Ride Me Cowboy

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Ride Me Cowboy Page 5

by Taylor, Alycia

  “Where’d you get the boots?”

  She looked down at them and then she blushed as she said, “The Native American guy that runs that leather kiosk told me mine weren’t ‘real boots’ because they were ‘too shiny.’”

  “Oh thank God,” I said with a grin. She reached her hand out and punched me on the arm. See there, just like a real brother and sister. We can do this. I was still sizing her up, though. I was thinking a bit much for a sibling, even a step, but it really wasn’t my fault that she looked so damned good. Her shirt was red and sleeveless and made out of that cotton material with the little holes all over it. I’m sure there’s a name for it, but damned if I knew what it was. All I knew was that those tiny little peeks of her skin made my own feel like it was on fire. I swallowed, but there was nothing there. My mouth was as dry as dirt.

  “You look nice,” I said, trying hard to make it sound like something a brother would say to his sister and trying to make up for the boot crack. She’d looked good in her shiny boots, too. I bet she’d look good in anything…or nothing…shit! I never had a sister, but I had a pretty good idea that last thought shouldn’t be there.

  “You look nice, too,” she smiled. “You ready?” Boy was I. I was more ready than I hoped she’d ever find out. Or maybe I wanted her to find out? Hell if I knew.


  We took my truck and went into town to this old country bar that I’d practically grown up in. When I was little, my mom used to sing there, so I knew the owners and usually most of the patrons on any given night. I knew they were going to have about a million questions about Lexi. It was one of the hazards of living in a small town. I would just have to do my best to field them without really answering them. I didn’t want to tell anyone she was my stepsister. I asked myself why that was and the answer I came up with was that it just seemed weird to take your sister to a bar. The really weird thing was the truth – and that was if there would ever be any chance I had with this woman that had quickly gotten underneath my skin, I didn’t want to answer those questions. I know it was crazy. Nothing would or could ever happen between us, but my body wanted to keep arguing the point.

  When we walked in, I was glad to see that it wasn’t too crowded. We took a seat at the old plywood bar that had been restrained but never replaced about a hundred times since I was a kid. The bartender, a guy named Wes that I used to team rope with, gave Lexi a head to toe inspection before he came over. That was another reason I didn’t want to say I was her brother. I was jealous of the kind of attention she would receive if I did that…disgusting pervert or not, it was how I felt.

  "Hey Mark!”

  “Hi Wes. How’s it going?”

  “It’s going,” he said with another glance at Lexi.

  “Um…Lexi, this is Wes. Lexi is my…she’s my friend from out of town.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lexi. What can I get you to drink?" he asked.

  “Thank you, you too,” she said, looking a little confused about why I said she was my friend. “Um…I don’t know. What are you having?” she asked me.

  “Beer,” I said.

  She smiled. “Of course. You know what? I’ll have a beer, too. Whatever he’s having.”

  “You got it,” Wes said. He gave her another glance that made me want to punch him in the face.

  “This place is cute,” she said, looking around. “Cute” isn’t a word I would have used to describe it. It was just a little hole in the wall. There was a tiny little stage in the corner where the singer of the night sang and usually strummed a guitar. There was a dance floor in front of that. It was only about eight feet long by eight feet wide. There was also an old jukebox in the other corner for those nights when there wasn’t “live entertainment” and a pool table and dart board towards the far back. Wes sat our beer on the counter and asked Lexi if she needed a glass. “No, the bottle is fine,” she said. I liked that she didn’t put on a bunch of city girl airs. I was beginning to like a lot of things about her. Probably more than I should.



  I got dressed to go out for this drink tonight like I was getting ready for a date. I had to keep stopping myself and asking what the hell I was doing. The problem was I just kept on doing it. I was trying so hard to keep the fact that he was my stepbrother in the forefront of my mind, but every time I looked at him, my brain wanted to override that fact.

  The bar he took me to was really cute. It was just an old country bar, but it had charm and the people all seemed really friendly. At first I thought it was strange that he had introduced me only as a friend and hadn’t said anything about the fact that I was his stepsister, but after a little thought I decided he probably just thought people would find it weird that he was taking me out to a bar.

  I was on my second beer when Mark saw me watching the people playing darts in the corner. “You play darts?” he asked.

  I took a long swig off the beer and answered, “I’ve been known to throw a dart or two.”

  He smiled. “How about a friendly game?”


  I sat and watched as he went over and talked to the people who were playing. It was three guys and they looked like ranch hands to me. Of course, that was what I’d thought Mark was, too. Maybe they were bull riders…I don’t know. I could tell Mark knew them by the friendly banter they were throwing back and forth. I didn’t hear what Mark said, but I heard one of the guys say, “He takes second and all of a sudden he’s a stud and we’re supposed to let him and his lady take our dart game over.”

  It was obviously said in jest and with affection, but what I noticed the most about it was that Mark didn’t correct him when he called me his “lady.” This was getting weirder, I told myself as I walked over near them. I was prepared to correct him myself. Mark interrupted when I stepped up and said, “Hi.”

  “Guys, this is Lexi. Lexi this is Sam, John, and Bubba. These are three of the guys you saw eating dirt today.”

  I smiled. “It’s nice to meet you all,” I said.

  “He’s all big talk today, but I’ve been watching him eat dirt since he was a kid.”

  “I think you all did a fine job,” I told them. Mark rolled his eyes, but he was smiling.

  The guy named Sam looked me over then and said, “You are way too good for this broken down cowboy. If you ever want a real man…” Mark’s posture suddenly straightened and his eyes narrowed.

  “Sam, you’re one of my best friends. Since you’re drunk, I’m going to give you a hell of a chance here and beg you not to finish that sentence.”

  Sam was still looking at me. Finally he turned to look at Mark and said, “I was just messing around.”

  “Go mess around somewhere else,” Mark told him. The time had passed for me to tell the men that I wasn’t Mark’s date, I was his stepsister. I let them walk away without saying anything, but I had to wonder why Mark sticking up for me had felt so good. Maybe it was because I’d never had a brother. Maybe it was because I was a creepy, incestuous pervert…who knew?

  Mark went over to the board and retrieved the darts. He walked back over and held out the three with red flags on them towards me. Our fingers touched as I took the darts out of his hand and my damned mind went back to that dark place again. I shook it off again as he palmed the blue ones and said, “Ladies first.” I stood behind the line and concentrated. I am very competitive and even in a friendly game of darts – I didn’t want to lose. “Need some help there?” he asked.


  “You look focused, are you focused?”

  “I was, before you interrupted me.”

  “Sorry, just trying to help.”

  “I don’t need your help. Now hush!” I could tell he was trying not to smile as I closed one eye and lined the tip of the dart up with the board.

  “Visualizing it are you?”

  I laughed. “Hush!”

  I was about to throw the dart when he whispered, “You see wher
e you want to put it?”

  “Shut up!”

  He laughed. “Are you sure you never had a brother before? You sure are mean like a sister. I’m just trying to help.”

  “You’re just scared you’re gonna lose to a girl.”

  “I throw darts as good as I ride bulls,” he said.

  “Oh good. Then I’ll win for sure.” I giggled at the look on his face as the dart left my hand. It landed and stuck just outside the bull’s eye. I whooped and clapped my hands. “Did you see that?” I asked him.

  “It was hard to see through the tears you brought on by being so mean,” he said with a grin.

  “Would you like me to do it again and show you how it’s done?”

  “I got this, thanks,” he said. “But just so you know, I’m pretty sure I got taken by a shark here.”

  “Technically you have to be playing for something to get taken,” I told him. As soon as I saw the look on his face I knew what he wanted. That tickle low in my belly got deeper and I had to turn away. I heard him clear his throat. He pulled out his wallet and took out a twenty.

  “Loser buys the next round,” he said. I took a deep breath and looked back at him. He’d lost the lustful look that was there, but now I knew for sure he was thinking the same things I was. We were both a couple of pervs.



  I could feel the sweat beading up on my forehead. What the hell was I doing? What was I thinking? I did not bring Lexi out with the intentions of flirting with her and acting like she was my date. I honestly did not. But God help me, I couldn’t seem to stop myself. The more beer I drink, the harder it gets, too. Maybe I should stop drinking. With a trembling hand, I threw my dart. It landed about as far out of the bull’s eye as it could get and still be stuck to the board. I heard her giggle…Damn, I was beginning to love that sound. I needed another beer and although I didn’t smoke, maybe a cigarette. I definitely needed something. I turned to look at her and tried to pull off a casual shrug.

  “Just a little to the left next time,” she said.

  “Thanks for the tip.”

  She picked up the twenty. “Thanks for the beer. Oh, bartender!”

  We played several rounds of darts and drank several more beers before we moved over to the pool table that had finally been vacated. “Have you been known to hit a pool ball or two in your time?” I asked her.

  She wrinkled her nose and said, “I played once, in high school.” I had the feeling I was being taken again

  Instead of saying that, I asked her, “So, do you want me to show you how to hold that stick?”

  “I’d love for you to show me how to hold the stick,” she said. She was starting to slur her words a little bit and inviting me to touch her. As much as it pained me to put a stop to all of this friendliness, no more beer for her.

  I stepped up behind her thinking I must be crazy. No more beer for me either…after I show her how to hold onto that stick. I let my body lean into hers and I felt all kinds of things happening in all kinds of wrong places. It felt so damned right though, so I didn’t stop. I put my arms around hers and put my hands on hers. I moved one up and one down slightly. I could feel her breathing speed up and mine seemed to be trying to mimic hers. I helped her take aim at the cue ball and then with my lips dangerously close to the side of her pretty face, I said, “Okay, now all you have to do is let it slide between your fingers…” She did that, leaning back slightly as she did. Fuck, I had crossed the place of no return. Unless she hosed me down, I didn’t think I would be able to turn back at this point. “Then you use this arm,” I told her, sliding my hand up her arm and helping her pull it back. I heard her breath catch in her throat and actually felt the goosebumps rise on her arms. “Now you just let it go.” I let my lips touch the side of her face then and in a breathless voice because I just couldn’t seem to get enough air I said, “Let it go, Lexi…let go.”

  She spun around to face me and suddenly our lips were tangled up. I moved my hands up to her face and kissed her. I didn’t hold back and neither did she. This was no butterfly kiss between siblings. This was one of those kisses where you both walk away with your lips swollen and bruised. She parted her lips, and I moaned against her mouth as my tongue slid into her warm, wet mouth. She tasted like beer and something sweet, and I let my tongue probe and taste the darkest crevices of her mouth as I imagined what I could do to the rest of her body with it. She let her tongue come up and dance against mine. My heart was pounding against my ribcage, and I could hardly breathe. I’d never been this affected by as kiss before. I had deep ache in the center of my core that I suddenly knew would never be satisfied until I had her.

  I pulled back from the kiss and looked at her face. Her cheeks were all flushed and pink and her lips were indeed swollen. She was panting and gasping for air, and as I looked into her eyes, I could see the kind of desire there that I was feeling in my own gut.

  “There’s an old barn out back…I could show you the true meaning of ‘roll in the hay’ if you’re interested,” I said in a raspy voice. She nodded. I was honestly shocked. I thought she would say no. I wondered just how drunk she was. “Are you sure, Lexi? You want this?”

  In a low, sexy whisper she said, “I want you, Mark.” My head nearly exploded. I took her hand and led her out the back. The old barn stood now for the sole purpose of being a landmark in the county. I was planning for us to make our mark on it tonight.

  My cock was throbbing before we even made it to the barn. When we got there, I tossed my hat onto a pile of hay and grabbed her around the waist. I covered her mouth with mine again. I could feel the heat coming from her body and as we kissed hard again, I wondered if I’d ever wanted anyone this badly before. A dark thought crossed my mind then…what if I wanted Lexi this badly partly because the idea of having her was so taboo? I quickly snuffed it out and began undressing her. I guess I was taking too long on the buttons because she pushed my hands back and took over.

  “Take off your shirt,” she said. I wasn’t going to argue with that. I pulled at the snaps, thanking the Lord for them, and then I shrugged out of it. My eyes were riveted to the sight before me. Lexi was standing there in a red lace bra and her skirt. She was using her heels to kick off her boots. I reached around behind her and unhooked the bra. As her beautiful breasts came tumbling out, I pulled her up against me so I could feel them pressing into my bare chest. Her nipples were hard and the touch of them against my skin sent vibrations rocketing downward. While we kissed, I unbuttoned the back of her skirt and let it fall down around her ankles. I pulled back again to look at her. She was wearing a red lace thong. Her body was everything I had imagined that it would be, and then some. I leaned down and took one of her nipples between my lips. She shuddered and put her hands in my hair while I kissed it and ran my tongue in a circle around the outside of it. She pulled my head hard against her chest, so I amped up the action. I sucked her breast all the way into my mouth and while I sucked, I licked and nipped. She was making little mewling noises – it was sexy as hell. I traded breasts and licked and sucked the other one until she was shaking all over. I reached down and took the waistband of her thong and peeled it down over her smooth thighs. When it reached her ankles, she lifted her feet and stepped out of both her panties and her skirt at the same time. I bent down to pick up the skirt and fanned it out across the bale of hay behind her. Then I took her hand and guided her down so she was sitting on it. She reached up and ran her hands across my chest and down my arms, pausing to trace her fingers across the tattoo there. I unbuttoned my jeans and pushed them down, taking the boxers with them. I heard her gasp as my cock sprang out. It was one of those ego-boosters that men loved, especially coming from the hottest woman alive.

  I knelt down and used my arms to part her legs. She was looking down at me with those sexy eyes of hers filled with lust as I bent forward and licked the inside of her right thigh. She gasped again, and I licked the other. She moaned and reached under
her thighs and lifted her legs so they were planted widely on the edges of the hay bale. I was the one to groan now as I moved in and licked the sensitive skin along the outsides of her pussy. She shuddered as I let my tongue run down from the top of her slit to the bottom. I let my tongue skim across the hood of her hard clit that was peeking out at me. God, she was as sweet as she was gorgeous. I glanced up at her face to make sure she was still okay. She had her head back against the stall behind her and her eyes were closed.

  I licked once more along her opening, spreading her open a little with my tongue as I did. She arched her hips and put her hands back in my hair, pulling me in tighter. I let my tongue dive inside her then, and she cried out as I moved it in and out between her tight muscles. Bringing a hand up, I let one of my fingers slip into her. She was so wet, and her walls gripped my finger tightly as I let it work in and out of her and returned my attentions to her engorged clit. I sucked it into my mouth and held it with my lips while I let my tongue glide back and forth across it. She was moving her hips up and down, making louder noises. My cock jumped with each sexy sound that escaped from her lips. I let a second finger slide into her. She wrapped her fingers up in my hair tightly and I found myself glad that I hadn’t gotten a haircut in a while. I worked the fingers in and out, harder and faster as she moaned and squirmed and bucked her hips. I could feel her getting ready for an orgasm. The muscles of her sweet pussy clamped down on my fingers and held them there while the warm liquid oozed out of her sex.

  “Oh God, Mark!” I kept my fingers where they were and I slowed my pace to work them in and out slowly while she came down from her high. I let my tongue just lightly graze her clit, and she literally screamed out and clamped her legs shut around my head. When she finally stopped moving her hips and I felt her legs shaking, I pulled my fingers out slowly and looked back up at her face. Her eyes were open wide and looking at me.


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