Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Brooke, Leah - Crescendo [The Leah Brooke Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 36

by Leah Brooke

  Nick’s warm hands caressed the cheeks of her ass, before his hands went around her waist to help her stand, shifting the plug inside her. “That’s good. I’m very proud of how well you took that. Now let’s finish attaching the rest of it so I can dress you.”

  Julianna automatically grabbed his forearms to steady herself, a shiver of foreboding running up her spine. His soft cotton shirt caressed her back, the long sleeves under her hands keeping her from touching his skin. “What do you mean, the rest of it?”

  Her pussy clenched frantically with need for the hard cock brushing against the small of her back. She heard the clink of the small chains and moaned at the pull of the plug filling her. She couldn’t get over how stretched she’d become, and standing with the plug in her ass became nearly impossible.

  How was she supposed to act normal with something up her ass?

  “What are you doing?” The breathless fear in her voice didn’t surprise her a bit. Totally disconcerted, she hung on to the sound of his voice like a lifeline.

  Nick’s warm lips moved over her shoulder. “I’ve already told you, Julianna, that I don’t like to be questioned. In this case, however, I’ll tell you. I’m going to rid you of your habit of slouching. I don’t like it. You’re a beautiful woman, and you slouch as though you’re embarrassed about your height. When you stand straight and tall, you’re stunning. Now, put your arms down to your sides and keep them there.”

  Trembling helplessly, Julianna obeyed him, rubbing her thighs together to relieve the ache that settled there, moaning as it shifted the plug inside her bottom. Small kittenish whimpers flowed out of her, one after the other, sounds she never thought herself capable of making.

  Forcing herself to remain still, she shivered when Nick’s hands brushed her shoulders and brought the two beaded chains over them, one dropping against each breast. He turned her to face him, tugging on the chains just hard enough to show her that they were attached to the plug in her ass.

  Julianna bit her lip, reaching out tentatively to hold on to his chest, disappointed that his shirt kept her from touching his skin.

  Dropping one, he held the other up for her to see the tiny ring at the end of it, pulling the chain more firmly into the crease of her ass. “This, little one, is going to teach you not to slouch. Do you see this ring?”

  Chewing on her lip, Julianna nodded.

  Nick smiled. “Good. I’m going to attach each of these to your nipples. They won’t be tight as long as you’re standing straight, but if you slouch or bend forward, they’ll pull your nipples. Fair warning, Julianna. It’s going to hurt.”

  The entire time he spoke, he worked to attach the ring, using the screw located on the side of it to tighten it on her nipple. “Beautiful. Now for the other one.”

  Her trembling made it impossible to remain perfectly still, and she sucked in a breath when Nick attached the ring to her other nipple. “Nick, I don’t think—”

  Nick tugged the chains, raising a brow when she gasped and grabbed his shoulders.

  “Good. Don’t think. Concentrate on standing straight.”

  With a hand in her hair, he wrapped his arms around her and brushed his lips against hers. “Open to me, Julianna.”

  At the first touch of his warm mouth on hers, Julianna parted her lips, eager for his kiss. Connected to him in a way she desperately craved, she found she needed his assurance, his guidance. She wanted to please him in ways she’d never dreamed of.

  The slight shift of her body as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulled the chains tight, sending a shock of alarming pain and pleasure combination from her nipples to her pussy and clit. At the same time, the plug inside her ass moved, and when she involuntarily clenched on it, it felt like it grew inside her.

  Overwhelmed, she whimpered and held on tighter to Nick.

  Nick raised his head, staring down at her, his eyes knowing. Heat flashed in his hooded gaze when she tried to follow, and he stopped her by holding on to the chain at her back, his eyes full of tender indulgence when she cried out and leaned closer. “So you see, little one, that pain comes in different forms and that sometimes a small bite of pain can make the pleasure even more intense. You’re not the type of woman who can be beaten into submission, and I have no desire to hurt you or mark your lovely skin.”

  Julianna gulped, staring at his lips. “I’ve never—I don’t understand how—” Didn’t a Dom use whips and canes?

  Nick smiled indulgently, sliding his hands around to cup her breasts. “You will.”

  His hands moved to her waist, gently caressing. “Trust me to guide you, little one. You’ll be amazed at the pleasure your body’s capable of.”

  Julianna swallowed and licked her lips, struggling to keep her breathing steady. “You mean there’s more?”

  One hand slid lower, his fingers delving between her folds, his breath mingling with hers when he brushed her lips with his again. “Much more. You’ll learn to follow where I lead. No questions. No hesitation. Just pleasure.”

  He slid a finger into her, covering her mouth with his and swallowing her moan.

  Her pussy clamped down on him as if to hold him there, and she rubbed her nipples against his chest, needing all the contact she could get.

  She couldn’t get enough of him.

  He made her feel desired and wanted, but something else, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  When he released her, touching his lips to her hair before making his way to her closet, it hit her as memories of the previous night rose up in her mind.

  They made her feel as if she belonged.

  They made her feel needed, as though they’d carved out a place for her in their lives they wanted her to fill.

  Surreptitiously wiping away a tear, she smiled as Nick came back toward her with an outfit almost identical to the blue one she’d worn earlier, this one in black.

  “At least it’s easy to get dressed here.”

  Nick wrapped the skirt around her hips, sliding a hand under it to caress her bottom. “And easy for me to get to you. I don’t want anything in my way when I want to see or touch any part of you. I can’t always have that back home, but here, every part of you will be accessible to me at all times.”

  Once he’d dressed her, he went back to the closet and came back with a pair of black sandals, as soft on her feet as slippers. “Perfect. Let’s go eat. Both of us are going to need energy for tonight.”

  They made their way down the stairs again and out to the patio where a candlelit table had been set up.

  Touched, she turned to him with a smile, thrilling at the feel of the soft material moving over her skin with every step. “Nick, this is beautiful.”

  Nick touched his lips to her shoulder, holding her waist when she would have taken her seat in one of the cushioned chairs. “Don’t sit yet, little one. Are you forgetting something?”

  She bit her lip when the chain tugged her nipples again. “How could I forget? Nick, I don’t think I’m going to be able to eat this way.”

  “Why not?” His hands came around to her breasts, unclasping the brief top and laying it aside.

  Julianna leaned back against him, opening to him readily and moaning at the feel of his hands on her breasts. Anything he wanted from her was his for the taking. She’d never felt as though she belonged to anyone the way she did now, and never wanted to lose this feeling.

  “I’m too aroused to eat. I can’t think. Why don’t you take me? Don’t you want me?”

  Nick pressed his cock against her lower back. “Does this feel like I don’t want you? I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. But a quick fuck won’t give either of us what we want tonight, will it? Now be still so I can adjust these.”

  Despite the warm night air, she missed his warmth when he moved away, moaning at another tug on her nipples as he loosened the chain.

  “Sit down, Julianna.”

  Carefully lowering herself into the outdoor sofa, she
bent and grabbed the edge of the table as the plug pressed deeper. “Nick. Oh, God. Please.”

  Nick pressed a hand against her chest. “Sit straight, Julianna. Push your breasts out for me. I want to admire them while I’m having my dinner.”

  Julianna obeyed him without hesitation, so aroused she could barely think. She closed her eyes, gulping in air when he readjusted the chains and tightened them once again. She rubbed against him when he leaned over her to refasten her top, smiling when he chuckled.

  “I believe you’re part cat, darling.”

  It irritated her that he’d covered her breasts again, but she saw the need for it when a man came out wheeling a tray. It was the first time she’d seen anyone else all day.

  Uncomfortable being dressed this way in front of anyone else, she slumped without thinking, hissing at the sharp tug on her tender nipples.

  Nick took the seat next to her. “Sit straight, darling. Julianna, this is Lawrence. He takes care of everything around here and is one of the best chefs in the world. Lawrence, this is Julianna.”

  Julianna exchanged pleasantries with the chef as he set out the food, uncomfortably aware of the tug on her nipples, the plug in her ass, and the skimpiness of her clothing.

  It hadn’t mattered much when she’d been alone with Nick, but with another man present, she found herself leaning closer to Nick.

  The knowing gleam in Nick’s eyes told her he was aware of it, of her growing dependence on him. She slouched again without realizing it, biting her lip to hold back her cry and shooting a look at Lawrence as he finished organizing their food on one large plate he set in front of Nick.

  “If that’ll be all, sir?”

  Nick grinned. “Did everyone else eat yet?”

  Lawrence’s lips twitched. “I’m surprised you didn’t smell it. They had a barbeque a little earlier. They’re just waiting for you to retire for the night before using the pool.”

  Nodding, Nick reached for his glass of wine. “Set up fruit, dessert, and champagne in my suite. I’ll let you know when we’re there, so the men can swim.”

  Lawrence smiled. “They’re very good at their jobs, aren’t they? I’ll bet you haven’t seen them all day, and yet you’ve been protected every minute.”

  Nick smiled again. “I haven’t seen you all day either, and yet all of my needs have been taken care of. Thank you, Lawrence.”

  Julianna waited until Lawrence left before turning to Nick, her eyes scanning the area behind him.

  “All of your needs have been taken care of?”

  Reaching up for the jeweled clasp on her top, he slid a finger inside to release it and set the material at his other side. “Not all of my needs. No one but you can take care of the rest.”

  Bending, he took a nipple into his mouth, tugging on the chain, giving her no choice but to lift her breasts to relieve the pressure on her nipples.

  Nick lifted his head, staring down at her breasts, frowning when she automatically moved to cover them against the breeze blowing over her damp nipples. “Beautiful. No. Put your arms down.”

  Rubbing her thighs together did nothing to relieve the ache. In fact, it moved the plug inside of her, and made it worse.

  “Why?” She scanned the area behind him again, searching the shadows for a glimpse of one of the men. “If they watch us, they’ll see me like this.”

  Nick held her glass to her lips and leaned close. “I’m blocking their view of your breasts. They’re far too professional to stare, and they all know how angry I’d be if I ever found out they did. Now put your arms where I told you so I can feed you.”

  Julianna bristled at that and reached for her fork, dying to dig in to the succulent looking shrimp and pasta dish. Shooting a look at him out of the corner of her eye, she speared a shrimp. “I can feed myself, Nick. I’m not a child and don’t want to be treated like one.”

  He waved his hand toward the table. “Be my guest.”

  She leaned forward, stopping short at the sharp pull to her nipples, and turned to glare at him, clenching her jaw at the small smile that played at his lips. Unperturbed, she inched forward in her seat, a low moan she couldn’t quite contain escaping as it shifted the plug inside her.

  Ignoring Nick’s amusement, she popped the shrimp in her mouth, turning her head to smile at him in triumph as the most amazing flavor burst in her mouth. “See, I can eat by myself.”

  Leaning back, Nick sipped his wine, his eyes glittering in the candlelight. “I can see that. So can the men.”

  Dropping the fork, she covered her breasts with her hands and searched behind him, not seeing anyone. She sat back in her seat, hoping his body hid hers from anyone who might have been watching. “Are you sure? Damn it, Nick. Give me my top.”

  “No.” He sighed and sat forward, setting his glass back on the table. He picked up her glass and held it to her lips. “Have a sip, Julianna. I think you’ll like it.”

  She sipped from the glass, nearly choking when his hand slid to the clasp at her hip and unfastened it.

  Nick pushed it aside, exposing her completely to his gaze. “As soon as we finish eating, I’m taking you to my bedroom and having you for dessert. I’m going to spread you wide and suck on that shiny, red clit until you’re begging to come. My mouth’s already watering for the taste of you.”

  Sitting completely naked, her anus filled and her nipples decorated with beaded rings, Julianna had never felt so womanly, so exposed. To know that even during dinner, he thought about what he would be doing to her later, imagining it in detail, made her feel more desired than ever. She embraced the vulnerability of being so defenseless in the company of a man who seemed to understand her, a strong man in both body and will.

  “You said that I’d beg to come, not that I’d come.”

  Nick offered her another shrimp. “I did, didn’t I?”

  The sharp bite on her nipples reminded her to sit straight again.

  Nick’s lips curved. “Each time you slouch and the rings tug your beautiful nipples, you rub your thighs together. You like the little bite of pain there, whether you want to admit or not. You also like being exposed, but only to Steve and me. Do you have any idea how irresistible you are?”

  Julianna swallowed the forkful of food he’d just fed her, shivering as the warm breeze played havoc with her senses.

  It became almost impossible to do such a mundane thing as chew and swallow while such a maelstrom of sensation raged inside her.

  Her tender nipples beaded impossibly, and she knew the cushion beneath her had become damp with her juices. Irritated with an arousal he seemed to be in no hurry to assuage, she glared at him.

  “Yet you seem to be managing it just fine.”

  His eyes narrowed and darkened. “If we didn’t have an audience, your mouth would already have been fucked. I want to feel those warm lips and velvety tongue on my cock. If the others weren’t here to hear your cries, I would have already had my mouth on your soft pussy.”

  He traced his finger over the underside of her breast, smiling coldly when she shuddered. “You have no idea of the things I want to do to you, am going to do to you, as soon as we get upstairs. Do you know how much it excites me to see you sitting this way with your breasts thrust out to me? You’re going to be trained to sit this way for me always. When your breasts are exposed, I want them thrust out to me, inviting me to touch or taste whenever I want.”

  Julianna moaned when he tapped a nipple, the jolt of heat making her pussy clench and clit sizzle. “Please, Nick. I can’t wait anymore.”

  Nick smiled and ran his hand down to cover her mound. “I’m going to have to teach you patience, little one.” He blew out a breath and stood. “But not tonight. I’m too hungry for you.”

  He helped her into her skirt and brief top again and hurried her back inside the house.

  Julianna’s knees started to give way, and she stopped, turning to press herself against his chest. “Nick, I can’t. Oh, God. The plug keeps moving and the chain

  Gathering her close. Nick kissed the top of her head. “Poor darling. You’ll have to learn to adjust. I’m going to plug your ass often, and I’ve already ordered jewelry for your nipples to be decorated as often as possible. I can hardly wait to see how you respond to the rest of it. We’ll go slower. Come on. I want my dessert.”

  He caressed her breasts through the silky fabric. “And if you come before I get my mouth on your sweet pussy, there will be consequences.”

  With each step, Julianna had to fight to hold back her orgasm. “What rest of it? What consequences? Nick, slower, or I’ll never make it.”

  Just the thought of what else he could do to her had her gripping the railing. Each step moved the plug and tugged on her nipples, while beside her Nick guided her with a hand at her back and watched her with hooded eyes.

  “You have no idea of the things I’m going to do to you. You, my darling, inspire me. Now be careful on the steps. You’re a little shaky.”

  Julianna glared up at him. “No kidding.”

  Nick laughed, the sound of it like warm honey. “You get really grouchy when you’re aroused. It also makes you more defiant.” He tugged at the chains hanging down her back, sending a flare of heat through her, and making her trip on the stairs.

  Nick caught her, holding her until she steadied. “You know, of course, that I thoroughly enjoy overcoming that rebellious nature of yours, don’t you?”

  When his fingers went to the clasp at her hip, she knew what to expect, but it still startled her when he whisked her skirt away.

  Having her breasts still covered, made the nakedness of her bottom even more pronounced, especially with the butt plug inside her and the chains attached to it in the crease of her ass. The light breeze in the air brushed over the moisture on her thighs with every step, making her feel even more exposed.

  By the time they entered his bedroom, she’d become a mass of quivering need, the warning tingles growing stronger with every step.

  At the first look at his room, her jaw dropped, wondering if she’d stepped into a fantasy.

  The light taupe and white made the room feel very crisp and fresh, but decidedly masculine. A table sat to the side, the white tapers glowing and reflecting from the silver platters holding fruit and a variety of sweets.


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