Ménage Material [La Belle sans la Bete Ménages] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Ménage Material [La Belle sans la Bete Ménages] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Akeroyd, Serena

  She choked on the ham and grabbed her glass of water. Croakily, she muttered, “Then I completely misunderstood what the two of you mean to each other.”

  He laughed. “No, Bastien and I are lovers. In every sense.”

  “Then, what do you mean?”

  “What I said yesterday. I do not like to be labeled and neither does Bastien, mostly because we’re neither gay nor straight nor bisexual. We like what we like and we want what we want. For twenty years, I’ve wanted Sebastien. And now, I want you.”

  “Have you slept with any other men?”

  He eyed her, pondering her question. “Why do you want to know?”

  She shrugged. “I’m just curious.”

  “There have been three men in my life. Bastien is one of them. But I’m fussy.”

  “Bastien does that to a person,” she mumbled.

  Alex’s grin nearly split his jaw in two. “Yes, he does. I am fortunate, am I not, that you find me attractive for my brain. Otherwise, I would be standing in the shadow of our great industrialist.”

  “Not just for your brain,” she replied, speaking the truth. Even if it was embarrassing.

  “That is nice to know, chérie.”

  “I’m just being honest.”

  “I know and I thank you for it.” He sank a little deeper into the cushions and studied her. “As you correctly assumed, none of my lovers even compared to Bastien. But, he has one failing.”

  “He does?” She cocked her brow at him, her curiosity piqued.

  “He does not have a chatte.” At her frown of confusion, he waved his hands. “A pussy, I think you call it?”

  Laughter gurgled out of her, and she nearly spilled her glass of water down her front. “No, I think I’d have noticed if he did.” Grinning at him in return, she asked, “And you like pussy?”

  “I do,” he told her softly. “Very much.”

  His eyes flared at her, the lids widening slightly, exposing her to those violet orbs. They were truly beautiful. Enough to lose herself in them.

  “You want mine?” The awkward question came out breathless, and had her stomach cramping with lust. It flashed through her, setting her skin to tingling with gooseflesh.

  “Very much,” he repeated. “Are you going to give it to me?”

  Devvy scored her bottom lip with her teeth as she looked at this man, a creature who made her feel things not even Bastien had made her feel. Edgy, nervous, needy.

  Bastien was rough. Not in a mean way, but he took. He conquered. When they had sex, afterward, it was like she’d been steamrollered. Every part of her ached, in the best possible way. Her pussy pulsed with the aftermath of the orgasms that throttled through her. Her breasts and nipples were sore from his teeth and tongue, the mouth that could suck those nubs of hers until she’d cum from that alone. He’d drag her over his lap and spank her. Roll her onto her knees and fuck her in the ass.

  She was borderline passive with him. Letting him do whatever he desired, taking serious pleasure in letting him have his way with her. But she was with him at each step. Wanting more, needing everything he could give.

  Devvy had a feeling Alex was a different kettle of fish. She could sense that he would tease and toy with her. He’d push her over the edge and then drag her back before she could fall, only to force her over once more.

  Sebastien would let her fall. He’d glory in her tumble down to an orgasm.

  Alex would make her beg for it. He’d make her work for every single sensation.

  That hypothesis, based only on this conversation and his silky tone, was hardly concrete. But as with yesterday and her belief that Bastien had been cheating on her, Devvy’s instincts were solid.

  She sensed it and knew he was as different to Bastien as night was to day, and not just where their coloring was concerned.

  She also knew that if she walked away from him, if she didn’t experience his touch, just the once, she’d forever regret it.

  At her prolonged silence, he merely stared at her, waiting for an answer. Until finally, when the doorbell rang, the sound jolting the pair of them, he gritted out, “Well, Devvy. Will you?”

  She could do nothing less than nod her compliance.

  Down the rabbit hole I go, she thought, almost fatalistically, but knew she’d be a willing player in the madness that was to come.

  Chapter Four

  He’d have been lying if he’d denied being thrilled by this unexpected outcome. But that was just what it was. Unexpected. And damned if Alexei Ivanov didn’t want to kiss Devvy Jacques’s feet for giving him one hell of a surprise.

  Her coming at all today had been a shock. He’d expected an apology call, or an irate one saying that she couldn’t go anywhere near him without her divorce lawyer present. Although if that had been the case, Bastien would have called him. Probably in tears.

  Their marital dynamic was beyond peculiar. In fact, it was intriguing. Both granted the other one more power than either realized, and felt as though they were the weaker, or less powerful, one in their relationship.

  Devvy had absolutely no idea of the hold she had over Bastien. Who yes, had instigated the relationship on Alex’s say-so, but who hadn’t proposed for the same reason. Their cosmetics magnate had managed to skip the bonds of matrimony for over two decades, but with Devvy, he’d decided to cement it with a ring. Apparently, Alex was the only one to see the meaning behind that.

  As he stood and murmured to a shell-shocked-looking Devvy, “I’ll just go and open the elevator for him,” Alex pondered how interesting it would be to enter the unusual dynamic the two of them shared. He couldn’t help but wonder how the power would shift and who would retain the most of it.

  Bastien had been born a leader. It was in his blood. He wasn’t cruel, and while he had a domineering streak, he wasn’t dominant per se. He could be rough, and sex with him could cause a person to walk awkwardly the next day, but the man’s arrogance was ingrained.

  Devvy, on the other hand, was a loner. There was a power in that. She was self-reliant and accustomed to doing things for herself. That made her strong. Incorruptible. While he knew she valued herself, he also knew she didn’t see her own attraction. Unusually, this wasn’t because society had worked its magic on her. Her belief in her own lack of appeal stemmed from her adolescence. The time when her sexuality should have started to blossom, and instead, she’d been among a too-old crowd. To Devvy, she was still the young teenager amid the twenty-somethings, and therefore, unattractive and unappealing as well as awkward to the average guy. That in turn made her susceptible to Bastien, because she thought herself lucky to have him.

  It was interesting that yesterday she’d refused their overtures even though it seemed like she gave in to Bastien a lot. Out of gratitude for him having taken her on—something that would rankle Sebastien if the other man were to learn that his wife was grateful to be married to him. Just the thought made him chuckle, for Sebastien’s arrogance would weep at that.

  Alex had appreciated Devvy’s show of strength. That display of self-worth in the face of what she believed she could lose for saying no. And after their conversation this morning, it came as a relief to realize she was here for herself, and not to please Sebastien.

  He could have doubted that if her body hadn’t sent him the message. Loud and clear. One his own had reacted to, and responded to in kind. For the first time in his life, being Alexei Ivanov was a blessing, and not a curse. This woman, this amazing creature, lusted after him for his smarts. Oh, it wasn’t the first time it had happened, it was just the first time it counted.

  Alex moved out of the salon and into the hall, opening the downstairs door after a quick glimpse at the video footage, and at Bastien’s tense if gloriously handsome face. He stood and waited for the other bell to ring, the one that told him someone wished to come to his floor, and then released the lock when the elevator pinged.

  Bastien entered the apartment looking…the only way Alex could describe it was flustered.r />
  It was amusing to see him that way, and touching. They’d both invested a lot of their hopes and dreams in this one woman, and to see them coming to fruition, even if it was only the first step down that path, was something worthy of celebration.

  “You should have used your key,” was all he said in the face of Bastien’s meltdown, as he pressed a kiss to his lover’s mouth.

  “I didn’t want Devvy to think I was sneaking in.”

  Considering that made no sense to him, he wondered what the hell his lover was thinking about, but shrugged rather than make a comment that would set Bastien off. “Well, she definitely knows you’re here now.”

  “So she hasn’t left?” Bastien sighed, literally sagging with relief as the elevator doors closed gently behind him. “Where is she?”

  “In the salon.”

  “What the hell made her change her mind?”

  Alex watched as Bastien raked a hand through his hair and from the dishevelment, it wasn’t the first time he’d done so. If Devvy saw their mate now, she’d realize how tightly she had Bastien wrapped around her little finger. Alex foresaw a future where he was just as whipped, and rather than dread the prospect, he reveled in the idea, because she was his.

  Like Devvy herself had said, they were scientists. Scientists didn’t believe in the ethereal notion that soul mates existed. But Alex had, and did. The minute he’d opened Science, NOW and read the article-cum-bio of one Devina Nelson, he’d been hooked.

  Her biography had interested him. Their shared past and experiences of being pushed through their school years so both graduated at an early age had come as a relief. They were both outsiders to their own peer group. Her article on the underestimated study of plants and flowers for medicinal purposes hadn’t been as hokey as it might have been. Her arguments had been sound, intelligent, and her reasoning tight and loophole-free. She’d appealed to his intellect with every single justification. Then, he’d turned the page, and fallen hook, line, and sinker for a woman whose eyes were eerily beautiful. They’d leapt out at him, almost off the damn page. Those aquamarine orbs, so light in her pale face that she should have looked washed-out. Instead, she looked stunning. Had stunned him.

  He wasn’t an emotional man—for survival, he’d frozen the most tender parts of his nature—but Alex admitted his heart had stopped at that moment. Only a deep gasp had brought him back from his shock. He’d had to know her. To meet her had become imperative. Then, he’d seen the comment that she would be in his country, his home city. To him, that had been a sign from above. She would be here, in Paris. He’d made Bastien attend a convention, a place he wouldn’t ordinarily be caught dead, just so they could start the ball rolling.

  That act alone told him something he’d already known. Bastien’s love for him was deep and true. As well as accepting. For a man as powerful as Sebastien was, Alex knew his agoraphobia could be viewed as a weakness. There was no doubting it was, but in his lover’s eyes, it could have been unacceptable. Yet, not to Sebastien. Alex’s flaws were simply viewed as one of his quirks, and were always handled with loving patience.

  For a love so pure on both sides, they shouldn’t have needed a third. But like he’d told Devvy, Sebastien’s lack of a pussy was a major problem. His lips twitched at her amused reaction to his comment.

  Just like Sebastien, Alex needed a woman’s touch in his life. As complete as his lover made him feel, there was something missing.

  And Devvy was that something.

  “What are you smiling at?” Bastien snapped. “Answer me. What’s made her change her mind? She’s usually so stubborn! I thought we’d have a real fight on our hands to make her accept us.”

  “It’s lucky for you that you want to share me with Alexei.”

  Devvy’s hesitant and bad French stopped Alex from replying. The pair of them spun around to face the woman who would complete their circle.

  Sebastien swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “T’es certain? You are certain about this, Devvy?” he replied, reverting to English for her sake.

  His croaky tone had the corner of her mouth lifting. “No. I’m not certain at all. In fact, I’m terrified.”

  She wrapped her arms about her belly in a display of vulnerability that made Alex ache. He couldn’t help it. He strode over to her, and wrapped an arm about her shoulder. She nuzzled her face against his side in a way that made his heart swell and his cock stiffen.

  “You don’t have to be scared,” Alex told her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

  “I know but I still am. I have no reasonable explanation as to why I want to do this with you, both of you. Yesterday, I was certain my marriage was over. Last night, I had confirmation. Then this morning, I needed to see you, Alex. It didn’t even cross my mind that I could cancel until you mentioned it. I had to visit. I needed to know you.”

  “Why do you think this whole thing started, Devvy?” Bastien murmured. “Alex saw you in a magazine, and there was an instant connection. I thought he was insane.” He chuckled. “You will learn he has his quirks, and most of them are not to be trusted. But in this, he was so…” He sighed, looking for the right word. “Ardent. There is no other way of putting it. It was imperative that I meet you, and see how we gelled. The minute we met, the same happened for me. It was instant, and it was almost unbelievable.

  “I’m too old to believe in love at first sight, Devvy. I mocked Alex for rambling on about you. I read the article you wrote, and while it was well written, I didn’t particularly think anything of it…”

  “You can see I married him for his compliments, can’t you?” Devvy interrupted, throwing Alex an eye roll that once again had his heart swelling. She kept on treating him as though they’d known each other a long time. And the amazing thing was, it felt that way.

  Bastien grinned, and it was the version of his that was worthy of a patent. Alex felt Devvy stiffen beside him, and hid a smile of his own—that grin affected her just as it did him.

  There were few moments when Bastien was truly joyful. He was not only a busy man, but an important one, too. Upon his shoulders, he had the responsibility of a large conglomerate as well as two lovers. As powerful as he was, Alex was sure the two lovers caused him more aggravation than the conglomerate with its multiple offshoots.

  “I told you Alex was the charmer.”

  Devvy grunted.

  “But it’s the truth. Until I saw you in the flesh, I didn’t realize. Once I did, that was that. Tell me, Devvy, why do you want Alex?”

  Her cheeks bloomed with heat.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, ma petite. It is important that we are honest with each other.”

  Devvy moved away from Alex’s hold, and turned her back on the both of them. They watched as she stalked out of the hallway, and retreated to the salon. As they shared a look, Alex commented, “It is only natural she has trouble expressing herself.”

  “Why is it?”

  “She is a creature of science, cher. And from what I can gather, this is the most emotional she’s probably ever been. Come,” he muttered. “We’re wasting time.”

  The pair of them followed Devvy, their eyes tracking her movements as she stalked from one side of the room to the other.

  “We might as well be comfortable,” Bastien remarked, and took a seat on the sofa.

  “Why don’t you have any furniture in here?” Devvy demanded during her hike from the piano to the end wall and back. With her arms crossed and head down, she looked harried and Alex was sorry they’d made her feel that way.

  He had no doubt it would be worth it in the end, but he disliked causing anyone discomfort. Especially someone as important to him as Devvy.

  “Because when I play the piano, the music rings around the room,” he told her easily, letting her change the subject as she tried to come to terms with her emotions.

  He hadn’t expected her to accept this arrangement easily. As Bastien had already admitted, they had expected many arguments and many attem
pts at seduction. As it was, Devvy had altered the timeline considerably, and now she looked as though she regretted it.

  While his cock mourned the loss, Alex didn’t. This was far more important than a shag. This was the future.

  “Why do you need a woman, Bastien? Why isn’t Alex enough?”

  The last question had her looking at Alex with beseeching eyes. He immediately understood and sought to appease her discomfort. “You have not wounded me, chérie. Don’t worry.”

  The visible drop of her shoulders conveyed her relief.

  “Alex is enough,” Bastien responded. “I love him very much. There have been times during our relationship where, had he not been a part of my life, I do not know how I would have coped. But I am not a man who will fit himself neatly into a pigeonhole to suit society. I know what I want.

  “Just as I want Alex, I want you. Society says that’s wrong. That just you or just Alex should be enough. I say fuck society.

  “Maybe I’m greedy, selfish even, because I make no bones about wanting it all, but I don’t care. I want what I want and I make no apologies for it.”

  Devvy glared at him. “That’s no answer! What did you want before I came onto the scene? Would any woman have been enough for you two? Or is this about children? Am I going to agree to this…relationship, end up pregnant, and then find myself being divorced because my usefulness is over?”

  Alex’s temper was piqued at her remarks but Bastien just chuckled. He looked over and grinned. “Did I not tell you she was melodramatic?”

  “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here!”

  Bastien held up his hands in surrender. “I’m sorry, love, but it’s true. Where these ideas come from, I do not know. I swear, you should be a writer.” He shook his head. “If Alex and I wanted a child, do you think we are not rich enough to beget one without involving an innocent woman? There are many less naïve women out there who would gladly sell us their baby if that were what we wanted. Surrogacy does exist in America, doesn’t it?”


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