Blood Rush

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Blood Rush Page 2

by Jenika Snow

  Kayla had been thinking about their last visit ever since it happened. She knew that even though he might not feel the same way for her, she would take what she could get. She wanted him in her life no matter what, and that’s why she had come to the conclusion that she would bury her feelings and reach out to him again. She took a deep breath, walked over to the table, picked up her phone, and dialed the club.

  “The Night Phlox, how may I be of assistance?”

  Kayla swallowed and almost hit the “end” button, but took a deep breath and spoke. “Yes, may I be connected to Adrik Draykavich?”

  “Please hold.”

  The line switched to some elevator music, and Kayla could feel her heart beating wildly.


  Kayla swallowed when Adrik’s baritone voice came through the line. “Adrik? Hi, it’s Kayla.” He didn’t speak, and she pulled the phone back, thinking the line had gone dead. “Hello, you there?”

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m just surprised to hear your voice.”

  She smiled and sat down, glad that pleasure laced his voice. “I wanted to apologize for how I acted the last time we spoke. I wanted to ask if you wanted to do lunch today.” There was a long stretch of silence, and she closed her eyes as embarrassment coursed through her. Just as she was about to tell him to forget about it, he spoke.

  “How about dinner?”

  She raised her eyebrows, not being able to stop the way her body grew warm and excited. Aside from their short visit, it had been so long since she had seen him, since they had really gotten to talk. She smiled. “Sure, when and where?”

  “How about I’ll pick you up at sunset tonight?”

  Sunset? That was a strange way to name a time, but she just shrugged. He was from Russia, after all, and she remembered all those years ago the odd things he sometimes said. “Okay.”

  “I’ll see you then, Kayla.”

  She closed her eyes as he said her name. His voice was so deep, a light accent lacing it and making her toes curl. She hung up the phone and leaned back in the chair. Kayla smiled as she thought about seeing him. She just needed to make sure her emotions didn’t get the best of her, but after talking to him, she knew that was going to be easier said than done.

  Adrik hung up the phone and lay back in bed. He stared at the ceiling then closed his eyes. Kayla’s voice washed through him and caused pleasure to fill his body. He shouldn’t even be seeing her. He should just keep his distance. It would be best for everyone, but there was a selfish part inside of him that didn’t want to live a life without her.

  It had been hell for him staying away from her for all those years. He had kept to the proverbial shadows, watching over her, yet never letting her know he was there. She had been only ten minutes from him, yet he had managed to stay away for years. It had been hell.

  It wasn’t just because her brother had threatened him, it was because of what he was, a Blood Breed, a vampire. It was also because of what she was, although she had no idea of her family history. It was best for her not to get involved with him.

  He placed his hand over his heart, the steady beat of the organ reminding him that he was still alive even though he felt dead inside without her. What he wouldn’t give to see her right now, but the fact that the sun blazed in the sky restricted him from doing so.

  He willed himself to at least try to get some rest. It was hard, though, his mind instantly conjuring up Kayla and driving him wild. He often lay in bed and thought about how she would feel underneath him. He wanted to feel her soft, giving flesh quiver with need. Since seeing her for that first time all those years ago, he knew he would never be able to be without her.

  When he found out Kaleb signed up for the military, Adrik had made sure to keep a more diligent eye on her. Her brother hadn’t acted as though he knew Adrik was around, but considering what they were, he didn’t doubt Kaleb had been well aware.

  How could he possibly even expect her to accept what he was, what his kind did in order to survive? She didn’t even know what she was, let alone that creatures from myth and lore actually did exist. He was living in his own personal hell, able to see what he desired most, yet never able to acquire it.

  Kayla held the phone to her ear as she riffled through her closet for something to wear.


  Lana’s sleep-filled voice came through, and Kayla looked at the clock and rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Lana, it’s, like, ten o’clock in the morning. Don’t you have things to do today?” She pulled out a black silk dress and held it in front of her as she looked at herself in the mirror. She crinkled her nose and put it back in the closet.

  “I was up late last night.”

  “Uh, spare me the details of your sexcapades.”

  Lana’s tinkling laughter filtered through the phone.

  “Do you want to have lunch with me and go shopping?”

  “Shopping for what?”

  “Do I need a reason to shop?” Kayla pulled out a white cotton dress and held it up to her body. She tilted her head, considering the dress as something she would wear tonight, and threw it on the bed.

  “Yes, you do need a reason. You don’t ever want to go shopping like normal women do.”

  “Yeah, that’s funny.” Sarcasm laced Kayla’s voice as she went over to her bed and let herself fall back on it. She sighed as she brought one of her hands up and examined her nails. “I have a date tonight.”

  “Oh, yeah? With who?”

  Kayla could hear Aleksei grumbling in the background. “Adrik.” The silence that responded was deafening, and she sat up. “Hello?”

  “I’m here. When you say Adrik, you mean the Adrik that works for Aleksei?”

  Kayla heard water running on the other end of the phone and sighed. “What? You can’t say you don’t like him because you don’t even know him.”

  “I didn’t say I didn’t like him, but, well…”

  “Just spit it out.” Kayla knew her tone was exasperated, but it wasn’t as if she had judged Lana when her best friend told her she was dating a guy who happened to be a vampire.

  Strange as everything was that Lana had told her, Kayla couldn’t dispute what could be proven, and according to Lana, Aleksei was a vampire. She had said if Kayla wanted to see a vampire, then she would make it happen. It hadn’t happened yet, but Kayla was holding Lana to her promise.

  “Nothing. I just want you to be careful, okay?”

  Kayla snorted and walked over to her vanity. She looked at herself in the mirror and smoothed her hand down her blonde hair. “I will.”

  Kayla wanted to bring up the fact that, just a few weeks ago, Lana had gotten herself in a whole heap of trouble, not to mention a group of rogue vampires had kidnapped her and held her prisoner. To top it off, Lana was pregnant with Aleksei’s child, a half-vampire, half-human baby who, according to Lana, was the prophesized child who would rule over everyone.

  Kayla refrained from her comments, knowing how hard it was for Lana when those things were brought up. “Will you hang out with me today?”

  “Okay. You want me to swing by and pick you up?”

  “Sounds good.” Kayla finished finalizing their plans for the day and hung up. She picked up the white dress on her bed, hung it back in the closet, and smiled as she headed into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

  Chapter 2

  Two hours later, Lana and Kayla were driving to the small strip mall in Stone Brooke. It wasn’t anything big, just about fifteen small stores ranging from retail to dining. Lana pulled the sleek black Mercedes into the parking lot and cut the engine.

  “Where to first?”

  “I want to stop at that new dress shop that just opened up, but let’s eat first.”

  “I am so glad you said that.”

  They both walked toward the little Italian restaurant, Paste Alimentary. Kayla held the door open for Lana and followed her in. Immediately the smell of fresh baked bread and pasta sauce filled her senses. Kayla
’s stomach growled loudly, and both of them laughed.

  “Ciao, signore. Table for two?”

  Nodding, they followed the portly and slightly balding man to a booth in the back. Italian music played overhead as they sat down and took the offered menus. He rattled off the specials and promptly left.

  “What are you getting?” Kayla glanced at all of the selections.

  “I don’t know. Everything looks so good. I swear I’ve been eating like a cow lately. My pants are already getting snug.”

  Laughing, Kayla laid the menu on the table and sighed. “You look beautiful. You have that pregnancy glow going on.”

  The waitress stopped by, a young girl who didn’t even look old enough to be working, and set two tall glasses of water on the table. They gave their orders and leaned back in the booth.

  “So, when are you going to take me to see Aleksei and all the special abilities he has?”

  Lana looked up and smirked. “You seriously want to see?”

  “I told you I did. How am I supposed to believe you’re with a vampire without any proof?” Of course Kayla believed Lana. She knew no one in their right mind would have made up a story about vampires running the hottest club in Stone Brooke.

  Lana chuckled and took a sip of her water. “Well, if you want, after we’re done here, I’ll take you over there.”

  There was a long stretch of silence, and Kayla had the feeling Lana was on the verge of saying something.

  “Listen, about Adrik.”

  Uh-oh. “Before you even go there, I have known Adrik for a long time. We’ve had our differences in the past, but I care for him, and I want his friendship.”

  Lana held her hands up defensively. “Wait a minute. I wasn’t going to say anything bad about him.”

  “You weren’t?” Kayla had just assumed Lana was going to reveal a deep, dark secret of Adrik’s by the way she started her sentence.

  “No, I mean, I’m not going to get into the fact that you never mentioned him to me back in high school, or the fact that you felt you couldn’t confide in me about how you felt for him.” Lana smiled, showing that even though her words could have made her seem as though she was hurt, she really wasn’t. “I want you to be happy. I just want you to be careful. That’s all I wanted to say.”

  Kayla looked down at the table and felt her face heat. She felt like a real ass. “You really are great. Aleksei is so lucky to have you.”

  “I know.” They both started laughing just as their food arrived.

  Thirty minutes later, they both leaned back in the red vinyl booth and breathed out in bliss. The waitress took their plates and left the bill. Kayla watched Lana as she stirred her iced tea with her straw. She could tell there was still a part of what had happened to Lana that haunted her. It was like a shadow that covered her expressions. No matter how much Lana tried to appear happy, Kayla could see the veil every once in a while.

  Kayla reached across the table and grabbed Lana’s hand. Lana looked up, clearly startled, and then smiled.

  “Is everything okay, Lan?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “No. I mean is everything really okay? How are you holding up with the whole…kidnapping thing?” It still sent shivers down her spine to think of the horrid event. Lana looked down, and Kayla could hear her swallow.

  “I mean, Aleksei’s great, and I know he tries to be supportive, but I can’t seem to let it go. I know those monsters are still out there, and I worry that they’ll find me. I am more worried about them hurting the baby.” Lana moved her hair off her shoulder and glanced up. “I worry that Dorian and Stefan are just waiting in the shadows.”

  She visibly shivered, and Kayla squeezed her hand tighter. “Hey, you have nothing to worry about. Aleksei would never let anything happen to you.”

  “I know, but you didn’t see the look in Dorian’s eyes when he smiled at me. I still have nightmares, probably will for a long time.”

  Kayla got up and sat in the booth next to Lana. Wrapping her arms around her best friend, she tried to soothe and comfort her. She couldn’t even imagine what it felt like, what she still must be going through.

  Figuring changing the topic was a good way to start to get Lana in a better mood, Kayla leaned back and nudged her shoulder. “Come on, babe, let’s go shop till we drop.”

  They headed over to the Budding Blooms dress shop and walked inside, the little bell above the door letting the staff know potential customers had arrived.

  “What exactly are you looking for?”

  “I don’t know, something nice.”

  “Jeez, that really narrows it down.”

  Kayla smiled at Lana’s irritated tone and made a beeline to the back of the store. They had several dresses hanging on display, and she stopped and stared at a delicate-looking white-and-black strapless. She found her size and waved Lana over.

  “Oh, that’s pretty.”

  “It sure is. I’m going to try it on.” Kayla went into the dressing room as Lana sat on one of the plush chairs just a few feet away.

  Slipping on the dress, Kayla glanced at herself in the full-length mirror. The dress had a white Empire waist style with black flower detailing on the bottom. A black satin ribbon was under the bustline and tied into a delicate bow in the back.

  “Hurry up and let me see.”

  Kayla sighed at Lana’s exasperated tone and opened the door.

  Whistling, Lana stood and circled Kayla. “I won’t be able to fit into pretty things like this much longer.”

  Kayla snorted and rolled her eyes. “You’re so melodramatic.” Lana scrunched her nose, and Kayla laughed. “So? What do you think of the dress?”

  “It’s really nice and shows off your figure. It doesn’t strike me as a dress you’d choose to go to dinner with a friend, though.”

  There was speculation in Lana’s voice, but Kayla chose to ignore it. “I need to find some killer heels. Just so you know, I would have worn a dress like this if you and I were going out.”

  An hour later, they were heading to Lana’s home that she shared with Aleksei, his two brothers, Milo and Luca, and their sister, Aniya. When they started the slow climb up the incline that would lead to the property, Kayla couldn’t help but appreciate the lush wildlife that surrounded them. Once the mansion came into view, Kayla felt her eyes widen and her mouth drop in awe.

  The mansion was spectacular, carved right into the side of the mountain. Lana pulled around the circular drive and turned the car off. They stepped out and headed up the front steps. Lana opened the door, and Kayla followed her inside. The interior was plush and extravagant.

  “Wait here, and I’ll go find Aleksei.”

  Lana disappeared behind a door, and Kayla walked around what she surmised as the sitting room. Minutes ticked by, and she made her way around the room, taking in each antique-looking item.

  “Well, hello.”

  Gasping, Kayla turned around. A beast of a man leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his muscular chest.

  “Hello.” She assumed the stranger to be one of Aleksei’s brothers.

  He pushed off the wall and walked toward her. “You must be the female Lana mentioned.” He moved like a stealthy animal through the jungle, all power and precision.

  “I’m Kayla Reilly.”


  Her name rolled off his tongue like a lover’s caress. Kayla shifted on her feet at the way her body reacted when he said her name.

  “It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” He inhaled deeply and closed his eyes. “You smell intoxicating, wild and uninhibited.” He was in front of her so quickly she gasped and took a step back. He took her hand and brought it to his mouth. The gentle kiss he placed on it made her acutely aware of how near he was.

  Her heart slammed against her sternum as she watched the very intimate act. He smiled, twin white fangs flashing under the lighting. They were like daggers, big and thick and deadly in appearance. She took a step back, and her hand fell
from his grasp.

  “Luca, go.”

  Kayla turned toward the deep, irritated voice behind her. Aleksei stood in the entryway, his gaze almost bored as he stared at his brother. Kayla looked back at Luca, who was staring at her intently.

  “I’ll see you around.” With that he turned and left, without as much as a word to Aleksei.

  Kayla watched in surprised silence. Glancing at Aleksei again, she saw his bored look turn humorous as he watched her.

  “You don’t have to look so worried, Kayla. We won’t bite.” He smiled broadly, flashing his own set of wicked-looking fangs.

  Chapter 3

  Kayla sat in the car as Lana drove her back to her house. The whole situation at Lana’s house hadn’t been so far-fetched that Kayla had dismissed it. She did, after all, have a very open mind about the world she lived in. Belief and then actual reality were two different things, in her opinion. The fangs, the mystical powers, the strength, everything Aleksei presented to her had rendered her speechless. It wasn’t that she hadn’t believed Lana, but she had wanted some hard evidence to support her claim. Boy, did she get it.

  “How is this even possible?” Kayla stared out the window at the passing trees.

  “I don’t know. It’s still hard for me to believe sometimes. I thought you believed me?”

  Kayla turned around and looked at Lana’s profile. “I did—do—but you have to know how hard it is to understand something, to trust in it without seeing it for yourself.”

  Although this was true for many things, Kayla knew it wasn’t the best of excuses. After all, she had faith, and her faith was cemented with her belief in a higher power. This, however, was something completely different.

  “I know you wouldn’t lie, especially about something like that, but, well, I don’t know. I am a firm believer now. Have no doubts about that.” Lana chuckled, and soon Kayla did, too. “I mean, what else is out there? What other kinds of creatures are walking right next to us and we don’t even know it?”


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