Intense Pleasure

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Intense Pleasure Page 11

by Lora Leigh

  That was it. That burn. That lash of pain mixing with the pleasure was what she was so desperate for. The wild, carnal mix of agony and ecstasy defied description.

  She didn’t stop with that first strike of fiery sensation though. Rocking her hips, bearing down as his hips thrust between her thighs, a shattered wail of blazing pleasure escaped her when his full length lodged inside her, buried to the hilt, thick and throbbing in the tender channel.

  Desperate lust consumed her as her body slowly adjusted to the penetration, her muscles flexing and rippling around his cock.

  Hard hands clamped on her hips when she tried to move on him though, holding her still, keeping her in place.

  “Just a minute, baby,” Falcon groaned.

  A minute? She needed …

  She froze.

  Raeg moved in behind her, one hand parting her cheeks, his heavily lubricated fingers finding her rear entrance.

  Waiting, breathless, uncertain what to expect, she wasn’t prepared for what came. The slow, measured invasion of his fingers inside the nerve-laden channel seared her senses, burned through them like wildfire.

  Each additional finger, each stretching stroke sent shuddered tearing through her as she jerked in Falcon’s hold, crying out their names, lost in the extremity of each sensation erupting through her mind.

  “Fuck, Belle, you’re going to destroy our minds,” Falcon groaned as Raeg moved behind her again, his fingers easing from the grip of her body. “Sweet baby…”

  His arms wrapped around her, pinning her to him, holding her in place as she felt the head of Raeg’s cock press against the tight entrance he’d prepared so carefully.

  Her nails bit into Falcon’s shoulders as she fought to breathe. The steady, firm push past resistant tissue sent waves of ecstatic pain ripping through her senses, dragging her to that edge of carnal intensity she hadn’t known she needed, hungered for. The determined penetration of her rear, the slow filling of the heated depths, tightened the muscles further around Falcon’s cock by steady degrees. When the broad length pierced that heavy, ultratight ring of muscles and buried in her rear to the hilt, Summer screamed with the hot mix of sensation exploding through her body.

  She could feel every inch of their iron-hard erections filling her, throbbing inside her. She was stretched around them so tight, the erotic grip she had on their cocks, the milking ripples of each channel stroking along the heavily veined shafts and destroying any illusion she’d had of surviving it when they left. It was wicked, forbidden. It was everything she’d ever hungered for.

  Then they began moving. Practiced years of sharing their women, perfecting their ability to work the female body and give the maximum amount of sensation was apparent. It was destructive. Each coordinated thrust, each retreat and return stroked inside her with heated friction and violent pleasure mixed with the sharp, electrifying jolts of erotic pain.

  Her nails dug into Falcon’s shoulders as she fought to find something to hold onto. Harsh male groans, muttered exclamations of their pleasure, blended in with her own ragged cries, her own pleas for mercy, her own pleas for more.

  The heavy thrusts inside her were tearing her senses apart, invading her mind deeper than they were invading her body, and she had no idea if she could survive it. The sensations were almost terrifying, the spiraling waves of ecstasy and agony tore her from any preconceived idea of what being taken by them would be.

  Each impalement, gaining in speed, in friction, caused her muscles to tighten, the spiraling storm growing inside her, whipping through her, over her, tearing past any hope of control …

  The shattering, violent explosions of ecstasy sent her hurtling into orgasm. They ripped through her body, causing her to jerk in their embrace, to cry out in desperation and a sense of foreboding certainty.

  Each hard punch of sensation burrowed past any defenses she might have had against the two men possessing her, taking her. A subconscious knowledge became conscious, a certainty that she would never the same again, terrifying her. She loved them. They owned a part of her, they always had, she realized. Without her knowledge, without any effort on their part, they had already stolen a part of her soul that she’d never be able to recover.

  A part she’d never be whole without when they left.

  Collapsing against Falcon’s chest, wasted, satiated, Summer drifted on those currents of realization, letting them have her, refusing to fight them. She’d made the decision to take what she ached for. Despite Raeg’s anger, Falcon’s secrets, and her own fears, she didn’t fight the realizations that came on the heels of the most explosive pleasure she could ever imagine experiencing.

  A pleasure that could become addictive.

  What then when they were gone? Would memories alone be enough?

  She feared nothing would be enough once that happened.



  The next day, Raeg had to escape the maddening atmosphere of the Calhoun house long before Summer was ready to leave. The woman was driving him crazy, and her daddy was just pissing him off.

  The son of a bitch just couldn’t shut up about the men who were sometimes present for Sunday dinner, and how her momma had to refuse several requests from others to join them for Sunday dinner.

  Her gentleman callers—Cal had called them that again that morning—were pressing her parents as well as her brothers for invitations to breakfast, dinner, or just a fucking visit?

  Summer had gentlemen callers while she was home? And Summer spent the better part of the year home, Raeg told himself later that day.

  According to her father, some mornings there could be up to three socially acceptable men from the area who would be at Sunday breakfast to charm Summer.

  Damn her.

  No wonder she spent so much damned time in Georgia.

  And who the hell was this woman who bowed down to her family, fetched and carried for her father, and actually hand-washed dishes in a kitchen because that was how her momma liked them washed. Her momma had enough money to line the damned state in dishwashers, yet she refused to have one in her own house.

  Come to think of it, there wasn’t one in Summer’s house either. He’d be damned if he was handwashing dishes just because he decided to dirty something. He knew what dishwashers were made for, and he damned well knew how to use one.

  When he’d finally had enough of the stranger that was Summer, he’d escaped. He simply couldn’t handle watching her father order her here and there every five or ten minutes. Raeg had finally had to excuse himself and leave the porch with its overhead fans and stifling heat to head back to Summer’s house. Otherwise, he was going to end up telling the old bastard exactly what he thought of him.

  Somehow, between the acre or so that separated the two houses, he’d wandered from the sidewalk leading through a long line of tall, heavily limbed weeping willows.

  Centuries old, their branches hanging thick and heavy to the ground and intermingling from tree to tree, they created a perfect canopy, almost an umbrella effect that completely hid the clearings beneath them.

  The living boundary was an exceptional privacy screen and the perfect hiding place for an enemy. With that in mind, he’d stepped beneath a few of them, just to see what he was dealing with, and found the cool, sheltered areas of comfort they held.

  The whole damned farm was a security nightmare, and her family would drive a man to drink. Brothers, sister, mother, and a father who not only treated his daughter like a maid but who saw and knew far more than he should.

  Lingering beneath the thick curtain of limbs of one of the trees, Raeg fully admitted he might well be hiding from the crazy people Summer called her family.

  Relaxed back on the wide, padded swing, he could understand Falcon’s fascination with the shorter, narrower swing on the Calhoun’s front porch.

  This one was actually long enough to stretch back and nap on if a man wanted to and just wide enough for company if he had Summer’s body stretched out ben
eath him.

  Summer’s body.

  He throttled a groan.

  All he could think about was fucking her when she was in residence at the Hampstead estate. Luckily, Falcon was rarely there at the same time she visited during those times. That was the only reason he’d held out until now.

  Now, they’d already had her though, burned in her sweet heart, and he found he only craved more of her. Hell, he couldn’t get enough.

  He was so damned hard, so hungry for her, it was all he could do to keep his hands off her. Not that Falcon bothered to restrain his need to touch her. His brother never had. He was always pulling her into an embrace, sliding his arm around her, or holding her hand if they were moving in the same direction.

  Like some fucking teenager with his first love.

  When Raeg had refused his suggestion they wake her that morning, Falcon had flashed that cocky grin of his and gone to her bedroom alone. And like a fool, Raeg had stood at the bedroom doorway, dying as he watched his brother send her screaming into orgasm as Raeg held her gaze.

  Had he been smart enough to join them then? Well, hell no he hadn’t. He’d retreated to the shower and jacked off instead, determined to maintain as much distance as possible.

  Now, all he could think about was fucking her again. But hell, that was all he’d thought about for years where Summer was concerned. He and Falcon both had lusted after her with a strength that terrified Raeg.

  He was still shocked by the fact that his brother had insisted on not taking her to his bed alone for so many years. Falcon kept claiming she was a woman worth relishing, and she could never be relished properly by him alone. Taking her alone would only be an appetizer to the real thing, not the satisfaction he craved, the other man had stated.

  If Falcon had just taken her when they’d first met her and gotten his hunger for her out of his system, then he’d have gone onto the next conquest and everything would have been fine.

  In the past two years Falcon had hungered only for Summer instead. The time that his need could have been exorcised was long past, and Raeg knew that his hunger for her may have grown to the point that it was now an addiction as well.

  She affected him on a level he couldn’t quite make sense of, he admitted.

  Damn, he needed a drink. Maybe a cigarette as well.

  Not that he smoked. He never had, other than the occasional cigar with the senator. At this point though, he was willing to give a cigarette a try.

  At that thought, the heavily leafed natural shield parted and he decided he was facing defeat in its ultimate form. He’d resisted taking her earlier, he might not be able to resist it now. Not here, wrapped in the surprisingly intimate embrace of the trees’ weeping limbs.

  “Daddy hides under here too sometimes.” Summer sauntered across the short clearing, her hands clasped behind her back, the soft material of the white and pale cream sundress with its row of buttons down the front making her look so delicate and fragile he had no idea how she’d survived that bullet slamming into her shoulder.

  “Falcon finds this, and you’ll never pull him out of it,” he told her, attempting a grin as she reach the swing and slid onto the cushioned seat beside him.

  “Yes, he would love this,” she agreed softly. “He’s with Daddy right now. They’re checking the gator traps along the pasture behind the house. Daddy lost one of his calves last month and he’s certain a gator got it.”

  Her hair was loose from its ponytail, falling around her shoulders and down along her back.

  Tempting his fingers.

  “They have a lot of problems with alligators here then?” he asked, giving into temptation and capturing a silky curl to caress between his fingers.

  The feel of it, the soft living warmth of it just made him ache to touch her more.


  Hell, he was dying to touch her again.

  “Not a lot,” she answered, gripping the edge of the swing and staring down at the ground for long moments as Raeg kept the gentle sway in motion.

  “Everything okay?” Damn her. She was so beautiful, so fucking sensual it was killing him.

  She exhaled heavily before turning her head to stare back at him with violet eyes that were softer, deeper than he’d ever seen them.

  “I’m really sorry, Raeg,” she said softly. “I know Daddy’s nosiness bothers you. And I know you don’t understand things.” A frown marred her brow. “I’m just sorry I guess.”

  And now she was apologizing for her father? Son of a bitch …

  “It’s not his nosiness that bothers me,” he growled, furious all over again. “It’s the way you jump to play maid to him that’s bothering me. ‘Get me this, get me that.’ ‘How high, Daddy?’” he mocked her, knowing, even as the words came from his lips, that he was being an utter ass and hating himself for it.

  Hurt flashed in her eyes, and this time, it wasn’t a superficial twinge of her little feelings. This time, the hurt went deep, as did the disbelief. But hell, after yesterday, she could actually be surprised by his stupidity?

  “Were you raised by wolves?” she snapped, her voice low, disbelief and pain filling it. “That’s my daddy! Yesterday’s ignorance was bad enough Raeg, but this too? You’d berate me for doin’ for him?” she exclaimed angrily, her violet eyes sparking furiously. “Each busted knee, bum shoulder, knife, and bullet scar. And he’d still stand between me and Dragovich if it meant I wouldn’t have suffered that bullet in my shoulder.” The anger sparking in her eyes had the power to amaze him. “And how dare you even think you can share an opinion on my relationship with my daddy.”

  The drawl was subtle, softer, sweeter than the exaggerated sound of it she’d used for as long as he’d known her.

  “Your daddy,” he snorted. “Who are you here, Summer? This isn’t you…”

  Or was it? He’d known there was more to her, hated the fact that she hid it from him. But was this soft, family-devoted woman really the one she’d been keeping tucked away from the world?

  “No, Raeg. The woman you knew? The one who could take the life of a traitor she believed was her friend.” Her voice broke before she got control of it and went on. “Is that who you believe I am? Nothin’ but a killer?” she demanded furiously.

  Staring back at her, the need to harden himself, to protect both of them, to ensure she didn’t get too close, that she didn’t attract the notice of a monster, rushed to the forefront of his mind.

  “An effective one,” he snarled, and he knew better.

  Something dark and bitter and filled with pain shadowed her eyes and had them suddenly gleaming with moisture.

  She came off the swing with a surge of speed, almost too fast for him to catch her.

  It was the tears. God help him, he couldn’t keep doing this to both of them.

  “Summer, wait.” He grabbed her arm, pulling her back as she tried to jerk from his grip. “I’m sorry…” Horror filled him. “Oh God no. Baby. No tears…”

  He couldn’t stand it. No matter how fiery their arguments in the past or how filled with outrage, he’d never made her cry.

  She was in his arms when he tried to pull her back. Turning her, he had her over his lap, his head lowering, her trembling lips parting beneath his kiss on a gasp. She stilled in his hold.

  Raeg groaned.

  The hunger he’d fought that morning, that he’d fought far too many years was free and now he had no idea how to pull it back. And he hadn’t had enough of her yet, not enough that he could control the vicious, brutal surge of emotion and hunger that tore through him, and left him helpless against it.

  * * *

  What was she doing?

  The thought was distant, too far away to really affect the instantaneous effect of Raeg’s kiss to her senses. His lips slanted over hers, his tongue finding hers and, with devastating eroticism, just licking against it.

  Her arms slid to his shoulders, then to his neck, her fingers sliding into his hair to clench the shortened strands.
br />   She’d dreamed of this, of his kiss, but she’d had no idea of the pleasure until the other night, and now she found she ached for it. It was incredible. It was hot and sensual, and the feel of him holding her, bending her back to the covered mattress of the swing bed, and coming over her was …

  Oh God …

  He settled between her thighs, the thick, hard ridge of his erection riding between her thighs, exciting her clit more than it was already, sending moisture flooding the inner recesses of her sex.

  Swollen breasts and hard nipples pressed into his chest, and despite the clothes separating them, the friction was exquisite. And oh so good.

  Falcon had taken her hours ago, but Raeg hadn’t. He’d watched, his gaze hot and dark with his need to join them, but he’d only watched, only hungered. And he’d left her missing him.

  She tilted her hips into him, her thighs clenching on his hips, whimpering cries leaving her lips as one broad hand clenched her hip, the other sliding up her side to cup the curve of her breast. His thumb brushed over the distended peak of her nipple and the surge of sensation that tore from the sensitive tip to her clit was almost orgasmic.


  She wanted more than “almost.” She wanted the dark edge of coming ecstasy to completely overtake her, to fill every particle of her and leave her sated once again. Maybe, if she were lucky, her fascination for him and his brother and their drugging kisses would go away then.

  Something had to make it go away before she completely lost herself in it, because she knew there was no future in it. If she hadn’t known it before, she knew it now. Knew it, and still she was helpless, mesmerized by his lips on hers, his tongue stroking against hers, his hips moving between her thighs, pushing her so close to that edge …

  “Summer, dammit, Daddy’s coming…” Aunjenue hissed from outside the shield of the tree. “Hurry…”

  Raeg jumped from her as though someone had struck a fire to his ass. Before Aunjenue’s warning finished, he was standing several feet from her while she struggled to sit up, to bring some order to her clothing, her hair.


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