Needs of the Empire

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Needs of the Empire Page 2

by Christopher Mitchell

  ‘Please sit,’ she said. ‘I trust tea has been offered.’

  ‘Indeed it has, miss,’ Hattin said. ‘And coffee, much to my delight.’

  ‘The peace brought by the Blessed Emperor has allowed such luxuries to reach us again,’ Daphne said .

  ‘Truly his Imperial Majesty is guided by the Creator,’ Deacon Fields said.

  ‘Truly,’ nodded Daphne as they sat.

  ‘Do you mind if I smoke?’ Hattin said, drawing a cigarette case from his robes.

  ‘Please, feel free,’ Daphne said.

  He offered the case to Daphne, and she took one.

  ‘We were hoping, miss,’ he said as he lit a match, ‘to see your daughter, if that’s possible.’

  She drew on the cigarette. ‘Really? And why would that be?’

  ‘A formality,’ Hattin said, his eyes narrow, ‘to dispel some silly rumours. It won’t take a moment.’

  ‘You want to see if she has two heads?’

  Hattin and Fields shared a glance.

  ‘My sister-in-law will be bringing her along shortly,’ Daphne said. ‘You can see for yourself.’

  Hattin nodded. ‘Thank you.’

  Deacon Fields shifted in his seat. ‘We haven’t seen you, miss, at any of the holy day services, or at the imperial celebrations.’

  ‘That’s right,’ she said.

  ‘May I ask why?’

  ‘The death threats, mostly.’

  There was a knock at the door as Fields opened his mouth to reply, and a servant wheeled in a tea trolley. The deacon sat back and folded his arms.

  The servant poured tea and coffee and left a dish of delicate cakes on the table.

  Deacon Fields leaned forward as soon as the servant had left.

  ‘It’s true that many in the church harbour ill feelings towards you,’ he said. ‘You’re a powerful mage, and yet the Creator has seemingly rejected you. By not publicly avowing your faith and obedience you are only harming your own cause.’

  Daphne laughed. ‘The One True Path say they will string me up if they catch me and the church does nothing to rein them in. You think attending services will make them like me?’

  ‘The Lord Vicar himself has told the One True Path to leave you be,’ said Father Hattin, munching on a cake.

  ‘Please tell Lord Arnault I appreciate that, but I’ll stay indoors if it’s all the same.’

  ‘People are wondering what you’re up to in here,’ the priest said. ‘Wondering what you’re hiding.’

  ‘Giving gossips something to talk about has long been a talent of mine.’

  ‘And what are your plans, miss?’ he asked.

  ‘None of your business,’ she said, ‘but nothing that will cause harm to the empire, or the church.’

  Hattin gazed into her eyes, and she felt his presence again.

  He glanced over to Deacon Fields, and nodded.

  The door opened again and Celine came in, carrying Karalyn in her arms. Daphne suppressed a smile as she noticed the priest stare into Celine’s eyes for a moment.

  ‘Missus Holdfast,’ Hattin said, while he and Fields bowed.

  Celine passed the baby to Daphne, who sent calming thoughts into her daughter’s mind. Karalyn glanced up from Daphne’s knee at the two men, who turned their attention to her.

  Deacon Fields squinted. ‘Our records show that this child is not yet seven thirds old.’

  ‘That’s right,’ Daphne said. ‘She was born on the seventh day of the second third of winter.’

  ‘She looks to be twice that age,’ Fields said.

  ‘I assure you she is not.’

  ‘Can she speak?’

  ‘Of course not,’ Daphne said.

  ‘She looks old enough.’

  ‘I’m told that Kellach babies grow a lot faster than ours,’ Daphne said. ‘She must have got that from her father.’

  ‘She looks Holdings in every other respect,’ Hattin said .

  ‘And only one head.’


  She felt a surge of vision from the priest envelop Karalyn, and bit her lip. She put on her old mask of confidence as she strained her powers to shield her daughter’s secrets from the priest. This was the first time that the vision wall she had built around Karalyn had been put to the test, but after a moment she knew she was more powerful than Hattin. She led his senses to a warm, gentle, innocent place she had prepared, and he relaxed.

  ‘A most beautiful girl,’ he said. ‘She does you proud Miss Holdfast.’

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Well?’ Fields said to his partner.

  ‘Nothing to worry about here,’ Hattin said.

  The deacon nodded. ‘Then we’ve got what we came for.’ He stood.

  Hattin sighed, put down his half-eaten cake, and got to his feet.

  ‘Thank you for your time, Miss Holdfast,’ said Deacon Fields.

  ‘And for the coffee,’ Father Hattin smiled.

  Celine rang a bell, and a servant arrived to escort the two church agents out.

  ‘That went well,’ she said. ‘The deacon was a bit creepy.’

  ‘I’ve met worse,’ said Daphne.

  She picked up a cake, remembered why she was training so hard, and put it back onto the plate.

  ‘Celine,’ she said, lighting a cigarette while shifting Karalyn onto her other knee, ‘could you please fetch Kalayne? And dig out a bottle of something, I could do with a drink.’

  From above, the city looked peaceful. The seven stars glowed bright in the night sky, but were dwarfed by the light from the great capital of the empire, its streetlamps and houselights creating a vast bubble of illumination. To the south and west, the Inner Sea glistened in reflected radiance, while a hum of sound came from the people still up at that late hour. Most houses were shrouded in darkness as the majority of the city slept, and in her own room by the seawall, she too slept, her unconscious form snoring on her bed, ten feet from Karalyn’s crib.

  Daphne gazed at her daughter, the webs of protection she and Kalayne had spun around her glowing like silver threads. If anyone used vision powers, they too shone out to her. She would often hone in on someone using inner-vision, and once she had seen Rijon, busy in the service of the church, interrogating Rahain mages captured during the war. She had watched as he had entered their minds, oblivious to her presence.

  Kalayne had also taught her how to master her dreams, control them, use them to learn what was happening, and yet awake the next morning refreshed and rested. Lucid dreaming he called it, and Daphne had taken to it like an eager child. With practice, she was sometimes able to take control of her dreams for as long as an hour, and combine her own vision skills. Gazing down upon the city had become her favourite starting position, a way to clear her thoughts and protect her child, should any mage-priest attempt to gain access to her mind while they slept.

  That night, she half-expected someone from the church to try. Father Hattin had seemed convinced, but the deacon had been harder to read.

  A voice pierced through her senses, and she felt herself pulled back to her body in a rush.

  ‘Daphne, wake up!’

  She groaned and opened her eyes. A lamp had been lit in her room, and she squinted at the person standing over her.


  ‘About time,’ her friend said. ‘I thought I was going to have to slap you.’

  ‘Is it morning?’

  ‘Nope. Middle of the fucking night.’

  Daphne sat up. She glanced over at the crib, and saw Karalyn still sleeping .

  ‘What are you doing here?’

  ‘We need to talk. Grab a housecoat and come on.’

  ‘Shhh,’ Daphne whispered. ‘If you wake her, you’re putting her back down again.’

  Shella raised an eyebrow and held out a thin robe.

  The Holdings woman drew back her light summer blanket, slipped on her sandals and pulled the robe over her shoulders. Shella crept to the door, and they went outside onto the balcony.
A servant was waiting there, rubbing sleep from his eyes.

  ‘Ma’am, your Highness,’ he nodded to the two women.

  ‘Bring us something cold to drink,’ Shella said.

  The servant bowed and left.

  Daphne and Shella sat at the little table by the iron railings overlooking the calm sea. The lightest of breezes was coming off the face of the water, and Daphne savoured it.

  ‘It’s so damn hot,’ she said.

  ‘Surely it’s hotter in the Holdings?’ Shella said.

  ‘During the day it is,’ Daphne said, ‘but it’s much cooler at night. And it’s never as humid as this.’

  The servant came back out and set down a large jug of lemonade and a pair of tall glasses.

  ‘Will you be requiring anything else, ma’am?’

  ‘No, no,’ Daphne said. ‘Please, go back to bed.’

  The servant bowed again, and left the balcony, closing the door behind him.

  Shella plucked a couple of smokesticks from an inside pocket, and lit them.

  ‘Keenweed,’ she said, passing one to Daphne.


  Daphne inhaled, and all thoughts of bed and sleep fled from her. Her senses sharpened, and she took in the sights and sounds of the sea before her.

  ‘I had a visitor,’ Shella said.

  ‘Oh? ’

  ‘Yeah. One of Arnault’s lackeys.’

  ‘The Lord Vicar sending you secret messages of love?’

  ‘Ha!’ Shella snorted. ‘No, the message was for you.’

  ‘One that couldn’t wait for morning?’

  ‘The church have been holding meetings all night, talking about you,’ Shella said, flicking ash over the balcony. ‘Apparently, there are a few who believe you used arcane mage powers to bewitch the agents they sent over to interview you yesterday. Deacon Yosin said that proved you were an enemy of the church and the creator, and is demanding your immediate arrest.’

  ‘Deacon Yosin is an idiot,’ Daphne said.

  ‘For sure, but he controls those clowns in the One True Path.’

  Daphne shrugged.

  ‘And more importantly,’ Shella went on, ‘he managed to persuade enough of the high church to agree that you should be brought in for more questioning.’

  Daphne shook her head in anger.

  ‘They’re planning to arrest you at dawn,’ Shella said. ‘Arnault sent his messenger to ask me to warn you.’

  ‘Since when does the Lord Vicar care what happens to me?’

  ‘I’m not sure he does, Daffers,’ Shella smirked. ‘I think he’s worried that the cavalry posted at your front door will take it badly if the church send wardens to arrest you. I think he’d rather avoid blood in the streets.’

  ‘He wants me to leave?’

  ‘Yeah. He says if you go now, he’ll void the arrest warrant, and no one will come after you.’

  ‘No one officially, at any rate.’

  Shella shrugged. ‘I don’t want you to go, Daffers, but I think he’s right. Look, you were planning on going within a third anyway, so what if you have to move it forward a bit.’

  ‘It’ll look like I’m running away.’

  ‘When did you start caring what people thought of you?’

  Daphne frowned, then leaned back and pulled a thin cord protruding from the wall. Moments later the servant walked back out onto the balcony.

  ‘I thought I told you to go to bed,’ Daphne said. ‘Anyway, I’m glad you’re still up. Could you please go to Bedig’s room and awaken him, then bring him here.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am,’ he bowed, and left.

  ‘Is your carriage outside?’ she asked Shella.

  ‘Of course, did you think I walked here?’

  ‘Can you take us to the harbour? I’d like to slip away without too much fuss.’

  ‘How long will you take to get ready?’

  ‘I travel light,’ Daphne said, ‘but Karalyn will need several trunks’ worth of things. Nappies, bottles, clothes…’

  ‘You’re aristocracy for fuck’s sake,’ Shella said. ‘Take a few servants.’

  ‘No,’ Daphne said. ‘Just me, Karalyn and Bedig. I don’t want any attention.’

  As Shella tutted, the door to the balcony opened.

  ‘Ma’am,’ the servant said. ‘I’m afraid Bedig is not in his room.’

  ‘Strange,’ Daphne said, ‘he was here for dinner. Did he go out afterwards?’

  She saw Shella catch the servant’s glance for a second.

  ‘What’s going on?’

  ‘Oh Daffers,’ Shella said, ‘can you really be the only person who doesn’t know?’

  ‘Know what?’

  Shella nodded at the servant. ‘Check Miss Celine’s room.’

  ‘At once, your Highness,’ the servant replied, and backed out of the door.

  Daphne stared at Shella, her eyes simmering.

  The Rakanese woman looked away, smoking her keenweed.

  ‘How long?’ Daphne said.

  ‘A couple of thirds, I think.’

  ‘They’ve betrayed my brother,’ Daphne said. ‘The family. Me. ’

  ‘Don’t over-react,’ Shella said. ‘Didn’t you tell me that Killop was seeing someone when you slept with him?’

  ‘So you’re saying that Celine and Bedig are destined to be together forever?’

  Shella chuckled. ‘Okay, probably not.’

  The door opened and a dishevelled Bedig came out barefoot onto the balcony.

  ‘Miss,’ he said.


  ‘You’re in big trouble, boy,’ Shella smirked.

  ‘Wait, I can explain…’ Bedig blurted out.

  ‘I don’t want to hear it,’ Daphne said. ‘Go to your room and gather your things. We’re leaving tonight.’


  ‘If you’re still intending to come with me to Rahain that is,’ Daphne said. ‘If you haven’t decided to stay.’

  ‘But why tonight?’

  ‘Because,’ said Shella, ‘the church are planning on arresting Miss Daphne Holdfast at dawn.’

  ‘Ah,’ he said. He looked out over the sea in silence for a moment, his long red hair flowing by his waist. His face crossed with emotion and he nodded.

  ‘Aye, miss,’ he said, turning. ‘I’ll be ready to go in an hour.’

  Daphne watched as he left the balcony. The servant continued to stand by the doorway.

  ‘Summon the household,’ Daphne said to him. ‘Quietly. Have them gather in the dining-room and I’ll be down in ten minutes.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  Daphne and Shella sat for a long moment, alone in the silent night air.

  ‘Don’t be too hard on the great oaf,’ Shella said. ‘He was bored, and she was lonely and pissed off about not hearing from Vince…’

  ‘That doesn’t make it right.’

  Shella shrugged. ‘I’m just saying. ’

  Daphne stood.

  ‘Come on,’ she said. ‘Let’s wake Kalayne and tell him the news.’

  Shella rolled her eyes.

  The first faint glimmers of dawn were appearing over the eastern horizon as the small party gathered on the stone quay, a galley tied alongside. Sailors scrambled over the tall rigging, preparing the vessel for departure.

  Kalayne squatted next to the others, holding Karalyn on his knee, whispering to the sleepy-eyed infant. Celine was weeping, and Bedig moped nearby, unable to look at her.

  ‘Celine,’ Daphne said. ‘You’re mistress of the house now, bearer of the Holdfast name in the city. I know you won’t let the family down.’

  ‘I’ll do my best, sister,’ Celine said, her eyes red.

  They embraced, then Daphne turned to Shella.

  ‘I wish I was coming with you,’ Shella said. ‘I’m sick of being a princess.’

  ‘We’ll be travelling for a couple of thirds. You’d hate it.’

  Daphne heard the clank of armour, and saw a troop of cavalry approach.

‘Here,’ said Shella, passing Daphne a small leather pouch. ‘Something for the trip.’

  Daphne smiled and slid the pouch into her tunic as an officer stepped up next to her.

  ‘Miss Holdfast.’

  ‘Captain Suthers,’ Daphne nodded.

  ‘I have troops stationed at the approaches to the harbour, ma’am,’ the officer said. ‘If any agents from the church come, we’ll delay them until your ship has sailed.’

  ‘Thank you, Captain,’ Daphne said, ‘for all your help while I’ve been here.’

  ‘You’ll always be cavalry to us, ma’am. Have a safe journey. ’

  As the officer withdrew, Kalayne stood, the baby in his arms.

  He passed her to Daphne.

  ‘She is everything,’ he said, staring at her.

  ‘Then why aren’t you coming with us?’

  The old man shook his head. ‘It’s all going to shit, and it’ll start here. I need to stay, to figure out what the Creator is planning, and to stop it if I can. It’s enough for me to know that the wee one is going to be safe.’

  He glared at Daphne. ‘Keep her safe.’

  Before Daphne could respond, Kalayne turned to Bedig.

  ‘And you, ya annoying wee ginger bastard,’ Kalayne snarled, his eyes bulging, ‘keep them both safe.’

  ‘Aye,’ Bedig said.

  Kalayne spat. ‘Well, fuck off then.’ He turned on his feet and strode across the quay towards the city.

  ‘He stole my line,’ Shella muttered as they watched him go.

  A sailor called down from the ship.

  Daphne nodded, and she, Karalyn and Bedig ascended the gangplank up to the wide wooden deck.

  ‘Good morning, miss,’ a Rahain sailor said. ‘Your luggage has been put in the aft cabins on the lower deck, shall I show you there?’

  ‘Not yet, thank you,’ she said, turning her eyes towards the city, and the small group of friends on the quayside.

  Bedig stood by her, and Karalyn dozed, as Rakanese dock workers loosened the great ropes that held the ship to the quay. Two vast sails were unfurled and, within moments, the galley began to pull away from the dockside.

  The sun split the sky as the ship sailed from the harbour, and the silver dome of the Emperor’s palace shone like a beacon. Gulls called and circled overhead, and the galley banked and tilted as it reached the open sea.

  Bedig glanced at her. ‘About Celine, miss…’


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