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Freaksville Page 15

by Ashley Brooke Robbins

  They finally agreed to teach me. And we’re just getting back today.

  This bitch is nervous,


  “Where are we going, Mom?” She’s pulling down the wrong street. Down the street where Antonio used to live. I broke his death to her when we were sitting in the living room drinking hot chocolate, along with the fact that her hubby’s a crazy pants.

  She doesn’t answer for a little while, just keeps going, singing along to the radio like she doesn’t have a care in the world. I really do not want to go back there. “Mom?” I repeat and she glances over at me.

  “Your friends have a surprise for you.” Her happy smile makes me even more suspicious. It’s the first one since she learned about her hubby. She just stayed around the house, throwing dishes. I was fine what that. I even joined her at one point.

  She turns into their driveway, and I’m even more surprised to see all of the guys standing there with Antonio’s parents. “What’s going on?” I ask, glancing over at her and sipping on my slushy that she just bought me.

  “Go find out.”

  I get out of the car, holding my slushy, and the guys rush toward me. Some hug, others fist pound. “Okay y’all, I think my mom’s done lost it.” They look suspiciously happy. “What is it?” They take a step to the side, and what I see makes me drop my slushy.

  “Hey, Nessy,” Antonio grins sheepishly and makes his way to me. This can’t be real, this isn’t real. When he’s close enough I poke his nose, its solid cartilage and bone.

  “Ant?” I whisper and he nods. Sneering, I punch him in the face. “You stupid son of a bitch,” I yell and then wrap my arms tightly around him. “I knew it. I mean, it’s like I knew you were dead, but I didn’t want to believe it. I couldn’t let myself and-and,” I ramble with tears streaming down my face.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers into my ear. “I had to—”

  “I know,” I cut him off and hug him tighter. “I know. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  “We couldn’t tell,” Nicks jokes, and I drag him into the hug too.

  “I love you assholes, and this is a great late birthday present.” They all join in for the hug, for a few seconds and then let go.

  “We love you, too,” Antonio replies and I beam at him. He wipes my tears away with his thumb. “So I heard you went on a trip?”

  “Yeah and it turns out that I’m actually a freak.” I snort and they turn serious and frown. “It’s fine, I’d rather be here with y’all anyway. But they did teach me how to control everything.”

  “So, what’s your cover story for everyone at school, Antonio?” Nicks asks. “You are going back to school right?”

  “Yeah and I don’t know yet….”

  “How about, your ex went crazy, started stalking you, and you had to fake your death to get away from her,” Jake suggests.

  “Ha, thanks.” I punch his arm. Glancing at the time on my phone, my thoughts automatically go to Devin. Does he want to see me as much as I wanna see him? After my near-death experience and our non-acting kiss, things have been so crazy, I haven’t really had a chance to see him.

  “You can go,” Antonio murmurs. I freeze and blush. How can he still read my mind? “It’s okay.” He smiles after a moment and I hug him again.

  “I can drive you?” Nicks volunteers but I shake my head.

  “I have a new way of getting around,” I say bye to everyone. Making sure no humans are watching, I cloak myself like they’ve taught me—which hides me from prying eyes—take a running leap, and I’m off.


  It’s weird standing in front of Devin’s apartment door. It’s even weirder that it opens before I knock. Toby welcomes me in with a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay, and that he’s finally gone,” I ruffle his hair once he pulls back. “Devin’s in his room.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I wave at the group of his friends sitting in the living room that I’ve never met before but I’m too preoccupied to question this. There’ll be time later. Then I stomp my way up the spiral stairs, to make sure he knows I’m coming. But I knock anyway.

  “Come in,” he calls and I do, to find him standing by his window again.

  “Hey.” It’s nice seeing him again, especially all in one piece. I wasn’t even here but I heard what the guys did to him in their football game. I’m pretty sure it was their way of letting him know that if he hurts me, bad things will happen. He doesn’t say anything back. “Please don’t tell me you’re feeling all guilty, thinking everything was your fault because blah, blah.” He shrugs. “Can you look at me, please?”

  He reluctantly turns around but his eyes keep darting away from mine “You look nice.”

  Crossing the room to stand in front of him, I sassily stick my hip out with my hand on it. “You’re acting like you just had a sex dream about me.” I accuse and irritation consumes his features.

  “Why must everything always be about—” His English accent rings out. I jump into his arms and plant my lips against his. He stands there awkwardly gripping my ass, holding me up. “Um,” he shifts me in his arms, “I’m sorry love, but I don’t like you in that way…”

  “What?” I whisper, my face jerks up. “Oh, sorry…”

  “It. Was A. Joke.” He kisses me with every word. Then he pushes me back against the wall and plants his mouth on mine. “This is really happening,” he whispers when we come up for air. “I never thought—” I cut him off with another kiss.

  “I’ve missed you,” I wrap my arms around him and hiding my face in his neck.

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  “I couldn’t tell,” I giggle, glancing down to where he’s pressed himself against me. “A woody again, really?”

  “I can show you just how much I’ve missed you,” he growls, pressing closer.

  “Excuse me, just what kind of girl do you think I am?” I ask flipping my hair. He laughs and lightly kisses my nose.

  “Good, I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that.” A light flush colors his cheeks.

  “A guy who’s English and a gentlemen?” Who saw this coming? “You’re an asparagus, Jamie.”

  “Okay then, I guess I am. Would you prefer me to be like normal guys my age? Yo, bend dat ass over so I can tap that thing.” He wiggles his eyebrows and then slaps my butt. All I can do is laugh.

  “Don’t do that again,” I gasp and then giggle.

  “Fine,” he beams, “Call me Jamie again.”

  “Why are you going by Devin?” I meant to ask before.

  “Devin is my middle name.”

  “Okay then, Jamie.” I kiss him again. I can’t believe this is happening either.… Deepening the kiss, I run my fingers through his hair, and he groans low in his throat. Tightening my legs around him, I take his bottom lip between my teeth and tug on it. He groans again and whooshes us to his bed, where he lays me down then trails kisses across my neck to my collar bone. A soft moan escapes, and he flips off me.

  “We need to slow things,” he pants, rubbing his jaw, “…down.”

  I remember that night at his club, feels like years ago. A lot has changed. “Under normal circumstances, this would be way too soon to say but I almost died. So….” I bite my lip and peek at him out of the corner of my eye. “I think I love you, Jamie.”

  “Oh….Thanks?” I punch his arm and he laughs. “I love you, too, but you already knew that.”


  Nicks slams the door shut behind us and I turn on the light. It flickers for a moment then shines down on Billy, still lying on his cot. After I hit him in the head with the brick that night, we all decided to deal with him later, mainly because I was against killing him.

  I mean, I may be a bitch, but I’m not an evil bitch. So, I’m assuming they’ve been bringing him food and stuff but, honestly, I don’t care enough to ask.

  “What’re ya gonna do with him?” Nicks asks. I see the fire in his eyes. He’d be more than happy to end Billy’s life, but, then, we’d be
just as bad as him.

  “Get him up,” I demand then bare my teeth. “Pretty please.”

  He kicks him to make sure he’s awake, Billy grunts and then he yanks him to his feet. “What?” Billy grumbles. From the looks of him, they’ve only barely been feeding him.

  I’ve learned a lot from staying the weekend with the Pru-Naunts, like where they get their power. It’s usually through some necklace that appears around their necks. Mine only appeared after I found out the full truth and went through my ‘transformation’, apparently after a lot of emotional turmoil, a Pru-Naunt will transform. The floating and the bright light…something people normally go through at thirteen.

  Yanking his necklace off, I hold up the amber stone, letting it twinkle in the sun. This is something only your own kind can touch or see.

  Or destroy.

  His mouth falls open as I throw it against the wall as hard as I can, and it shatters into a million pieces which then disappear.

  He would’ve fallen if it weren’t for Nicks holding him up. Not because he physically felt pain but because he’s never lived without power. He’s weak, and it’s quite pathetic. This is something they explained to me. Losing one’s power after having it for so long can be enough to kill someone. That’s not my plan for him, though.

  Taking his face between my hands, I speak very slowly, and carefully. “You’ll go into town, up to your work, and quit. When they ask where you’ve been, you’ll tell them….” I glance at Nicks. He shrugs. “Tell them the truth, turn yourself in, and then run. When they catch you, don’t put up a fight. Understand?” He nods, glazed eyes wandering.

  Nicks starts to let him go, but I jump in front of him again. “One more thing.” I then place my hand on his shoulder blade. Feeling the heat boiling in my gut, I release it and he yelps.

  “Ezor,” I hiss. “You’re now marked. If you ever escape or try to hurt another living soul, I’ll know about it. Now get the hell out of here.” He starts making his way out of the basement, going up the creaky stairs. “Billy, where are you going?” I question and he turns around, the glazed look still in place.

  “To turn myself in,” he mutters with a blank expression on his face.

  “Okay.” Is my reply, when he’s fully up the stairs I turn to Nicks. “Follow him, please. Make sure he’s doing as I said.”

  Nodding once he looks over at me with a grin, “You’re still coming to the game tonight, right?”

  “Duh, I wouldn’t miss my brother’s game. Now go.” I roll my eyes with a smile.

  He pauses on the last step. “Bringing your boyfriend?”

  “I was planning on it. He’s kinda my ride.” I snicker. “I’ve never seen him so hyped for a football game.”

  “Cool.” He disappears into the hallway after Billy, but I still hear him call, “I still need to kick his ass at foosball after.”

  Nov. 4th

  Billy went to the station after making a detour and getting a milkshake from his favorite diner, and then he turned himself in. It shocked everyone. It was all over the news for weeks and in the paper more than once. My mom didn’t want to leave the house because she didn’t want to see his face. And because of the attention we get.

  I just flip people off. She has a harder time with it.

  Jamie—Devin—and I are great, surprisingly. I’m happy. Me. Happy. That’s never really happened before. And he seems to surprise me every day. Just yesterday he was picking me up for a date. I was at my house, all of the guys were there, including Toby—the guys have accepted him as one of them, too—and Devin came in carrying…a box of asparagus.

  I cracked up. Everyone else just looked confused. He took me to his club for a rooftop picnic, and it was just…romantic. I liked it. Which proves how much I like him.

  Antonio’s still adjusting to my dating someone else and being “alive” again, I think, but I think I heard he has a date tonight. I hope he’s happy and not hurting because of me.

  Nicks, Jake, Toby, and Kyle are good, too. Toby has finally taken my advice, and he’s now a “player.” I informed him, if he lets it go to his head, I’ll cut him. Considering all of our other meetings with violence, he believes me.

  Jake’s still as quiet as ever but I think he’s okay. Nicks whooped Devin’s butt, like he promised, so he’s really doing great. Although, I still secretly think Devin let him win, maybe just so he can fit in more. Even though he’ll still deny it.

  My mom’s coping. She’s actually starting to smile more, so I know she’ll be okay eventually. But she might not trust like she used to. I can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. She’s planning on taking a trip to Egypt soon. Something she’s always wanted to do. Speaking of, the witches apparently helped to fake Antonio’s death. They knew something was off, and then his mom came to them.

  I talked with Janice, or more like Racheal talked to her through me. They’re both at peace now. As much as they can be, anyway, Devin was there to hold my hand through all of the tears. Mostly mine, I don’t think I’ll ever be good at that. I don’t know how to shut my emotions off.

  My testing finally came back, or Patricia finally got around to telling us or doing it. Either or. When Toby bit me, his DNA got inside me, mutating mine, therefore, bam, wings.

  Shit happens. Especially around here.

  And one more thing. Billy was sentenced to five-to-twenty years in prison. I hope he never gets out…but if he ever even thinks about coming back, or if anyone comes around planning on starting trouble? I think it’s safe to say it’ll be taken care of.

  And that I’m perfectly happy with my asparagus happy ending.

  Peace out, bitches,



  I would like to thank my mom, Sherry, and sister, Lauren, for always being there for me. Even when I’m at my most deranged after spending hours staring at a computer screen. It takes special people to put up with that.

  Also, I’d like to thank Serena Pettus for always believing in me. And everyone else (Jen@BackOffMyBooks, Marisa, Stephanie Keyes, Nicki Rae…) for putting up with me and promoting my stories.

  And, everyone at Inkspell publishing. Naj, for her patience and the amazing cover. Kate, for taking the time to teach me a lot about writing that I didn’t know. And Melissa Keir, the first publisher who took a chance on me. Y’all are awesome and I’m glad I got to work with you.


  Ashley’s favorite thing to write about is basically anything to do with myths, supernatural, paranormal…but upon occasion she’ll write about normal teenage life. It comes somewhat naturally to her considering she’s nineteen herself.

  If the vampires or other supernatural beings still haven’t claimed her, you’ll most likely find her with her computer, working on whatever story plots invaded her mind at that time. Like most teenagers, she’s still unsure of what all she wants to do with her life. Become a marine biologist, graphic designer, editor, fashion designer? Or maybe just stick to writing, we might find out one day.

  She hopes to one day travel the world, take her mom to swim with the dolphins, and let her sister finally visit Graceland. She currently lives in North Carolina with her mom, sister, and three crazy dogs who think they’re human.

  You can find her on her website:, or on pretty much any other social media site as AshKat174. You can probably find the links to those on her website.




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