Vampire Apocalypse #1 Bane

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Vampire Apocalypse #1 Bane Page 17

by Ward, H. M.

  The wind burned his eyes as his hair flew out of his face and iced over. Will rode dangerously fast, leaning harder than he should have, turning around objects in this path. The bike he was on had the capability to travel faster than the ski mobile. He gunned it, following the path, until the vehicle came in view. His heart sank. They were riding two-up. Someone was with her. Will leaned lower, gassing the engine harder. It felt like hours passed by the time he caught up to them, although he knew it was only a matter of minutes. His heart hammered in his chest. He threw logic to the wind and went with his gut, following the least logical vehicle. And it paid off. The front riders mask was white, like the snow, but a long strand of fiery red hair fluttered behind her. The second person on was large and not moving.

  Will tried to get her attention, but Kahli wouldn’t turn. Reeving the engine, pushing harder, faster, he tried to get up alongside of her. “Kahli!” he screamed, but she couldn’t hear him. The noise from the wind and the purr of the engines was too loud. She didn’t turn to look at him either. The scarf around her neck was white, but as he pulled closer he could see red seeping through, spidering into the weave of the fabric. Blood.

  He rode along side of her for a moment, and dread pooled in his stomach. She was wounded. That had to be a much larger wound if it bled through already. And yet, she was still sitting up. Will glanced at the guy behind Kahli, trying to get his attention. For a moment, he thought it was Cole, then realized the guy wasn’t sitting up on his own. His back was tied to the backrest. When Kahli hit a bump, his head moved like he was asleep. Or dead.

  “Kahli!” he screamed again, but it was no use.

  Kahli saw the vampire next to her approaching. Her neck tingled the way it always did when a vamp was close by. She leaned lower to the vehicle, practically resting her cheek on the metal. Her body protested every bump, every whip of icy wind. The throbbing in her head didn’t help either. The bike next to her would overtake her any second, but when he came along side, he slowed. Her eyes were growing heavy. She couldn’t turn to look at him. It would make her so dizzy that she’d vomit. The rider hung there for a moment and then started to pull ahead, like he planned to cut her off.

  The mind is a funny thing. It fights for survival even when the odds are abysmal. She wasn’t ready to surrender yet, but she knew her means of escape were limited. There was only one option—only one thing that would keep her from going back. She’d flip the vehicle. It’d roll and crush her. There was no other choice. There was nothing but endless white in front of them. No trees to crash into. No cliffs to race off of. No way to lose the vamp that was about to overtake her.

  Will saw Kahli’s back straighten before she did it. Her elbow lifted slightly and he could tell what she meant to do. Panic raced through him as he screamed. His hands and feet controlled the bike, slowing to Kahli’s speed. Will leaned the bike close, and grabbed her arm just as she yanked the handlebars on her ski mobile. The vehicle was ripped out from under her, rolling on top of the ice. The other passenger smashed head first into the ground and was thrown from the vehicle on its second rotation. Will’s strong arms yanked Kahli away in time, but he leaned too far. The bike went down before he could slow. His boot was caught on the pegs. The bike skidded along the ice, dragging Will behind. Kahli was cushioned from the blow of the fall by Will. He released her and she rolled to her side where she stopped. Breathing hard, Kahli opened her eyes.

  Horror filled her stomach as she watched Will dragging across the ice, trapped under the motorcycle. The spikes on the wheels spun, glistening, as the last rays of sun fell below the horizon. When the bike stopped the tire continued to spin slowly, like an unseen child was spinning the wheel. Will laid motionless on his back, his face touching the frozen ground. There was a trail of blood across the snow, which stopped under the bike.

  For a moment, all Kahli could do for a moment was stare. Dread pooled inside her heart. Will. It was Will. He tried to save her. Horror overcame the dread, and she pushed herself up. Kahli tried to run, but when she stood up, the earth felt like it was tipped on its side. Her fingers pressed against her neck. It felt wet. Damn. Kahli staggered across the ice toward Will and feel to her knees.

  “Will,” she said, voice strained as she tried to lift the bike off of him. But it was too heavy, and she was too weak. Removing her gloves, she pressed her hands to the sides of his face. The side that hit the ground was covered in blood. There was hardly and skin left. The damage went up into his hairline and traveled down the side of his body. Kahli felt tears in her eyes. “Will, please…” Please wake up. Please don’t die. Lowering her head to his chest, she heard his heart beating slowly. Erratically. The blood beneath him seeped into the ice, coloring it like a second sun.

  She wiped the tears away, trying to think. The howl that she knew too well erupted in the distance. There was too much blood. The wolves would be on them in a matter of moments. Kahli didn’t know what else to do. He was half human, half vampire. Blood was the only thing she had that could heal him. Unwrapping the scarf at her neck, she leaned over him watching the crimson drops fall on his pale lips. She pinched his lips, forcing the blood into his mouth. More drops splattered from her wound, and she did it again. She felt Will swallow, and she did it again before collapsing on his chest. Weakness overcame her. Kahli couldn’t think, she couldn’t lift her head, and she couldn’t fend for herself—even when the wolf’s warm breath washed over her face.


  Something warm slid over her neck in a glob. Her eyes fluttered opened. Instead of screaming, she stared death in the face. A white wolf was standing over her where she’d rolled off of Will. Her back was in the snow, her neck staining the ice with a sunburst of scarlet. She didn’t move to wipe the wolf’s drool off her neck. The beast’s black lips were snarling, revealing pointed teeth. Its breath was warm and Kahli felt so cold. Through droopy lids, her eyes tracked the wolf.

  There was a groan next to her, and before Kahli shifted her eyes to see what happened, the wolf was yanked out of view. It squealed like a pup, and was gone. Will’s face, his perfect whole face, loomed over her. “Kahli,” his voice came out it a breath. He scooped her up in his arms. Every part of her protested. She knew there was no way to survive this. She’d lost too much blood. The wound was too big. The wolves were too close.

  “Leave me,” she whispered, her eyes closing. Her body no longer felt numb from the cold. Warmth covered her head to toe and she wanted to sleep.

  Will shook her. Her eyes snapped open. The jostling made pain erupt inside of her again, “Kalahandra, don’t you die on me.”

  She smiled weakly at him, “Are you trying to compel me?”

  He nodded, sadness consumed him though his words were light, “Maybe. Definitely.” Silence spanned between them, and Kahli felt her eyes growing heavier again. Will cursed. Her body was turned upright, and she felt the bike under them. The engine reeved and she blacked out.


  Scents filled her head before she opened her eyes. Wood was burning. It crackled and radiated warmth. Peeling her eyelids opened, she looked around. It wasn’t until then that she realized that she was laying in Will’s arms. They were deep in the belly of an underground cave. The walls crept high forming a ceiling that disappeared in the inky shadows overhead. Rock formations jutted up from the floor and hung in long spikes from the ceiling. It was as if this space had been there, undisturbed, for centuries. The hollow echo of silence felt haunting, as if they’d broken into a sanctuary.

  “Hey,” Will said, his hands gently stroking her hair. “You’re awake.” His voice was soft, but it echoed slightly. The cave was vast and the area that the fire didn’t touch seemed to stretch on forever in endless night. Different sounds filled her ears now, water dripping and flowing.

  Kahli’s throat was burning. Will helped her sit up enough to take a drink. It felt like she had sand in her throat. “What happened?” She tried to lean on her arm and hold herself up, but s
he was too weak. Her body started to slump. Will lowered her back onto her mat in front of the fire.

  “You survived. We both did.” Will’s chest felt like it was being crushed.

  She lived. It meant two things. Both wonderful and horrible. He licked his lips, averting his gaze. The fire crackled and he stared into it. “We’re safe from the wolves, for now. It’s the Trackers we have to watch out for. The king did a number on your neck. I’m not sure how long we can outrun him, not when he’s had so much blood.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Blood binds, Kahli. He claimed you. You’re his. He can sense you’re alive and he’ll find you.” Will’s voice was strained. He ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. “I don’t know how to counter that. Your blood is powerful. I knew it before. That was why I wouldn’t talk to you about it. The more the vamps knew, the worse it would have been for you. The first night I sealed your wound, and tasted your blood—my God.” His voice became breathless, “I couldn’t sleep. Thoughts of you ravaged my mind. And now… It’s worse. It’s like your heartbeat is mine, like your life is connected to me. I can feel your pulse when I’m not even touching you. And I wasn’t the one who claimed you. I can’t image how much stronger that is for the king. He won’t let you walk away, Kahli. I saw him… he was still alive.”

  Kahli closed her eyes and tried to think. The stinging at her neck caught her attention and her fingers drifted there. The skin itched like it’d healed recently. It felt smooth beneath her touch, “You healed me.” There was shock in her voice, and her jade eyes turned to Will. His gaze didn’t meet hers.

  Instead he stared into the fire. He nodded, “Yeah, I healed you.” He breathed hard, waiting for her to ask how. It was the question that would destroy everything. It was the question he never wanted to answer. The orange flames were burning into his eyes, he’d been staring at it so long. Kahli was silent. When he turned to look at her, her green eyes were soft.

  “I did something wrong.”

  Will snorted, “I know. Stabbing the king wasn’t my idea of an escape plan. The only way we survive this is if the Queen kills the King.”

  Kahli bit her lips together. The line between Will’s eyes was deep. “That’s not what I meant. I didn’t know what to do when your bike went down. It took you with it and dragged you across the ice.” His eyes were cold, watching her. The pit of her stomach dipped lower, the icy air crept up her spine. “I didn’t know how else to heal you, so I—”

  He cut her off, “You force-fed me blood. A lot of it. I know.” He stared at her. “I feel it inside of me. I feel you,” he breathed.

  She looked away, the intensity of his gaze unnerved her. “So, what now?”

  Stretching, Will placed his hands behind his head and leaned back on his mat. “Now we wait for them to come and get us. They’ll kill me for aiding you and drag you back to the palace where you’ll die after the king has enough of you. Or we can do something proactive, something they’d never expect…” his voice trailed off. His blue eyes stared at the ceiling of the cavern.

  “Like what?”

  He rolled onto his side, and watched her through the flames. “We assassinate the royal family... We kill the King and Queen.”





  Turn the page to read a sample of the bestselling paranormal romance:




  H.M. Ward


  “Let me go, Jake. You’re not like this.” Desperation was in my voice.

  “Ivy, you have no idea what I’m like.” The moon hung high above the trees. It painted shadows across Jake’s face, highlighting his perfect contours. My arms felt like lead, useless at my sides. I couldn’t tell how he ensnared me. It felt like my wrists and ankles were glued to the ground, but nothing was there. Pulling hard, unable to move, my heart started to race. I hated feeling trapped. Actually being trapped made it worse. Moments ago everything was normal. We were laughing, rolling around on the grass.

  “I thought… I thought you wanted a kiss?” I asked.

  “I do want a kiss.” Leaning closer, Jake emerged from the patchwork of shadows. The dim moonlight spilled across his face, revealing his eyes. I couldn’t look away. My heart hammered as our gazes locked. An ungodly crimson ring surrounded his normally blue eyes, hugging tightly to his irises. It was like fire and blood, burning together. And they were intently focused on one thing.


  Panic shot through my veins. “What’s wrong with your eyes?” I shivered, repressing the fear that crawled up my throat.

  He shifted, hovering above me. Jake’s lips spread into a soft grin. “I’m still me. You can trust me, Ivy.

  I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long. My timing was perfect.”

  “Timing?” I asked. “I wanted you to kiss me since our first date. And you wanted to wait. So we wait, then you bait me out here, and glue me to the ground? What the hell is wrong with you? Let me go!”

  He laughed softly, “God Ivy, I wasn’t sure about you at first, but I was right… You’ll get your kiss.”

  Terror flooded through me, “What do you want, Jake?”

  “I’ll show you,” he leaned closer, grinning. As his lips touched mine, I cried out, unable to contain the agonizing pain. The feeling of razor wire slid inside me, from my lips to my toes. It snaked through my body. Sharpness tore into me like a million little fishing hooks, all snagging my insides at once.

  I tried to scream, but Jake’s lips were pressed to mine. His hands clutched my face, holding me still, preventing me from moving and breaking the kiss. Adrenaline pumped into me, making my thoughts splinter off into a dozen different directions, trying to find a way out. The sensation cut deeper, as I writhed beneath him. I desperately tried to think of a way to ease the pain, and did the only thing that would make him stop, without thinking about what would happen next.

  Sucking his lip into my mouth, I bit down—hard. Jake pulled away screaming, as tangy warmth filled my mouth. A warm trail spilled over my cheek. I spit out a mouth full of his blood. Swearing, he moved away from me, cradling his lip with his palm, trying to stop the flow of crimson.

  Trees creaked, snapping my gaze to their massive trunks. My eyes sifted through the shadows hoping that someone was there. But there was no one. We were alone. No one would save me.

  Jake returned fuming. “That was stupid, Ivy. I would have been nice, and made it less painful. But not now.” He lunged at me. Screaming, I tried to break free. Crushing lips met mine. The razor wire sensation snaked down my throat, filling my body. It hooked into every inch of flesh and muscle, spreading deep into my bones. Then he pulled the invisible razors. Hard.

  The intense pain tore through me, and I was unable to stop him. My tensed muscles tried to endure the agony, as spots formed and my vision flickered. Frantically, my mind tried to figure out what was happening. Logic didn’t have an answer, but my body knew exactly what was happening. My soul, my very being that was locked deep within me—he was ripping it out. It didn’t slide away, loose like a ribbon, tied in a pretty bow. It was attached to me, in an inseparable kind of way. Inseparable things—I learned—could be separated, but it hurt like hell.

  Releasing me from his kiss, Jake paused just before I passed out. Oh God, he wants me awake. Drowsiness pulled at me, making it difficult to think. Pain spindled in my muscles as they twitched uncontrollably. Jake wiped the back of his hand across his bloodstained mouth and smiled down at me, delighted.

  I spit out more of his blood onto the ground. It tasted wrong. It had a weird tang that made me gag. I knew his blood covered my lips and washed across my face, but I couldn’t wipe it away.

  Hysterical sobs bubbled up from my stomach, but I swallowed them whole, not wanting him to see my terror. Trembling, a single word formed in my mind, and spilled over my bl
oody lips, “Why?”

  His greedy smile vanished and his face contorted. His beautiful features were skewed, showing no trace of the guy I knew. Veins bulging, he spit, just missing my face. He snarled, “You’re one of them. Why else would I hunt you? Following you around for months, listening to you and your insignificant life. Why would I waste my time with someone like you?”

  Hatred flashed across my face. “Why’d you wait? Why not just suck out my soul three months ago?” The words felt odd to say, but I knew they were true.

  “I had to wait for this to appear.” Flicking a curl away from my face, his fingers touched the skin above my brow. “That’s interesting. Your mark is more....” He paused, sitting back, dabbing at his lip, “It doesn’t matter anyway, because you’re all the same. An angel-kissed, blue bastard. It’s your seventeenth birthday, and this happened. Just like all the others.” He leaned back laughing at me. “The first twenty-four hours are a bitch. You have no idea what you are, what you’re capable of, or why this happened to you.” The corners of his mouth pulled into a tight grin. “It’s the perfect time to kill you. That’s why I waited. And I’m usually kind of nice about it. But you bit me, you little whore. So, I’m going to make sure it hurts much more than usual.” He leered at me with a satanic smile, “I’m going to rip out your soul so fast that it cracks your bones.”

  Bloodstained teeth beamed, as he moved toward me. Screaming wildly, I belted the sound through the trees, shattering the still night. Jake’s eyes burned in the darkness as he inched nearer. My roaring heartbeat drowned out all other noises. Stiffening in anticipation, tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn’t bear it. Not again.


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