Under My Enemy's Roof: An Enemies to Lovers Romance Collection (Under Him Book 7)

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Under My Enemy's Roof: An Enemies to Lovers Romance Collection (Under Him Book 7) Page 24

by Jamie Knight

  “Do you have food in there? It sounds like you’re eating?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Just a lollipop.”

  I then loudly licked up some of Phil’s jizz. It was warm and salty.

  “Okay, well, if you see him,” said Daphene. “Maybe he’s outside.”

  Another time, we got it on in the laundry room. Daphene started walking toward the room, but Phil couldn’t get his pants up in time. He moved behind the dryer.

  “Oh, hey,” greeted Daphene. “Which one of you is doing laundry?”

  “I am, mom, but she just barged in here,” complained Phil.

  “But I have more to do,” I whined. “And I’m not mixing your nasty underwear with my panties.”

  “Whoever got her first,” she instructed, settling the argument. “Let me know when you’re done.”

  Daphene walked out of the room. We heard the door to the outside close. Phil immediately finished me off on top of the washing machine. God, it was so hot! We couldn’t get enough of each other.

  Another time, we were in the shower together. Dad opened the door.

  “Phil, it’s an emergency, you mind if I use the toilet?” he asked.

  “I guess not,” he replied.

  My eyes went wide. This was a really risky move. We were essentially trapped until he left.

  “Oh, God, sorry. I think I must have some food poisoning from that chicken salad or something,” he revealed.

  Phil was still inside me and he started to rock back and forth, going in and out with a smile on his face. I silently shook my head, although the feeling was amazing. I couldn’t help but cum. Fortunately, I was able to do so, with great effort, with no sound.

  Dad finally flushed, stinking up the whole bathroom. He liberally sprayed Febreeze around the bathroom.

  “Really sorry about that,” he apologized, embarrassed. “It was an emergency.”

  “No worries,” Phil replied.

  “Hey, uh, are you and Tracianne getting along?” he asked quietly. “I haven’t really seen you two together much.”

  “Oh, sure, but we do our own thing,” he explained. “But trust me, I’m into Tracianne. I’m sure we’ll find something to do.”

  “Good. I want you two to become close.”

  “I think that’s happening,” he responded, cumming inside me.

  “Good. Good-good,” replied dad, walking out of the bathroom.

  I shook all over. Holding back my noises of joy had somehow elevated the experience. Maybe it was the danger too, but we couldn’t keep doing this. Eventually, we’d get caught. We’d have to be more careful. I told Phil as much.

  “Phil, that was crazy!” I whispered. “You know what he would’ve done if he heard me in here?!”

  “Relax, he never would’ve believed it,” Phil said confidently. “He would’ve assume that I made the noise somehow.”

  “You’re crazy. You don’t think he knows the sound of his own daughter?”

  “It’s about what people want to believe,” he countered. “He’d assume it was all good. He has no reason to suspect us, therefore he’d have to dismiss any sound of you coming from the shower. It just wouldn’t register as you.”

  “I hope you’re right,” I said warily.

  “Trust me,” Phil said. “He probably did hear you in here, but assume it was just a weird noise from me.”

  “Either way, let’s get out of here before something else happens?”

  “Good point.”

  We went up on the roof in the middle of the night. Looking at the stars and eating chocolate, I felt safe in Phil’s arms. But were we living on borrowed time? What would happen after the lockdown ended? We’d have to go back to our colleges and resume our normal lives. How could we do this in the outside world?

  “Phil, how are we going to do this outside of the house?” I asked.

  “It’ll be easy. You can come up to my college. I didn’t show anyone a picture of you. You can pretend to be my old high school girlfriend,” he assured.

  “Yeah, but what about after college?” I asked. “Or even during break? My friends--- I showed them a picture of you.”

  “Well, you could just lie and say I’m someone else. When they point out that I look like Phil, you just acknowledge that I kinda look like Phil, but I’m not. I’m like Adam or someone.”

  “I guess that could work,” I pondered. “But what if my friends meet your friends? Eventually, someone would find out.”

  “Look, I think you’re overthinking this,” he said. “At some point, we could just tell our friends, right?”

  “But then our parents might find out. People might not understand.”

  “What’s to understand? We’re not blood relations. It’s fine.”

  “I guess.”

  “Stop worrying.”

  “Okay,” I smiled. “You make all my worries go away.”

  “You ready to go back inside?” he asked. “It’s getting a little chilly out here.”

  “Yeah, come into my room and warm me up.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  Barefooted, we walked back to the window and got inside the house. We slipped into my bedroom. Our folks were still asleep.

  We started making out passionately. Phil had become a great kisser or maybe I was just so smitten by him, I didn’t care. Every time he touched me, my body felt alive. I couldn’t dream of a moment without him and I wanted to spend every waking minute with him if I could.

  Of course, that was tough in the house. We didn’t want to raise suspicions, so we tried to keep each other at bay. We’d pretend to fight that petty way siblings often do, but at night we were lovers. It was intense. The clandestine nature of it all highlighted the feeling and my need for him.

  On the bed, we had stripped off all our clothes. I climbed on Phil upside down so we could 69 each other. He was playing with my pussy, licking it and sticking his fingers in both my holes. I moaned on his cock, which I eagerly gobbled up. I also licked his balls. There was not a piece of him I would not lick and he would do the same.

  We were ravenous animals, intent on pleasure. In the dark, together, we stimulate each other with our mouths. My juices flowed over his face and into his mouth, while his precum teased me. I tickled the tip of his penis with my tongue in new ways. Each one of us was learning to pleasure the other in more sophisticated ways.

  Finally, we erupted simultaneously. A gusher shot out from between my legs, coating his face with my love moisture. I was treated to a generous helping of his steaming, white spunk. It filled my cheeks and I consumed it eagerly. I could feel his cock pumping it up and into my mouth. I didn’t waste a single drop and to me, it tasted like mana from heaven.

  Chapter Nineteen - Phil

  It had been three months since we’d been cooped up in the house. The governor showed no signs of letting anyone go back to their normal lives, although I sensed it was becoming more and more political. Riots broke out across the country over a police shooting, but eventually these were quelled.

  It didn’t really matter to us, in our world. The world was the house and that was it. Sure, you could go on the Internet and talk to your friends, but with each passing day you had less and less to talk to them about. In some states, people went back to normal lives. For the rest of us, it was just one long slog.

  Richard and I were still sharing drinks in the study. We too had less and less to say to each other. What do you say to someone you see every single day? What new information was there to talk about? Once in a while, I could relay the news or some YouTube video I had seen, but that was about it.

  Having sex on the reg kept me on a pretty even keel. I was calm and no longer so caught up in myself. I mean, I guess I could say I had confidence, but that wasn’t really the right word. I was in love with Tracianne and that somehow made me better.

  Of course, I hadn’t told her. It was too soon and I was still kind of processing the implications of loving someone that deep and that hard.
She was, after all, my stepsister and we would have to deal with that situation. We could make it work, but would the rest of society understand?

  The entire situation, however, made the sex that much hotter. Between sneaking around the house and the danger of getting caught--- We were also simultaneously rebelling against our parents at the same time. Weird to say, but I don’t think the sex would’ve been nearly as intense except in this situation.

  On a random afternoon, I snuck into her room. I had brought crayons and paper. I figured we could draw together. It was something to do. Being cooped up for so long, we had kind of run out of board games and Netflix movies.

  “Crayons sound kind of fun,” she agreed. “Although it’s kind of a kid thing to do.”

  “Yeah, but what else is there to do at this point?” I asked. “We’ve kind of exhausted the things in the house. Plus we’ve had sex in every room except the master bedroom.”

  “I’m not opposed to it,” she offered.

  “No, way. Too risky,” I said. “Can you imagine getting caught in there? It would be ten times worse.”

  “I think getting caught having sex by anyone would be awful,” she said. “We’d be naked and totally vulnerable. Speaking of which, let’s do this in the nude.”


  “Why not?”

  I shrugged and got naked. She did too. I assumed she was ready for sex again, which was fine with me.

  “Notice anything different?” she asked.

  “No,” I shrugged.

  She took my hand and placed it against her belly. I could feel another heartbeat.

  “Oh, my God,” I gasped. “Are you pregnant?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded happily. “We’re gonna be parents!”

  I was in shock but in a good way. It never even occurred to me to wear a condom. In retrospect, it probably would’ve been the smarted move, but I was excited. I always wanted kids and with Tracianne, I knew they’d looked amazing.

  “Wait, can we still do it?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah, it’s fine,” she assured. “You can’t hurt the baby by having sex. I read it online. And now I can’t get more pregnant.”

  “This kind of changes everything, Traci,” I warned. “We’re on a timer here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’ll have to tell the folks now. They’re going to ask who the father is. It’ll be there first question,” I revealed. “You can’t lie to them. They’re going to want to meet him.”

  “Well, they can meet you,” she smiled. “We’ll just explain it to them.”

  I guess I deserved that. So blithely had I been promising her that our relationship was no big deal, she went from being paranoid about getting caught to being confident no one would raise an eyebrow. At least, I was hoping that it would be received that way.

  “Look, it might be awkward for them at first,” she theorized. “But we’ve been locked up for months. We have plenty of time to reinvent ourselves. And my dad is no longer your stepdad, now he’s more of your wingman.”

  “I don’t know about that,” I replied. “He might lose his shit, Trace. He’s a pretty manly guy. His macho side might decide to beat the crap out of me.”

  “I know him and I would bet differently. He’s a pussycat when it comes to me,” she assured.

  “I’m not even sure how this would work on a family tree,” I revealed. “It probably looks bad looking from the outside.”

  “We’ll make it work, trust me, luv,” she smiled. “I trust you.”

  “How will our kid explain this to his friends?” I worried. “I mean, kids can be pretty mean when it comes to other kids. What if he tells them we’re brother and sister?”

  “Stepbrother and stepsister,” she corrected. “Jeez, at least you say it right.”

  “I know, but--- You know what I mean.”

  “I suppose we could just leave out the part how we met,” she shrugged. “Why complicate his little life?”

  “Yeah, but then there are his grandparents,” I pointed out. “Might get confusing. When he tells the other kids he has only one set of grandparents.”

  “I think you’re overthinking this,” she assured. “Little kids--- They don’t drill down into the details like this. Maybe when he’s older.”

  “And then what?”

  “Then we can explain it better. I mean, we’ve done nothing wrong,” she pointed out. “What if you and I had gotten together before my dad and Daphene? Right and they met and fell in love? No one would bat an eye. No one would say we were weird, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I agreed. “But telling your dad your pregnant. That’s going to be a big moment. He might kill me.”

  “I don’t think so. He likes you,” she pointed out. “Besides, he kept telling you that you and I should be closer.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think this is what he had in mind!” I laughed. “What did you draw?”

  “I’m not good at drawing,” she admitted. “I just drew a rainbow. And the sun. What did you draw?”

  “Horses,” I said. “At least, I think they’re horses. I’m not much of an artist either.”

  “The bottom line is, I think our parents are going to be thrilled to be grandparents,” I said. “Your mother needs something to look forward to. Another baby? Women love babies! I know I can’t wait!”

  “It’s so strange,” I admitted. “This lockdown. The events in this house. Who knew it would lead to this?”

  “I know,” I said. “It’s like my whole life has changed with you in the picture now. College seems like a faraway dream. I can’t wait to tell my friends about you.”

  “Guess we’re not going to have to lie to them about us,” I added. “That’s a plus.”

  “Yeah, although my girlfriends teased me about you,” she admitted. “They suggested that I date you.”

  “They did? Seriously?”

  “I think they were joking, but yeah,” she smiled. “I kept saying ‘Ew!’ but they kept on teasing me. In some ways it was a foreshadowing of what was to come.”

  “Will your friends accept us as a couple?” I wondered aloud.

  “Why wouldn’t they?” she shrugged. “It would be weird if they didn’t. Plus I didn’t change my last name or get adopted by you mom, so--- That’s one less thing that would make it weird.”

  “What if they won’t accept us? What if our parents think this is wrong? That we’re doing something against God or whatever,” I worried.

  “Babe, we got this,” she smiled. “They already know you, but they’re gonna love this. It might come as a shock at first, but in the end they’ll just have to accept it! What is your mother going to say, really? After cheating on your dad, she has no room to talk.”

  “I’m more worried about your dad, but sure,” I agreed. “The whole thing smacks of a TV movie of the week or something.”

  “I’m gonna make you so happy, Phil,” she promised. “Maybe half as happy as you make me and trust me, that’s a lot.”

  “You want to show me that appreciation?” I asked suggestively.

  We started kissing and having sex on the floor of her bedroom. Rolling over the pictures and crayon, our body heat caused them to get a little soft and mar our bodies with the bright colors.

  It was amazing sex though.

  Chapter Twenty - Tracianne

  Finally, the lockdown was fading, albeit slowly. School was a distant memory at this point and we were unsure they would even open in the Fall. Stores were opening, limiting capacity and with everything going on in the cities--- Well, things were still pretty crazy.

  We had to tell the parents. There was just no other choice. How was I supposed to explain my condition in a couple of months? We agreed to just walk in there holding hands and tell them. Dad and Daphene were sitting in the living room. Dad was on his tablet reading the news and Daphne was watching television. Dad looked up.

  “What’s this?” he asked, suspiciously.

“We wanted to tell you,” I started nervously. “Phil and I have been--- We’re in a relationship. We’re in love.”

  “What?” Daphene asked Phil in shock.

  “It’s true. We just fell for each other.”

  “This is a joke, right? You have to be joking,” dad insisted. “C’mon. Do you have any idea what this looks like? This is a joke.”

  “It’s no joke, dad,” I said. “And I’m pregnant.”

  “WHAT?!” he shouted.

  “Oh, my God,” Daphene muttered.

  Dad stood up. I thought he was going to punch Phil.

  “What the Hell were you two thinking?!” he shouted. “You’re brother and sister!”

  “We’re not blood relatives, Richard. We’re not more related than you and mom,” he pointed out.

  “Don’t even try that! Don’t even try!” he shouted.

  “Richard, please calm down,” said Daphne mildly.

  “Did you know about this?!” he demanded.

  “No!” she said. “But I told you I heard noises at night. You said it was nothing.”

  “I said, I didn’t think it was anything to worry about. I didn’t think it was--- Oh, my God! You two have been having sex in this house the whole time?! God, Tracianne, I thought you were a virgin!”

  “I was a virgin,” I reported. “But now there’s no need to be. I’ve found the person I love.”

  “Jesus Christ!” shouted Richard.

  “Richard, I love Tracianne. I want to marry her,” Phil stated. “Hopefully with your blessing.”

  “We had drinks in the study!” he shouted. “You looked me in the eye! Man to man!”

  “I didn’t lie to you. I did what you said, I got to know your daughter and I think she’s the best person I ever met,” Phil said.

  “Awww,” I gushed. “Isn’t he sweet?”

  “Well, that is sweet,” Daphene said in our defense.

  “How are we going to tell people, Daphene?!” Phil raged. “How can we condone this? We just got married not too long ago!”

  “But they’re not related, Phil,” Daphene repeated. “I don’t think it’s illegal or anything. Is it?”


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