Whispers (Argent Springs)

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Whispers (Argent Springs) Page 11

by Cindy Stark

  Allen laughed. “He was just like her. Picture her as a man, and you have it.”

  “They were lucky to have found each other, even if they only had each other for a short while.”

  “Which reminds me of the reason I asked you to my office.”

  Ah, shit. He intended to ask her out, and she really didn’t want to turn him down. But she would.

  “I was wondering what you’re doing next Tuesday.” He raised his brows. He really did have amazing blue eyes, but she experienced nothing beyond admiration.

  “I, uh… Why do you ask?”

  “I was hoping you’d be available for a little volunteer work. In a town this small, we really do rely on each other. Most of us have day jobs and then fill in where our talents allow. I happen to own a ski shop as well as being the mayor. During the summer, I have plenty of time to devote to my mayoral duties which works out well because we have a lot of tourism in the summers. In the winter when my business picks up, other things slow down.”

  She nearly exhaled out loud. “I’ll only be here another week and a half, but I’d be happy to pitch in wherever you need me.”

  “Great.” His eyes twinkled. “Nina recently had surgery, and she doesn’t make enough to pay someone to watch her candy shop, so we’re filling in for her. I need someone Tuesday from ten until five, and if you’re available, I could use some help the same shift on Wednesday.”

  “I’d be delighted.” She couldn’t explain how good it felt to know she was trusted and needed, and most importantly, not judged because she wasn’t wearing the latest high-end fashions. “I visited most of the shops in town a couple of days ago, but I’m not quite sure which one belongs to Nina.”

  “It’s pretty close to Rick’s place, just on the opposite side of the street. It’s bright pink. If you’re looking, you won’t miss it.” He stood, grabbing his keys from his desk, and she followed suit, both of them walking to the door.

  Allen opened it, allowing her to walk out before him. “Thanks, Erin. I’m looking forward to seeing more of you.”

  Once again, she was certain he was flirting with her, but this time instead of feeling awkward, she smiled. “Me, too.”

  “Let me grab my coat from the other room, and I’ll give you a ride.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Rick’s voice came from a shadowed doorway across the hall. “I decided to wait.”

  Erin put a hand to her chest, trying to calm the surge of adrenaline. She’d thought she and Allen were alone in the hall.

  “Sure, man,” Allen replied. Before she realized what he was doing, he pulled her in for a bear hug, wrapping her with strong arms. “See you soon, Erin.”

  She stepped back when he released her, glancing between the two men, sensitive to some sort of tension between them. “I’ll see you later.” She turned and headed toward the exit, suddenly preferring freezing snowflakes to the heated testosterone swirling inside.

  Rick caught up to her just in time to open the door for her. A gust of frigid wind rushed inside, and she stepped out onto the snow-covered cement. He gripped her elbow, and she looked up at him in question.

  “I told you before. I don’t want you falling again with your bum ankle.”

  She accepted his help without question. It seemed easier than constantly arguing with him.

  Silence claimed the short ride home, and Erin was grateful Rick was as happy as she was to not engage in pointless conversation.

  “Make sure you wipe off your feet,” Rick said once they were standing on the covered front porch of Annabelle’s house. “Your aunt will freak if you track water on her hardwood floors.”

  Erin stomped her boots on the front step, trying to dislodge as much snow as possible. Then she leaned over and unlaced her boots, being careful to not step in discarded snow as she removed them. She glanced at Rick as he did the same and found him watching her with a veiled gaze.

  “What? Am I doing something wrong?” It seemed that way whenever he was around.

  He shook his head and straightened, leaving his boots next to the door on the porch. “You just…” He stepped closer and brushed snow from her shoulders before pulling off her beanie and shaking it.

  She blinked a couple of times, not quite sure how to take his actions. “Thank you.”

  She reached up and brushed snow from his shoulders as he removed his hat. For some ridiculous reason, the whole process seemed very intimate, almost like foreplay.

  He cleared his throat. “Let’s get you inside. It’s freezing out here.”

  No doubt about that. Her toes were already frozen, and it suddenly dawned on her how serious Rick had been when he’d told her to be off the mountain before the storm hit. A person caught in this weather without adequate protection could die. Her heart softened a bit toward him.

  Maybe he really did have her best interests in mind, and he wasn’t being obstinate with her.

  She stepped inside the house, grateful for its shelter. The delicious scent of home-cooked food hit her nostrils and set off a chain reaction of hunger pangs and a growling stomach.

  “That smells good,” Rick said, helping her with her coat. “I’ll hang up our wet stuff if you want to see if Annabelle’s ready to eat. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  Erin found Annabelle in the kitchen, carrying her dishes to the sink.

  “Did you already eat?” Erin asked, glancing from the oven to the table.

  “Oh, sorry, love. I was famished, and I didn’t know what time you and Rick would be back. But I’m keeping the stroganoff and rolls warm in the oven for you. Salad’s in the fridge. I’ll help you get everything out.”

  It only took her and Annabelle a couple of minutes to carry everything to the table, and just as they finished, Rick walked in.

  “God, Annabelle, that smells so good. Perfect after being out in the cold.”

  “Don’t thank me. Erin’s the one who put everything together.”

  Embarrassment tingled on her cheeks. “You cooked it,” she said to Annabelle, needing to direct Rick’s gaze away from her. His dark eyes always left her feeling so vulnerable.

  “I say we eat,” Rick declared, taking a seat at the table. He eyed Erin as she sat next to him before switching his glance to Annabelle. “Did you already have dinner?”

  “I did,” she said again, giving him an apologetic smile. “I hope you and Erin will forgive me. I’ve also come down with an awful headache, and I’m calling it a night. I’d love to hear the details of your search, but it will have to wait until morning. Just tell me if you found the kids.”

  “They’re safe,” Rick said as he stood. He wrapped his arms around Annabelle and gave her a hug. “Get some rest, and I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning.”

  His obvious affection for her aunt tugged at her emotions.

  “Thanks, love.” She leaned over and placed a kiss on Erin’s head. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Erin grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I hope you feel better soon. If you want, I can rub your back and neck tomorrow.”

  “We’ll see. I’m sure I’ll be fine.” She shuffled out of the room a little more slowly than usual.

  “I hope she’s all right,” Erin said as Rick resumed his seat.

  “Yeah, me, too. She’s slowed down a bit these last few years.” A warm smile curved his lips, and Erin found herself transfixed by him. “She’s still a spitfire, though.”

  “I hope to grow up just like her.”

  He took a roll from the basket and bit into it, studying her. “I’m sure you will,” he said around a mouthful.

  Erin scooped out a serving of stroganoff onto her plate before passing the dish to Rick. His fingers grazed hers, sending a sizzle through her.

  Damn it. Why did she have to notice everything about him in such detail? He was just another person in the room, no different than sitting next to Livia or the Finchers.

  She filled her glass with the Merlot Annabelle had left for them and
was about to replace the bottle when Rick lifted his glass and held it out to her. “Fill me up?”

  Even his words seemed seductive.

  She did as he asked and set the glass on the table near him, not wanting a repeat touch that would send another current through her.

  She lifted her own glass and took a long sip, letting the liquid filter through her, hopefully numbing her overactive hormones.

  “Damn,” Rick said, and she glanced at him. “Did you really make this?”

  The look of pure satisfaction on his face left her with warm feelings she couldn’t ignore.

  She shrugged, trying to hide her smile. “It’s Annabelle’s recipe.”

  “Don’t tell her, but I don’t think hers ever tastes this good.”

  She met his gaze and conflicting signals crashed through her. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear he was trying to make her like him. “I added a little extra sour cream.”

  “That might be what makes all the difference.”

  She lifted her fork and took a bite of stroganoff. She had to admit it tasted pretty good. She didn’t know whether the improved taste came from her addition to the recipe, or from the fact that they were cold and hungry, but she was happy she’d been able to please him.

  They ate in silence for a few moments, and Erin searched her brain for something to say that wouldn’t spark another argument.

  “I’m glad Kellan found those kids.” She inwardly groaned at her lame attempt to force conversation.

  He met her gaze. “Me, too.”

  “He seems really nice. Have you been friends for long?”

  “Only since grade school.” He gave her a quick smile before he focused on his dinner again.

  Erin lifted her wine glass and took a swallow. She had one friend she’d kept through her school years, although she hadn’t seen much of Tori during the past few years. Her friend would love it here though. Perhaps they could plan a trip together in the future, and she could introduce her to Annabelle.

  She caught Rick glancing at her before he quickly looked away. His actions brought a smile. It seemed she was in Rick’s company more and more despite the fact she’d planned on spending most of her visit with Annabelle.

  She had to wonder if this was Annabelle’s attempt at playing matchmaker. If so, it came to her as a complete surprise. She’d had no such indications that Annabelle had any ulterior motives behind inviting her to visit Argent Springs.

  The silence grew between them, and Erin found herself repeatedly glancing in Rick’s direction to see if he was still watching her. A couple of times she caught him doing the same.

  “It sounds like you have a date with Allen,” he said out of the blue, making her wonder how long he’d been stewing about it.

  She glanced at him, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze. “What makes you say that?”

  He shrugged and then pinned her with a direct look. “I heard him ask you out. I thought you said you weren’t interested in dating.”

  She almost laughed out loud. “Allen wasn’t asking me on a date. He had wondered if I had some time and could volunteer at Nina’s candy shop. Apparently she’s had surgery and isn’t able to hire any extra help.” Take that Mr. Not Interested in Dating. He was obviously at least somewhat interested in who she might date, and that fact brought her more pleasure than it should have.

  A spark of something, perhaps relief or happiness lit in his eyes, and she quickly looked away, not wanting to travel any further down that road.

  Rick had said he wasn’t interested in her, but it didn’t exactly feel that way at the moment. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.

  She finished her meal as quickly as she could, hoping he didn’t notice. She swallowed her last bite of stroganoff and followed it with the rest of her wine. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’m turning in early, too. My toes are still icicles, and a long, hot bath sounds wonderful.”

  He raised his brows, and then glanced between his half-full plate and her empty one. She’d been busted. “Sure. No problem. I didn’t expect you to keep me company all evening.”

  A frown grew inside her, but she refused to let it surface on her lips. She stood and carried her dishes to the sink, rinsing them off and placing them in the dishwasher. “Do you mind starting this when you’re finished?” She nodded toward the appliance.

  He shook his head. “I do it all the time.”

  “Okay.” She headed toward the doorway, hoping she could make her escape without further incident.

  “Hey,” he said, stopping her in her tracks.

  She inhaled and pasted a friendly, but not-too-friendly look on her face before she turned around.

  “Annabelle has a hot tub just off the back deck. I could uncover it for us if you’d like. That would warm you up.” A sexy grin tilted his lips, making her all warm inside.

  Temptation on a platter. The thought of both of them being nearly naked, seeing his glorious chest muscles in the flesh while snowflakes fluttered around them almost brought her to her knees. “That sounds really nice, but I’m super tired. Maybe another day?” She mentally kicked herself.

  He nodded. “I understand. Maybe another time.”

  She gave him a half smile and fled from the room before she changed her mind. Most women would think she was crazy, but she needed to strengthen her heart before she opened it for possible heartbreak again. Not to mention, as far as she knew, he still waited for a woman named Melinda to return.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rick listened to Erin’s footsteps as she climbed the hardwood stairs and made her way to her room. “Shit,” he whispered as he rubbed the scruff on his chin. Erin had been serious when she’d said she wasn’t interested in a relationship, and unfortunately, she was now constantly in his thoughts. What the hell was wrong with him?

  He pulled out his cell phone and stared at it. It seemed as though Melinda had completely disappeared from his life, and yet he was still here waiting for her. Did that make him loyal or an idiot?

  With renewed determination, he called Melinda’s number, letting it ring until it went to voicemail. He ended the call and dropped the phone on the table. He wouldn’t bother leaving a message. He’d already left several and knew when she did respond, it would most likely be a text telling him about all the new people she’d met at her design school.

  Maybe Annabelle was right. Maybe he needed to face the facts and let her go. He’d wondered more than once if Melinda had already done the same but couldn’t bring herself to tell him.

  Still he felt like he needed to look Melinda in the face before he’d truly know if what they’d had was dead. Long distances had a way of skewing things, and he wasn’t a man who gave up easily.

  Either way, he wasn’t about to tell Annabelle his thoughts. She was already far too relentless where his love life was concerned. One word from him, and Annabelle would be sending out invitations to his and Erin’s wedding. He chuckled at her unwavering quest to see him married.

  Still, he couldn’t say he minded Erin’s company. He hadn’t been lying when he’d told her if he was interested in looking for someone, he’d be looking at her. His fingers itched to dive into her riot of curls while he kissed that tempting mouth until she begged for him to take her. He had no doubt that she’d taste like the most potent wine.

  God help him.

  He downed what was left in his glass, letting the flavor simmer on his tongue, wishing he was tasting her instead.

  Then he silently cursed himself as he shoved his hands through his hair. He shouldn’t allow thoughts like that. They would lead down a dangerous road. He’d made a promise to Melinda, and he intended to keep it. For now, at least.

  He tried her phone one more time, needing to talk to her, needing to connect. When the phone clicked instead of going to voicemail, he straightened in his seat. Shuffling noises came from her end of the line as though maybe her phone was in her purse.

  “Hello?” he said, knowing they’d connected,
but it didn’t seem like Melinda was actually on the other end.

  More noises came through. Then he heard a woman laugh.

  “Melinda?” he said loudly into the phone. He couldn’t be certain it had been her laugh, but who else could it be?

  Then the line went dead.

  “Shit.” She was somewhere having a good time and obviously not taking his calls.

  Even though she hadn’t answered the phone, it seemed as though he had an answer to his question.

  * * *

  The sun glinted off the snow bright and early the next morning. Erin peeked out her window, finding nothing but a vivid blue sky overhead and already melting snow on the ground below.

  She’d had a fitful night. Images of Rick had swirled in her head, and her mind kept replaying the look on his face when he’d invited her to share the hot tub with him. She was certain he’d wanted her at that moment, and she’d felt a risky attraction to him as well.

  Thank God the sun had finally arrived and had chased away all her midnight dreams. It had been easy to think of him while lying on her bed with nothing to distract her. To imagine how he’d taste, how he’d feel lying next to her.

  But he didn’t want a relationship, and she didn’t either. What if she caved to her baser instincts and ended up disappointing him like she had Craig? She was smart enough now to realize that Craig was equally to blame in their failed marriage, but she wasn’t ready to see something similar on her next lover’s face. That would be a devastating blow. Someday, she was certain she’d find someone she trusted enough to let in her inner sanctum again without it feeling so scary. But not now. Not yet.

  And certainly not with a man who constantly cited her for doing things wrong.

  Except the stroganoff. He’d loved that.

  She dressed for the morning and hurried downstairs, certain Rick would have headed off to work like he had the previous morning.

  But no. When she entered the kitchen, he sat at the table, a cup of coffee in one hand and the newspaper in the other. Annabelle was absent.

  “Good morning,” she said as she tiptoed in on bare feet.


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