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Duke Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  He caressed, stroked, kissed, and occasionally fondled, but it was caring with an undertone of sex. He wasn’t trying to get in her pants, but Gen thought some of his touches were more intimate than sex. He handled her as if he’d claimed her, as if he had a right to, and she couldn’t find the motivation to correct his thinking.

  She had to work her way around the story, which she could have told him in a few sentences, but needed him to understand her motivations.

  When she finished her twenty minute story, he looked at her with a grin and summed it up. “So, you found out another Realtor was working with the bank to fast-track foreclosures on the easiest to sell property, you hired a hacker to find out what properties the bank had in the pipeline, close to being able to foreclose on, and you went in and worked deals with the homeowners for you to either list the property and sell it fast, or for you to buy it from them and then sell it, in which case you split the profits with them? And when the Realtor and banker approached you and threatened you, the CEO of the bank received documentation showing what they’d been doing, but in a way that kept you out of it?”

  “Yeah. Since I got the info from the hacker and could approach the homeowners before the bank started the process of foreclosure, before there was an official paper trail, no one could tie me into what they were doing.”

  “You considered how to do this and keep yourself out of trouble, and how to cover your ass should they figure you out? You planned it all from the start?”

  She nodded, and he pulled the pan off the eye as he threw his head back and laughed, and then leaned forward and kept laughing. When he finally stopped and went back to cooking, she said, “It’s not a funny story, Duke.”

  He cut his eyes to her and said, “One of the biggest issues local law enforcement has with us is what they call vigilante justice. The area around our compound is clean, with no drugs because we beat the hell out of any drug dealers in our territory, take all their cash, destroy any drugs they have on them, and give them a message to take back to their organization. You may not have used your fists, but that was vigilante justice. You followed your own moral code, and you helped people who needed help. Doesn’t matter you found a way to make a profit, because those homeowners were way better off with you looking out for them than they would’ve been on their own.”

  He flipped a pancake and added, “Something tells me, you and Brain strategizing together might be downright scary. He thinks in numbers and legal terms, and he’s also a hacker, so if you need any more hacking in the future, bring it to us, yeah? Want to make sure you stay safe.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Duke walked into the clubhouse a little after noon, and the guys inside gave a hoot and poured him a cold one.

  “The whole club’s seen the feed of your little spitfire taking the guy down,” Tiny told him. “She kicked ass and her girls backed her up. Nice.”

  Duke smiled, accepted the beer with a nod, and sat at the bar. “Isaac and Frisco are to be treated with respect. Heads up about Isaac, he wasn’t lying when he said he could likely take us all on at once. Even Nathan Pierce gives him a wide berth.”

  “What is he?” Dozer asked.

  Duke shook his head. “Some vows from my old pack I still hold, and Isaac’s an old friend who’s more than earned my loyalty. If ya’ll need to know for your safety, I’ll tell you, but he’s a good man and won’t attack unless we fuck with him or his. Just know he’s a bad-ass, even by our standards, and he ain’t a wolf.”

  Brain was stretched out on one of the sofas wearing jeans and no shirt. “He’s aligned with the vampires as well as the local pack, and seems to have arrangements with a helluva lot more.”

  “Yeah, and we grew up together, so I know him. He’s good people, we don’t have to worry about him, and if all goes well with Gen we may end up being family.”

  “How you figure?”

  Duke looked at Dozer a few seconds before answering. “Brother, I know you got a problem with guys doin’ it with each other, but he’s my woman’s brother’s partner, which means he’s her family. You tell me what her family is to our family?”

  He shook his head. “Ours, but three men and one woman in bed just ain’t right.”

  Tiny, seated on a stool behind the bar, asked Dozer, “How do you feel about one man and three women in the same bed?”

  Dozer smiled to show he didn’t have a problem with it, as most of the rest of the room said something along the lines of “Not a problem,” and “Works for me.” Duke rolled his eyes at Dawg’s “Felt pretty good last night. One sittin’ on my face, one reverse cowgirl, and the third licking my nuts and the other chick’s clit.”

  The entire room intoned, “Daaawwwg.”

  Duke looked at Brain in question, and got a shrug and then, “Saw him walking to the back with them… two blondes and a brunette. Kinda hard to call bullshit.”

  “Yeah,” Duke said, looking back at Dawg. “I’m thinking you need to double-check the condom inventory, see if we need to order another couple of cases. Your responsibility from here on out.”

  Tiny’s voice was deep. Serious. “You haven’t asked for a status update yet, Boss.”

  Duke sighed and looked to his giant of an enforcer. “Yeah, I know. Wanted another couple minutes to smile, ‘cause I could tell by the looks on your faces it ain’t gonna be pretty. You shoulda called me.”

  Brain didn’t sit up, but caught Duke’s eye as he said, “Nothing we couldn’t handle. Wasn’t gonna interrupt your first night with your new lady.”

  Duke shook his head. “Out with it.”

  “Cameras picked up a dealer on third near Hawthorne, just at the edge of our territory,” said Dozer. “Brain sent me in, but something didn’t feel right so I asked for backup but told them to stay out of sight unless I needed them.” He shook his head. “Bastards fuckin’ ambushed me, came out of the surrounding houses. If I didn’t have backup I’d been in trouble, brother.”

  “I hurt one worse than I meant to.” This from Tiny, still behind the bar. “If they ramp up, might cause us some problems. Pretty sure I shattered his jaw, but it wasn’t the intent.”

  Duke nodded. “Things happen, Tiny. If they ramp up we’ll deal with it. Any of our people hurt?”

  “One of ‘em stuck me,” Dozer said. “I pulled it out and stuck him back, folded the knife, put it in my pocket. Got big-eyes over it, so I imagine my bad-ass status is further elevated.”

  Brain laughed. “I have it on video if you want to watch. They probably think we’re nursing some black eyes and sore ribs. Can’t hurt to be seen out and about without them, today. I’m thinking we pay a visit to the houses they came out of, make sure the homeowners are okay, be clear they have our numbers in case they need us, or need to give us a heads up.”

  Duke nodded and stood. “Agreed. I assume you’ve got the names and associations of everyone in a folder on my desk?”

  “Of course.”

  “Okay, give me fifteen minutes to look it over, and the video, and then we’ll go have a talk with the neighbors. Me and Dawg in the houses, Tiny and Dozer outside, Brain on the cams.”

  As Duke headed towards his office, Dozer asked, “What are you gonna do about your spitfire’s piece, should she decide to pay us a visit? She was drinking last night so it wasn’t a problem, and we let Aaron’s two boys on because they belong to him.”

  Duke stopped, turned, and faced the group. “I’m going shooting with her tomorrow. Not just range, but a course Isaac sets up in the woods. Gonna see how she does, and if I’m comfortable with how she handles it, I’ll call a vote and ask for her to be given armed privilege on the compound.”

  Gonzo was stretched out on another sofa. He’d been quiet, but now he said, “Not comfortable with hormones handling a gun. Not comfortable with anyone not us having one in our sanctuary.”

  Duke knew Gonzo wasn’t the only one who felt this way, he was just the only one with the balls to say it before Duke insisted they give an opinio
n. “Understand, brother. We’ll work it out. When I leave tonight, I don’t plan on being back until Monday morning or possibly afternoon, so if any of you have something to say, you got me until sometime this evening.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “A margarita, please. Extra salt, extra tequila.”

  Duke raised his eyebrows but otherwise didn’t show approval or disapproval as he said, “I want you sober tonight.”

  Gen’s heart skipped a beat at his unsaid meaning, but she kept her composure and shook her head. “Light liquor, so I’ll only get a buzz. More than that and I risk being sick.”

  “I don’t want you buzzed, I want you sober.”

  Gen’s insides reacted to his voice, his words, but she shook her head again, keeping her voice even as she told him, “This is our first actual date, Duke. You can’t be serious.”

  “Won’t push for farther than you want to go, but I don’t want you throwin’ road blocks up just to keep me at bay, either.”

  Time to change the conversation. “How was your day?”

  He looked at her a few seconds, and Gen thought he was deciding whether to let her change the subject. Finally, he said, “Need to tell you a few of our club rules, one of which you won’t like.”

  Gen’s face automatically scrunched, and she smoothed it over before saying, “Okay.”

  “No one comes through the gates without an invitation. You have a permanent invitation. You can come in, day or night, whether I’m there or not. Anyone else needs to go to the bike shop or the bar and ask to speak with whoever they want.”

  “So, if I have Bethany with me, can I come in, or do I need to go to the bar?”

  “For now, text or call me to let me know you’re coming and who you have with you. If there’s a problem, I’ll let you know before you arrive. Bethany’s fine, Cassie’s fine, but only if you’ve called ahead and know I’m there. If you get into trouble and have a woman with you but no man, come in and let whoever you see first know the trouble.” His face tightened as he added, “If I’m there and know you have them, Frisco and Isaac will be fine, but under no circumstances do you bring them onto RTMC property unless you’ve let me know you’re on the way and I’ve told you to come.”

  “Is this for always, or just because Frisco threw a punch at you?”

  “We’ll see, Beautiful. They come to some parties and don’t create a scene, things should change.”

  Gen nodded and Duke said, “There’s a sign up at all three of our establishments.” He handed her his phone with a photo on the screen, and Gen read, “Premises patrolled by armed RTMC members. No other weapons allowed.”

  She looked up and he said, “There are a few exceptions. Police with a warrant, obviously. A few special friends have been given weapons privileges, but it takes a majority club vote. In an emergency, any three members can agree to a one-time privilege, and if we’re bringing in extra manpower, we obviously let them bring their weapons.”

  “So, for me to have my gun when I visit, there’ll need to be a vote.”

  “Yes, and I’m going to let the club get to know you a little better before I call a vote. I don’t want to pit my woman against my men. They see the club as sanctuary, where they don’t have to be on their toes twenty-four seven. Out in the world, wearing our colors? We have to be constantly ready for attack. Our rules make the compound safe — until they’re comfortable with you, they won’t feel safe if you have a piece.”

  “It can stay in the car, right? So I don’t have to drive to you without it?”

  “Technically, no. However, I think I can convince them to let you do that. I’ll be with you, you know I’ll take care of you. If something happens so there’s a problem and I’m worried about you, you know I carry two, I’ll hand one off to you as I use the other.”

  Gen nodded. “I don’t like it, but I’m glad you explained it. I’ll follow your rules as long as I can leave it in the car.”

  Duke nodded, Gen took a drink, and then she said, “Is Isaac really that much of a bad-ass? The more I replay the scene in my head Friday night, the more it seems your men were more upset about Isaac, even though Frisco’s the one who threw the punch.”

  “I love how your brain thinks, Beautiful. Yeah, Isaac’s a bad-ass and my men were worried about him. He has quite the reputation, but I knew he wouldn’t do anything as long as I didn’t hurt Frisco, and could assure him I had good intentions with you. I grew up with him, they didn’t, and they weren’t so sure.”

  As their server brought their food, Duke said, “The club isn’t quite ready yet, but if you happen to come across some land you think would make the perfect location for a biker bar, give me a heads up. We’re probably another six to eight months out on it, but if something pops up at the right price, we might consider jumping the gun. Would mean hiring more people to work it because the club’s numbers aren’t where they need to be yet, but nothing we can’t handle.”

  “How many people are in the club?”

  “We brought eleven of us from Atlanta, men who wanted to make the change. We had another dozen who came to help us establish before going back home. We have nine prospects at the moment, another dozen associates, and nearly three dozen with permission to hang out with us.”

  She shook her head. “I think we need to go back to the dictionary thing.”

  Gen decided she loved the way Duke looked as she watched him laughing. He was always gorgeous, but his face transformed when he laughed.

  “Someone wants to be part of us, they let us know, we talk to them, maybe let them come on a ride or to a party. If we like them, we give them permission to hang out. This doesn’t mean they can come into the compound at any time, only for special occasions, but they can hang out at the bike shop or bar, and talk. Sometimes we’ll even give ‘em a job.”

  “Okay,” Gen said, “and when they pass that stage, they become an associate?”

  “Yes. They can come into the parking area of the compound, and onto the grassy area where we sat at the party, but can’t go farther unless invited each time. They can come to all functions, but again, not in a building unless invited. They get beyond that stage, the first cut is the prospect cut, and we don’t offer it to many. Most who make it that far eventually become a member. Takes a minimum of eight months after we offer prospect status, can take as much as two years. If you haven’t done something to prove yourself in two years, you’re done.”

  “What are prospect privileges?”

  “No weapons at first, most get weapons privileges within a few months. They can come into the clubhouse without an invite, but have to leave if we start talking ‘bout something they don’t need to hear. They go to functions with us, even patrol, but we send ‘em away at first, if things get too rough. When we’re out we have each other’s backs, and it takes time to trust someone will have your back.”

  “It’s going to take time for me to trust you, too, Keith.”

  Duke nodded. “I’d prefer it if you trusted me until I gave you a reason not to, but knowing your history, I’ll give a little leeway. I was serious about you not acting afraid of me, though. Not gonna hurt you.”

  “Sometimes you can be scary.”

  Duke sighed, looked at his plate a few seconds, then back up. “Do you think you can tell me I’m being scary without lookin’ like you’re scared of me?”

  Gen smiled. “I can try.”

  * * * *

  When they finished dinner, Duke didn’t head towards her house. He’d picked her up in what he’d told her was a 1969 Ford Mustang. It was red, and shiny, and the inside looked brand new. He’d told her he had personally restored it, and she was impressed.

  She’d also been relieved to see him in dress pants and a dress shirt. She’d only seen him in blue jeans up to this point. She didn’t want to change him, but it was nice to know he could clean up and look presentable when he wanted.

  “Where are we going?” she asked now, after a wonderful dinner at one of the most expensive
restaurants in town. She’d offered to pay the check, but had ticked him off.

  He glanced at her, looked back to the road. “Now that I’ve dressed up for you, it’s time for you to dress down for me. I looked in your closet last night after you crashed, got the size of one of the pairs of jeans. Bought you three pair today, different cuts in that size, so you’ll have a choice. Took Sprite with me, she handles the paperwork at the bike shop, and she helped me pick out the jeans and some shirts and a jacket for you. Got your shoe size, too, and Sprite helped pick out some boots. It’s past time I had you on the back of my bike.

  “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with you spending this much money on me, Duke. Dinner was expensive, and the clothes, and—”

  “Hold that thought, Beautiful.”

  He pulled into the compound, but instead of parking he drove just past the parking area, took a left, another left into a section Gen hadn’t seen yet, and hit a button on his visor so a door swung open. He drove through and closed the door behind him, and Gen looked around in wonder at the beautiful cars around them — Porsches, Mercedes, what she thought might be an antique Corvette… there had to be fifty cars in here.

  “Who owns these cars?”

  “They belong to club members. Three of ‘em are mine, counting this one.”

  “This your way of telling me you have plenty of money?”

  He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, touched his forehead to hers. “I’m not hurtin’ for money, Beautiful. I was in good shape before we came up, and I’ve been living in the compound with practically no expenses since I came to town.” He lifted his head off her forehead, his gaze intense. “I know you have money, but you’re never going to pay when I take you out. Asking and offering will just piss me off. Please don’t do it.”


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