2017 Top Ten Gay Romance

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2017 Top Ten Gay Romance Page 10

by J. M. Snyder

  Looking at the thin lips and the golden red hair on the guy’s arm was not unenjoyable. The guy was cute, geeky cute. He raised the sheet gently and peered down to see the same unruly red hair surrounding a long and thick, even in soft mode, delicious-looking cock. Well, that seemed to confirm the issue; he had sex with the best man at his sister’s wedding.

  Good God! Wasn’t this guy straight? He was the best friend of his new brother-in-law. And a lot of alcohol had been consumed by everyone. Oh shit! This was not going to end well.

  He tried extracting his arm from beneath Andrew, slowly and carefully. Looking around the room, he saw a confused trail of rented tuxes scattered around a hotel room that was not his own. So, Andrew—God, I hope that is his name or I am just a slut not to remember—had brought him back to his hotel room. The trick was to get some clothes pulled together and get out of there without waking the sleeping man beside him. All of the visiting wedding party was situated on the same floor of the hotel. So, possibly running into friends or relatives was going to be problematic. But he had to get of the room for that to be more of a problem.

  He pulled haltingly and slowly and his arm was almost free when Andrew rolled toward him and pulled closer to him almost face to face. Holding his breath, he thought of his next move as he saw Andrew’s eyes flutter and open wide.

  “Good morning.” Andrew smiled and leaned forward and used those beautiful thin lips to give a full-blown buss on the lips. He could feel Andrew’s tongue playing for entry and the heat build between his own legs. His world was spinning out of control and he pulled back to look the redheaded young man beside him square in the face.

  “Hi.” And that was all he could get out of his very dry throat.

  Andrew—if that was indeed his name—wrapped the other arm around him and seemed to settle in for the morning. Seeing there wasn’t any rush on Andrew’s part, he relaxed a bit, enjoying having surprisingly strong arms around him.

  Andrew smiled a sheepish grin, cocked his head to one side, and admitted, “My name is Andrew, by the way. I’m not sure we were ever really introduced.”

  He doesn’t remember my name either. Whew.

  “I’m Ian. Jessie’s brother.”

  “I remembered the brother part,” Andrew said as he smiled a blazing smile and his green eyes sparkled. Lord, he didn’t even look hung over and Ian felt as if the entire Russian Army had trudged through his mouth.

  The phone on the nightstand rang and jarred them both back to the present. They both stared at the phone as it continued to ring. Both men looked at each other.

  “This is your room, Andrew.”

  Andrew reached across him to answer the phone, further pinning Ian to the bed. “Hello? Just waking up, Frank.” Frank was the groom’s father. “Well, what time is it anyway?”

  Andrew reached down and gave Ian a lick behind the ear. He apparently knew that drove Ian to distraction—usually—but knowing Frank was listening killed the arousal factor.

  “I’ve missed breakfast but I can meet you for a late lunch, early dinner. I’m staying local for a few days. I took leave that I had built up. I’m kind of busy right now. Yes, I did say I was just waking up. Come on, Frank, cut me some slack here. I’m busy. Do I have to be more specific?” Andrew gave a throaty and knowing laugh. “Had a good time. Surprised me. What? Having dinner with Jessie’s parents? Sure. Would love to. Six-ish where? Okay, fine. Meet you in the lobby.”

  Andrew put the phone back down but didn’t move off or away from Ian. “Frank is having dinner with your parents. So, call them and get an invitation to join them. We can at least start the evening together as well then.”

  Ian’s head was swimming. “Does Frank have any idea…?”

  “Oh, good God, no! But it is fun to lead him down that path where we are talking about two completely different things. I have practice.”

  “And Stephen?”

  Andrew’s face clouded a bit. “That was harder. We came through it all right and have remained friends. I offered to step down as best man but Stephen said he wanted me here—to be a part of all this.”

  “So, coming out is new?”

  “Depends on what you mean by coming out. I never really thought I was hiding anything. As a kid, I dated girls and fucked a few. Sex was just sex but I always knew I was drawn to guys more. Some may say I am bi, but really, I was more of an exploring homo.”

  “But Stephen didn’t know?”

  “I made a pledge to myself that if anyone ever asked if I was gay I’d be honest. But no one asked much and going into the Marines with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, I couldn’t really be honest. I had sex enough with women that nobody really suspected. What about you?”

  “I was caught sucking the cock of the quarterback in high school, so it became a thing for a while.”

  Andrew’s bushy red eyebrows shot up and he threw back his head and laughed a full and vibrant laugh. “Was it worth it?”

  “Oh, yeah. He was fun. He refused to blame me and said he enjoyed it and I was better than his girlfriend at sucking cock. Didn’t do anything to him at all. Girls wanted to prove they were better. He was still big man on campus; I was the school faggot. I took the GED to get out of there and start college a little early.”

  “I will attest to your skill.”

  “You do what you do best,” Ian said.

  Andrew rolled off Ian and stayed on his side, arm propping his head, and smiling at Ian. “Call your parents or I’m having dinner with Frank for nothing.”

  Ian smiled and reached for the phone. “Hello, Mom. Yes, I’m alive. No. Not in my room yet. Thought I’d check in. Guess I missed breakfast with you guys. Hmm. Okay and lunch, too. So, what about dinner? Ah, with Frank. Can I crash the party? I’ll be good. Who is joining, too? Oh, wasn’t he the best man?” Ian smiled at Andrew who buried his head in the pillow not to laugh out loud. “Oh, sure I can put up with both for dinner. Frank and I had better get used to each other or Christmas is gonna be awkward for him. Okay…seven in the bar. Love you, too.”

  “I liked your parents,” Andrew offered for no reason. “They accepting?”

  “For the most part. Since high school I’ve tried to keep a lower profile. Living in another city also helps. Jessie and I have always been close. Mom says we should have been twins.”

  Andrew got quiet and solemn and then the moment passed. “I’ll be back. Don’t move. I have to pee,” he said as he rolled out of bed and disappeared through the bathroom door. Alone, Ian began looking for his mobile phone through the pockets of the nearest black trousers. They were Andrew’s so Ian went clothing exploring until he came up with the phone. He checked for messages and saw four missed calls from his mother and ten texts from his sister.

  Crawling back into bed, Ian scanned the messages and the first few were “thank you’s” and “love you for being there for me’s.” Then there was the “why aren’t you texting back” ones and a couple that disturbed him. One from her said her honeymoon night was spent in an airport waiting for a flight to take off and another about how she had never seen Stephen so angry before. Ian texted back that his after wedding had been better than hers. He had just hit send when the phone buzzed and vibrated in his hand. Jessie was calling.

  “Why are you calling on your honeymoon?” demanded Ian.

  “How much better than mine was your night?” Jessie giggled.

  “Well, I got laid, I think,” Ian said.

  “You think? How good was it if you can’t remember?”

  “Events are a little fuzzy but the results lying next to me are quite stellar.”

  “When we left, you were organizing the conga line with Andrew—the best man—do you remember that?”

  “I remember the conga line but it’s all fuzzy after that.” Ian narrowed his eyes, trying to remember more.

  “What did you think of the best man?” asked Jessie.

  “I steered clear of Stephen’s side of the church. I figured the less I saw of Frank
the better. Why ask?”

  “He’s Stephen’s best friend and I am sure he will be around a lot. I just couldn’t put my finger on him. I don’t know. I want to like him. I NEED to like him.”

  “All of Stephen’s friends seemed nice. I didn’t see anything exceptional about any of them. None of them yelled ‘get away from me, faggot.’ Oh, right! That was your then future father-in-law last Thanksgiving.” Andrew came in looking concerned and mouthing asking who was on the phone.

  “Look, Jessie, I have to get ready for dinner with the parents and Frank.”

  “He came back into the room, right?” asked Jessie with a laugh. “Was he at the wedding? Oh my God, do I know him?”

  “When have I ever kissed and told?”

  “Damn. You are just no fun. Okay, go have a late afternoon delight and be nice to Frank at dinner.”

  “Is Stephen not there?” Ian was a bit concerned that Jessie seemed alone on her honeymoon.

  “He went out to arrange some touristy things for tomorrow. I stayed in so I could take a long bath and smell nice for the debauchery later.”

  “Oh, spare me the details,” Ian rolled his eyes. He was sure his sister didn’t know what real debauchery was. Looking up at Andrew crawl into bed made him consider exploring the meaning of that word.

  The brother and sister exchanged “I love yous” and Ian put the phone back on vibrate.

  “Anything wrong?” asked Andrew.

  “I guess not,” Ian sighed. “They had a bad flight and Stephen is out arranging things for tomorrow and she is getting all girly girl ready for some debauchery.”

  “Debauchery?” Andrew’s bushy eyebrows shoot up.

  “She has no idea what that word means.”

  “And you do?”

  Ian laughed, “Can I show you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Can you wait while I pee?”

  Andrew looks at Ian’s phone, “Hmmm. We have enough time but let’s do some time management and shower together while we debauch?”

  Ian liked this man’s thinking.

  Chapter 2

  Andrew followed Ian into the bathroom and watched him pee. Ian wasn’t sure he liked that idea, but was glad Andrew seemed interested. He had heard Andrew tell Frank he was going to be here a few days and so was Ian. This trip was shaping up better than last November when Jessie had hosted a joint family Thanksgiving. Stephen’s father was a bigger ass than his son and Ian had thought that impossible.

  Ian looked over at Andrew and saw the appraising looks with gaze darting up, down and around. Ian was glad he had paid attention to diet and exercise as his ass was nicely round and firm, his pecs had a classic flat, square look, and even a few abs stuck out in the proper place. He had made sure he was lightly tanned all over which caused the fine blond/brown body hair to all but disappear. His trimmed bush framed a nicely formed seven inches of cock with a large mushroom head and low hanging balls. Overall, he knew he looked good.

  Giving his cock a last firm shake, Ian turned to face Andrew, and again was struck with how this guy’s unusual nerdy look was striking. He felt his own cock lengthen and become slightly rigid. Andrew smiled, and Ian knew they were going to have sex in the shower very soon.

  Andrew stepped over to stand in front of Ian and wrapped his arms around Ian’s waist. Ian was taken with how tall Andrew was and how powerful he suddenly looked and felt standing there. Andrew had no real bulging muscles but neither was he fat or unfit looking. While no real definition in the model-kind-of-definition sense, Andrew gave off an aura of power and confidence that was attractive and hard to define. Soft, red hair covered his arms and legs with a light coating of hair sprayed across his ass. Ian was sure this air of complete confidence was what Jessie was feeling. Andrew looked like an affable geek but there was an undertone that flowed against that tide.

  Ian leaned forward and kissed Andrew’s coppery nipples, which immediately went hard. Ian also felt Andrew’s cock get hard as it pressed against Ian. Andrew continued to hold on to Ian as he knelt down, taking Ian’s now stiffening member into his mouth. Andrew took all of Ian and plunged into him with a steady movement of lips and tongue as fingers went from waist to balls and ass. Ian took in a deep breath as lips and tongue massaged his cock and fingers cupped his balls in a firm but gentle fashion.

  Andrew picked up the pace as Ian moaned and leaned forward over Andrew’s head and steadied himself on the flat of the Marine’s back. Ian’s climax was coming too soon, and Ian tried to step back and away but Andrew’s silent insistence on staying to task wouldn’t allow for that. Ian laid his head-on Andrew’s back and gave into the hot broiling feeling going on in his balls as they drew up and he released a hot load of cum down Andrew’s throat. Ian gently pumped his hips as Andrew continued to suck and moan, swallowing what seemed to Ian an almost unending cum stream. Both men collapsed to the floor and laid there in a sort of sexual huddle, breathing hard and unable to move.

  Ian heard a raspy, “Good Lord in Heaven, I thought last night was the best sex ever. I want that ass and I want it now.” Ian smiled and could feel him getting harder sooner than expected.

  Ian rolled over on his back and raised his legs up and back as Andrew crawled in between them, leaning forward and kissing Ian, still tasting of Ian’s cum. Andrew drew away and pushed Ian farther over and started to rim Ian’s puckered rose of a hole, getting it wet and ready. Ian rested his legs on Andrew’s shoulders and back as the redhead reached up over Ian to grab the sample bottle of hand lotion from the sink. Andrew held the bottle and Ian opened it. Andrew poured the lotion over his bulging cock and then slathered it on Ian’s hole and opening him up with first one lotioned finger then two. Ian took a deep breath and he spread his legs a little wider to accommodate Andrew’s broad shoulders. Ian wrapped his legs up and around Andrew in anticipation.

  “I don’t have condoms,” was Andrew’s breathless confession.

  Ian looked up and directly into his eyes. “Oh, for God’s sake, just fuck me.”

  Andrew didn’t need any more encouragement and he guided his throbbing member past the rosebud and outer muscle ring and went probing for Ian’s prostate. Ian felt the electric charge go through him at penetration, and both men settled into a rhythm. Ian encouraged Andrew to go faster, deeper and harder by using his legs to pull Andrew closer. Ian opened his eyes and saw Andrew looking down and grinning as they rocked together in passion. Andrew kissed Ian gently at first and pressed harder as the pace of the fucking increased.

  Ian broke the kiss so he could take in some deep breaths. The pounding his ass was taking took him to what felt like the outer reaches of the atmosphere. His head swam as the hot flush of sex spread through his body. Somewhere in the back of Ian’s mind was the awareness of the hard floor and the sound of flesh slamming into flesh. Grabbing his own cock and stroking it in time with Andrew’s hips set off fireworks in Ian’s head. He could feel his own peak coming fast and his delighted moan only intensified the beat of the heat.

  “I’m going to cum,” breathed Ian into Andrew’s ear.

  “Go for it, baby. I’m right there with you.”

  Hot cum covered Ian’s chest and Andrew’s stomach as Ian collapsed and felt Andrew release inside him with one final and dramatic push into him. Andrew fell onto Ian’s chest with a satisfied sigh, “You have to promise me something before I let you up from here.”

  “At this point you can have any promise out of me you want,” Ian played with Andrew’s unruly hair.

  “I need you to promise we can spend the rest of my leave together.”

  Ian looked up into the earnest almost pleading look in Andrew’s eyes, “I’m here as long as you want.” Andrew smiled and rested his head on Ian’s chest. “But if we are going to have dinner as we promised others, I think I better get dressed and cleaned up in my own room.”

  “You don’t want to shower with me?” asked Andrew sheepishly.

  “I think if I showered with you we’d neve
r the leave the shower.” With that, Ian heaved the young Marine off him and Ian rolled to a crouch then pushed the rest of the way up, stretching the kinks out of his back from being on the bathroom floor.

  Andrew reluctantly stepped into the glass-enclosed shower. Ian went into the bedroom and matched his clothes among the clutter they had created when they stripped down the night before. Ian was pulling on socks when Andrew came out of the bathroom drying off, standing in front of Ian teasingly naked and semi-hard.

  “If you find a pair of underwear that’s not yours, they’re mine. I can’t seem to find them here right now and I need to hurry if I am to be pulled together for Mom, Dad, and Frank,” Ian pushed his feet into shoes and zipped his pants. Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror told him that anyone seeing him now would most certainly know he’d been engaged in Olympic-style sex. There was just that look of satisfaction on his face coupled with the tell-tale signs of creased and haplessly folded clothing. He just hoped he didn’t run into family or friends or Frank in the hall. Kissing Andrew good bye took a few minutes more than he anticipated, and he found himself in the hallway where a maid took one look at him and smiled.

  “I left clean towels in your room. The bed was already made.” Ian smiled and handed her a ten-dollar bill and put his finger to his lips in a shush motion. The maid nodded and continued on her way.

  Ian reached his door and slipped in and found the fluffy new towels. A quick shower and brushing of the teeth, a quick pass of the comb, and he was ready for Frank or anybody. He hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. Happy. That was the feeling. Happy. Lighter than air. Soaring above the clouds and that feeling of absolute freedom. Happy. He was happy and Andrew was the reason. Considering the mirror, he frowned just a bit. Should he be happy like this? Was this leading anywhere? Ian let out a sigh and was determined not to over think this right now. Be happy for now and enjoy the feeling. It hadn’t come often in Ian’s life and not always around relationships.


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