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Duke Page 6

by Candace Blevins

  They stepped away from the party, made their way to the parking lot, and Gen noted Duke had taken them into a corner area, out of sight of both the party and the bar across the road. She understood why when Frisco lunged forward, ran towards them, and took a swing at Duke.

  Duke caught Frisco’s fist as if a toddler had taken the swing. All in one motion Duke let go of Gen and twirled Frisco. When the action stopped, Duke’s arms were around Frisco, with Frisco’s back to Duke’s front, held firm so he couldn’t escape, and it happened in less than a second.

  Duke’s voice came out in a growl. “I gave my men the heads up this was a family thing and it might get rough, but you just walked onto an MC compound and took a swing at the president, and my guys don’t know you. We’re about to be surrounded by an army of pissed off brothers. I suggest you calm your ass down and talk to me, Frisco. I don’t want animosity. I want to work this out. Can I let you go?”

  In answer, Frisco said Isaac’s name, and Duke looked to Isaac, who didn’t look at all happy, and had his arms at his side, loose, ready to use them in a microsecond if necessary. Isaac’s words were a quiet threat. “You know I can wipe your parking lot with every one of your men, and none of us wants to broadcast what that would say about either of us. Talk to Frisco. Say what you need to say, but if you hurt him, you answer to me.”

  Frisco spat out, “She’s an innocent, Bevering. What the hell are you thinking!”

  “You don’t think I know that? I can see it for myself, and I screwed up earlier with some coarse language, but I learned. I stayed away in high school but I won’t do it again. Sorry man, she calls to my soul.” Duke looked at Isaac and added, “Both of them.”

  Gen’s heart jumped into her throat and then melted a little. Who knew the bad-ass scary biker could talk in poetry? She figured it was time to step in, so she stepped forward and said, “Hey, big brother, do I get a say in this?”

  Frisco said “No,” at the same time Cam and Cassie said, “Yes.”

  Isaac laughed and said, “No way in hell I’m turning that one into a tie. Keep talking, Genevieve.”

  Gen rolled her eyes at Isaac’s nickname for her, and looked back at her brother. “Frisco, it isn’t like we’re getting married tomorrow or anything. We had a business lunch once, where we talked about some personal stuff, but some of his other guys were there too, and it wasn’t a date. When our business transactions concluded, he told me he needed to keep me out of his life until things were safe, and they’re safe now. We’re just exploring it, getting to know each other. Is that so bad? He hasn’t even kissed me yet. I mean, not on the lips. Just on the forehead.”

  “He hasn’t kissed you? Nothing’s happened?”

  Gen shook her head and Frisco sighed as he said, “Let me go, Bevering.”

  Duke let him go, but said, “It’s Duke now, guys. Not a huge deal in the compound, but could be outside.”

  Gen’s heart dropped as she realized she’d never called him Duke. “You should have told me!”

  “You’re fine, Beautiful. First name isn’t a big deal, last name could be. I like hearing you say my name. Sounds so sweet coming from your lips.”

  She smiled up at him as Frisco said, “Give me a fucking break, Duke. What the fuck? You forget how many times I’ve heard you use those ridiculous lines to score pussy, and now you’re saying that shit to my sister in front of me?”

  “Is that true?” Gen asked, her heart back down in her stomach. “Those are just lines? Stuff you’ve said to other girls?”

  “Not feeding you lines, Gen. I love hearing you say my name. Wouldn’t say it if it weren’t true.”

  A dozen men wearing leather had formed a semicircle around them, and Gen wasn’t comfortable with the audience. She found Brain amongst them and asked, “Brain? Do you think you can maybe give us some space? This is my brother and his boyfriend, and Frisco, Isaac, and Keith all hung out together during high school. It really is kind of a—”

  Keith’s finger touched Gen’s lips as he said, “Sorry, Beautiful. Gonna have to ask you not to tell my men what to do. For anyone else, they’d have torn him apart if I didn’t do it first. Asking them to stand there and keep quiet is about as good as it gets right now.”

  “But if you’re in charge, can’t you just tell them to go away?”

  He laughed. “They’re worried about me, so… no. I’m kinda stuck with them. Remember how I said they’re mine? Well, I’m theirs, too.”

  Surprisingly, Isaac took Keith’s side. “We’re fine, Gen. They aren’t bothering me, and Frisco is only bothered by Duke at the moment.” He touched Frisco’s hand and said, “I’d like you to take Cassie and Gen by the hand and walk away from us. Stay gone a minimum of five minutes, do not open your mouth to argue or cajole. Listen to your sister. Don’t just let her words bounce off you; let them sink in. Our Cassie will probably have a few things to say as well. Don’t blow her off.”

  As Gen walked with her brother, she heard Cam ask, “Can I go with them?”

  Isaac must have nodded, because he came scurrying after them, and held Cassie’s hand as they walked.

  * * * *

  Duke glanced at Brain, who moved just a touch closer as Isaac looked at Ethan and said, “Might be a good idea for you and Sam to go, too. My brother and I need to have a few words in private, if you don’t mind.”

  As Ethan stepped far enough way to not hear them, Duke lowered his voice to say, “I broke those ties of brotherhood long ago, and you were never a full-fledged member, seeing as you aren’t a wolf, and it’s a wolf-pack.”

  “You left in good standing. Once a brother, always a brother. I’m still accepted by the pack, still consider every member a brother. You’re still someone I care about and respect. Just don’t hurt someone who belongs to me and we’re good.”

  “I have your blessing with Gen?”

  “I haven’t decided yet, but even if I were to agree you might be good for her, it’s her brother you’re going to have to convince.”

  Duke signaled Brain again, letting him know with a look that Isaac was being cool. He felt the energy they’d been holding fade away, and Isaac laughed. “You weren’t totally honest with Gen. You could’ve sent them away. You just signaled the danger seemed to be over and every one of them backed off.”

  Duke shook his head. “Not until they felt me relax would they stand down. I haven’t shared your secret, but you know they can tell you aren’t human.”

  Isaac changed the subject. “I’m hoping Gen and Cassie pull a miracle out of their ass and bring a chilled Frisco back, but let me catch his fist if he swings again, yeah?”

  “The two of you are really lovers? Gen told me and it blew me away. You seem happy though, so I’m happy for you. Gen thinks Cassie’s the luckiest girl on the planet, with her three hot guys.”

  Isaac laughed. “Gen would have no idea what to do with us. Frisco wasn’t wrong; she’s pure and innocent. Not sure what you’re thinking, but it’s clear you understand her at least a little, so I’m prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Appreciate it. Want to meet some of my guys? I’d like you to be on a first name basis with at least my top men. Also, before they get back, need to know who knows what about you.”

  “Frisco knows all about me, my dad, and the pack, which means he knows about you. He won’t realize everyone else in your club is, too, though. Not unless they do something to tip him off.”

  “Cam and Cassie?” Duke asked.

  Isaac shook his head. “No. Frisco wants me to tell them but I want to protect them.”

  Duke signaled his men to come in as he said, “Isaac was adopted by one of the wolves in my grandfather’s pack. He isn’t a wolf, and control is a good bit harder for his species. His dad ended up taking him overseas so he could learn from others like him, but even once they got back, it was decided Frisco needed to know so he could make a phone call if Isaac needed an adult to help him regain control.”

  Duke smiled
at Isaac. “Asked around about you a little when we first landed in town. Appears you can still be a damned scary bastard.”

  Isaac chuckled. “Only when necessary.”

  “This is Brain and Dawg, and my enforcers, Tiny and Dozer.”

  Duke was starting to get a little worried about Gen and Frisco as he watched the men shake hands with Isaac. However, he took a breath and asked a question he needed an answer to. “Gen tells me you taught her to shoot, and you set up courses for a group of them to go through once a month?”

  Isaac nodded. “I did and I do. Not sure if you know Cassie and Sam’s histories?”

  Duke nodded and Isaac said, “Was bad shit. Not gonna happen again. I can’t be with them all the time so they need to be able to defend themselves.” He cocked an eye at the other werewolves, looked back to Duke. “I’ve worked their reflexes enough, if they have the element of surprise there’s a chance they’ll get the draw on even a shapeshifter. Slow him down enough to get away.”

  “So, Gen can handle her weapon? Good choices, good aim?”

  Isaac nodded. “Kicks ass with it. Kicks ass at anything she sets her mind to, as far as I can tell.”

  The group finally started walking back, and Duke met them halfway. Gen came to him and he reached for her hand. He was gentle with it, though he wanted to wrap his arm around her and claim her. He calmed his wolf, calmed himself. Gen wasn’t ready for him to take her over yet. She would be, though. And soon.

  Frisco looked at their joined hands, clearly not happy. Duke asked, “We good, Frisco?”

  “No. We’re not. My sister wants some time with you, and it has been pointed out she’s an adult.”

  Cassie laughed. “We also pointed out he’s giving his mother a run for her money in the meddling category.”

  Frisco shook his head. “You’ll note Cam isn’t spouting that kind of nonsense. He knows better. Cassie? Is lucky I love her so much.”

  Duke finally relaxed. Frisco may not be okay with it, but he was willing to cut up with him, which meant he was going to let his sister make her own decisions, at least for tonight. Duke smiled at Frisco and said, “I’ve enjoyed getting to know Cassie and Cam tonight. I’m happy for you. Truly.”

  Frisco nodded. “I can’t call you Duke. Just can’t do it. How about B? Will that work?”

  “Sure, and thanks for understanding.”

  “I’ll work on it, see if I can come around to Duke, or at least Keith. B seems the most natural right now. I have to agree with Gen about your men, though. They were kind of intense.”

  They had been. Isaac hadn’t been wrong about likely being able to singlehandedly take on the entire motorcycle club. Frisco knew what Isaac was, but Duke wondered if he knew exactly what that meant. He didn’t bring it up, though. “Yeah, couple of reasons, should be good now, though. I understand you’re having people over Sunday, and there will be target practice?”

  Frisco looked to Gen, back to Duke. “First Sunday, so yeah. Why?”

  “Gen has my numbers. Get them from her and see if you can find it in you to invite me. I’d like to see Gen shoot, and would like to spend more time with all of you.”

  Frisco nodded. “We eat at two, shoot after dinner. Normal range rules, so bring what you need.”

  “Thanks. Would you like to come sit down? Get a beer? Something stronger? I’d like to introduce you to some people.”

  Frisco looked to Isaac and said, “We should be going. I’d like to get Gen home. She’s tired.”

  Duke looked down, saw her face, and wrapped his arms around her. “Yeah Beautiful, I can see you’re tired. I’d like to take you home, though. See to you. Can you give me that?”

  “You shouldn’t have to leave your party,” she said. “I relieved our limo driver once Tyler and Ethan were both here, as they said they could get us all home. Frisco can take me home; it isn’t far out of their way.”

  Ethan took a half step forward. “Let’s move this back to our table if we’re figuring out who’s driving who.”

  Chapter Ten

  Gen wasn’t sure what she’d expected when Keith said he could bring her home in a club vehicle, but it hadn’t been a newer model, shiny, Ford Expedition. He put her in, closed her door, and walked around to his side. He didn’t start the engine until she was buckled in, and once they were on the way, he held her hand.

  “You’re being nice.”

  “I’m a nice guy.”

  “Did you break the other guy’s hand?”

  “I did. I took pity and broke his left one, though.”

  Gen’s heart somersaulted. Did she really want to spend time with someone who could hurt someone so casually? And then just… admit to it?

  “Gen, something you and I gotta be clear on, is I’m either gonna be honest with you or tell you I can’t answer your question. I’m not gonna lie. If you can’t handle an answer, don’t ask. You’re gonna have to accept me for who I am, same as I’ll have to accept you for who you are. I don’t want to change you, and I hope you aren’t expecting to change who I am, either.”

  “You’re a lot to handle, Keith.” Talk about an understatement.

  He chuckled. “You have no idea, but I’ll give you a little time to get used to me. I’ll handle you with care, try not to…” He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, lifted it to his mouth, kissed it. “Damn, woman. You have to be twenty-eight or twenty-nine, right? I’m driving you to one of the most exclusive neighborhoods in the city, and you’ve put yourself there. I know where you came from, and I know there were no trust funds. How’ve you managed to get where you are and stay so innocent?”

  “I’m twenty-nine. I worked in my mother’s restaurant until my real estate career took off. I bought an apartment complex and moved out of mom’s house when I was twenty-three. Six units, so I could rent five of them out and live in the other. Over the next couple of years I purchased more rental property, but stayed in the little two bedroom apartment. I moved into the house I’m in now at twenty-six.”

  “Okay, and I want to see your first apartment, want to know where your rental properties are, but the biggest question on my mind right now is when you lost your virginity.”

  “Keith! That’s... personal.”

  “Yeah, and you’re still tipsy, and tired. I’m hoping we’re going to get very personal with each other in the coming weeks, and this is one of those things I’m gonna want to know about you.”

  Gen closed her eyes and leaned back, decided that was a bad idea and opened them to watch where they were going. She should be stumbling drunk, but she wasn’t. She was drunk, no doubt about it, but the circumstances must have kicked in her brain enough to think. Talking about it now, in the dark, with her drunk while he drove, might be the easiest way to say it.

  “While I was still working in mom’s restaurant, before my real estate career was even off the ground, I was engaged. I thought I loved him, thought he loved me. I had a ring on my finger and we were planning for a June wedding. We’d put our deposit down to hold the church, I’d picked out a gown, was researching florists and caterers.”

  “This must’ve been after I left, and you were nineteen when I left, right?”

  “Probably. Maybe. I’m not sure exactly when you left. There’s three or four years between us though, so do the math.”

  “I left at twenty, just before I turned twenty-one.”

  Gen laughed. “And I lost my virginity two weeks before I turned twenty-one.”

  He kissed her hand again. “Was he easy with you? Did he do it right?”

  It’d been a nightmare, but she didn’t tell him that. “He was a virgin, too. Neither of us had a clue what we were doing. We figured it out, but… let’s just say I wasn’t sure what the big deal with sex was. I’d meant to wait until our honeymoon, but then we fought, and made up, and I’d been drinking, and… it happened before I meant for it to. He broke it off the next week, proving my mother right about men not wanting used property for a wife, even if they’re the one who
used it.”

  She wasn’t sure what he’d ask next, but was sure she wouldn’t want to answer whatever it was. So, she asked, “What about your first time?”

  He shook his head and grinned at her. “Remember what I told you? Don’t ask questions unless you can handle the answer?”

  “How about you give me the answer in a way I can handle?”

  “I was fourteen, she was sixteen. She knew what she was doing, and I’d fooled around enough I had a good idea. It was phenomenal. First time didn’t last but a few minutes, but within five minutes I was good to go again, and we went at it for hours.”

  “How many people have you been with?” Gen didn’t know why she asked, but if he started at fourteen and had one a year, that’d be around twenty people. She had a feeling it had been more than one a year.

  “I have no idea, Beautiful, but if you and I work out, I’ll only be with one person for the rest of my life.”

  “I’ve been with three people.”

  Keith pulled into an empty bank parking lot, turned and touched Gen’s chin. Her heart stopped and she had to pull air into her lungs and hope it would start again.

  “They were right to keep me from you in high school. I was so fascinated by you, but I knew they were right. I knew you were too good for me, and I knew I couldn’t… if you hadn’t belonged to your brother, though, I’d have gone after you whether it was right or not.”

  “You never even talked to me!”

  “Right, because if we’d started talking I’d have had to kiss you. Couldn’t take that chance.”

  “You still haven’t kissed me, and we’re talking now.”

  Keith’s eyes went dark, focused. His hand cradled Gen’s cheek, the fingers of his other hand threaded through her hair, and he turned her head as he lowered his lips to hers.

  Gen had never been kissed like this. His mouth open, tongue invading, demanding, territorial. Her hands went to his shoulders and she clung to him for dear life. Heat pooled in her girl parts, her heart raced, and one leg came under her so she could push up, into him. Into the kiss.


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