by the front door. People are gathered around as they come in and out to smoke and Billy catches up to me again.

  "I like that you make me chase. The prize will be worth it," he slurs.

  I'm shaking like a leaf as my eyes dart around to the people surrounding me. No one is paying attention. I want to scream and yell for help, yell for this predator to get away from me but I can't find my voice when I open my mouth.

  Billy's arms wrap around me and lifts up. I realize he's trying to carry me and suddenly my fight instincts kick in.

  "No!" I squeak and brace my arms against his chest, trying to push him away with all my might but it's no use.

  "The night is young so hopefully the master bedroom is free," he says as he half-drags me to the first step on the staircase.

  I'm full on sobbing now as I grip the banister and try to drag my feet but no one can hear me over the music and no one is looking outside of their own bubble.

  A sudden flash of movement catches my attention and a single pair of eyes capture mine. Steely grey eyes.

  Adam is speed walking straight toward me, looking just as big, powerful, and imposing as a force of nature. For a split second, I don't know whether to feel relieved or more afraid.



  I'm beyond fucking pissed as I finally reach Mia and the asshole on the first level of the stair. What kind of man tries to force himself on a woman?

  I place my hand on his shoulder as a warning. "Let her go," I say in a low voice, my anger simmering just beneath the surface.

  "Fuckin' mind your own business man," he slurs as he tries to shrug me off.

  Wrong answer.

  Without another word, I grab the back of his shirt in both fists and pivot my hips, turning him with me. I let go once we're facing the bottom of the stairs and the momentum sends him tumbling down.

  Not bothering to look at him, I turn back to Mia. "Are you okay?"

  She makes a small nod and my anger burns hotter for her. Her big brown eyes are as wide as saucers and she's curled up against the wall, arms and legs wrapped around her to protect herself.

  I crouch down next to her, knowing I look even more scary and imposing than the guy I just threw down the stairs. For some reason, every cell in my body wants her to feel safe and protected.

  "Did he hurt you?"

  She shakes her head. "I was trying to get my phone. To call the police."

  "I'll call them," I offer, pulling my phone from my pocket. "Do you want to go home?"

  She shakes her head again, still trembling all over but looking calmer. "I've been drinking. I can't drive home."

  I open my mouth to say I can take her but decide against it. After what just happened around a bunch of people, she probably doesn't want to be alone with another strange guy.

  "I'll crash here," she says. "This is my friend's house."

  I nod. That was probably the safest option assuming there were no more predatory assholes at this party.

  Slowly, she rises to her feet but keeps her back against the wall and her arms wrapped around herself. I want to pull her into me and hold her until the shakes are gone from her body and she's blissfully relaxed. But I keep my arms at my sides as I stand with her.

  "I'm going up to my friend's room and.... just try to calm down I guess," she says, exhaling a shaky breath.

  "Good. Take it easy. I'll call the cops and get this asshole arrested," I say. "They'll probably want to talk to you when they get here."

  She hesitates before continuing up the stairs. "Okay, it's the door at the end of the hall. You don't suppose you could bring me a drink?"

  I fro
wn. "You probably shouldn't have any more to drink tonight."

  "Just to take the edge off and help me sleep," she says, rubbing her arms. "I won't be able to relax at all otherwise."

  "Alright," I concede. "I'll be right back."

  She walks up the rest of the stairs while I get the cops on the phone for the bastard crumpled in a heap by the front door. He's rolling around a bit, moaning and drooling so his fall didn't hurt him too badly.

  I should have thrown him harder.

  The cops tell me they're on their way and I callously step over Asshole's body to find Conner. He finds Jessa, Mia's friend who lives at the house and we fill her in on what happened.

  "Oh my god!" She covers her mouth, horrified. "That poor thing, I never should have left her alone!"

  Jessa races up the stairs to be with Mia and I finally feel like I can relax a little. The girl is safe. The police are on their way. My work is done.

  And yet, it doesn't feel like it is.

  I pour a light beer for Mia as well as a glass of water, wishing it was me up there comforting her, rubbing her back. Kissing all over her beautiful skin.

  My cock twitches against my zipper and I almost feel guilty. I shouldn't get excited over a girl who was just terrorized and likely won't trust me or any man for a while.

  A simmer of anger returns to the forefront of my mind. I hate how those types of men give the rest of us a bad name. I can usually have my pick of women and have no problem giving them the orgasm of their lifetime. The one time I want a girl who doesn't throw herself at me, some prick has to scare the shit out of her.

  I can only hope that she realizes I had every intention of helping her and none of hurting her.

  The police arrive within five minutes and spot the asshole right away. I approach and give them my statement before leading the female officer upstairs to the back bedroom.

  I knock softly at the door and open when I hear Jessa's voice call, "Come in!"

  She and Mia are sitting on the bed wrapped in a blanket. They've both been crying. Jessa's arms are wrapped around Mia, patting her hair soothingly.


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