Risky Pleasures

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Risky Pleasures Page 10

by McKenna Jeffries

  Archer stood there, arms crossed over his bare chest, pants hanging low on lean hips and enticing her all too much even from the distance he was. She swallowed, flexing her fingers in the material of her dress, then she waved to Thom before walking up to her house in heels, and Thom’s clothing.

  Indigo eyes watched her walk the entire way. She wasn’t sure what to make of his silence. Archer was laid back and easy going but this…something screamed danger and damn if she wasn’t a bit hesitant.

  His look burned her and he flicked those intense eyes between her and the motorcycle. His large body blocked the door. She trailed her hungry gaze over him, his golden skin. Hard muscular physique with defined pecs and abs she’d never get tired of exploring. Powerful legs encased in jeans and he had bare feet. Back up to his stony expression. His tousled dark brown hair appeared as if he’d been raking his hands through it.

  She swallowed. “Good morning, Archer.”

  “Are you okay?” he questioned through clenched teeth.

  “Yes.” And she was. She did feel much better now.


  She glanced at him. “Excuse me, I need to get ready for work.”

  The fire in his eyes vanished and she felt goosebumps pop up on her skin. Silent, he slipped aside and held the door for her, ever the gentleman, her Archer was. She moved by, doing her best to ignore the scents which made her think of nothing but him and her. The door clicked behind her and she’d gone three steps before he spoke.


  She turned and was taken aback by the emotion in his gaze. “Did you have a good night, Archer?” She didn’t want to fight, just wanted to get ready for her day.

  “No.” His muscles rippled. Damn man truly was a work of art. “Did you?”

  “After a fashion,” she admitted. She tossed the dress at him. “Here, in case you wondered what I was wearing last night.”

  He snatched it out of the air and pain sliced across his expression. “I called you, Delicia,” he said.

  She rubbed her eyes. “I called you, too, Archer. I have to get ready for work.”

  “Shower in a minute, we need to talk.”

  “I don’t need a shower. I did that at Thom’s. So talk.” She rotated to walk back to her room, only to find herself pressed against the wall with Archer blocking her in.

  “You’re wearing his clothes.” The sentence was low and angry. “You smell like him.”

  Lord it was hard to think when she just wanted to kiss him. “I stayed at his house. And like you said—”

  “Five seconds,” he growled, interrupting her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Get out of his fucking clothes, Delicia.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  The gleam in his gaze gave the answer. “Three seconds.”

  Delicia stripped the shirt off and pushed the shorts down. “Better?”

  “No. Not until you smell like me and tangerines like you usually do.” He kissed her hard, demanding her submission. As soon as she gave it, he backed off. “Why?”

  “Your mother showed up at the door when I was expecting it to be you. Then Thom arrived and I really needed a friend. I had to get away.”

  She could see the agony in his expression, but his touch on her remained tender, yet possessive.

  “I called, but you didn’t answer,” she said.

  “I’m so sorry, Delicia. It was the accident on Canyon Road.”

  “I figured it had to do with work.” She shook her head. “I have to get ready to go in.”

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the shower. “Mine!” he growled as he slanted his lips over hers.

  Oh, yeah. She could definitely get used to showers like this.

  Chapter Eight

  Archer leaned against the railing and watched as the first few males crossed the finish line. His heart was up in his throat as he waited for the woman who wore number two-oh-one. He’d been living at her house since his mom and Lacy had arrived. They didn’t seem in any rush to leave McKingley and while he hated them in his house, he loved being in Delicia’s with her.

  It had been almost two months since their missed date at Marrow. Things had been rocky, but they’d moved passed it—or so he’d hoped. When he’d woke this morning and found her already gone, he’d called his dad in to cover for him and headed up near Taos to be there for her. None of her family was going—when he’d asked her, she’d just shaken her head and said no.

  Given what Leo had told him the night at the accident, it surprised him none of her family would show. Personally, he wasn’t about to miss this for anything. He’d only seen her once and knew she hadn’t seen him. Pride filled him at the knowledge of what she was doing. People jostled him on each side, but he refused to give an inch. He would be at the finish line when she crossed.

  “Not surprised to see you here.”

  The voice from beside him drew his attention away from the exhausted runners. He bit back a snarl as he looked over and saw Thom standing there in a sleeveless white shirt and a pair of shorts. He really didn’t like this man, or how close he was to Delicia.

  “Look, man. I know you don’t like me, but don’t you think for Lis’ sake we should at least try to get along?”


  Thom laughed. “Because I’m not going anywhere so you may as well get used to me. She’s my friend.”

  “The kind of friend who you let wear your clothing and sleep over?” Anger began to grow as he recalled that morning when she’d arrived on the back of his motorcycle.

  “That’s exactly the kind. The kind her boyfriend should have no problems trusting her with. Because Lis and I are only friends.” The reprimand was there, and not all that subtle.

  Archer reined himself back in and swallowed, the dry air making him long for a nice cool drink. “Why are you here?” he asked.

  “I always am. Lis never had anyone else to come with her so I always do. I was shocked to see you weren’t driving her, but now that I see you here, I’m guessing she just kind of left.”

  “I woke up and found she was gone.”

  “Well, am I correct in understanding you’ll be taking her home today?”


  Thom nodded and peered around him. Archer didn’t know what it was, but he felt the prickle go up over his spine and he, too, glanced off to the approaching runners.

  He skimmed the men until his heart thudded loudly. There. Delicia ran behind two men, the white and green of her outfit identifying her. Her bone straight hair bounced in its ponytail and was a darker honey hue than normal. The sun glistened off her sweaty body.

  The closer she came the harder his heart pounded. Her sunglasses obscured his view of her eyes so he had no clue if she knew he was even there or not. Thom began to move and Archer followed. He watched some cross the finish line and collapse. Delicia crossed amid resounding cheers, for she was the first woman to do so. Thom’s arms were there and Archer almost snapped at him until he heard what he said.

  “Walk, Lis. Don’t fall over. Walk and cool down.”

  She took some water from an attendant and dumped it over her head as she did as Thom ordered then tossed the cup to the side. Archer followed and they got out of the way of those still crossing.

  He stood silent as she paced around, cooling down. She stayed focused on Thom and he didn’t much care for that.

  “All right, Lis,” Thom said. “You should be fine now. I’ll see you back in McKingley.”

  She reached for him. “How am I supposed to get home, you dolt? I rode with you.”

  Thom grasped her shoulders and turned her. “You have a ride home.” Then with a kiss to her cheek, he slipped off into the crowd.


  He moved towards her, unable to make out her expression. Was she unhappy he was there? Reaching out, he cupped her cheek and smoothed his thumb over her damp skin.

  “I am so proud of you, Delicia,” he murmured.

nbsp; “Why are you here?”

  “Did you really think I wouldn’t come?” he countered.

  “You were sleeping when I left.”

  A smile turned up one corner of his mouth. “Delicia,” he began. “I always know when you leave the bed. Always.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her. She moaned slightly before pulling back. “What?” he asked, frustrated she ended it.

  “I’m all sweaty.”

  Yes, she was. He chuckled and pulled her flush against him. “I don’t give a damn, Delicia.” He closed his eyes when her arms went around him and for a moment, the world belonged to the two of them. No racers. No spectators. No news crew. Nothing but him and her.

  It was short lived, for soon people wanted to talk to her. He waited while she answered questions and posed for pictures. Then he waited some more while she went to grab her bag and take a short shower. When they finally made it to his truck, she looked beyond beat.

  “Do you need to eat?” he asked as he held the door for her.

  “I should, but damn it, I’m so exhausted.”

  “Sleep while we go somewhere.”

  He closed the door and hastened to the driver’s side. She’d already reclined the seat back and had her eyes shut. So he started the engine and with the AC on low, he drove away and back towards McKingley.

  They stopped for dinner an hour later and Delicia still looked worn and drawn, but she gave him a smile. They ate slowly and when they were on dessert, he placed his fork on his plate. He leant forward and stared at her. She took a bite of her cheesecake and lifted her brows.

  “What? Did I embarrass you with how much I ate?”


  “Then what?”

  “Do you have any idea how impressed I am with what you did today?”

  She began to wave it off, but he refused to let her.

  “No. I mean it, Delicia, you were…are amazing.”

  “Please don’t,” she said.

  “Why don’t you like compliments?”

  She shifted and didn’t look at him.


  “I just don’t like them.”

  He sighed but let it go. There was something so innocent about her sitting there. He wanted to gather her close and never let her go. “Okay, Delicia.” He paid and they carried the dessert with them. Once she was back in the truck, he brushed his lips over hers then got them back on the road.

  It was dark when they made it back to McKingley and as he turned up the street towards her house, he reached over, and shook her awake. “Wake up, Delicia.”

  “Are we home?”

  Three words which he’d never thought would make him so happy. “Yeah, we’re home.”

  “I’m ready to sleep for a week,” she muttered.

  He smiled. Only to have it wiped away in the next second when he heard her gasp.

  “What is it?”

  “Something’s not right. Let me out here then block the driveway so he can’t leave.”

  He frowned but listened. She jumped out and he did as she’d ordered before shutting off the engine and scrambling after her. Delicia ran up her drive and to the front door.

  “What is it?” he whispered in her ear when he caught up to her.

  She didn’t respond, instead burst into her house, and yelled, “Damn you, Justin! Where the hell are you?”

  All protective instincts went on full alert the moment she mentioned Justin. The bastard stuck his head around the corner and there was shock on his features, which smoothed away to be replaced by false cheer.

  “What’s up, Lis?” Justin asked, then glared at him.

  “You’ve been stealing from me, haven’t you?” Delicia thundered, moving towards her shiftless cousin.

  His eyes narrowed on her and he shrugged. “You didn’t even miss the stuff. Besides, I needed the money.”

  “Then go out and get a fucking job, Justin.” Another step.

  “You’re just like your brothers, always on their high horse about what I should do. You have money, I should have money.”

  “I have it because I work for it, dumbass. I don’t drive a Ferrari and I don’t live in a house I can’t afford.”

  His expression morphed into something pathetic. “You won’t tell will you, Lis?” he whined.

  “Yes, I will, Justin. You’ve abused my goodwill for the last time. You’ve erased my messages and stolen from under my nose. Call Leo, Archer.”

  Justin looked at him with a feral glint in his eyes.

  “You call your brother, Delicia. I’ll keep an eye on Justin.”

  Justin popped his neck and sneered. “You think you can take me, boy?”

  Archer moved around Delicia and held his gaze, the anger he’d had at this piece of trash his entire life flaring to the surface. “I know I can. I kicked your ass when we played football against one another and I can do it now.”

  Justin let out a primal cry and charged at him. Archer braced himself for the hit, more than ready to deal with this confrontation, years in the making.

  Delicia cringed as she watched her coffee table—one she’d made herself, using pictures she’d taken as the top under a clear lacquer—became kindling underneath the thrashing grown men. She’d called her brother and now stood to the side waiting for him to arrive.

  She didn’t try to stop them—she knew this went way beyond Justin being in her house uninvited—again. However, watching them went against everything she stood for. She’d become an EMT to help people, not to stand there and watch them beat the shit out of one another.

  Flashing lights and sirens grabbed her attention and she went to open the door. She cringed as Leo’s car drove up on her front yard. Two others followed him and she stepped back as her brother shouldered his way into her house.

  “Jeez, couldn’t you not ruin my yard?”

  “Really, Lis? You want to do this now?” He held out a hand to the two deputies behind him and said, “Hang on a minute. Go check his car to see if he put things in it.”

  “What about them?”

  “I’ll stop them.”

  The men left and Delicia looked at her brother. “Would you stop them, please?”

  The look he gave her told her he’d rather let Archer continue to pummel the shit out of Justin, but he sighed and stepped closer to them. “Break it up!” he said in a deep voice that did wonders in large crowds. The men kept fighting. “Damn it, Archer, I said break it up!”

  A final crunch filled the air and Delicia inhaled deeply as Archer shoved to his feet, leaving Justin on the floor. Blood streamed from the cuts on his face, but Archer definitely looked better than Justin did. Her cousin appeared to have gone through a meat grinder.

  “Arrest him!” Justin squealed. “He attacked me for no reason.”

  “Shut up, Justin,” she and Leo said at the same time.

  “Sheriff?” Dave stepped back in the room. “We found some paintings in there.”

  “Catalogue it and then you can go. I’ll handle this.”

  “You sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Delicia walked by her brother and moved closer to where Justin stood, only to stop at Archer’s touch. He pulled her to him and kept her anchored to his side. She looked up at him and said, “Let me get my bag and I’ll clean you up.”

  “Sheriff!” the call came from outside full of urgency.

  Everyone ran out and Delicia’s breath caught in her throat. In her now-open garage stood Lacy, beaten and bruised with torn clothes. Oh my God.

  “Lacy!” Archer’s voice seemed torn from his chest and he shoved by her heading towards the woman.

  “No!” Justin screamed, his voice high and strained to the point it was no longer human.

  Time seemed to slow as Delicia saw her cousin, who even looked like a wild animal, grab a sidearm from the other cop who’d come to the door. In a split second, Leo’s was on him.

  “Drop it, Justin.”

  “Archer!” The word was laced
with venom.

  The other cop who’d been with Lacy appeared with his gun drawn as well. Two guns on Justin and one on Archer. Honestly, the only one Delicia gave a damn about was the one on Archer.

  He turned slowly, hands outstretched. “You just had to go back and do it again, didn’t you, Justin?”

  Again? What was he talking about?

  “You self-righteous bastard. Lacy was mine. You came between us.”

  Delicia frowned but stepped back out of the way at Leo’s look.

  “No. I stopped you from beating on a woman. I should have said something then.”

  “No one would have believed her anyway. I’m a Wright, she’s nothing but a slutty Donavon.”

  “I will never stand by and watch as a man hits a woman. I don’t give a damn what his last name is,” Archer growled.

  “Which is why I’m going to kill you.”

  Fear ballooned in her chest. Justin said it with such calm, so matter-of-fact, it chilled her to the bone.

  “Put the gun down, Justin,” Leo said again.

  Justin didn’t seem to hear him—he lifted the gun a bit higher. Delicia didn’t think time could move any slower, but it did. The shots were almost simultaneous and she screamed, unable to stop the noise from racing from her chest.

  Justin went down and Leo was at his side immediately, kicking the gun away and pushing her back. She looked for Archer and found him. Alive, holding Lacy in his arms. Radios crackled beside her and she heard them calling for the ambulance.

  She ignored her cousin lying there and neared Archer and his ex-wife. “Come on, Lady,” he crooned in a deep, comforting voice. “Don’t leave me.”

  That was when she noticed it. The large bloodstain growing on Lacy’s chest. Her training kicked in and she ran all out, despite her exhaustion, to her house where she grabbed her bag from its resting place by the door and headed back out to Lacy.

  “Lay her back, Archer and get out of my way,” she ordered.

  He did as he was told only to settle by her head and stroke her face. “Why, Lacy? Why?”

  “I miss Tony so much,” she wheezed. “Now I can go be with him.”


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