Thankful For My FAKE Girlfriend

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Thankful For My FAKE Girlfriend Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  “You checked the messages on your work computer this morning.”

  “You’re looking at my messages?” I ask, outraged but also secretly pleased.

  He seems annoyed by my dating profile and there can only be one reason for that. He’s jealous. If he’s checking my computer history then I must have been right and he does know when I apply to other jobs. That means he doesn’t want me to leave either.

  “Are you jealous?”

  “Of course not!” He answers quickly but he’s back to fidgeting in his office chair.

  “Why don’t you just tell them I had other plans and go by yourself.”

  “Have you met my mother? She’s not going to let it go. I’ll get asked a million questions about you and us and our relationship and if she doesn’t see us together at Thanksgiving, she’ll set up another dinner for you to come too. It will just be easier to get this over with now and then have a break.”

  I weigh his words, knowing he’s right.

  “Besides, it’s not like you have other plans… right?”

  I meet his eyes, staring him down for a second before I give in.

  “No, I don’t have other plans. Fine, Thanksgiving with your parents but I get a raise and an extra week of vacation over Christmas.”

  “An extra two days over Christmas and a two percent raise.”

  “Three percent raise and five days.”

  “Two and a half percent and three days.”

  “Deal,” I say, thrusting out my hand.

  Derek eyes me warily before he grips my hand, giving me a firm shake. I grin at him and he gives me a reluctant smile back.

  “We’re leaving at nine am. I’ll drive but we’re going to have to stay most of the day.”

  “Okay, what are we bringing?”

  “Uh, just ourselves.”

  “You didn’t offer to bring anything?!”

  “She didn’t say that we had to!”

  “Derek…” I sigh. “I’ll call her back. We’ll bring dessert or something to drink at least.”

  I shake my head as I stride out of the office and sit behind my desk, dialing Mrs. R. I look up at Derek and see he’s already watching me with a strange look on his face. I wonder what my face looks like. I’m not sure how to feel about any of this yet. My feelings are too close to the surface and I suspect that this Thanksgiving is going to change our relationship one way or another.

  I just need to protect myself. If I can keep reminding myself that this is all just pretend, then I should be safe. I’m not actually Derek’s girlfriend, we’re not actually seeing each other, this is just to help him out with his mother. I keep repeating that to myself over and over again as I listen to the phone ring. Finally, Mrs. R answers and I put on my most cheerful voice as I greet her.

  “Hey, Mrs. R! I was just calling to see what Derek and I could bring for Thanksgiving.”

  “Annie! Oh, I was so happy that Derek finally admitted that you two were seeing each other. I always knew that there was something between the two of you. I just wish that you had told me sooner.”

  I panic. Derek and I should have talked about what we were going to tell everyone but now I guess I’ll have to just wing it.

  “Sorry, Mrs. R. We wanted to make sure that this was real before we started telling everyone.”

  “I understand, honey. It’s complicated since you guys work together but I knew that Derek liked you the first month. I mean no other assistant lasted past two weeks except you. I knew it had to be something. Although you are the best assistant.”

  “Aw, thanks Mrs. R. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving. It’s been too long since I saw you and the family.”

  “We’re all looking forward to it too.”

  “So, what can we bring?”

  “Maybe a bottle of wine? Or something else to drink?”

  “Of course! Let me know if there’s anything else.”

  “I will, honey. We’ll see you on Thursday.”

  “See you then!”

  I hang up and finish writing a note to myself to pick up a couple of bottles of wine. I think we’re going to need it.

  Chapter Four


  I’m strangely relaxed as Annie and I drive up to my parent’s house. Usually, the idea of spending the day with my family would have me anxious, ready to escape their meddling but with Annie next to me, I feel safer. I know that Annie will be able to act as a buffer between me and my mother’s matchmaking but it’s more than that and I know it.

  I look over to see Annie rearranging the bottles of wine on her lap. She left work early last night to pick them up, along with some pumpkin spice cupcakes that are currently in the back seat. She made me stop this morning after I picked her up to grab a bouquet of flowers for my Mom. It’s sitting beside the cupcakes in the back.

  Annie dressed up today, wearing a cranberry red sweater dress and some matching red heels. Her brown hair is brushed to one side and braided over her shoulder and a silver barrette is at her temple, holding back her bangs. She’s got something on her eyes that makes them look darker, the brown richer. Her lips are painted a deep red, almost as red as her dress and I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes off of them.

  I dressed more casually today in a cream knitted sweater and dark wash jeans and I can’t help but notice that we look good together. My light brown hair is short and there isn’t much I can do to style it but I put some gel in it so that it lays flat. My hands twist on the steering wheel as we pull off the highway and get closer to my parent’s house.

  “We should figure out our story,” Annie says.

  “What story?”

  “What we’re going to tell people. I already told your Mom that we had been together for a couple of months and that we were just waiting to tell people.”

  She’s right. I know that my family will have a million questions about us and our relationship and we should have our story down straight.

  “Okay, so we’ve been dating for… six months?”

  Annie nods at me, turning in her seat to face me.

  “Who asked who out first?” She asks.

  “I asked you. It was late after work and we had just gotten a big account at work. I took you out to celebrate and it turned into something more.”

  “Where was our first date? Not the celebratory dinner but the one after that?”

  “Um… another dinner?”

  “Really, Derek? Do you have no imagination?”

  I smile at her teasing. “Well, what would you suggest?”

  “How about a picnic in the park? Or maybe a concert?”

  “My family is going to know that we’re lying if we say that I took you on a picnic or that we went to a concert. They know that I don’t do that kind of stuff.”

  “Well maybe your love for me would convince you to be more romantic and step outside your comfort zone?”

  I shoot her a look before I focus back on the road but if I’m honest, I can see me doing both of those things with Annie. I would sit through any concert or picnic for her if she asked me to.

  “Okay, okay,” Annie says with a laugh and I wait as she stares up at the sky for a minute.

  “How about we say that I cooked for you and we watched a movie at my place. You fell asleep on the couch and we went out to breakfast the next morning.”

  “Okay, first date, business dinner, second date, dinner and movie at your place. After that can we just say more dinners out or at one of our places?”

  “God, we sound boring,” Annie says with a dramatic sigh and I smile.

  I like the sound of that we a little too much and I try to focus on the rest of our backstory.

  “Okay that will work and you bring me breakfast and stuff to work sometimes. We’ve also gone on romantic strolls together and –”

  She cuts off, laughing at the look on my face.

  “No one is going to believe that we’re a couple if you aren’t willing to make some sacrifices for me!”

s that all it takes to be in a relationship?” I ask, genuinely curious.

  “Sure… I mean, I guess? I’ve never actually dated anyone before. I think-”

  “You’ve never been out on a date before? Is that why you’re on that dating site?”

  “What is with you and the dating site?”

  “Just curious,” I say.

  “Yeah, I mean I guess I’m just tired of being by myself and doing nothing but work all of the time. Don’t you ever want someone to be with? A real girlfriend?”

  “I… I don’t know. What do I have to do to have a real relationship?”

  “I think that you just have to be willing to compromise, you know? To put the other person and what they want or need first sometimes. I think that would be easy if you really cared about the person that you’re with. You would want to make them happy, to see them smile, right?”

  “Yeah,” I say softly.

  My hands tighten on the steering wheel as I think about everything that Annie just said. My chest feels funny and I know it’s because I can picture it. I can easily see a relationship just like that, with Annie. Annie never asks for anything but I know that if she did, I wouldn’t hesitate to give it to her. I live to see her smiling at me, to see the laughter in her eyes. Maybe I’m not as much of a commitment-phobe as I thought. At least not with Annie.

  We’ve had some business lunches but they were strictly business. I wonder if something really would have happened between us if I had taken her out to celebrate one night. I know that she more than deserves it but I was always too afraid of crossing that line and messing things up. I can’t lose her.

  What is this going to do to our relationship though? I mean we’re going to have to act all lovey-dovey with each other. Can I really pretend she’s my girlfriend today and then go back to work tomorrow like nothing’s changed? And what happens when my parents ask if we’re still together in a couple of weeks? How long will Annie be willing to pretend with me? She’s already looking for a boyfriend on that ridiculous dating site. How long will she be happy being my fake girlfriend?

  I guess the question now is, how long will I be happy with her just being my fake girlfriend. Maybe we could be a real couple. I mean we both work so much we would see each other all the time at the office. I could take her out to dinner once or twice a week and maybe we could catch a movie or whatever people do on dates.

  I peek over at Annie as I pull into my parents’ driveway and a smile tugs at my lips. I guess we’ll see after today.

  Chapter Five


  My heart is beating out of my chest as we pull up outside his parents' home. I’ve been to Derek’s penthouse in the city tons of times, always to drop off paperwork and that one time when he had the flu and I brought him over some soup and Gatorade.

  I know his parents moved out here after his dad retired about five years ago and I’m not sure what I was expecting but the modest ranch-style house on top of the hill wasn’t it. Derek turns into the long drive and I lean forward trying to take it all in. The grass is starting to wilt in the cold weather and there are trees and bushes along the edges of the property. Derek parks the car in the front, and I look over towards the front door, watching the curtains fall back into place. I laugh at that and look over to see Derek rolling his eyes.

  We get out of the car and I grab the wine while Derek grabs the cupcakes and flowers from the back. We walk up the short path and I take in the holiday decorations by the front door and in the garden. At the last second, I remember that Derek and I are supposed to be a couple and we should probably be showing some PDA so I reach over with my free hand and tuck my fingers into the crook of his arm before we can get to the porch. Derek starts at the contact, looking down at me with wide eyes. I widen my eyes back at him and he looks down cautiously at where my hand rests in the crook of his arm before he straightens back up and leads me inside.

  “Mom! We’re here.”

  His family descends on us then and I smile, trying to keep everyone straight as we go through the introductions. I’ve met his Mom and Dad and his sister, Rachel, before but the aunts and uncles are all new. Derek hands his Mom the flowers and I watch her face light up before she turns to me with a knowing look. I just smile back at her innocently and she motions for me to follow after her.

  We walk down a short hallway and into the kitchen and I set the wine on the counter before I turn. Mrs. Reid launches herself at me, wrapping me up in a bear hug. It catches me off guard at first but her happiness is infectious and soon I’m laughing as I hug her back.

  “I’m so glad you two finally figured out this thing between you. Oh, and thank you for the flowers,” she says with a wink before she turns and heads over to the stove.

  I lean against the counter as the door behind me opens and a harried-looking Derek rushes in.

  “There you are,” he mumbles.

  “You found me, honey!” I say and I watch as Derek gives me a dry look.

  Oh, you don’t like that pet name? I’ll just have to try some others, my eyes shoot back.

  He looks wary at that and I can’t stop from teasing him. I try to think of the worst pet name I can as I hold my hand out to him.

  “Did you need something, babycakes?”

  “Babycakes?” He mouths at me, looking outraged.

  I force back a laugh, covering my mouth and pretending to cough as Derek steps up next to me. I peek up at him and see him fighting his own smile as he looks down his nose at me. I wrap my arm around his waist and lean into him, resting my head against his chest. Derek stiffens at first before he leans into me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He’s going to need to get better at this whole lovey-dovey stuff if he wants us to pull this off.

  “So, how long have you two been together?” Rachel asks as she walks in, her baby boy on her hip.

  “Six months,” Derek and I say unison.

  “I knew you liked her. I could tell as soon as she first started working for you,” his sister says, walking over to put the baby in a highchair set up in the corner.

  “Aw, is that true, pumpkin?”

  Derek rolls his eyes at the pumpkin endearment, daring me with his eyes to do better.

  “Of course, it is, princess. How could anyone not like you?”

  I smile up at him lovingly but my eyes mock him greatly for the boring princess moniker.

  “Took you long enough to admit it,” his sister mumbles under her breath. “Oh, Aaron said he should be here by four pm,” she says, talking about her husband. He must have had to work today. Their mother nods, stirring something in a pot on the stove before she fixes her gaze on Derek and me.

  “Where did he take you on your first date?” She asks me.

  “Well, technically the first date was a business dinner. We’d just scored that big McCannin account and we went out to dinner afterward to celebrate. I don’t know there was just something about her then, seeing her sitting across from me, and I just knew.”

  His Mom and sister both eat the story up, but my stomach starts to cramp. I thought I could do this but it’s too much temptation. Why can’t Derek really feel that way about me? My smile feels brittle at the edges and I excuse myself and head for the hallway. I get stopped by some of Derek’s aunts and uncles on the way but, eventually, I find the bathroom and lock myself inside.

  I lean back against the door, closing my eyes and I try to sort through my emotions. I want this to be real. I want to go home with Derek on holidays or family dinners. I want to be able to wrap my arms around him and call him stupid nicknames. I want to laugh and joke with him and I want to go out on those dates that we’re supposed to have already had. Tears prick my eyes as I think about going back to the office on Monday and having to pretend like none of this happened.

  A knock sounds on the door and I suck in a breath, wiping at my cheeks as I stammer out, “Be right out!”

  “Annie, it’s me. Open the door.”

  I check myself in the mirro
r seeing that my eyes are only a little red before I take a deep breath and pull the door open. Derek rushes in, slamming the door closed behind him and locking it before he turns back to me. His eyes scan my face before he reaches out and tugs me into a hug.

  “What are you doing?” I mumble into his chest.

  “Why are you crying in here?”

  “How did you know I was crying?”

  “You’re eyes always get pink around the rims when you’re sad and you get this line right here.” He says, tapping on the left side of my lip.


  I’m surprised Derek has noticed so much about me. I’ve only cried in front of him twice and I stepped out of the office and into the bathroom right away both times.

  “Why are you upset? Did someone say something to you?”

  “No… I just got a little homesick seeing you with your family today,” I lie.

  Derek frowns, looking guilty before he wraps his arms tighter around me.

  “You can have an extra week off for Christmas,” he whispers into my hair.

  “It’s okay, Derek. I’m fine now.”

  He doesn’t let go of me. Instead, his hands start to rub up and down along me back. I lean into him more, enjoying him comforting me.

  “We should get back out there,” I say after another minute.

  I don’t want to let him go but I know holding onto him will only hurt me more in the end. Derek seems reluctant to let me go too, his hands resting on my hips as we stand in the small bathroom.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “Good. I don’t like you being sad.”

  “Thanks, Derek,” I say, letting my hands drop down to my sides. It feels too good to hold onto him.

  “We should go. Your family is going to think that we’re having sex in here,” I try to joke.

  I step past him, reaching out for the doorknob when suddenly, Derek grabs me and spins me around, pushing me up against the door. His hands tangle in my hair and I gasp right before his lips land on mine. He takes the opening, slipping hit tongue into my mouth and kissing me like he’s been starved for me. I moan, my hands gripping his arms and holding him to me.


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