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Duke Page 2

by Candace Blevins

  “You’re sharing an awful lot.” Chief Keller’s face was closed off. Not pissed, not as cold as he’d been earlier, but still rather unhappy.

  Duke let Brain talk. “No reason not to. Don’t wanna appear we’re invadin’ your city. Our bikes are loud, and we like to take in the needs of the neighborhood for the noise as well as our partying. Our bar will draw lots of people, and when we throw a party at the compound, same thing. We offer rides for those who drink too much at our parties, and we keep drugs out of our territory and especially our places of business. We try to be good citizens, but you gotta know we’re gonna be loud, and up at all hours of the night. One house with a family, we’ll help fund their relocation if it doesn’t work. Ten houses with families, maybe we shouldn’t move there.”

  The Fort Oglethorpe chief had been mostly silent, and now he sounded skeptical. “You’d worry about disturbing families?”

  Bud spoke up at this. “Family’s everything. Whether it’s the brotherhood of our MC family, or my kids and old lady, or your wife and kids. Family is everything. We find we’re causing problems for one in our neighborhood, we’ll work with the head of household to fix it. If that means us stepping up to help them relocate, we will. If it means soundproofing the kids’ rooms because the single mom likes the protection we offer by being right next door, we’ll help make it happen.”

  Aaron wasn’t sure they were heading in the right direction, so he interjected. “The compound has a wooded area, and there’ll be a paintball battle tonight. Three teams. Neighborhood and MC kids on one team, MC and law enforcement on another, and a team of kick-ass women on the third. Tonight it’s kids against the men, and the winning team takes on the women.” He looked at the three men he’d brought down. “I’d like to see the three of you team up with these guys, but you gotta understand, a month ago the women won, so ya’ll need to head out back and get to know each other, the lay of the land, and talk strategy. This is serious business.”

  “Who are the women?”

  Bud sat back with a grin. “My old lady, her best friend, the woman who lives two houses down, a schoolteacher from the elementary down the street, and a few MC girlfriends. We got several teams of between eight and twelve, depending on who shows up. Sometimes we let the kids choose two teams, and they play to find out who the best team is, so that team can play us, but as of now it looks like we’ll just need one team for the kids.” He sighed. “One girl on the team, she’s trying to get together a girl posse to take on the boys. I like they’re learnin’ skills, but I worry for the rest of us.”

  Chapter Three

  When Gen’s tears grew to the point she couldn’t see, she pulled her car over and called Frisco.

  His voice was just what she needed to hear. Her big brother would always take care of her.

  She stuttered as she tried to say his name, but he knew it was her.

  “Gen, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

  “Can I come to your house?” She managed through her tears. God, her heart felt as if it were breaking. “Maybe stay in the apartment over the garage tonight?”

  “Where are you now?”

  “I just left my house but I didn’t make it very far. I pulled into the Northern Tool parking lot because I can’t freaking see. I hate crying.”

  “Isaac and Cassie are at the club. I’ll see if they can come to you, one of them can drive you here in your car, and the other can drive Isaac’s. Okay?”

  “I can drive. I just need a minute to get myself together.”

  “Okay, Gen. Just talk to me a few minutes before you go anywhere, then. Mom told me you might have a buyer for an entire block of property you have listed downtown, and they don’t have their own agent. That could mean big bucks, right?”

  Gen smiled through her tears. God, she loved her big brother. “Yeah. I could get a twenty thousand dollar pay-day out of it, if I play my cards right.”

  “Any idea what they’re gonna do with it?”

  “No, but this isn’t another Volkswagen or anything. These guys are rough. Motorcycles and leather jackets, some have lots of facial hair. I could be wrong, but I don’t see them creating a lot of jobs on this property.”

  “Not sure I like the way that sounds, Gen. You want me to come with you the next time you show them property?”

  “Oh, no. They’re perfect gentlemen. I’m not in the least scared of them. If anything, I feel safer around them, like they’d never let anything hurt me. Since Isaac taught me to shoot and I got my carry license, you know I have it with me when I’m out. I met with two of them this morning, and they’re bringing some more people up from Atlanta tomorrow so they can all look at it. There’s another property just down the street they want to see, and they asked if I could arrange to show it to them, even though it isn’t mine. Guy introduced himself to me as Brain, but his signature and ID said his name is Thurston. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. He’s a bad-ass biker and his name is Thurston!”

  Gen saw a car coming at her and recognized Isaac’s shiny black Shelby. “You had Cam call them while we talked, didn’t you.”

  “That mean they’ve arrived?”

  “It does. Thanks big brother, even if you are a pain, I know you’ll always have my back.”

  Isaac opened her door and she said goodbye to Frisco, and let her brother’s massive, muscled, totally hot boyfriend draw her into a hug. She melted into his chest, let him hold her, but found strength in his arms and took a breath to say, “I’m gonna be okay, Isaac. Mike’s a butthole. I’ll be okay to follow you.”

  Isaac chuckled. “Cassie’s all fired up about getting to drive my car. Let’s get you in the passenger side and I’ll play chauffeur. I stopped in the storeroom and grabbed the good stuff, so you can have rum and Coke until you pass out, if you want.”

  Isaac kept the subject to lighter matters on the way home, and Gen walked in the door to her brother’s gourmet cooking.

  Never one to do things the easy way, Frisco had two boyfriends and a girlfriend, and they all lived together. All three guys were bisexual, and Cassie was one lucky girl, as far as Gen could tell. She adored all of her brother’s partners, and loved spending time in their beautiful house. Before Frisco had came out to his family, he’d made them all believe Cam was renting the apartment over his garage. Now, Cameron lived in the house, as did the rest of them.

  Frisco didn’t waste any time — the second she stepped into the kitchen her big brother demanded, “What’d he do?”

  Gen froze and just stared at him. She wasn’t ready to talk about it.

  Cam touched Frisco’s arm and said, “Give her some time. She’ll talk when she’s ready.” He stepped to her and drew her into a hug, and she once again considered how lucky Cassie was. Cam was a dancer, with the body of one. He moved like liquid sex, and his hugs made you feel as if at that moment, nothing in the world mattered except his desire to see you happy, safe, and protected.

  Dinner stayed casual and easy, in part because Isaac made sure her rum and Coke never went empty.

  It wasn’t until an hour or so after dinner, sitting in their living room relaxed and talking, that she broke down and told them what happened.

  “I was supposed to have a closing this afternoon, but everything fell apart at the last minute. I’m gonna be able to salvage it, but not tonight, so I headed home.” She looked at her brother, rolled her eyes. “Mike’s been at my place for months. I can’t move him in officially because mom will throw a hissy-fit, but his furniture’s in storage and his clothes are in the biggest guestroom closet. I make him keep his razor and deodorant and stuff put away, so mom won’t figure it out when she visits.” She rolled her eyes. “God, the woman snoops. I can hear her in my bathroom upstairs, looking through stuff. I know she’s looking for evidence he’s spent the night.”

  Isaac put his arm around her and pulled her into his side. She snuggled in and looked around. Cassie was leaning into Frisco, and Cam was sprawled on the floor at Frisco’s feet.
They looked so natural, comfortable.

  “Am I messing up your evening?”

  Isaac’s arm pulled her a little tighter for a second, and he kissed the top of her head. “Not even a little. You’re an adult, if you want to live with someone you should be able to. Good to know it wasn’t just Frisco terrified of your mom, though.”

  She grinned at her brother and then her face went sad again as she continued the story. “I wasn’t planning to be home for another two hours, because I was going to get some paperwork handled in the office and then head across the street for the closing, but with it falling through, I was tired and decided to go home, thinking I’d surprise him.” She took a stuttering breath, determined not to cry again. “Unfortunately, I surprised both him and the new rookie in his division — in my bed, with him doing her up the ass.” She discovered she was drunk enough now, she wasn’t sad, just pissed. “New sheets aren’t going to do it. I’m going to need a new mattress.”

  “Did you kick him out, or just turn around and leave?” Her brother wasn’t happy.

  “I told him to be gone when I got back, but I know he won’t be and I don’t have it in me to fight with him tonight. If I can stay in Cam’s old apartment, I’ll deal with him tomorrow, and get the locks changed while I’m at it.”

  Isaac’s voice vibrated through his chest as he looked to the floor and said, “Cam, come take my place. I need to make a phone call.”

  Gen couldn’t help but smile as Isaac gave Cam a quick kiss on the lips and tousled his hair. She watched Isaac’s fine derriere walk out of the room as she snuggled into Cam’s side, and said, “He’s going to have someone go to my apartment and make him leave, isn’t he.” She didn’t ask it as a question, she’d been around Isaac enough to know he had a protective streak a mile wide.

  Cam turned them both sideways, so he was leaned against the arm of the sofa with his legs stretched across the cushions, and Gen ended up resting against him with her legs stretched out, too. It was so much more comfortable, and she was suddenly sleepy. Cam finally answered, “My guess is someone’ll be here in an hour or two with another set of keys for you, so you can get in your house tomorrow after Isaac’s people change the locks.”

  * * * *

  Gen awoke in Cassie’s bed the next morning. A note was propped on the night table, telling her she was welcome to the yoga pants and t-shirt folded on the chair, and to feel free to use the shampoo and conditioner on the tub, and whatever makeup might work for her. Cassie was fair skinned, so no way would it work on Gen’s darker complexion, but she loved that Cassie had made the offer.

  She showered and put the yoga pants on, minus panties, and donned the t-shirt. It was nearly ten o’clock and she had to meet the bikers in four hours, but she needed caffeine and salty food. As long as she drank dark liquor she was rarely hung over, so while she felt a little off, she was otherwise fine.

  She went to the kitchen, where Cam poured her some coffee, fixed her some fried potatoes, and brought her up to date. “Isaac had someone boot the asshole out of your place last night. They watched to be sure he only packed things that looked as if they were his — men’s clothes, men’s shampoo, razors. You said he didn’t move any other stuff in, so they didn’t let him take anything else.” He nodded towards his left. “The keys on the counter are yours. They changed the locks and gave your housekeeper new keys, too.”

  “Isaac’s really sweet, I’ll have to see how much I owe him. Thanks so much for taking care of me last night.”

  Cam tilted his head. “You don’t seem heartbroken this morning. What gives?”

  “Of the last three guys I dated, I’ve walked in on two of them having sex with someone else, and found out another was cheating on me when my mother saw him having a romantic dinner with another woman. She’d never liked him, so she took a little too much glee in using her new-found texting skills to take a picture of them and send it to me.”

  “That totally sucks, Gen, but please tell me you aren’t getting used to it, because I don’t think anyone should, and if you are then that’s gotta be one of the saddest things ever.”

  She shook her head and looked out the window towards the Hiawassee River. Her brother lived in the sticks, but this view was worth the drive. “It’s almost like, I dunno… it hurt so bad last night, and then Isaac pulled me into his arms and I was better. Superglue. My heart isn’t broken anymore.

  I don’t know if anyone’s ever gonna manage to get past the damned superglue, but for now, it doesn’t hurt and I’m not complaining.”

  Chapter Four

  Gen usually picked her clients up and drove them to see the properties, so she owned one of the most luxurious Mercedes, with a large, comfortable interior.

  The bikers, however, had told her they’d meet her there.

  Since there was a good chance she’d need to walk around on a rough surface, she’d worn three-inch heels with a wider base, instead of four inch spiked heels. Her hair was in a French twist, and her business suit looked as if she could step in front of a television jury and give closing arguments. She’d learned long ago if she wanted to play with the big boys and sell million-dollar properties instead of podunk family houses, she needed more than her smarts and business sense, she’d need to look the part.

  She smiled at Brain and Dawg, as they’d been the two she’d walked this property with yesterday. Her eyes went to the other four men and her feet stopped moving.

  Keith Bevering. God, she’d crushed on him so hard her freshman year in high school, and he’d never given her the time of day. Then he’d graduated and she’d seen him at Isaac’s a few times, but she’d never managed to have an entire conversation with him. She’d dreamed of those lips a thousand times, though. Maybe a hundred thousand.

  Brain introduced him as Duke and, like an idiot, she said, “No, that’s not right. It’s Keith.”

  He tilted his head, thought a second, and smiled. “Frisco’s little sister? Gen?”

  She nodded and he stepped forward to pull her into a hug. She thought it highly unprofessional, but he was large and apparently didn’t care. His arms wrapped around her and his hand landed on her gun, folded over it, and then brushed away. His mouth went to her ear and he said, “Tell me you aren’t wearing that because you’re afraid of us?”

  His voice came out in a growl, and while she hadn’t been afraid, she suddenly was. “No. I pretty much always have it with me. I’m legal, I have a—”

  He stepped back, folded his arms on his huge chest, and demanded, “What’s happened that makes you carry a gun almost always, Genesis? Something you need help with?”

  She shook her head. “Frisco and Isaac’s girlfriend, Cassie, was raped two years ago. And before that our friend, Sam, was shot. Cassie’s rapist came back after her again, and Cam, her other boyfriend, shot the rapist. Frisco hadn’t been able to help because he didn’t have a gun, but Cam walked in with one and saved them all, even though most would think Frisco is the bad-ass, because, well, he kinda is, you know?”

  They were all looking at her like she was growing things out of the top of her head, so she wrapped it up. “Long story short, Frisco put in a shooting range out back, and Isaac taught me to shoot and helped me get my license to carry. They have a party at their house the first Sunday of every month, and we all go out back and shoot. Isaac sets up these obstacle course things in the woods, so we have to watch things pop up, see if it’s a good guy or a bad guy before we shoot. He times us, makes it a fun competition.” She looked around at them all and added, “I meet clients who contact me online, and I pick them up and take them to empty houses and office buildings. I pretty much always carry a gun. It isn’t just ya’ll.” She looked at Brain. “You put me at ease about two minutes after I met you yesterday. It was like, if someone came at us, you’d take care of them and I wouldn’t have to. I felt safer with you than away from you.”

  “Okay, next question,” Keith said. “Frisco and Isaac have the same girlfriend, and she has an
other boyfriend? What the fuck?”

  Gen looked around, realized she was being unprofessional, and said, “Once we complete our business, if you want to have dinner and catch up, let me know. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at this property, shall we?”

  A slow smile slid across his face. Goodness, Keith was still sexy as sin. She was twenty-nine, which would put him in his thirties, but he looked twenty-five. He had a little patch of close trimmed hair under his lip, but was otherwise clean shaven. He wore faded jeans and a tight, black t-shirt with a black leather vest over the top. All of them wore either a leather jacket or a leather vest, never mind it was eighty degrees. All had the same huge logo on the back, the view of looking over the handlebars at a curvy road, with the words Rolling Thunder framing the top.

  “Okay, Gen. We’ll play it your way. We’ve already walked it, tell us why this is the place for us.”

  “I wasn’t given a lot to go on as far as your needs, yesterday. This property is four acres and includes two dwellings, though it’s understood you’ll likely tear those down. It’s zoned commercial, as you already know. If you’re building condos or apartments, this isn’t the best spot, but otherwise it’s a bargain for pretty much any use you may have. It’s very close to two hospitals, with a third not terribly far away, so this area of town never loses power. I suppose if you took a direct hit from a tornado you would, otherwise, the electric company brings it in from over a dozen directions so they can supply the hospitals even in a time of major crisis. Unless the grid is entirely down, you’ll have power. Also, if you’re setting up a factory with a high injury possibility, you’re in a good place.”

  The huge man they’d introduced as Tiny asked, “Crime rate?”


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